The previous zendframework upload incorrectly fixes CVE-2015-3154,
causing a regression. This update corrects this problem. Thanks to
ĐвгониК ХПОНин (Evgeny Smolin).
- CVE-2012-6531
PĂĄdraic Brady identified a weakness to handle the SimpleXMLElement
zendframework class, allowing to remote attackers to read arbitrary
files or create TCP connections via an XML external entity (XXE)
injection attack.
- CVE-2012-6532
PĂĄdraic Brady found that remote attackers could cause a denial of
service by CPU consumption, via recursive or circular references
through an XML entity expansion (XEE) attack.
- CVE-2014-2681
Lukas Reschke reported a lack of protection against XML External
Entity injection attacks in some functions. This fix extends the
incomplete one from CVE-2012-5657.
- CVE-2014-2682
Lukas Reschke reported a failure to consider that the
libxml_disable_entity_loader setting is shared among threads in the
PHP-FPM case. This fix extends the incomplete one from
- CVE-2014-2683
Lukas Reschke reported a lack of protection against XML Entity
Expansion attacks in some functions. This fix extends the incomplete
one from CVE-2012-6532.
- CVE-2014-2684
Christian Mainka and Vladislav Mladenov from the Ruhr-University
Bochum reported an error in the consumer’s verify method that lead
to acceptance of wrongly sourced tokens.
- CVE-2014-2685
Christian Mainka and Vladislav Mladenov from the Ruhr-University
Bochum reported a specification violation in which signing of a
single parameter is incorrectly considered sufficient.
- CVE-2014-4914
Cassiano Dal Pizzol discovered that the implementation of the ORDER
BY SQL statement in Zend_Db_Select contains a potential SQL
injection when the query string passed contains parentheses.
- CVE-2014-8088
Yury Dyachenko at Positive Research Center identified potential XML
eXternal Entity injection vectors due to insecure usage of PHP’s DOM
- CVE-2014-8089
Jonas SandstrĂśm discovered an SQL injection vector when manually
quoting value for sqlsrv extension, using null byte.
- CVE-2015-3154
Filippo Tessarotto and Maks3w reported potential CRLF injection
attacks in mail and HTTP headers.