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openvasCopyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbHOPENVAS:1361412562311220191520
HistoryJan 23, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Huawei EulerOS: Security Advisory for kernel (EulerOS-SA-2019-1520)

Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH

The remote host is missing an update for the Huawei EulerOS

# Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# Text descriptions are largely excerpted from the referenced
# advisory, and are Copyright (C) the respective author(s)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  script_cve_id("CVE-2013-7269", "CVE-2014-2309", "CVE-2014-3647", "CVE-2014-7826", "CVE-2015-2922", "CVE-2015-4036", "CVE-2015-7550", "CVE-2016-3136", "CVE-2016-4482", "CVE-2016-4485", "CVE-2016-8630", "CVE-2016-8646", "CVE-2017-18221", "CVE-2017-18261", "CVE-2017-7294", "CVE-2018-10881", "CVE-2018-1120", "CVE-2018-13099", "CVE-2018-14612", "CVE-2018-20784");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"7.5");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2020-02-05 08:56:28 +0000 (Wed, 05 Feb 2020)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2020-01-23 12:02:59 +0000 (Thu, 23 Jan 2020)");
  script_name("Huawei EulerOS: Security Advisory for kernel (EulerOS-SA-2019-1520)");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH");
  script_family("Huawei EulerOS Local Security Checks");
  script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/euleros", "ssh/login/rpms", re:"ssh/login/release=EULEROSVIRTARM64-3\.0\.1\.0");

  script_xref(name:"EulerOS-SA", value:"2019-1520");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The remote host is missing an update for the Huawei EulerOS
  'kernel' package(s) announced via the EulerOS-SA-2019-1520 advisory.");

  script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable package version is present on the target host.");

  script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Array index error in the tcm_vhost_make_tpg function in drivers/vhost/scsi.c in the Linux kernel before 4.0 might allow guest OS users to cause a denial of service (memory corruption) or possibly have unspecified other impact via a crafted VHOST_SCSI_SET_ENDPOINT ioctl call. NOTE: the affected function was renamed to vhost_scsi_make_tpg before the vulnerability was announced.(CVE-2015-4036)

The llc_cmsg_rcv function in net/llc/af_llc.c in the Linux kernel before 4.5.5 does not initialize a certain data structure, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information from kernel stack memory by reading a message.(CVE-2016-4485)

The nr_recvmsg function in net/netrom/af_netrom.c in the Linux kernel before 3.12.4 updates a certain length value without ensuring that an associated data structure has been initialized, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information from kernel memory via a (1) recvfrom, (2) recvmmsg, or (3) recvmsg system call.(CVE-2013-7269)

The mct_u232_msr_to_state function in drivers/usb/serial/mct_u232.c in the Linux kernel before 4.5.1 allows physically proximate attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and system crash) via a crafted USB device without two interrupt-in endpoint descriptors.(CVE-2016-3136)

An out-of-bounds memory access flaw, CVE-2014-7825, was found in the syscall tracing functionality of the Linux kernel's perf subsystem. A local, unprivileged user could use this flaw to crash the system. Additionally, an out-of-bounds memory access flaw, CVE-2014-7826, was found in the syscall tracing functionality of the Linux kernel's ftrace subsystem. On a system with ftrace syscall tracing enabled, a local, unprivileged user could use this flaw to crash the system, or escalate their privileges.(CVE-2014-7826)

Linux kernel built with the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (CONFIG_KVM) support is vulnerable to a null pointer dereference flaw. It could occur on x86 platform, when emulating an undefined instruction. An attacker could use this flaw to crash the host kernel resulting in DoS.(CVE-2016-8630)

A flaw was found in the Linux kernel's ext4 filesystem. A local user can cause an out-of-bound access in ext4_get_group_info function, a denial of service, and a system crash by mounting and operating on a crafted ext4 filesystem image.(CVE-2018-10881)

The arch_timer_reg_read_stable macro in arch/arm64/include/asm/arch_timer.h in the Linux kernel before 4.13 allows local users to cause a denial of service (infinite recursion) by writing to a file under /sys/kernel/debug in certain circumstances, as demonstrated by a sc ...

  Description truncated. Please see the references for more information.");

  script_tag(name:"affected", value:"'kernel' package(s) on Huawei EulerOS Virtualization for ARM 64");

  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"Please install the updated package(s).");

  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");



release = rpm_get_ssh_release();

res = "";
report = "";

if(release == "EULEROSVIRTARM64-") {

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel", rpm:"kernel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-devel", rpm:"kernel-devel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-headers", rpm:"kernel-headers~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools", rpm:"kernel-tools~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools-libs", rpm:"kernel-tools-libs~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools-libs-devel", rpm:"kernel-tools-libs-devel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"perf", rpm:"perf~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"python-perf", rpm:"python-perf~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(report != "") {
  } else if (__pkg_match) {
