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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:15121
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
`Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 15:51:42 -0800  
From: David Schwartz <[email protected]>  
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: CERT Advisory CA-98.13 - TCP/IP Denial of Service  
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The CERT advisory doesn't go into any detail about the exact nature of the  
packets that trigger the problem. However, the advisory refernces a FreeBSD  
note and patch. Since this patch is in a different section of code than the  
patches for teardrop/newtear/bonk/etc, it follows that the vulnerability and  
exploit are also slightly different.  
This also means that invulnerability to those attacks does not mean  
invulnerability to this one.  
A cursory look at the patch suggests that the problem has to do with short  
packets with certain options set. Here's the patch for FreeBSD 3.0 and  
RCS file: /home/cvsup/freebsd/CVS/src/sys/netinet/ip_input.c,v  
retrieving revision 1.104  
retrieving revision 1.105  
diff -u -r1.104 -r1.105  
--- ip_input.c 1998/10/27 09:19:03 1.104  
+++ ip_input.c 1998/11/11 21:17:59 1.105  
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@  
if (ip->ip_off & (IP_MF | IP_OFFMASK | IP_RF)) {  
if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) { /* XXX */  
- if ((m = m_pullup(m, sizeof (struct ip))) == 0) {  
+ if ((m = m_pullup(m, hlen)) == 0) {  
#ifdef IPDIVERT  
frag_divert_port = 0;  
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:37:05 -0800  
From: [email protected]  
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: CERT Advisory CA-98.13 - TCP/IP Denial of Service  
CERT Advisory CA-98-13-tcp-denial-of-service  
Original Issue Date: December 21, 1998  
Last Revised  
Topic: Vulnerability in Certain TCP/IP Implementations  
Affected Systems  
Some systems with BSD-derived TCP/IP stacks. See Appendix A for a  
complete list of affected systems.  
Intruders can disrupt service or crash systems with vulnerable TCP/IP  
stacks. No special access is required, and intruders can use  
source-address spoofing to conceal their true location.  
I. Description  
By carefully constructing a sequence of packets with certain  
characteristics, an intruder can cause vulnerable systems to crash,  
hang, or behave in unpredictable ways. This vulnerability is similar  
in its effect to other denial-of-service vulnerabilities, including  
the ones described in  
Specifically, intruders can use this vulnerability in conjunction with  
IP-source-address spoofing to make it difficult or impossible to know  
their location. They can also use the vulnerability in conjunction  
with broadcast packets to affect a large number of vulnerable machines  
with a small number of packets.  
II. Impact  
Any remote user can crash or hang a vulnerable machine, or cause the  
system to behave in unpredictable ways.  
III. Solution  
A. Install a patch from your vendor.  
Appendix A contains input from vendors who have provided information  
for this advisory. We will update the appendix as we receive more  
information. If you do not see your vendor's name, the CERT/CC did not  
hear from that vendor. Please contact your vendor directly.  
B. Configure your router or firewall to help prevent source-address spoofing.  
We encourage sites to configure their routers or firewalls to reduce  
the ability of intruders to use source-address spoofing. Currently,  
the best method to reduce the number of IP-spoofed packets exiting  
your network is to install filtering on your routers that requires  
packets leaving your network to have a source address from your  
internal network. This type of filter prevents a source IP-spoofing  
attack from your site by filtering all outgoing packets that contain a  
source address of a different network.  
A detailed description of this type of filtering is available in RFC  
2267, "Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating Denial of Service Attacks  
which employ IP Source Address Spoofing" by Paul Ferguson of Cisco  
Systems, Inc. and Daniel Senie of Blazenet, Inc. We recommend it to  
both Internet Service Providers and sites that manage their own  
routers. The document is currently available at  
Note that this type of filtering does not protect a site from the  
attack itself, but it does reduce the ability of intruders to conceal  
their location, thereby discouraging attacks.  
Appendix A - Vendor Information  
Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (BSDI)  
BSDI's current release BSD/OS 4.0 is not vulnerable to this problem.  
BSD/OS 3.1 is vulnerable and a patch (M310-049) is available from  
BSDI's WWW server at or via our  
ftp server from the directory  
Cisco Systems  
Cisco is not vulnerable.  
Compaq Computer Corporation  
SOURCE: (c) Copyright 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Compaq Computer  
All rights reserved.  
SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation  
Compaq Services  
Software Security Response Team USA  
This reported problem is not present for the as shipped, Compaq's  
Digital ULTRIX or Compaq's Digital UNIX Operating Systems Software.  
- Compaq Computer Corporation  
Data General Corporation  
We are investigating. We will provide an update when our investigation  
is complete.  
FreeBSD, Inc.  
FreeBSD 2.2.8 is not vulnerable.  
FreeBSD versions prior to 2.2.8 are vulnerable.  
FreeBSD 3.0 is also vulnerable.  
FreeBSD 3.0-current as of 1998/11/12 is not vulnerable.  
A patch is available at  
Regarding this vulnerability, Fujitsu's UXP/V operating system is not  
Hewlett-Packard Company  
HP is not vulnerable.  
IBM Corporation  
AIX is not vulnerable.  
IBM and AIX are registered trademarks of International Business  
Machines Corporation.  
Livingston Enterprises, Inc.  
Livingston systems are not vulnerable.  
Computer Associates International  
CA systems are not vulnerable.  
Microsoft Corporation  
Microsoft is not vulnerable.  
NEC Corporation  
NEC Corporation EWS-UX, UP-UX and UX/4800 Unix systems are not  
vulnerable to this problem.  
Security fixes for this problem are now available for 2.3 and 2.4.  
For 2.3, see  
For our 2.4 release which is available on CD on Dec 1, see  
The bug is fixed in our -current source tree.  
Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
We have confirmed that SunOS and Solaris are not vulnerable to the DOS  
Wind River Systems, Inc.  
We've taken a look at our networking code and have determined that  
this is not a problem in the currently shipping version of the VxWorks  
The vulnerability was originally discovered by Joel Boutros of the  
Enterprise Security Services team of Cambridge Technology Partners.  
Guido van Rooij of FreeBSD, Inc., provided an analysis of the  
vulnerability and information regarding its scope and extent.  
This document is available from:  
CERT/CC Contact Information  
Email: [email protected]  
Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)  
Fax: +1 412-268-6989  
Postal address:  
CERT Coordination Center  
Software Engineering Institute  
Carnegie Mellon University  
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890  
CERT personnel answer the hotline 08:00-20:00 EST(GMT-5) / EDT(GMT-4)  
Monday through Friday; they are on call for emergencies during other  
hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.  
Using encryption  
We strongly urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.  
Our public PGP key is available from  
If you prefer to use DES, please call the CERT hotline for more  
Getting security information  
CERT publications and other security information are available from  
our web site  
To be added to our mailing list for advisories and bulletins, send  
email to [email protected] and include SUBSCRIBE  
your-email-address in the subject of your message.  
Copyright 1998 Carnegie Mellon University.  
Conditions for use, disclaimers, and sponsorship information can be  
found in  
* CERT is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  
Any material furnished by Carnegie Mellon University and the Software  
Engineering Institute is furnished on an "as is" basis. Carnegie  
Mellon University makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or  
implied as to any matter including, but not limited to, warranty of  
fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, exclusivity or  
results obtained from use of the material. Carnegie Mellon University  
does not make any warranty of any kind with respect to freedom from  
patent, trademark, or copyright infringement.  
Revision History  
Version: 2.6.2  