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packetstormUriel YochpazPACKETSTORM:159166
HistorySep 14, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

RAD SecFlow-1v SF_0290_2.3.01.26 Cross Site Scripting

Uriel Yochpaz

0.004 Low




`# Exploit Title: RAD SecFlow-1v SF_0290_2.3.01.26 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting  
# Date: 2020-08-31  
# Exploit Author: Jonatan Schor and Uriel Yochpaz  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Version: SecFlow-1v os-image SF_0290_2.3.01.26  
# Tested on: RAD SecFlow-1v  
# CVE : N/A  
A Stored-XSS vulnerability was found in multiple pages in the web-based  
management interface of RAD SecFlow-1v.  
An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by uploading a malicious file  
as the OVPN file in Configuration-Services-Security-OpenVPN-Config or as  
the static key file in Configuration-Services-Security-OpenVPN-Static Keys.  
These files content is presented to users while executing malicious stored  
JavaScript code.  
This could be exploited in conjunction with CVE-2020-13259  
# Proof of Concept  
Upload a file containing the following JS code:  
<img src=x onerror=alert(1)>  
Refresh the page and observe the malicious JS code execute every time you  
browse the compromised page.  
# Full Account Takeover  
As mentioned above, this exploit could be used in conjunction with  
CVE-2020-13259 (CSRF), by using the CSRF exploit to upload a malicious file  
to a Stored-XSS vulnerabale page, which could allow Full Account Takeover.  
For further information and full PoC:  
# Timeline  
May 19th, 2020 - Vulnerability exposed.  
May 19th, 2020 – Vulnerability reported to RAD.  
May 21th, 2020 – Vulnerability reported to MITRE.  
May 21th, 2020 – MITRE assigned CVE: CVE-2020-13260.  
May 22th, 2020 – Contacted RAD for further details and cooperation.  
Aug 25th, 2020 – RAD patched the vulnerability.  

0.004 Low


