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openvasCopyright (C) 2009 Greenbone AGOPENVAS:1361412562310900710
HistoryMay 20, 2009 - 12:00 a.m.

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Detection (HTTP)

Copyright (C) 2009 Greenbone AG

AI Score




HTTP based detection of Microsoft Internet Information Services
(IIS) and the underlying Microsoft Windows operating system version.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-06-11 05:05:40 +0000 (Tue, 11 Jun 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2009-05-20 10:26:22 +0200 (Wed, 20 May 2009)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"0.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N");
  script_name("Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Detection (HTTP)");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2009 Greenbone AG");
  script_family("Product detection");
  script_dependencies("find_service.nasl", "no404.nasl", "webmirror.nasl",
                      "DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl", "global_settings.nasl");
  script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);
  # nb: Don't add a IIS/banner script_mandatory_keys because the VT is also doing a detection based
  # on standard/404 pages or redirects.

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"HTTP based detection of Microsoft Internet Information Services
  (IIS) and the underlying Microsoft Windows operating system version.");

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");



port = http_get_port( default:80 );

host = http_host_name( dont_add_port:TRUE );

banner = http_get_remote_headers( port:port );
if( ! banner || banner !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] [0-9]{3}" )
  exit( 0 );

detected = FALSE;
version = "unknown";

if( concl = egrep( string:banner, pattern:"^Server\s*:\s*(Microsoft-)?IIS", icase:TRUE ) ) {
  concluded = chomp( concl );
  detected = TRUE;
  vers = eregmatch( pattern:"Server\s*:\s*(Microsoft-)?IIS/([0-9.]+)", string:concl, icase:TRUE );
  if( ! isnull( vers[2] ) )
    version = vers[2];

# For Proxy setups where e.g. an nginx is in front of the IIS.
if( ! detected || version == "unknown" ) {

  check_urls = make_list( "/vt-test-non-existent.html", "/vt-test/vt-test-non-existent.html" );

  # We might also be able to catch the IIS banner if we're calling an .aspx file so we're
  # adding the first found .asp/.aspx file to the list.
  asp_list = http_get_kb_file_extensions( port:port, host:host, ext:"asp*" );
  if( asp_list[0] )
    check_urls = make_list( check_urls, asp_list[0] );

  # Some found systems had also responded with a redirect, following the redirect might
  # also help to grab the banner.
  if( banner =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 30[0-9]" ) {
    loc = http_extract_location_from_redirect( port:port, data:banner, current_dir:"/" );
    if( loc )
      check_urls = make_list( check_urls, loc );

  foreach check_url( check_urls ) {
    banner = http_get_remote_headers( port:port, file:check_url );
    if( ! banner || banner !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] [0-9]{3}" )

    if( concl = egrep( string:banner, pattern:"^Server\s*:\s*(Microsoft-)?IIS", icase:TRUE ) ) {
      detected = TRUE;
      vers = eregmatch( pattern:"Server\s*:\s*(Microsoft-)?IIS/([0-9.]+)", string:concl, icase:TRUE );
      if( ! isnull( vers[2] ) ) {
        if( concluded )
          concluded += '\n';
        concluded += chomp( concl );
        concl_url = http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:check_url, url_only:TRUE );
        version = vers[2];

if( detected ) {

  install = port + "/tcp";
  set_kb_item( name:"IIS/installed", value:TRUE );
  set_kb_item( name:"microsoft/iis/detected", value:TRUE );
  set_kb_item( name:"microsoft/iis/http/detected", value:TRUE );

  # nb: To tell http_can_host_asp and http_can_host_php from that the service is
  # supporting these.
  replace_kb_item( name:"www/" + port + "/can_host_php", value:"yes" );
  replace_kb_item( name:"www/" + port + "/can_host_asp", value:"yes" );

  cpe = build_cpe( value:version, exp:"^([0-9.]+)", base:"cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_information_services:" );
  if( ! cpe )
    cpe = "cpe:/a:microsoft:internet_information_services";

  register_product( cpe:cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );
  log_message( data:build_detection_report( app:"Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)",
                                            concluded:concluded ),
               port:port );

  # nb:
  # - Based on
  # - Some IIS versions are shipped with two or more OS variants so registering all here
  # - IMPORTANT: Before registering two or more OS make sure that all OS variants have reached their
  #   EOL as we currently can't control / prioritize which of the registered OS is chosen for the
  #   "BestOS" and we would e.g. report a Server 2012 as EOL if Windows 8 was chosen
  # - The "keep" is used below to mark the ones with OS variants matching the important note above
  #   which shouldn't be registered yet

  banner_type = "Microsoft IIS HTTP Server banner";
  SCRIPT_DESC = "Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Detection (HTTP)";

  if( version != "unknown" ) {

    if( version == "10.0" ) {
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2016", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2016", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows 10", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or Microsoft Windows 10", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "8.5" ) {
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2012:r2", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows 8.1", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_8.1", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 or Microsoft Windows 8.1", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "8.0" ) {
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2012", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2012", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows 8", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_8", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Microsoft Windows 8", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "7.5" ) {
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008:r2", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows 7", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or Microsoft Windows 7", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "7.0" ) {
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2008", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # keep: os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Vista", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_vista", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or Microsoft Windows Vista", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "6.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2003:r2", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows Server 2003", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2003", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp:-:-:x64", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "5.1" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows XP Professional", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "5.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows 2000", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_2000", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "4.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_nt:4.0", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "3.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP2", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_nt:4.0:sp2", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "2.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows NT", version:"4.0", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_nt", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else if( version == "1.0" ) {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows NT", version:"3.51", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_nt", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );

    else {
      os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
      # nb: We also want to report an unknown OS if none of the above patterns for Windows is matching
      os_register_unknown_banner( banner:concluded, banner_type_name:banner_type, banner_type_short:"iis_http_banner", port:port );
  } else {
    os_register_and_report( os:"Microsoft Windows", cpe:"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows", banner_type:banner_type, port:port, banner:concluded, desc:SCRIPT_DESC, runs_key:"windows" );
    # nb: Here we don't want to report an unknown OS as the version wasn't extracted...

exit( 0 );

AI Score


