Arbitrary File Inclusion in phpCMS 1.2.x, allows unauthorized file acces
`SEC-CONSULT Security Advisory 20050602-1
title: Arbitrary File Inclusion in phpCMS 1.2.x
program: phpCMS
vulnerable version: 1.2.0, 1.2.1, 1.2.1pl1
found: 2005-05-31
by: sk0L / SEC-CONSULT /
vendor description:
phpCMS is a content management system, which convinces in particular by
system requirements, high performance and above all its flexibility.
vulnerabilty overview:
a flaw in phpCMS makes it possible to include arbitrary files on the server.
as the "include" statement is called before any session checks occur,
this vuln
can be exploited without any prior authentication.
proof of concept:
the vulnerable include call resides in class.layout_phpcms.php:
if(isset($_GET['language']) && $_GET['language'] != '') {
so you are able to do something like:
vulnerable versions:
according to Ignatius from the phpCMS Core Team, the vulnerable code
line was introduced in phpCMS 1.2.0. older versions are not affected by
this vulnerabity.
vendor status:
vendor notified: 2005-05-31
vendor response: immediately
patch available: 2005-06-01
the vulnerabilty has been adressed in phpCMS 1.2.1pl2. additionally,
patches for the affected versions have been made available by the vendor.
Bernhard Mueller / /
SGT ::: dfa, tke, bfi, mei, flo, walter|bruder :::
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