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HistoryDec 04, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 CDoc::ExecuteScriptUri Use-After-Free


0.935 High




`Since November I have been releasing details on all vulnerabilities I  
found in web-browsers that I had not released before. I will try to  
continue to publish all my old vulnerabilities, including those not in  
web-browser, as long as I can find some time to do so. If you find this  
information useful, you can help me make some time available by donating  
bitcoin to 183yyxa9s1s1f7JBpAPHPmzAQ346y91Rx5DX.  
This is the twenty-fourth entry in the series. This information is  
available in more detail on my blog at There you can find a repro  
that triggered this issue in addition to the information below.  
Today's release is interesting to me personally, as this was the first  
bug I sold as a bug bounty hunter after I quit my job at Google to live  
off security bug bounties. Unfortunately, this was quite some time ago,  
before I had proper tools or incentive to analyze the issues I was  
finding, so there aren't many details in this release.  
Follow me on for daily browser bugs.  
MSIE 9 CDoc::ExecuteScriptUri use-after-free  
(MS13-009, CVE-2013-0019)  
A specially crafted web-page can trigger a use-after-free vulnerability  
in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. I did not investigate this  
vulnerability thoroughly, so I cannot speculate on the potential impact  
or exploitability.  
Known affected software and attack vectors  
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 9  
An attacker would need to get a target user to open a specially  
crafted web-page. Disabling JavaScript does not prevent an attacker  
from triggering the vulnerable code path.  
It appears I either did not analyze this issue (probably), or misplaced  
my analysis (probably not), as I cannot find any details in my archives,  
other than a repro and a HTML bug report created by a predecessor to  
BugId (  
From the information provided by ZDI in their advisory, and Microsoft in  
their bulletin, as well as the bug report, it seems to have been a  
use-after-free vulnerability. Unfortunately, that is all the analysis I  
can provide.  
* June 2012: This vulnerability was found through fuzzing.  
* June 2012: This vulnerability was submitted to ZDI.  
* July 2012: This vulnerability was acquired by ZDI.  
* September 2012: This vulnerability was disclosed to Microsoft by ZDI.  
* February 2013: Microsoft addresses this vulnerability in MS13-009.  
* December 2016: Details of this vulnerability are released.  
<iframe style="border:1px solid red;width:100%;height:100%;" name="iframe"></iframe>  
<script>"Repro.xml", "iframe");  
setATimeout(function () {'javascript:void(location.href = "about:blank");', "iframe");  
}, 1000);  
<!DOCTYPE x PUBLIC "" "">  