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packetstormAhmed Elhady MohamedPACKETSTORM:124711
HistoryJan 07, 2014 - 12:00 a.m.

GetSimple CMS 3.1.2 / 3.2.3 Cross Site Scripting

Ahmed Elhady Mohamed

0.002 Low




# Author Information #  
Author : Ahmed Elhady Mohamed  
Website :  
twitter : @kingasmk  
facebook :  
# Software Information #  
Affected Software : GetSimple CMS 3.2.3, 3.1.2  
Software website :  
CVE Reference : CVE-2013-7243  
# Description #  
GetSimple CMS versions 3.2.3 and 3.1.2 are vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting vulnerabilities:  
Page : edit.php  
Vulnerable parameter : post-menu   
page: settings.php   
Vulnerable parameters : Custom Permalink Structure, Display name, Email Address  
user inputs in these parameters are not properly sanitised before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in the context of an affected site.  
The vulnerabilities are confirmed in versions 3.2.3 and 3.1.2, Other versions may also be affected.  
# Examples #  
Desc : click on page option then check "add this page to the menu" then inject your javascript code in "post-menu" field.  
POC : <script>[JavaScript Code]</script>  
Result: the javascript payload will be executed when accessing the main website.   
Desc : inject javascript event in "Custom Permalink Structure" field   
POC : test" onClick="[JavaScript Code]  
Result: the javascript payload will be executed when we trigger the onclick event (click on "Custom Permalink Structure" input field)  
Desc : inject javascript event in "Display Name" field   
POC : test" onClick="[JavaScript Code]  
Result: the javascript payload will be executed when we trigger the onclick event (click on "Display Name" input field)  
Desc: inject javascript event in "Email Address" field   
POC: test" onClick="[JavaScript Code]  
Result: the javascript payload will be executed when we trigger the onclick event (click on "Email Address" input field)  

0.002 Low




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