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Debian Security Advisory DSA 3514-1 (samba - security update)

🗓️ 12 Mar 2016 00:00:00Reported by Copyright (c) 2016 Greenbone Networks GmbH http://greenbone.netType 

Debian Security Advisory for Samba SMB/CIFS server vulnerabilitie

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# OpenVAS Vulnerability Test
# $Id: deb_3514.nasl 6608 2017-07-07 12:05:05Z cfischer $
# Auto-generated from advisory DSA 3514-1 using nvtgen 1.0
# Script version: 1.0
# Author:
# Greenbone Networks
# Copyright:
# Copyright (c) 2016 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# Text descriptions are largely excerpted from the referenced
# advisory, and are Copyright (c) the respective author(s)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

    script_version("$Revision: 6608 $");
    script_cve_id("CVE-2015-5252", "CVE-2015-7560", "CVE-2016-0771");
    script_name("Debian Security Advisory DSA 3514-1 (samba - security update)");
    script_tag(name: "last_modification", value: "$Date: 2017-07-07 14:05:05 +0200 (Fri, 07 Jul 2017) $");
    script_tag(name: "creation_date", value: "2016-03-12 00:00:00 +0100 (Sat, 12 Mar 2016)");
    script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"5.0");
    script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N");
    script_tag(name: "solution_type", value: "VendorFix");
    script_tag(name: "qod_type", value: "package");

    script_xref(name: "URL", value: "");


    script_copyright("Copyright (c) 2016 Greenbone Networks GmbH");
    script_family("Debian Local Security Checks");
    script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/debian_linux", "ssh/login/packages");
    script_tag(name: "affected",  value: "samba on Debian Linux");
    script_tag(name: "insight",   value: "Samba is an implementation of the
SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems, providing support for cross-platform file
and printer sharing with Microsoft Windows, OS X, and other Unix systems. Samba
can also function as an NT4-style domain controller, and can integrate with both
NT4 domains and Active Directory realms as a member server.");
    script_tag(name: "solution",  value: "For the oldstable distribution (wheezy),
these problems have been fixed in version 2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7. The oldstable distribution
(wheezy) is not affected by CVE-2016-0771

For the stable distribution (jessie), these problems have been fixed in
version 2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2.

For the unstable distribution (sid), these problems have been fixed in
version 2:4.3.6+dfsg-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your samba packages.");
    script_tag(name: "summary",   value: "Several vulnerabilities have been discovered
in Samba, a SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix.The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following issues:

Jeremy Allison of Google, Inc. and the Samba Team discovered that
Samba incorrectly handles getting and setting ACLs on a symlink
path. An authenticated malicious client can use SMB1 UNIX extensions
to create a symlink to a file or directory, and then use non-UNIX
SMB1 calls to overwrite the contents of the ACL on the file or
directory linked to.

Garming Sam and Douglas Bagnall of Catalyst IT discovered that Samba
is vulnerable to an out-of-bounds read issue during DNS TXT record
handling, if Samba is deployed as an AD DC and chosen to run the
internal DNS server. A remote attacker can exploit this flaw to
cause a denial of service (Samba crash), or potentially, to allow
leakage of memory from the server in the form of a DNS TXT reply.

Additionally this update includes a fix for a regression introduced due
to the upstream fix for CVE-2015-5252
in DSA-3433-1 in setups where the
share path is '/'.");
    script_tag(name: "vuldetect", value: "This check tests the installed
software version using the apt package manager.");


res = "";
report = "";
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libnss-winbind:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libnss-winbind:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-smbpass:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-smbpass:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-winbind:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-winbind:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libparse-pidl-perl", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient-dev:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient-dev:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbsharemodes-dev:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbsharemodes-dev:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbsharemodes0:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbsharemodes0:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient-dev:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient-dev:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient0:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient0:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"python-samba", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"registry-tools", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-common", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-common-bin", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-dbg", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-dev", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-doc", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-dsdb-modules", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-libs:amd64", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-libs:i386", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-testsuite", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-vfs-modules", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"smbclient", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"winbind", ver:"2:4.1.17+dfsg-2+deb8u2", rls_regex:"DEB8.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libnss-winbind:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libnss-winbind:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-smbpass:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-smbpass:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-winbind:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libpam-winbind:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient-dev:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libsmbclient-dev:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient-dev:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient-dev:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient0:amd64", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"libwbclient0:i386", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-common", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-common-bin", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-dbg", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-doc", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-doc-pdf", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"samba-tools", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"smbclient", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"swat", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"winbind", ver:"2:3.6.6-6+deb7u7", rls_regex:"DEB7.[0-9]+")) != NULL) {
    report += res;

if (report != "") {
} else if (__pkg_match) {
    exit(99); # Not vulnerable.

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12 Mar 2016 00:00Current
7.2High risk
Vulners AI Score7.2