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Huawei EulerOS: Security Advisory for kernel (EulerOS-SA-2019-1518)

🗓️ 23 Jan 2020 00:00:00Reported by Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone AGType 

Huawei EulerOS kernel package update available (EulerOS-SA-2019-1518

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

  script_cve_id("CVE-2013-2897", "CVE-2014-1739", "CVE-2014-3144", "CVE-2014-3153", "CVE-2014-3646", "CVE-2015-0239", "CVE-2015-1339", "CVE-2015-1350", "CVE-2015-3290", "CVE-2015-7885", "CVE-2015-8539", "CVE-2016-5412", "CVE-2016-8660", "CVE-2016-9083", "CVE-2016-9755", "CVE-2017-15127", "CVE-2017-2596", "CVE-2018-16597", "CVE-2018-16658", "CVE-2018-17972");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2020-01-23 12:02:17 +0000 (Thu, 23 Jan 2020)");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-08-08 05:05:41 +0000 (Thu, 08 Aug 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"7.2");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C");
  script_tag(name:"severity_vector", value:"CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H");
  script_tag(name:"severity_origin", value:"NVD");
  script_tag(name:"severity_date", value:"2016-12-28 17:12:29 +0000 (Wed, 28 Dec 2016)");

  script_name("Huawei EulerOS: Security Advisory for kernel (EulerOS-SA-2019-1518)");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone AG");
  script_family("Huawei EulerOS Local Security Checks");
  script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/euleros", "ssh/login/rpms", re:"ssh/login/release=EULEROSVIRTARM64\-3\.0\.1\.0");

  script_xref(name:"Advisory-ID", value:"EulerOS-SA-2019-1518");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The remote host is missing an update for the Huawei EulerOS 'kernel' package(s) announced via the EulerOS-SA-2019-1518 advisory.");

  script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable package version is present on the target host.");

  script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Linux kernel built with the KVM visualization support (CONFIG_KVM), with nested visualization(nVMX) feature enabled(nested=1), is vulnerable to host memory leakage issue. It could occur while emulating VMXON instruction in 'handle_vmon'. An L1 guest user could use this flaw to leak host memory potentially resulting in DoS.(CVE-2017-2596)

The (1) BPF_S_ANC_NLATTR and (2) BPF_S_ANC_NLATTR_NEST extension implementations in the sk_run_filter function in net/core/filter.c in the Linux kernel through 3.14.3 do not check whether a certain length value is sufficiently large, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (integer underflow and system crash) via crafted BPF instructions. NOTE: the affected code was moved to the __skb_get_nlattr and __skb_get_nlattr_nest functions before the vulnerability was announced.(CVE-2014-3144)

A flaw was found in the Linux kernel when freeing pages in hugetlbfs. This could trigger a local denial of service by crashing the kernel.(CVE-2017-15127)

An issue was discovered in the Linux kernel before 4.8. Incorrect access checking in overlayfs mounts could be used by local attackers to modify or truncate files in the underlying filesystem.(CVE-2018-16597)

Memory leak in the cuse_channel_release function in fs/fuse/cuse.c in the Linux kernel before 4.4 allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) or possibly have unspecified other impact by opening /dev/cuse many times.(CVE-2015-1339)

A flaw was found in the way the Linux kernel's nested NMI handler and espfix64 functionalities interacted during NMI processing. A local, unprivileged user could use this flaw to crash the system or, potentially, escalate their privileges on the system.(CVE-2015-3290)

Multiple array index errors in drivers/hid/hid-multitouch.c in the Human Interface Device (HID) subsystem in the Linux kernel through 3.11, when CONFIG_HID_MULTITOUCH is enabled, allow physically proximate attackers to cause a denial of service (heap memory corruption, or NULL pointer dereference and OOPS) via a crafted device.(CVE-2013-2897)

A flaw was found in the way the Linux kernel's futex subsystem handled the requeuing of certain Priority Inheritance (PI) futexes. A local, unprivileged user could use this flaw to escalate their privileges on the system.(CVE-2014-3153)

The XFS subsystem in the Linux kernel 4.4 and later allows local users to cause a denial of service (fdatasync() failure and system hang) by using the vfs syscall group in the 'trinity' program, as a result of a page lock order bug in the XFS seek hole/data implementation.(CVE-2016-8660)

A flaw was found in the Linux kernel's key management system where it was possible for an attacker to escalate privileges or crash the machine. If a user key gets negatively instantiated, an error code is cached in the payload area. A negatively instantiated key may be then be positively instantiated by ... [Please see the references for more information on the vulnerabilities]");

  script_tag(name:"affected", value:"'kernel' package(s) on Huawei EulerOS Virtualization for ARM 64");

  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"Please install the updated package(s).");

  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");
  script_xref(name:"CISA", value:"Known Exploited Vulnerability (KEV) catalog");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");



release = rpm_get_ssh_release();

res = "";
report = "";

if(release == "EULEROSVIRTARM64-") {

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel", rpm:"kernel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-devel", rpm:"kernel-devel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-headers", rpm:"kernel-headers~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools", rpm:"kernel-tools~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools-libs", rpm:"kernel-tools-libs~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"kernel-tools-libs-devel", rpm:"kernel-tools-libs-devel~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"perf", rpm:"perf~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"python-perf", rpm:"python-perf~4.19.28~1.2.117", rls:"EULEROSVIRTARM64-"))) {
    report += res;

  if(report != "") {
  } else if(__pkg_match) {


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