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packetstormNicolas SerraPACKETSTORM:141809
HistoryMar 24, 2017 - 12:00 a.m.

EON 5.0 Remote Code Execution

Nicolas Serra





`# [CVE-2017-6087] EON 5.0 Remote Code Execution  
## Description  
EyesOfNetwork ("EON") is an OpenSource network monitoring solution.  
## Remote Code Execution (authenticated)  
The Eonweb code does not correctly filter arguments, allowing  
authenticated users to execute arbitrary code.  
**CVE ID**: CVE-2017-6087  
**Access Vector**: remote  
**Security Risk**: high  
**Vulnerability**: CWE-78  
**CVSS Base Score**: 7.6  
**CVSS Vector String**: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:L/A:L  
### Proof of Concept 1  
On the attacker's host, we start a handler:  
nc -lvp 1337  
The `selected_events` parameter is not correctly filtered before it is  
used by the `shell_exec()` function.  
There, it is possible to inject a payload like in the request below,  
where we connect back to our handler:  
#### Vulnerable code  
The payload gets injected into the `$event[$key]` and `$ged_command`  
variables of the `module/monitoring_ged/ged_functions.php` file, line 373:  
$ged_command = "-update -type $ged_type_nbr ";  
foreach ($array_ged_packets as $key => $value) {  
if($value["type"] == true){  
if($key == "owner"){  
$event[$key] = $owner;  
$ged_command .= "\"".$event[$key]."\" ";  
$ged_command = trim($ged_command, " ");  
shell_exec($path_ged_bin." ".$ged_command);  
Two other functions in this file are also affected by this problem:  
* `delete($selected_events, $queue);`  
* `ownDisown($selected_events, $queue, $global_action);`  
### Proof of Concept 2  
On the attacker's host, we start a handler:  
nc -lvp 1337  
The `module` parameter is not correctly filtered before it is used by  
the `shell_exec()` function.  
Again, we inject our connecting back payload:  
#### Vulnerable code  
In the `module/index.php` file, line 24, we can see that our payload is  
injected into the `exec()` function without any sanitization:  
# Check optionnal module to load  
if(isset($_GET["module"]) && isset($_GET["link"])) {  
$module=exec("rpm -q ".$_GET["module"]." |grep '.eon' |wc -l");  
# Redirect to module page if rpm installed  
if($module!=0) { header('Location: '.$_GET["link"].''); }  
## Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)  
* 01/10/2016 : Initial discovery.  
* 09/10/2016 : Fisrt contact with vendor.  
* 23/10/2016 : Technical details sent to the security contact.  
* 27/10/2016 : Vendor akwnoledgement and first patching attempt.  
* 11/10/2016 : Testing the patch revealed that it needed more work.  
* 16/02/2017 : New tests done on release candidate 5.1. Fix confirmed.  
* 26/02/2017 : 5.1 release. Waiting for 2 weeks according to our  
repsonsible disclosure agreement.  
* 14/03/2017 : Public disclosure.  
Thank you to EON for the fast response.  
## Solution  
Update to version 5.1  
## Affected versions  
* Version <= 5.0  
## Credits  
* Nicolas SERRA <[email protected]>  
SYSDREAM Labs <[email protected]>  
GPG :  
47D1 E124 C43E F992 2A2E  
1551 8EB4 8CD9 D5B2 59A1  
* Website:  
* Twitter: @sysdream  



