New eVuln Advisory for CaLogic Calendars XSS Vulnerabilitie
`New eVuln Advisory:
CaLogic Calendars Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities
Software: CaLogic Calendars
Sowtware's Web Site:
Versions: 1.2.2
Critical Level: Moderate
Type: Cross-Site Scripting
Class: Remote
Status: Unpatched
Exploit: Available
Solution: Not Available
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (
eVuln ID: EV0024
Most of user-defined variables are not properly sanitized. Most user data may contain html tags. Tag <script> is replaced by < script > But this is not enought to prevent posting a script code. User data may contain <iframe> tag.
This can be used to post arbitrary html or script code which will be executed by browser of every visitor.
Adding New Event page:
Title value: <XSS>
No Patch available.
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (
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