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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:15309
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
Craig A. Huegen  
[email protected]  
Last Update: Wed Dec 30 19:33:38 PST 1998  
New additions:   
* Added more vendor info ([email protected])  
Editor's plea: *please* distribute this information freely, and abide by  
my redistribution requirements (see the very end) when doing so. It's  
important that these attacks be minimized, and communication is the only  
way to help with this.  
The information here provides in-depth information regarding "smurf" and  
"fraggle" attacks, with a focus on Cisco routers and how to reduce the  
effects of the attack. Some information is general and not related to an  
organization's particular vendor of choice; however, it is written with a  
Cisco router focus. No confirmation has been made to the effects on other  
vendors' equipment; however, others have provided me with information for  
various vendors, which is provided in the document. See the  
"Acknowledgements" section below for the sources and contact information.   
I am happy to accept information from other colleagues or other vendors  
who are willing to provide information about other vendors' products in  
relation to this topic.   
This paper is always being updated as I receive more information about  
attacks and work with ways to minimize impact.   
The "smurf" attack, named after its exploit program, is one of the most  
recent in the category of network-level attacks against hosts. A  
perpetrator sends a large amount of ICMP echo (ping) traffic at IP broadcast  
addresses, all of it having a spoofed source address of a victim. If the  
routing device delivering traffic to those broadcast addresses performs  
the IP broadcast to layer 2 broadcast function noted below, most hosts on  
that IP network will take the ICMP echo request and reply to it with an  
echo reply each, multiplying the traffic by the number of hosts  
responding. On a multi-access broadcast network, there could potentially  
be hundreds of machines to reply to each packet.  
The "smurf" attack's cousin is called "fraggle", which uses UDP echo  
packets in the same fashion as the ICMP echo packets; it was a simple  
re-write of "smurf".  
Currently, the providers/machines most commonly hit are IRC servers and  
their providers.  
There are two parties who are hurt by this attack... the intermediary  
(broadcast) devices--let's call them "amplifiers", and the spoofed address  
target, or the "victim". The victim is the target of a large amount of  
traffic that the amplifiers generate.  
Let's look at the scenario to paint a picture of the dangerous nature of  
this attack. Assume a co-location switched network with 100 hosts, and  
that the attacker has a T1. The attacker sends, say, a 768kb/s stream of  
ICMP echo (ping) packets, with a spoofed source address of the victim, to  
the broadcast address of the "bounce site". These ping packets hit the  
bounce site's broadcast network of 100 hosts; each of them takes the packet  
and responds to it, creating 100 ping replies out-bound. If you multiply  
the bandwidth, you'll see that 76.8 Mbps is used outbound from the "bounce  
site" after the traffic is multiplied. This is then sent to the victim (the  
spoofed source of the originating packets).  
Several sites have been established to do both active and passive scanning  
of networks to determine whether or not directed-broadcast is enabled. is a site which actively scans the IPv4 address  
space and mails network contacts with information on how to disable them. is a site which will test scan your  
network and allow you to enter a known smurf amplifier site.  
The perpetrators of these attacks rely on the ability to source spoofed  
packets to the "amplifiers" in order to generate the traffic which causes  
the denial of service.  
In order to stop this, all networks should perform filtering either at the  
edge of the network where customers connect (access layer) or at the edge  
of the network with connections to the upstream providers, in order to  
defeat the possibility of source-address-spoofed packets from entering  
from downstream networks, or leaving for upstream networks.  
Paul Ferguson of cisco Systems and Daniel Senie of BlazeNet have written  
an RFC pertaining to this topic. See:  
for more information and examples on this subject.  
Additionally, router vendors have added or are currently adding options  
to turn off the ability to spoof IP source addresses by checking the  
source address of a packet against the routing table to ensure the return  
path of the packet is through the interface it was received on.  
Cisco has added this feature to the current 11.1CC branch, used by many  
NSP's, in an interface command '[no] ip verify unicast reverse-path'.  
See the "other vendors" section for 3Com information regarding this feature.  
This attack relies on the router serving a large multi-access broadcast  
network to frame an IP broadcast address (such as into a  
layer 2 broadcast frame (for Ethernet, FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF). RFC 1812,  
"Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers", Section 5.3.5, specifies:   
A router MAY have an option to disable receiving network-prefix-  
directed broadcasts on an interface and MUST have an option to  
disable forwarding network-prefix-directed broadcasts. These options  
MUST default to permit receiving and forwarding network-prefix-  
directed broadcasts.  
Generally, with IP providers and IP applications as we know them today,  
this behavior should not be needed, and it is recommended that  
directed-broadcasts be turned off, to suppress the effects of this attack..   
Ethernet NIC hardware (MAC-layer hardware, specifically) will only listen  
to a select number of addresses in normal operation. The one MAC address  
that all devices share in common in normal operation is the media  
broadcast, or FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. If a device receives a packet destined  
to the broadcast link-layer address, it will take the packet and send an  
interrupt for processing by the higher-layer routines.  
To stop your Cisco router from converting these layer 3 broadcasts into  
layer 2 broadcasts, use the "no ip directed-broadcast" interface  
configuration command. This should be configured on each interface of all  
As of Cisco IOS version 12.0, "no ip directed-broadcast" is now the default  
in order to protect networks by default. "ip directed-broadcast" will be  
needed if your network requires directed broadcasts to be enabled.  
Other vendor information:   
* Proteon/OpenROUTE:   
Daniel Senie ([email protected]) reports that Proteon/OpenROUTE Networks  
routers have an option to turn off directed broadcasts in the IP  
Configuration menus. The command sequence to turn them off is:   
*CONFIG (on newer routers) or TALK 6 (on older routers)  
A restart of the router is then required.  
* Bay Networks:   
Jon Green ([email protected]) reports that bugID CR33408 added the  
ability to disable network-directed broadcasts beginning in version  
12.01 rev 1 of BayRS code.  
To disable, enter:   
bcc> config  
hostname# ip  
ip# directed-bcast disabled  
ip# exit  
Note that this will bounce all IP interfaces.  
Greg Hankins ([email protected]) reports that in BayRS 13.01  
and later, directed-broadcast is disabled by default.  
* 3Com NETBuilder products:   
Mike Kouri ([email protected]) reports that all 3Com NETBuilders have  
an option to keep the router from forwarding the directed broadcasts.  
The command sequence to disable the forwarding is:   
SETDefault -IP CONTrol = NoFwdSubnetBcast  
Additionally, 3Com NETBuilder products running version 9.1 or later can  
be configured to discard source-spoofed packets:   
SETDefault !<port> -FireWall CONTrol = (Filter, DenySrcSpoofing)  
3Com states in the web page (listed below) that this command  
"Specifies whether packets are subject to source-spoofing checks. This is a  
CPU-intensive option and generally results in performance degradation. You  
should disable this option except on interfaces where external, untrusted  
traffic is received. The source address of incoming packets is checked  
against the routing table. If the routing information shows that the  
source address is unreachable, or reachable on different interfaces,  
then it is a SrcSpoofing attack."  
* Cabletron SmartSwitch Router (Yago/SSR):   
Greg Hankins ([email protected]) reports directed-broadcast is  
disabled by default, and can be enabled by entering the global command  
"ip enable directed-broadcast".  
* Foundry Networks:   
Greg Hankins ([email protected]) reports that hardware running  
Foundry's routing software can be configured to disable  
directed-broadcasts with the global or per-interface "no ip  
directed-broadcast" command.  
* ArrowPoint Communications:   
Greg Hankins ([email protected]) reports that directed-broadcasts  
can be disabled by using the "no ip subnet-broadcast" global  
configuration command.  
* SGI IRIX as a router:   
Mike O'Connor ([email protected]) reports that IRIX has been configured  
by default to not forward the directed-broadcasts when used as a router.  
The tunable for this is in /var/sysgen/master.d/bsd.  
There is one case study where this will stop intended behavior: In the  
case where samba (an SMB server for UNIX) or NT is used to "remote  
broadcast" into a LAN workgroup so that the workstations on that LAN can  
see the server, this will prevent the LAN machines from seeing the remote  
server. This is *only* in the case where there is no WINS server (WINS is  
routed unicast) and a "remote broadcast" is being used--it's a rare but  
notable condition.  
(Editor's note: I welcome any comments as to what else breaks without  
the support for directed-broadcast.)  
Additionally, hosts can be patched to refuse to respond to broadcasted  
ICMP echo packets. RFC 1122, "Requirements for Internet Hosts --  
Communications Layer", Section, states:   
An ICMP Echo Request destined to an IP broadcast or IP  
multicast address MAY be silently discarded.  
This neutral provision results from a passionate debate  
between those who feel that ICMP Echo to a broadcast  
address provides a valuable diagnostic capability and  
those who feel that misuse of this feature can too  
easily create packet storms.  
Because of this, most IP stack implementors have chosen to implement the  
default support provision, which is to reply to an ICMP Echo Request.  
As mentioned in the paragraph from the RFC (above), it is perfectly legal  
for a host to silently discard ICMP echos. Several patches have been  
found floating about in mailing lists for disabling response to broadcast  
ICMP echos for the freely-available UNIX systems.  
In the case of the smurf or fraggle attack, each host which supports this  
behavior on a broadcast LAN will happily reply with an ICMP or UDP (smurf  
or fraggle, respectively) echo-reply packet toward the spoofed source  
address, the victim.  
The following section contains information to configure hosts *not* to  
respond to ICMP echo requests to broadcast addresses.  
IBM has provided a setting in AIX 4.x to disable responses to broadcast  
addresses. It is not available in AIX 3.x. Use the "no" command to turn  
it off or on. NOTE: On AIX 4.x responses are DISABLED by default.  
no -o bcastping=0 # disable bcast ping responses (default)  
Solaris can be set not to respond to ICMP echo requests. Add the  
following line to your /etc/rc2.d/S69inet startup:   
ndd -set /dev/ip ip_respond_to_echo_broadcast 0  
Starting with version 2.2.5, FreeBSD's IP stack does not respond to icmp  
echo requests destined to broadcast and multicast addresses by default.  
The sysctl parameter for this functionality is net.inet.icmp.bmcastecho.   
Under NetBSD, directed broadcasts can be disabled by using the sysctl  
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.directed-broadcast=0  
Under Linux, one can use the CONFIG_IP_IGNORE_ECHO_REQUESTS variable to  
completely ignore ICMP echo requests. Of course, this violates RFC 1122.  
"ipfw" can be used from Linux to block broadcast echos, a la:   
Any system with ipfw can be protected by adding rules such as:   
ipfwadm -I -a deny -P icmp -D -S 0/0 0 8  
ipfwadm -I -a deny -P icmp -D -S 0/0 0 8  
(replace and with your base network number  
and broadcast address, respectively)  
To protect a host against "fraggle" attacks on most UNIX machines, one  
should comment the lines which begin with "echo" and "chargen" in  
/etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd.  
The amount of bandwidth and packets per second (pps) that can be generated  
by this attack is quite large. With a 200-host LAN, I was able to  
generate over 80 Mbps traffic at around 35 Kpps toward my target--a  
pretty significant amount. The victims receive this because traffic is  
multiplied by the number of hosts on the broadcast network used (in this  
case, with a 200-host network, I was only required to send 400 Kbps  
to the broadcast address--less than one-third of a T1).  
Many hosts cannot process this many packets per second; many hosts are  
connected to 10 Mbps Ethernet LANs where more traffic than wire speed  
is sent. Therefore, the ability to drop these packets at the network  
border, or even before it flows down the ingress pipes, is desired.  
Cisco routers have several "paths" which packets can take to be routed;   
each has a varying degree of overhead. The slowest of these is "process"   
switching. This is used when a complex task is required for processing  
packets. The other modes are variations of a fast path--each of them with  
a set of advantages and disadvantages. However, they're all handled at  
interrupt level (no process-level time is required to push these packets).   
In IOS versions (even the most recent), access-list denies are handled at  
the process (slow) level, because they require an ICMP unreachable to be  
generated to the originating host. All packets were sent to the process  
level automatically to be handled this way.  
Under a recent code change (Cisco bug ID CSCdj35407--integrated in version  
11.1(14)CA and later 11.1CA, 11.1CC, 11.1CE, and 12.0 trains), packets  
denied by an access-list will be dropped at the interrupt (fast) level, with  
the exception of 2 packets per second per access-list deny line. These 2  
packets per second will be used to send the "ICMP unreachable via  
administrative block" messages. This assumes that you don't want to log  
the access-list violations (via the "log" or "log-input" keywords). The  
ability to rate-limit "log-input" access-list lines (in order to more  
easily log these packets) is currently being integrated; see the section  
below on tracing spoofed packet attacks for information on logging.  
Filtering ICMP echo reply packets destined for your high-profile machines  
at the ingress interfaces of the network border routers will then permit  
the packets to be dropped at the earliest possible point. However, it  
does not mean that the network access pipes won't fill, as the packets  
will still come down the pipe to be dropped at the router. It will,  
however, take the load off the system being attacked. Keep in mind that  
this also denies others from being able to ping from that machine (the  
replies will never reach the machine).  
For those customers of providers who use Cisco, this may give you some  
leverage with the providers' security teams to help save your pipes by  
filtering before the traffic is sent to you.  
An additional technology you can use to protect your machines is to use  
committed access rate, or CAR. CAR is a functionality that works  
with Cisco Express Forwarding, found in 11.1CC, 11.1CE, and 12.0. It  
allows network operators to limit certain types of traffic to specific  
sources and/or destinations.  
For example, a provider has filtered its IRC server from receiving  
ICMP echo-reply packets in order to protect it, but many attackers are  
now attacking other customer machines or network devices in order to  
fill some network segments.  
The provider above chose to use CAR in order to limit all ICMP echo  
and echo-reply traffic received at the borders to 256 Kbps. An example  
! traffic we want to limit  
access-list 102 permit icmp any any echo  
access-list 102 permit icmp any any echo-reply  
! interface configurations for borders  
interface Serial3/0/0  
rate-limit input access-group 102 256000 8000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop  
This limits ICMP echo and echo-reply traffic to 256 Kbps with a small  
amount of burst. Multiple "rate-limit" commands can be added to an  
interface in order to control other kinds of traffic as well.  
The command "show interface [interface-name] rate-limit" will show the  
statistics for rate-limiting; "clear counters [interface-name]" will  
clear the statistics for a fresh look.  
CAR can also be used to limit TCP SYN floods to particular hosts --  
without impeding existing connections. Some attackers have started  
using very high streams of TCP SYN packets in order to harm systems  
once again.  
Here is an example which limits TCP SYN packets directed at host to 8 kbps or so:   
! We don't want to limit established TCP sessions -- non-SYN packets  
access-list 103 deny tcp any host established  
! We do want to limit the rest of TCP (this really only includes SYNs)  
access-list 103 permit tcp any host  
! interface configurations for network borders  
interface Serial3/0/0  
rate-limit input access-group 103 8000 8000 8000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop  
Currently, CAR is only available for 7200 and 7500 series routers.  
Additional platform support is planned in 12.0.  
Additionally, CAR can be used to set IP precedence; this is beyond  
the scope of this paper. Consult for more information  
on the uses of CAR.  
Tracking these attacks can prove to be difficult, but is possible with  
coordination and cooperation from providers. This section also assumes  
Cisco routers, because I can speak only about the abilities of Cisco to  
log/filter packets and what impact it may have.  
Today, logging packets which pass through or get dropped in an ACL is  
possible; however, all packets with the "log" or "log-input" ACL options  
are sent to process level for logging. For a large stream of packets,  
this could cause excessive CPU problems. For this reason, tracking  
attacks via IOS logging today is limited to either lower bandwidth attacks  
(smaller than 10k packets per second). Even then, the number of log  
messages generated by the router could overload a syslog server.   
Cisco bug ID CSCdj35856 addresses this problem. It has been integrated  
into IOS version 11.1CA releases beginning with 11.1(14.1)CA (a  
maintenance interim release), and makes it possible to log packets at  
defined intervals and to process logged packets not at that interval in  
the fast path. I will update this page with version numbers as the  
releases are integrated.  
Some information on logging:   
In later 11.1 versions, a new keyword was introduced for ACL logging:   
"log-input". A formatted ACL line utilizing the keyword looks like this:   
access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo log-input  
When applied to an interface, this line will log all ICMP ping packets  
with input interface and MAC address (for multi-access networks).   
Point-to-point interfaces will not have a MAC address listed.   
Here's an example of the log entry for a multi-access network (FDDI, Ether):   
Sep 10 23:17:01 PDT: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGDP: list 101 permitted icmp (FastEthernet1/0 0060.3e2f.6e41) -> (8/0), 5 packets  
Here's an example of the log entry for a point-to-point network:   
Sep 10 23:29:00 PDT: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGDP: list 101 permitted icmp (BRI0 *PPP*) -> (8/0), 1 packet  
Substituting "log" for "log-input" will eliminate the incoming interface  
and MAC address from the log messages.   
We'll use the first log entry to demonstrate how to go from here. This  
log entry means the packet came in on FastEthernet1/0, from MAC address  
0060.3e2f.6e41, destined for From here, you can use "show ip  
arp" (if needed) to determine the IP address for the MAC address, and go  
to the next hop for tracing or contact the necessary peer (in the case of  
an exchange point). This is a hop-by-hop tracing method.   
Example of "show ip arp" used to find next hop:   
netlab#show ip arp 0060.3e2f.6e41  
Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface  
Internet 32 0060.3e2f.6e41 ARPA FastEthernet1/0  
As you can see, is the next hop where the packets came from  
and we should go there to continue the tracing process, utilizing the same  
ACL method. By doing this, you can track the spoof attack backwards.   
While this is general information on tracking spoofed packets, it must be  
noted that the victims of a smurf/fraggle attack get packets from the listed  
source in the packets; i.e., they receive echo-reply packets truly from the  
source listed in the IP header. This information should be used by the  
amplifiers or intermediaries to track the spoofed echo _request_ packets  
back to their source (the perpetrator).  
MCI's Internet Security team has put together a perl script which, in an  
automated fashion, can log into your Cisco routers and trace a spoof attack  
back to its source. The program is available, free of charge. See for more information.  
Two other denial of service attacks frequently encountered are TCP SYN  
floods, and UDP floods aimed at diagnostic ports on hosts.   
TCP SYN attacks consist of a large number of spoofed TCP connection set-up  
messages aimed at a particular service on a host. Older TCP  
implementations cannot handle many faked connection set-up packets, and  
will not allow access to the victim service.  
The most common form of UDP flooding directed at harming networks is an  
attack consisting of a large number of spoofed UDP packets aimed at  
diagnostic ports on network devices. This attack is also known as the  
"pepsi" attack (again named after the exploit program), and can cause  
network devices to use up a large amount of CPU time responding to these  
To get more information on minimizing the effects of these two attacks,  
Defining Strategies to Protect Against TCP SYN  
Denial of Service Attacks  
Defining Strategies to Protect Against UDP Diagnostic  
Port DoS Attacks  
Since this document was published in October, 1997, we have seen significant  
reductions in the amount of smurf attacks. From the statistics gathered on  
noticeable smurf attacks, we have seen a reduction in average bandwidth  
used on a smurf attack from 80 Mbps to 5 Mbps. Additionally, there has been  
a reduction in the number of noticeable smurf attacks (by about 50%).  
Fraggle attacks are not widely used as the same methods of prevention for  
ICMP smurf work for UDP fraggle.  
One ISP has reported that, spread across three routers (2 RSP2 and 1  
RSP4), the fast drop code eliminated a sustained 120 Mbps smurf  
attack and kept the network running without performance problems.  
As always, your mileage may vary.   
Thanks to all those who helped review and provide input to the paper, as  
well as sanity checking.  
Specific thanks to:  
* Ravi Chandra of Cisco Systems for information on the bugfixes.  
* All those who provided information on other vendors' equipment.  
* Paul Ferguson of Cisco Systems, Kelly Cooper of GTE/BBN, Rob McMillan of  
CERT for sanity-check and review comments.  
Referenced documents:  
RFC-1122, "Requirements for Internet Hosts - Communication Layers";  
R.T. Braden; October 1989.  
RFC-1812, "Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers"; F. Baker; June 1995.  
RFC-2267, "Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks  
which employ IP Source Address Spoofing"; P. Ferguson, D. Senie;  
January 1998.  
Defining Strategies to Protect Against TCP SYN  
Denial of Service Attacks  
Defining Strategies to Protect Against UDP Diagnostic  
Port DoS Attacks  
Cisco command documention to turn off directed broadcasts  
3Com command documentation to turn off directed broadcasts  
3Com command documentation to disable source spoofing  
Permission to duplicate this information is granted under these terms:   
1. My name and e-mail address remains on the information as a target for  
questions and identification of the source  
2. My disclaimer appears on the information at the bottom  
3. Feel free to add extra information from other discussions, etc., but  
please ensure the correct attribution is made to the author. Also  
provide Craig Huegen ([email protected]) a copy of your additions.  
4. Please help disseminate this information to other network  
administrators who are affected by these attacks.  
If you have questions, I will be happy to answer them to the best of my  
I'm speaking about this as an interested party only. All text in this  
paper was written by me; I speak/write for no one but myself. No vendors  
have officially confirmed/denied any of the information contained herein.  
All research for this paper is being done purely as a matter of  
self-interest and desire to help others minimize effects of this attack.   
Craig A. Huegen  
[email protected]  