LoudMouth 2.4 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities, discovered by the_Edit0r in Iran, public original advisory on www.Xmors.com and www.Xmors.net. Code requires admin_html path, exploits admin.loudmouth.php and toolbar.loudmouth.php. Contact the_Edit0r at the_3dit0r[at]Yahoo[dot]coM
""" :: :: ::::: :::: """
""" :: :: :: : :: """
""" :::: :: :: ::::: ::::: :::: """
""" :: :: ::: ::: :: :: :: :: :: """
""" :: :: :: : : ::::: :: :: :::: """
""" """
Xmor$ DigitaL Hacking TeaM
# LoudMouth => 2.4 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities
# Script.............. : LoudMouth
# Discovered by.... : the_Edit0r
# Location .......... : Iran
# Class.............. : Remote
# Original Advisory : http://Www.Xmors.com ( Pablic ) http://Www.Xmors.net (pirv8)
# We ArE : Scorpiunix , KAMY4r , Sh3ll , SilliCONIC , Zer0.C0d3r
# D3vil_B0y_ir , Tornado , DarkAngel , Behbood
# <Spical TNX Irania Hackers :
# ( Aria-Security , Crouz , virangar ,DeltaHacking , Iranhackers
# Kapa TeaM , Ashiyane , Shabgard , Simorgh-ev, Virangar )
# CodE :
require_once( $mainframe-getPath( 'admin_html' )
# Expl0its :
# Contact me : the_3dit0r[at]Yahoo[dot]coM
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