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packetstormPacket StormPACKETSTORM:12180
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


Packet Storm
`From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected].  
edu] On Behalf Of Gregory A Lundberg  
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 10:44 AM  
To: Russ Allbery  
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]  
Subject: Re: FW: ftp exploit  
On 23 Mar 1999, Russ Allbery wrote:  
> > any comments?  
> It's an exploit script for the path overflow bug that's already been  
> announced by CERT, been on all the security lists, and has already  
> been fixed in the latest version of every wu-ftpd variant that I'm  
> aware of as well as being the impetus for the final mainline wu-ftpd  
> release?  
Correct. This is a full exploit against Redhat 5.2 (the original advisory  
was based upon a test, not an exploit).  
My comment: This posting proves why you need to keep up with the CERT  
mailing list, if not Bugtraq and other lists. As often heppens, the  
exploit followed the discovery of the vulnerability by several weeks.  
While it sometimes happens that exploits are distributed before the daemon  
authors are notified and public security announcement made, this was not  
the case here.  
My testing shows:  
This is an exploit using the buffer overflow described in  
CERT Advisory CA-99.03 - FTP-Buffer-Overflows  
Available from htp://  
It is directed solely at Redhat CD 4.2 Linux systems running a clean,  
default install. It was not successfull on unclean 5.2 systems, the  
pre-5.2 systems I tested on, or when I built the daemon by-hand instead of  
using a Redhat (S)RPM. My testing showed, while none of the systems I  
have available were exploitable, the exploit WOULD HAVE WORKED but failed  
for identifiable reasons.  
Given working code for Redhat 4.2, it should be a fairly simply matter to  
port to non-Linux or non-5.2 systems.  
- Systems running ALL versions of WU-FTPD _prior_ to 2.4.2 (final),  
including all 2.4.2-beta versions, ARE VULNERABLE, except as noted  
- Systems with proper upload clauses are partially protected. Many  
systems do not use proper upload clauses for real/guest users and are  
NOT protected from abuse by their local users.  
- Systems with proper permissions are partially protected. Most systems  
do not use proper permissions for real/guest users since they would  
prevent use by Telnet/SSH/Shell .. such systems are NOT protected from  
their local users.  
- Systems running 2.4.2 (final) are protected against _this_ bug. Such  
systems should upgrade to VR16 for maximum security; a number of other  
bugs and security problems have been fixed in VR16.  
- Systems running 2.4.2-beta-18-VR10 or later are protected. Anyone  
running VR10 through VR13 should upgrade to VR14 or later at your  
earliest convenience.  
- Systems running BeroFTPD 1.2.0 or later are NOT vulnerable. All  
BeroFTPD systems should upgrade to the current version (1.3.4) at their  
earliest conenience. Anyone running a vulnerable system with NEWVIRT,  
will want to immedeately upgrade to BeroFTPD.  
The location of the latest version of wu-ftpd can be found in the  
>wu-ftpd Resource Center:  
>wu-ftpd FAQ:  
>wu-ftpd list archive:  
>Gregory A Lundberg Senior Partner, VRnet Company  
>1441 Elmdale Drive [email protected]  
>Kettering, OH 45409-1615 USA 1-800-809-2195  
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 22:17:33 -0500  
From: Gregory A Lundberg <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: wu-ftpd overflow.  
On Sun, 21 Mar 1999, CyberPsychotic wrote:  
> (cc'ed to bugtraq since I haven't seen yet any patches fixing this  
> problem were posted there)  
Yes, the exploit recently posted to Bugtraq takes advantage of the  
realpath() buffer overflows .. as they exist in the Redhat RPM version  
shipped on their 5.<something> CD. The exploit may require some  
modification to be successfully used against other Linux/Intel systems  
and, of course, will need major changes to be used against other hardware  
or software platforms.  
About the exploit posted on Bugtraq: my read-through of the shows it does  
use the vulnerability through the MKD command. You are correct that some  
Academ beta versions do not use the source-provided vulnerable realpath()  
function for MKD. ISTM it should be fairly easy to modify the exploit to  
make use of other commands where a given Academ beta version _does_ use  
realpath(). Remember, the exploit is an _example_ of the problem, it does  
not reveal the true magnetude of the vulnerability. A positive test  
proves vulnerability while a negative test proves nothing.  
The vulnerable and non-vulnerable versions were outlined in the advisories  
which _were_ posted on Bugtraq.  
The realpath() problem was openly discussed on Bugtraq weeks (months? ..  
I'd have to look through the Bugtraq archives again) before the release of  
the advisories. The actively maintained versions of the wu-ftpd daemon  
were immedeately corrected as a result of the realpath() vulnerability  
discussions on Bugtraq, so they had been corrected for quite some time  
prior to Netect's research indicating there may be a problem.  
At the time of publication of the Netect/CERT Advisories, patches for  
wu-ftpd were unnecessary since the current, maintained, versions were not  
My patch file for wu-ftpd, which corrects the problem, is presently 644162  
bytes in length, fixes several hundred other problems with the daemon, and  
is available via FTP from for those silly  
enough to want it (I rather doubt it Aleph would allow it through to the  
Bugtraq the mailing list). I am not inclined to pull out the patches for  
realpath() because the entire pile of male bovine by-product was replaced.  
A patch file for the other major, maintained, version of wu-ftpd  
(BeroFTPD) is not available at all. Since today it would probably run  
well over 1 Meg, the maintainer sees no point in the fiction of  
'patching'. He is also dis-inclined to pull out the realpath() changes  
since he and I co-operated on the complete replacement of the function  
(actually he did most of the initial work; I just debugged it).  
At about the time of the Netect/CERT Advisorie Redhat released updated  
RPMs for the vulnerable Academ 2.4.2-betas they distribute. I don't know  
whether they released before or after, but I do recall it was just a few  
hours before their availability was discussed on Bugtraq.  
Other versions (from wu-stl and academ) are not actively maintained and  
should not be used in production environments. Anyone running versions of  
wu-archive / the wu-ftpd daemon older than Academ's 2.4.2-beta-18 has more  
severe problems than this buffer overrun, so I see no point posting the  
patch. For them the correct solution is either updating to a more current  
version or manual operation of the power switch.  
The only current version still vulnerable when the CERT advisory was  
issued the Academ version 2.4.2-beta-18, which is (almost) not actively  
maintained. A week or two following the CERT advisory Academ silently  
released 2.4.2 (final).  
My knowledge of the code, and my direct research indicates:  
The 2.4.2 (final) version does not completely solve the problem. Nor  
does your patch. (Nor, for that matter, does the Redhat patch but  
that's a moot point since their patch does fix the problem for their  
Linux systems.)  
For systems using the realpath() function supplied with the source kit,  
a patch will work to correct, or at least hide, most, if not all, of  
the vulnerability. For other systems, whether or not the daemon is  
vulernable depends upon whether or not your vendor-supplied realpath()  
function is vulnerable (back to the original discussion on Bugtraq).  
The only change here from my recommendations appearing in the Netect  
and CERT advisories is that the number of potentially vulnerable  
systems has been reduced by those using the daemon-supplied realpath()  
function to only those with vendor-supplied vulnerable realpath()  
To determine if your daemon uses the supplied function, look in  
<wuftpd>/src/config/config.<ostype> for a line reading something like:  
#define realpath realpath_on_steroids  
If this #define does NOT appear, contact your vendor concerning the  
vulnerability of the realpath() function, or upgrade to a more-current  
version of the daemon (yes, there are versions much more current that  
Academ's 2.4.2/final).  
Those wishing further information may contact me via the wu-ftpd support  
mailing list at mailto:[email protected] .. subscription and  
unsubscription information for that mailing list are in the FAQ.  
The location of the latest versions of wu-ftpd can be found in the  
wu-ftpd Resource Center:  
wu-ftpd FAQ:  
wu-ftpd list archive:  
(The html version of the wu-ftpd list archive is  
currently not working, use the Unix mailbox  
format instead.)  
Gregory A Lundberg Senior Partner, VRnet Company  
1441 Elmdale Drive [email protected]  
Kettering, OH 45409-1615 USA 1-800-809-2195  
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:21:22 +0500  
From: CyberPsychotic <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: wu-ftpd overflow.  
~ Has some1 located the file/function where  
~ the overflow takes place ?  
Yes. I think overflow takes place is function realpath.c:  
look at the end of the function realpath(), which first concatinates  
everything together and then just does strcpy into result variable, which is  
pointer to buffer sized of MAXPATHLEN. You could either owerflow workpath  
variable in realpath, or, if your buffer is not too fat, it will be  
overflowed later, when function makedir returns (called from ftpcmd).  
in either case return address gets overflowed and it returns  
nowhere (or to your exploit code if you put there such, no big deal).  
I've made a couple of fixes to ftpd daemon to generate debugging info via  
syslog, so here's what I have:  
Mar 21 12:21:46 gear ftpd[21737]: ftpcmd:1294 (ftpcmd called makedir)  
Mar 21 12:21:46 gear ftpd[21737]: before 3180 (calling realpath line 3128)  
Mar 21 12:21:46 gear ftpd[21737]: overflow:180 (here overflow takes place)  
Mar 21 12:21:46 gear ftpd[21737]: overflow:210 (again. It's being copied twice)  
Mar 21 17:21:47 gear syslogd: Cannot glue message parts together  
Mar 21 12:21:46 gear ftpd[21737]: after 3180 (realpath line 3128 returns)  
Mar 21 17:21:47 gear  
Mar 21 12:21:47 gear ftpd[21737]: exiting on signal 11  
oops..... now it attempted to execute piece at 0x41414141 addy..  
Some previous beta releases of wu-ftpd are NOT vulneriable  
to this thing because they just don't call realpath function (which does  
overflow) from makedir() function. Here's quick patch I've done to this  
piece (cc'ed to bugtraq since I haven't seen yet any patches fixing this  
problem were posted there):  
--/cut here/--  
--- ftpd.c.orig Mon Jul 6 15:14:25 1998  
+++ ftpd.c Sun Mar 21 18:17:52 1999  
@@ -3146,19 +3146,24 @@  
if (mkdir(name, 0777) < 0) {  
if (errno == EEXIST){  
- realpath(name, path);  
- reply(521, "\"%s\" directory exists", path);  
+ if(realpath(name, path))  
+ reply(521, "\"%s\" directory exists.", path);  
+ else reply(521,"path too long.");  
perror_reply(550, name);  
- realpath(name, path);  
/* According to RFC 959:  
* The 257 reply to the MKD command must always contain the  
* absolute pathname of the created directory.  
* This is implemented here using similar code to the PWD command.  
* XXX - still need to do `quote-doubling'.  
+ if(!realpath(name, path))  
+ if (strlen(path)!=0)  
+ reply(257,"\"%s\" directory created name truncated.",path);  
+ else reply(500,"no directory created. Path too long.");  
+ else  
reply(257, "\"%s\" new directory created.", path);  
--- realpath.c.orig Sun Mar 21 17:29:42 1999  
+++ realpath.c Sun Mar 21 18:08:28 1999  
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@  
#include <sys/stat.h>  
#include <sys/param.h>  
#include <string.h>  
+#include <syslog.h>  
#ifndef HAVE_SYMLINK  
#define lstat stat  
@@ -55,10 +56,10 @@  
struct stat sbuf;  
- char curpath[MAXPATHLEN],  
- workpath[MAXPATHLEN],  
- linkpath[MAXPATHLEN],  
- namebuf[MAXPATHLEN],  
+ char curpath[MAXPATHLEN+1],  
+ workpath[MAXPATHLEN+1],  
+ linkpath[MAXPATHLEN+1],  
+ namebuf[MAXPATHLEN+1],  
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@  
- strcpy(curpath, pathname);  
+ strncpy(curpath, pathname,MAXPATHLEN);  
if (*pathname != '/') {  
uid_t userid;  
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@  
if (!getwd(workpath)) {  
- strcpy(result, ".");  
+ strncpy(result, ".",MAXPATHLEN);  
enable_signaling(); /* we can allow signals once again: kinch */  
return (NULL);  
@@ -142,9 +143,13 @@  
for (last = namebuf; *last; last++)  
if ((last == namebuf) || (*--last != '/'))  
- strcat(namebuf, "/");  
- strcat(namebuf, where);  
+ strncat(namebuf, "/",MAXPATHLEN-strlen(namebuf));  
+ strncat(namebuf, where,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(namebuf));  
+ if (strlen(namebuf)+strlen(where)>=MAXPATHLEN) {  
+ syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_NOTICE,"possible buffer overflow attempt");  
+ return(NULL);  
+ }  
where = ++ptr;  
if (lstat(namebuf, &sbuf) == -1) {  
strcpy(result, namebuf);  
@@ -163,8 +168,13 @@  
if (*linkpath == '/')  
*workpath = '\0';  
if (*where) {  
- strcat(linkpath, "/");  
- strcat(linkpath, where);  
+ strncat(linkpath, "/",MAXPATHLEN-strlen(linkpath));  
+ strncat(linkpath, where,MAXPATHLEN-strlen(linkpath));  
+ if (strlen(namebuf)+strlen(where)>=MAXPATHLEN) {  
+ "possible buffer overflow attempt");  
+ return(NULL);  
+ }  
strcpy(curpath, linkpath);  
goto loop;  