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packetstormAmnPardaz Security Research TeamPACKETSTORM:104538
HistoryAug 28, 2011 - 12:00 a.m.

Joomla JCE 2.0.10 Path Traversal / Path Manipulation

AmnPardaz Security Research Team
`########################## #######################################  
# AmnPardaz Security Research Team  
# Title: JCE Joomla Extension <=2.0.10 Multiple Vulnerabilities  
# Vendor:  
# Exploit: Available  
# Vulnerable Version: 2.0.10 (Image Manager, Media Manager, Template Manager 1.5.5, File Manager & prior versions also may be affected)  
# Impact: High  
# Original Advisory:  
# Fix: N/A  
1. Description:  
JCE is an extension for Joomla!, that provides you with a set of wysiwyg editor tools that makes the job of writing articles for your Joomla! site a little bit easier.  
In a nutshell, it provides access to many of the features you may be used to using in Word or OpenOffice etc.  
2. Vulnerabilities:  
2.1. Path Traversal Flaws. Path Traversal in "Image Manager",  
"Media Manager", "Template Manager" and "File Manager" section.  
2.1.1. Exploit:  
Check the exploit/POC section.  
2.2. Path Manipulation Flaws. Path Manipulation in "Image Manager",  
"Media Manager", "Template Manager", "File Manager" section. Attackers  
can delete any file or upload files to all the directories of the server.  
2.2.1. Exploit:  
Check the exploit/POC section.  
2.3. Unsafe function Flaws. Attackers can use unsafe function  
called "folderRename" for changing Image type extension (.jpg, .gif,  
.png & etc.) to any extension like .htaccess or .php in "Image Manager",  
"Media Manager", "Template Manager" and "File Manager" section.  
2.3.1. Exploit:  
Check the exploit/POC section.  
3. Exploits/PoCs:  
Original Exploit URL:  
3.1. Path Traversal Flaws. Path Traversal in "Image Manager",  
"Media Manager", "Template Manager" and "File Manager" section.  
Path Traversal and see all directories:  
Step 1 +--> Click on root (left bar)  
Step 2 +--> Use Proxy (like burp) for changing path:  
3.2. Path Manipulation Flaws. Path Manipulation in "Image Manager",  
"Media Manager", "Template Manager", "File Manager" section. Attackers  
can delete any file or upload files to all the directories of the server.  
For uploading file:  
Step 1 +--> Upload a file with image type extension like azizi.jpg  
Step 2 +--> Click on root (left bar)  
Step 3 +--> Use Proxy (like burp) and change "json" parameter  
to json={"fn":"fileCopy","args":["/azizi.jpg","../../"]}  
Now azizi.jpg copied to root directory.  
For deleting file:  
Step 1 +--> Click on root (left bar)  
Step 2 +--> Use Proxy (like burp) and change "json" parameter  
to json={"fn":"fileDelete","args":"../../index.php"}  
Now index.php has been deleted.  
3.3. Unsafe function Flaws. Attackers can use unsafe function for  
changing Image type extension (.jpg, .gif, .png & etc.) to any extension  
like .htaccess or .php in "Image Manager", "Media Manager", "Template  
Manager" and "File Manager" section.  
For uploading file with executable extension:  
Step 1 +--> Upload a file with image type extension like azizi.jpg  
Step 2 +--> Click on root (left bar)  
Step 3 +--> Use Proxy (like burp) and change "json" p  
4. Solution:  
Restricting and granting only trusted users having access to  
resources and wait for vender patch.  
5. Credit:  
AmnPardaz Security Research & Penetration Testing Group  
Contact: admin[4t}bugreport{d0t]ir  