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packetstormDan CrowleyPACKETSTORM:122656
HistoryAug 02, 2013 - 12:00 a.m.

Karotz Smart Rabbit Hijacking / Cleartext Token

Dan Crowley

0.093 Low




`Trustwave SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2013-021:  
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Karotz Smart Rabbit  
Published: 08/01/13  
Version: 1.0  
Vendor: Electronic Arts (, formerly Mindscape, formerly Violet  
Product: Karotz  
Version affected:  
Product description:  
Karotz is the successor to the "Nabaztag". Nabaztag is a Wi-Fi enabled  
ambient electronic device in the shape of a rabbit, invented by Rafi  
Haladjian and Olivier Mรฉvel, and manufactured by the company Violet.[1]  
Nabaztag was designed to be a "smart object" comparable to those  
manufactured by Ambient Devices; it can connect to the Internet (to  
download weather forecasts, read its owner's email, etc.). It is also  
customizable and programmable to an extent.  
Finding 1: Python Module Hijacking  
*****Credit: Daniel Crowley of Trustwave SpiderLabs  
CVE: CVE-2013-4867  
CWE: CWE-427  
During the setup process for a Karotz unit, if wifi is selected as the  
method used to connect to the Internet, a python script named "autorunwifi"  
is run as root to set up the wifi connectivity. This file, along with  
several others, is placed in the root of a USB flash drive or hard drive.  
Another file, named "autorunwifi.sig", contains a signature of autorunwifi  
signed with the private key for Violet, to prevent modifications to the  
"autorunwifi" script.  
Since Python first attempts to load modules not built into Python from the  
same directory as the invoked script, it is possible to override the  
functionality of imported modules by placing a file with the same basename  
as the module being imported and an extension of ".py". In this case, it is  
possible to write a Python script named "" and place it in the  
same directory as the other setup files, which will cause the contents of to be executed at the beginning of the "autorunwifi" script  
This attack requires a USB flash drive to be plugged into the Karotz unit,  
and requires the Karotz to be turned off and on.  
The following is a proof of concept "" file that will copy the  
pubring.gpg file from the Karotz onto the inserted USB key, which is  
processed with MD5 to produce the key used to decrypt the root filesystem  
for the Karotz:  
import os  
os.system("cp /karotz/etc/gpg/pubring.gpg /mnt/usbkey")  
## end  
Finding 2: API Session Token Passed in Cleartext  
*****Credit: Daniel Crowley of Trustwave SpiderLabs  
CVE: CVE-2013-4868  
There are two kinds of applications for the Karotz: hosted and external.  
Hosted applications are stored and run on the Karotz itself. External  
applications run outside the Karotz unit and control the Karotz through an  
api at Both types of applications must specifically request  
to use parts of the karotz in the manifest file of their application  
package. For instance, if your application uses the webcam and ears, you  
must specify in your application manifest that these will be used by your  
application before they will be available to your application.  
The control is performed over plaintext HTTP. As such, the session token  
authenticating API calls used to control the Karotz is available to an  
eavesdropping attacker. The session token can be used to perform any remote  
API call available to the application. For instance, if the application  
uses the webcam, a video could be captured using the webcam and sent to an  
arbitrary server.  
Vendor Response:  
No response received.  
Remediation Steps:  
No official patch is available. To limit exposure,  
network access to these devices should be limited to authorized  
personnel through the use of Access Control Lists and proper  
network segmentation.  
Revision History:  
06/19/13 - Attempt to contact vendor  
07/10/13 - Attempt to contact vendor  
07/12/13 - Attempt to contact vendor  
08/01/13 - Advisory published  
Additional Credits:  
Discussion of Python module loading behavior and initial suggestion of  
application to Karotz by Jennifer Savage  
About Trustwave:  
Trustwave is the leading provider of on-demand and subscription-based  
information security and payment card industry compliance management  
solutions to businesses and government entities throughout the world. For  
organizations faced with today's challenging data security and compliance  
environment, Trustwave provides a unique approach with comprehensive  
solutions that include its flagship TrustKeeper compliance management  
software and other proprietary security solutions. Trustwave has helped  
thousands of organizations--ranging from Fortune 500 businesses and large  
financial institutions to small and medium-sized retailers--manage  
compliance and secure their network infrastructure, data communications and  
critical information assets. Trustwave is headquartered in Chicago with  
offices throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, China and  
Australia. For more information, visit  
About Trustwave SpiderLabs:  
SpiderLabs(R) is the advanced security team at Trustwave focused on  
application security, incident response, penetration testing, physical  
security and security research. The team has performed over a thousand  
incident investigations, thousands of penetration tests and hundreds of  
application security tests globally. In addition, the SpiderLabs Research  
team provides intelligence through bleeding-edge research and proof of  
concept tool development to enhance Trustwave's products and services.  
The information provided in this advisory is provided "as is" without  
warranty of any kind. Trustwave disclaims all warranties, either express or  
implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a  
particular purpose. In no event shall Trustwave or its suppliers be liable  
for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental,  
consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if  
Trustwave or its suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such  
damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability  
for consequential or incidental damages so the foregoing limitation may not  
This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format.  

0.093 Low


