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packetstormTim WeberPACKETSTORM:52729
HistoryDec 06, 2006 - 12:00 a.m.


Tim Weber
/ -[061124a]- \  
| deV!L`z Clanportal - SQL Injection |  
\ /  
S Y N O P S I S /  
-( access: remote severity: high )-  
An SQL injection has been found in deV!L`z Clanportal, which allows any logged  
in user to grant herself admin privileges in the system.  
B A C K G R O U N D /  
deV!L`z Clanportal (short "DZCP") is a suite of PHP scripts that allow anybody  
to create a feature-rich website for her online gaming clan.  
A F F E C T E D V E R S I O N S /  
verified on: 1.3.6  
possibly vulnerable: <= 1.3.6  
fixed in:  
I M P A C T /  
The attacker gains admin privileges in DZCP and is thus able to create and  
download a MySQL dump, upload files, post news, delete users etc.  
P R E R E Q U I S I T I E S /  
o the attacker needs to have an user account in the suite and be logged in  
o php.ini directive "magic_quotes_gpc" has to be disabled  
D E S C R I P T I O N /  
sites/index.php is not escaping the $_GET['show'] parameter, leading to an SQL  
injection. This can be used to pass any string to the $where parameter in  
DZCP's page() function. page(), in turn, is not checking that parameter,  
allowing a second SQL injection in an UPDATE statement on the "users" table to  
change arbitrary attributes in the calling user's tuple, including the "level"  
attribute, which, set to 4, grants the user administrator privileges.  
W O R K A R O U N D /  
Some possibilities:  
o Add a mysql_real_escape_string() around the $_GET parameter in the SQL query  
in sites/index.php.  
o Remove sites/index.php or make it inaccessible.  
o Quit using DZCP. I mean it! There are tons of other vulnerabilites just  
waiting to be exploited; some of them more severe than this one. IMHO, DZCP  
is just a chaotic bunch of vulnerabilities that, by some coincidence, happen  
to look like a clan portal.  
P R O O F O F C O N C E P T /  
Check if magic_quotes_gpc is enabled:  
If a MySQL error appears or the script dies, it is disabled. Then:  
T I M E L I N E (CET) /  
2006-11-23 23:05 started searching  
24 0:35 exploited  
14:20 advisory finished  
17:31 informed vendor that any user can get admin privileges  
25 23:00 full disclosure to vendor  
27 14:36 hotfix available on vendor website  
12-01 10:00 full disclosure to the general public  
A B O U T T H E A U T H O R /  
Tim Weber, computer science student at the University of Mannheim, Germany,  
currently looking for an internship at some IT security or pentesting company,  
can be reached via e-mail: scy-adv-061124a at the host  
T H A N K S /  
o Kallista  
o yorn for showing me DZCP and the basics of SQL injections  
o the DZCP authors for the fun in secure.php  