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🗓️ 05 May 2000 00:00:00Reported by ipfreelyType 

Kernel panic vulnerabilities exist in certain systems, leading to potential security risks.

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* *  
* advisory_id:20000504a.0 release_date:2000-05-04 *  
* *  
* main_fracas: *  
* It is possible to cause a kernel panic on systems running NetBSD *  
* by sending a packet remotely with an unaligned IP Timestamp option. *  
* *  
* affected_configurations: *  
* NetBSD 1.4.x on SPARC and Alpha platforms were tested and found to be *  
* vulnerable. Any platform where a page fault is caused by an unaligned *  
* memory access should also be vulnerable. *  
* *  
* unaffected_configurations: *  
* NetBSD 1.4.x on arm32 and x86 platforms were tested and found to not *  
* panic. However, this is only because these (and a few other untested) *  
* platforms do not page fault on unaligned memory accesses. *  
* *  
* notification: *  
* This was originally reported to the NetBSD Security Alerts mailing list on *  
* March 1, 2000, which was before the release of NetBSD 1.4.2. *  
* --<<instructions 4 reproduction>>-- *  
* *  
* 1. Download, compile, and install libnet. It can be obtained from *  
* *  
* *  
* 2. Download and compile the ISIC suite of utilities. They are at *  
* *  
* *  
* 3. After compiling the isic utilities, run the following from your shell *  
* of choice: *  
* 'icmpsic -s source -d dest -r 31337 -k 218504 -p 218505' *  
* *  
* where source is the source IP address (spoofed addresses work just fine), *  
* and dest is the IP address of the NetBSD machine. *  
* *  
* NOTE: For whatever reason, Linux mangles this packet before sending it. We *  
* have found that it does work correctly when sent from FreeBSD x86, NetBSD *  
* x86, and NetBSD arm32. *  
* *  
* *  
* Result: *  
* On the vulnerable platforms tested (listed above), a kernel panic results *  
* from an unaligned memory access. Because of the ability to spoof the *  
* packet, and the relative small packet size, an attacker could easily *  
* crash many NetBSD machines on a given subnet with minimal effort. *  
* w@rning: NO FLY ZONE *  
* *  
* Internet Clock Watchers, Int'l. - for providing machines to test on *  
* - for "cool ass" utilities *  
* Mike Frantzen - for writing isic *  
* THG/FLT - WAREZ 4EVER!#% *  
* statik - his awesome record is @ *  
* colt 45 - "garbage in, garbage out" *  
* humboldt, ca - need i say more *  
* Is it the real, or is it m3m0r3x3d?! *  
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)  
Comment: For info see  

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05 May 2000 00:00Current
7.4High risk
Vulners AI Score7.4