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openvasCopyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AGOPENVAS:136141256231112202362501
HistoryJul 26, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Ubuntu: Security Advisory (USN-6250-1)

Copyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AG
security advisory
missing update
linux kernel

8 High

AI Score



0.002 Low




The remote host is missing an update for the

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

  script_cve_id("CVE-2023-2640", "CVE-2023-3090", "CVE-2023-31248", "CVE-2023-32629", "CVE-2023-3269", "CVE-2023-3389", "CVE-2023-3390", "CVE-2023-35001");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2023-07-26 04:09:41 +0000 (Wed, 26 Jul 2023)");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-02-02 05:06:10 +0000 (Fri, 02 Feb 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"6.8");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:L/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C");
  script_tag(name:"severity_vector", value:"CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H");
  script_tag(name:"severity_origin", value:"NVD");
  script_tag(name:"severity_date", value:"2023-07-12 16:49:52 +0000 (Wed, 12 Jul 2023)");

  script_name("Ubuntu: Security Advisory (USN-6250-1)");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AG");
  script_family("Ubuntu Local Security Checks");
  script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/ubuntu_linux", "ssh/login/packages", re:"ssh/login/release=UBUNTU23\.04");

  script_xref(name:"Advisory-ID", value:"USN-6250-1");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The remote host is missing an update for the 'linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-oracle, linux-raspi' package(s) announced via the USN-6250-1 advisory.");

  script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable package version is present on the target host.");

  script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Stonejiajia, Shir Tamari and Sagi Tzadik discovered that the OverlayFS
implementation in the Ubuntu Linux kernel did not properly perform
permission checks in certain situations. A local attacker could possibly
use this to gain elevated privileges. (CVE-2023-2640)

It was discovered that the IP-VLAN network driver for the Linux kernel did
not properly initialize memory in some situations, leading to an out-of-
bounds write vulnerability. An attacker could use this to cause a denial of
service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-3090)

Mingi Cho discovered that the netfilter subsystem in the Linux kernel did
not properly validate the status of a nft chain while performing a lookup
by id, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. An attacker could use
this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute
arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-31248)

Shir Tamari and Sagi Tzadik discovered that the OverlayFS implementation in
the Ubuntu Linux kernel did not properly perform permission checks in
certain situations. A local attacker could possibly use this to gain
elevated privileges. (CVE-2023-32629)

Ruihan Li discovered that the memory management subsystem in the Linux
kernel contained a race condition when accessing VMAs in certain
conditions, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker
could possibly use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or
execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-3269)

Querijn Voet discovered that a race condition existed in the io_uring
subsystem in the Linux kernel, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A
local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash)
or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-3389)

It was discovered that the netfilter subsystem in the Linux kernel did not
properly handle some error conditions, leading to a use-after-free
vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service
(system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-3390)

Tanguy Dubroca discovered that the netfilter subsystem in the Linux kernel
did not properly handle certain pointer data type, leading to an out-of-
bounds write vulnerability. A privileged attacker could use this to cause a
denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code.

  script_tag(name:"affected", value:"'linux, linux-aws, linux-azure, linux-gcp, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, linux-lowlatency, linux-oracle, linux-raspi' package(s) on Ubuntu 23.04.");

  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"Please install the updated package(s).");

  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");



release = dpkg_get_ssh_release();

res = "";
report = "";

if(release == "UBUNTU23.04") {

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1006-ibm", ver:"6.2.0-1006.6", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1008-aws", ver:"6.2.0-1008.8", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1008-azure", ver:"6.2.0-1008.8", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1008-oracle", ver:"6.2.0-1008.8", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1009-kvm", ver:"6.2.0-1009.9", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency", ver:"6.2.0-1009.9", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1009-lowlatency-64k", ver:"6.2.0-1009.9", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1009-raspi", ver:"6.2.0-1009.11", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-1010-gcp", ver:"6.2.0-1010.10", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic", ver:"6.2.0-26.26", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic-64k", ver:"6.2.0-26.26", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-6.2.0-26-generic-lpae", ver:"6.2.0-26.26", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-aws", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-azure", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-gcp", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-generic", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-generic-64k", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-generic-lpae", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-ibm", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-kvm", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-lowlatency", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-lowlatency-64k", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-oracle", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-raspi", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-raspi-nolpae", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"linux-image-virtual", ver:"", rls:"UBUNTU23.04"))) {
    report += res;

  if(report != "") {
  } else if(__pkg_match) {
