This host is missing a critical security update according to Microsoft KB4093111. Multiple flaws exist in Windows font library, Internet Explorer, Windows kernel, scripting engine, Adobe Type Manager Font Driver, Chakra scripting engine, Windows SNMP Service, Device Guard, Microsoft browsers, VBScript engine, Remote Desktop Protocol, HTTP 2, Windows Hyper-V, and the Microsoft JET Database Engine. Successful exploitation can allow arbitrary code execution, information disclosure, privilege escalation, security bypass, and denial of service
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
script_cve_id("CVE-2018-0870", "CVE-2018-0887", "CVE-2018-8116", "CVE-2018-0956",
"CVE-2018-0957", "CVE-2018-0960", "CVE-2018-0966", "CVE-2018-0967",
"CVE-2018-0968", "CVE-2018-0969", "CVE-2018-0970", "CVE-2018-0971",
"CVE-2018-0972", "CVE-2018-0973", "CVE-2018-0974", "CVE-2018-0975",
"CVE-2018-0976", "CVE-2018-0979", "CVE-2018-0980", "CVE-2018-0981",
"CVE-2018-0987", "CVE-2018-0988", "CVE-2018-0989", "CVE-2018-0990",
"CVE-2018-0991", "CVE-2018-0993", "CVE-2018-0994", "CVE-2018-0995",
"CVE-2018-0996", "CVE-2018-0997", "CVE-2018-1000", "CVE-2018-1001",
"CVE-2018-1009", "CVE-2018-1010", "CVE-2018-1012", "CVE-2018-1013",
"CVE-2018-1015", "CVE-2018-1016", "CVE-2018-1018", "CVE-2018-1020",
"CVE-2018-1023", "CVE-2018-1003", "CVE-2018-1004", "CVE-2018-1008");
script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"9.3");
script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C");
script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2023-07-20 05:05:17 +0000 (Thu, 20 Jul 2023)");
script_tag(name:"severity_vector", value:"CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H");
script_tag(name:"severity_origin", value:"NVD");
script_tag(name:"severity_date", value:"2019-10-03 00:03:00 +0000 (Thu, 03 Oct 2019)");
script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2018-04-11 10:29:16 +0530 (Wed, 11 Apr 2018)");
script_name("Microsoft Windows Multiple Vulnerabilities (KB4093111)");
script_tag(name:"summary", value:"This host is missing a critical security
update according to Microsoft KB4093111");
script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable version is present on the target host.");
script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Multiple flaws exist due to:
- Windows font library improperly handles specially crafted embedded fonts.
- Internet Explorer improperly accesses objects in memory.
- Windows kernel fails to properly initialize a memory address.
- Scripting engine does not properly handle objects in memory in Internet Explorer.
- An error in Windows Adobe Type Manager Font Driver (ATMFD).
- Scripting engine handles objects in memory in Internet Explorer.
- Chakra scripting engine handles objects in memory in Microsoft Edge.
- A Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) bypass error in windows.
- Windows SNMP Service improperly handles malformed SNMP traps.
- A security feature bypass exists when Device Guard incorrectly validates an
untrusted file.
- Microsoft browsers improperly access objects in memory.
- Windows kernel improperly handles objects in memory.
- VBScript engine improperly handles objects in memory.
- An error in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).
- An error in HTTP 2.
- Windows Hyper-V on a host operating system fails to properly validate
input from an authenticated user on a guest operating system.
- An error in the Microsoft JET Database Engine.");
script_tag(name:"impact", value:"Successful exploitation will allow an attacker
to conduct arbitrary code execution, disclose sensitive information, escalate
privileges, bypass security and cause denial of service condition.");
script_tag(name:"affected", value:"- Microsoft Windows 10 for 32-bit Systems
- Microsoft Windows 10 for x64-based Systems");
script_tag(name:"solution", value:"The vendor has released updates. Please see the references for more information.");
script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"executable_version");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2018 Greenbone AG");
script_family("Windows : Microsoft Bulletins");
script_require_ports(139, 445);
if(hotfix_check_sp(win10:1, win10x64:1) <= 0){
sysPath = smb_get_system32root();
if(!sysPath ){
edgeVer = fetch_file_version(sysPath:sysPath, file_name:"edgehtml.dll");
if(version_in_range(version:edgeVer, test_version:"11.0.10240.0", test_version2:"11.0.10240.17830"))
report = report_fixed_ver(file_checked:sysPath + "\Edgehtml.dll",
file_version:edgeVer, vulnerable_range:"11.0.10240.0 - 11.0.10240.17830");
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