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HistoryMar 30, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

WordPress Event-Registration 5.43 Arbitrary File Upload

# Exploit Title : WordPress Event-Registration Plugins 5.43 Arbitrary File Upload  
# Author [ Discovered By ] : KingSkrupellos  
# Team : Cyberizm Digital Security Army  
# Date : 30/03/2020  
# Vendor Homepage :  
# Software Links :  
# Software Version :   
Requires at least: 2.0.2  
Tested up to: 3.0.2  
Software Affected Version : 5.42 - 5.43  
# Tested On : Windows and Linux  
# Category : WebApps  
# Exploit Risk : Medium  
# Vulnerability Type : CWE-264 [ Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls ]  
# PacketStormSecurity :  
# CXSecurity :  
# Exploit4Arab :  
# Description About Software :  
This plugin is designed to allow you to take online registrations for events and classes.   
Supports Paypal, Google Pay, MonsterPay or online payment sites for online collection of event fees.  
This wordpress plugin is designed to run on a Wordpress website and provide registration events, classes, or parties.   
It allows you to capture the registering persons contact information and any additional infromation   
you request to a database and provides an association to an events database.   
It provides the ability to send the register to either a Paypal, Google Pay, Monster Pay,   
or online payment site for online collection of event fees.  
Additionally it allows support for checks and cash payments.   
Optional Captcha field on registration form.  
Detailed payment management system to track and record event payments.   
Reporting features provide a export list(s) of events, attendees, payments in excel or csv.   
Events can be created in an Excel spreadsheet and uploaded via the event upload tool.   
Dashboard widget allows for quick reference to events from the dashboard.   
Inline menu navigation allows for ease of use.  
== Installation ==  
1. After unzipping, upload everything in the `Events Registration`   
folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory (preserving directory structure).  
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.  
3. Go to the Event Registration Menu and Configure Organization and enter your company info -   
note you will need a paypal id if you plan on accepting paypal payments  
4. Go to the Event Setup and create a new event, make sure you select 'make active'.  
5. Create a new page (not post) on your site. Put `{EVENTREGIS}` in it on a line by itself.  
6. Note: if you are upgradings from a previous version please backup your data prior to upgrade.  
# Impact :  
WordPress Event-Registration Plugins 5.43 is prone to a vulnerability that lets attackers   
upload arbitrary files because it fails to adequately sanitize user-supplied input.   
An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to upload arbitrary code and execute  
it in the context of the webserver process. This may facilitate unauthorized access   
or privilege escalation; other attacks are also possible.  
# Arbitrary File Upload / Unauthorized File Insert Exploit :  
Valid extensions: gif, jpg, htm, html, pdf, zip  
Max upload size: 10 MB  
Directory File Path :  
# Discovered By KingSkrupellos from Cyberizm.Org Digital Security Team   