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packetstormJoshua PlatzPACKETSTORM:144449
HistorySep 30, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

JasperSoft JasperReports 4.7 Password Disclosure

Joshua Platz

0.001 Low




`[+] Credits: Joshua Platz aka Binary1985  
[+] CVE ID: CVE-2017-14941  
[+] Website:  
[+] Source:  
JasperSoft JasperReports  
Version 4.7  
JasperReports is an open source Java reporting tool that can write to a variety of targets, such as: screen, a printer, into PDF, HTML, Microsoft Excel, RTF, ODT, Comma-separated values or XML files.  
Vulnerability Type:  
Cleartext Password Storage  
Vulnerability Details:  
JasperReports stores Passwords unencrypted for maintaining the test  
connectivity function of its Data Source Connectors. These credentials  
are retrieved by the system when the editing a Data Source on /jasperserver-pro/flow.html,  
and rendered directly into the HTLM in cleartext.  
1) Log into JasperReports application. Default superuser/superuser  
2) Navigate an existing Data Source connector under View -> Repository  
3) Select entry and click Edit  
4) View the HTLM source code, extracting the database connection string, username, and password from the HTLM form.  
Key value name(html form ID's):  
database connection string, username, password(cleartext)  
Remediation Details:  
Apply security update issued in patch 4.1.2:  
2017-09-14 - Issue Reported to Vendor  
2016-09-14 - Vendor Awknowledged Report, Requested testing of latest version  
2016-09-15 - Validate issue is remdiated in 6.4.0  
Testing Comments: Vender properly loads a -substitute value- into password HTML form. It is unknown at which version this was corrected.  
2016-09-29 - Public Disclsoure  
2017-09-29 - CVE-2017-14941 Issued  
[+] Disclaimer  
The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no  
warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise.  
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory,  
provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and  
that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in  
vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit  
is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the  
information contained herein and accepts no responsibility  
for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author  
prohibits any malicious use of security related information  
or exploits by the author or elsewhere.  

0.001 Low


