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openvasCopyright (C) 2008 Greenbone Networks GmbHOPENVAS:90016
HistoryJun 17, 2008 - 12:00 a.m.

Kerberos < 1.6.4 vulnerability

Copyright (C) 2008 Greenbone Networks GmbH

0.385 Low




The remote host is probably affected by the vulnerabilities described in
CVE-2008-0062, CVE-2008-0063, CVE-2008-0947, CVE-2008-0948


CVE-2008-0062: An unauthenticated remote attacker may cause a
krb4-enabled KDC to crash, expose information, or execute arbitrary
code. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could compromise
the Kerberos key database and host security on the KDC host.

CVE-2008-0063: An unauthenticated remote attacker may cause a
krb4-enabled KDC to expose information. It is theoretically possible
for the exposed information to include secret key data on some

CVE 2008-0947
Buffer overflow in the RPC library used by libgssrpc and kadmind in
MIT Kerberos 5 (krb5) 1.4 through 1.6.3 allows remote attackers to
execute arbitrary code by triggering a large number of open file descriptors.

CVE 2008-0948
Buffer overflow in the RPC library (lib/rpc/rpc_dtablesize.c) used by
libgssrpc and kadmind in MIT Kerberos 5 (krb5) 1.2.2, and probably
other versions before 1.3, when running on systems whose unistd.h does
not define the FD_SETSIZE macro, allows remote attackers to cause a denial
of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code by triggering a
large number of open file descriptors.

# OpenVAS Vulnerability Test
# $Id: kerberos_CB-A08-0044.nasl 7784 2017-11-16 08:42:29Z cfischer $
# Description: Kerberos < 1.6.4 vulnerability
# Authors:
# Carsten Koch-Mauthe <c.koch-mauthe at>
# Updated By: Antu Sandi <[email protected]> on 2010-07-06
#  Updated the CVE, BID and CVSS score
# Copyright:
# Copyright (C) 2008 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

tag_summary = "The remote host is probably affected by the vulnerabilities described in
CVE-2008-0062, CVE-2008-0063, CVE-2008-0947, CVE-2008-0948


   CVE-2008-0062: An unauthenticated remote attacker may cause a
     krb4-enabled KDC to crash, expose information, or execute arbitrary
     code.  Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could compromise
     the Kerberos key database and host security on the KDC host.

   CVE-2008-0063: An unauthenticated remote attacker may cause a
     krb4-enabled KDC to expose information.  It is theoretically possible
     for the exposed information to include secret key data on some

   CVE 2008-0947
     Buffer overflow in the RPC library used by libgssrpc and kadmind in
     MIT Kerberos 5 (krb5) 1.4 through 1.6.3 allows remote attackers to
     execute arbitrary code by triggering a large number of open file descriptors.

   CVE 2008-0948
     Buffer overflow in the RPC library (lib/rpc/rpc_dtablesize.c) used by
     libgssrpc and kadmind in MIT Kerberos 5 (krb5) 1.2.2, and probably
     other versions before 1.3, when running on systems whose unistd.h does
     not define the FD_SETSIZE macro, allows remote attackers to cause a denial
     of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code by triggering a
     large number of open file descriptors.";

tag_solution = "All Kerberos users should upgrade to the latest version:";

# $Revision: 7784 $

  script_version("$Revision: 7784 $");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"$Date: 2017-11-16 09:42:29 +0100 (Thu, 16 Nov 2017) $");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2008-06-17 20:22:38 +0200 (Tue, 17 Jun 2008)");
  script_cve_id("CVE-2008-0948", "CVE-2008-0947", "CVE-2008-0063", "CVE-2008-0062");
  script_bugtraq_id(28302, 28303);
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"10.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C");
  script_name("Kerberos < 1.6.4 vulnerability");

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2008 Greenbone Networks GmbH");

  script_tag(name : "solution" , value : tag_solution);
  script_tag(name : "summary" , value : tag_summary);



# Checking SuSE/Fedora
   kbrls = get_kb_item("ssh/login/release");
   rls = NULL;
   ver = NULL;
   rel = NULL;
   pkg = NULL;
   rls[0] = "SUSE10.0";
   ver[0] = "1.4.3";
   rel[0] = "19.30.6";
   pkg[0] = "krb5";
   rls[1] = "SUSE10.1";
   ver[1] = "1.4.3";
   rel[1] = "19.30.6";
   pkg[1] = "krb5";
   rls[2] = "SUSE10.2";
   ver[2] = "1.5.1";
   rel[2] = "23.14";
   pkg[2] = "krb5";
   rls[3] = "SUSE10.3";
   ver[3] = "1.6.2";
   rel[3] = "22.4";
   pkg[3] = "krb5";
   rls[4] = "SUSE11.0";
   ver[4] = "1.6.3";
   rel[4] = "49";
   pkg[4] = "krb5";
   rls[5] = "SUSE10.0";
   ver[5] = "1.4.3";
   rel[5] = "19.30.6";
   pkg[5] = "krb5-server";
   rls[6] = "SUSE10.1";
   ver[6] = "1.4.3";
   rel[6] = "19.30.6";
   pkg[6] = "krb5-server";
   rls[7] = "SUSE10.2";
   ver[7] = "1.5.1";
   rel[7] = "23.14";
   pkg[7] = "krb5-server";
   rls[8] = "SUSE10.3";
   ver[8] = "1.6.2";
   rel[8] = "22.4";
   pkg[8] = "krb5-server";
   rls[9] = "SUSE11.0";
   ver[9] = "1.6.3";
   rel[9] = "49";
   pkg[10] = "krb5-server";
   rls[10] = "FC7";
   ver[10] = "1.6.1";
   rel[10] = "9.fc7";
   pkg[11] = "krb5";
   rls[11] = "FC8";
   ver[11] = "1.6.2";
   rel[11] = "14.fc8";
   pkg[11] = "krb5";

   foreach i (keys(rls)) {
     if( kbrls == rls[i] ) {
       rpms = get_kb_item("ssh/login/rpms");
       if(rpms) {
         pat = ";"+pkg[i]+"~([0-9\.\-]+)";
         version = get_string_version(text:rpms, ver_pattern:pat);
         if(!isnull(version)) {
           if( version_is_less(version:version[1], test_version:ver[i]) ) {
           } else {
             if( version_is_equal(version:version[1], test_version:ver[i]) ) {
               pat = version[0]+"~([0-9\.\-]+)";
               release = get_string_version(text:rpms, ver_pattern:pat);
               if(!isnull(release)) {
                 if( version_is_less(version:release[1] ,test_version:rel[i]) ) {

# Checking Gentoo
   rls = NULL;
   ver = NULL;
   rel = NULL;
   pkg = NULL;
   rls[0] = "GENTOO";
   pat = "app-crypt/mit-krb5-([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)";
   ver[0] = "1.6.3-r1";
   if( kbrls == rls[0] ) {
       pkg = get_kb_item("ssh/login/pkg");
       if(pkg) {
         version = get_string_version(text:pkg, ver_pattern:pat);
         if(!isnull(version)) {

# Checking Ubuntu
   rls = NULL;
   ver = NULL;
   rel = NULL;
   pkg = NULL;   
   rls[0] = "UBUNTU6.06 LTS";
   ver[0] = "1.4.3-5ubuntu0.7";
   pkg[0] = "libkadm55";
   rls[1] = "UBUNTU6.10";
   ver[1] = "1.4.3-9ubuntu1.6";
   pkg[1] = "libkadm55";
   rls[2] = "UBUNTU7.04";
   ver[2] = "1.4.4-5ubuntu3.4";
   pkg[2] = "libkadm55";
   rls[3] = "UBUNTU7.10";
   ver[3] = "1.6.dfsg.1-7ubuntu0.1";
   pkg[3] = "libkadm55";
   rls[4] = "UBUNTU6.06 LTS";
   ver[4] = "1.4.3-5ubuntu0.7";
   pkg[4] = "libkrb53";
   rls[5] = "UBUNTU6.10";
   ver[5] = "1.4.3-9ubuntu1.6";
   pkg[5] = "libkrb53";
   rls[6] = "UBUNTU7.04";
   ver[6] = "1.4.4-5ubuntu3.4";
   pkg[6] = "libkrb53";
   rls[7] = "UBUNTU7.10";
   ver[7] = "1.6.dfsg.1-7ubuntu0.1";
   pkg[7] = "libkrb53";

   foreach i (keys(rls)) {
     if( kbrls == rls[i] ) {
       if(isdpkgvuln(pkg:pkg[i], ver:ver[i], rls:rls[i])) {
