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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:12212
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
`Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 14:18:18 -0800  
From: Lamont Granquist <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: More Buffer Overflows in Digital Unix  
1. No return-into-libc exploit for Digital Unix  
I didn't understand the return-into-libc method really prior to my  
previous BUGTRAQ post. Since then, I understand it a bit more and  
Solar Designer has informed me that such attacks will be very  
difficult due to the passing of parameters in registers on this  
architecture. So, things look better for 3.x admins, although AFAIK  
you can still just shove some shellcode into a buffer that gets  
malloc()'d and then return into it.  
2. Incorrect patch installation instructions in SSRT0583U.tar.gz  
The initial patch installation instructions for SSRT0583U for 'at' and  
'inc' had incorrect instructions which would leave exploitable suid  
root binaries lying around if they were followed to the letter, e.g:  
# cp /patches/at  
# chown root:bin  
# chmod 4755  
# ln at at.orig  
# mv at  
These were later changed to read:  
# cp /patches/at  
# chown root:bin  
# chmod 4755  
# ln at at.orig  
# mv at  
# chmod 400 at.orig  
The MD5 checksums on the patch files are/were:  
bf03f67cf0ec69e335ba9dcc0cf88c13 SSRT0583U.tar.gz (old)  
d1da354134b0335548aa7f436414d94a SSRT0583U.tar.gz (corrected)  
To be sure you're okay:  
# chmod 400 /usr/bin/at.orig /usr/bin/mh/inc.orig /usr/shlib/  
The patches are available at:  
3. DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 4.4  
There exists an exploitable buffer overflow in the program nsralist  
which in version 4.4. is setuid root. I have reports that the more  
current 5.2 version does not install this program suid root. To check  
for this vulnerability:  
% ls -l /usr/opt/BRX440/BRXSOAKIT440/bin/nsralist  
-rws--x--x 1 root system 565248 Nov 26 1997 /usr/opt/BRX440/BRXSOAKIT440/bin/nsralist  
% /usr/opt/BRX440/BRXSOAKIT440/bin/nsralist -R `perl -e 'print "a" x 4000'`  
nsralist: RPC error, Program not registered  
Segmentation fault  
The fix is to strip the suid root bits off of everything in that  
directory, and to upgrade to version 5.2 or later.  
Obviously, "BRX440" contains the version number and other possibly  
exploitable versions may be in different directories, so:  
% find /usr/opt -name nsralist -exec ls -la \{\} \;  
Or better just scan your entire machine for suid/sgid files.  
4. /usr/bin/rdist CA-96.14.rdist_vul  
This bug was apparently first described in CA-91.20.rdist.vulnerability,  
then CA-94.04.SunOS.rdist.vulnerability and later in CA-96.14.rdist_vul.  
This was a bug in common code which DEC apparently claimed to have  
fixed with patches to OSF 3.2C and prior platforms and which should  
have been included in all the 4.0 releases. Unfortunately, 4.0D with  
patch kit #3 still has this bug:  
% /usr/bin/rdist -d `perl -e 'print "a" x 300'` -d `perl -e 'print "a" x 300'`  
rdist: line 1:  
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa redefined  
Segmentation fault  
Luckily, this is difficult to exploit because the " redefined" is  
what gets pushed onto the stack which means that either you jump to a  
location in memory with no 0x00's or else you overwrite the ra with  
the tail end of "redefined" which probably means 0x164656369 as the  
most useful address and *I* cannot figure out how to get code into that  
location. This lets one mess around with the return address way too  
much, though. If anyone figures out how to exploit this please let me  
Exploit code for this advisory on includes code for  
IRIX (irix-buffer.txt 6/15/97 for 'ordist') and FreeBSD (rdist-ex.c  
Thanks for suggesting this one goes out to minus- on #phrack  
5. /usr/bin/rdist CA-97.23.rdist  
In the CERT advisory on this subject, Digital claimed "This reported  
problem is not present for Digital's ULTRIX or Digital UNIX Operating  
Systems Software." This is entirely inaccurate:  
% /usr/bin/rdist -d bleh=`perl -e 'print "a" x 8200'` -c /tmp/ '${bleh}'  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
rdist: line 1: Pathname too long  
Segmentation fault  
(again you need to do this from a reasonably recent version of tcsh  
which will not choke on `perl -e 'print "a" x 8200'` with a "Word too  
long" error)  
Exploitation of this bug is completely straight-forwards, although the  
script that I included with /usr/bin/mh/inc will need to be modified.  
This buffer overflow exists on all version of Digital Unix from 4.0  
up through 4.0D with patch kit #3. Digital is aware of this problem  
and is working on patches, but I strongly suggest that admins take  
the suggestions offered in the CERT advisory CA-97.23.rdist:  
1. strip the suid root bits off of /usr/bin/rdist  
2. install the rdist version from  
which does not run suid root ( is the new home  
of the supported version of rdist which used to be at USC).  
Exploit code for this advisory in the BUGTRAQ archives includes  
code for Solaris 2.5-2.6 and is at:  
Thanks for this one go out to minus- on #phrack and _daveg_ for  
reminding me after i'd gotten all frustrated over CA-96.14 that  
there was a 2nd CERT advisory on rdist and for digging up the Solaris  
exploit for me.  
6. Exploit code  
Sorry. No exploit code for the script kiddies this time. Exploitation  
of #3 and #5 are entirely-straight forwards. If anyone (CERT???) needs  
exploit code for legitimate testing purposes, just send me e-mail.  
7. Patches  
Compaq has been made aware of the problem. Patches should be  
forthcoming. Admins are, however, advised not to wait for the  
patches. NetWorker should be upgraded or the suid root bits  
stripped off of it (this might impair functionality, contact Compaq  
if you really need to know if you can do this) and the publically  
available non-suid rdist version should be used in place of the suid  
root one provided with Digital Unix.  
Yes I released this prior to the patches being made available. I  
do so because entirely satisfactory work-arounds exist, in fact  
"work-arounds" exist which are ultimately better than any patch that  
Compaq releases which still keeps rdist suid root. The only way  
Compaq could come out with something better would be to develop a  
non-exec-stack work-around for 4.0 or to distribute privaleged  
code binaries which had been compiled with something like StackGuard.  
Unfortunately, I don't see Compaq doing this.  
8. Reminder  
There are undoubtably many buffer overflows still to be found in  
Digital Unix. Reduce your privaleged code to a minimum:  
a. find all suid/sgid programs, strip the ones that aren't used and  
wrap the ones that are.  
b. hunt down all daemon processes and turn off the ones that you don't  
use -- use nmap, netstat -an and lsof.  
Lamont Granquist [email protected]  
Dept. of Molecular Biotechnology (206)616-5735 fax: (206)685-7344  
Box 352145 / University of Washington / Seattle, WA 98195  
PGP pubkey: finger [email protected] | pgp -fka  