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openvasCopyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbHOPENVAS:1361412562310704659
HistoryApr 21, 2020 - 12:00 a.m.

Debian: Security Advisory for git (DSA-4659-1)

Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH

The remote host is missing an update for the

# Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from the referenced
# advisories, and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"5.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2020-04-21 03:00:10 +0000 (Tue, 21 Apr 2020)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2020-04-21 03:00:10 +0000 (Tue, 21 Apr 2020)");
  script_name("Debian: Security Advisory for git (DSA-4659-1)");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2020 Greenbone Networks GmbH");
  script_family("Debian Local Security Checks");
  script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/debian_linux", "ssh/login/packages", re:"ssh/login/release=DEB(10|9)");

  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The remote host is missing an update for the 'git'
  package(s) announced via the DSA-4659-1 advisory.");

  script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable package version is present on the target host.");

  script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Carlo Arenas discovered a flaw in git, a fast, scalable, distributed
revision control system. With a crafted URL that contains a newline or
empty host, or lacks a scheme, the credential helper machinery can be
fooled into providing credential information that is not appropriate for
the protocol in use and host being contacted.");

  script_tag(name:"affected", value:"'git' package(s) on Debian Linux.");

  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"For the oldstable distribution (stretch), this problem has been fixed
in version 1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7.

For the stable distribution (buster), this problem has been fixed in
version 1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3.

We recommend that you upgrade your git packages.");

  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");



res = "";
report = "";
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-all", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-cvs", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-daemon-run", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-daemon-sysvinit", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-doc", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-el", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-email", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-gui", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-man", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-mediawiki", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-svn", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"gitk", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"gitweb", ver:"1:2.20.1-2+deb10u3", rls:"DEB10"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-all", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-arch", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-core", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-cvs", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-daemon-run", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-daemon-sysvinit", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-doc", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-el", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-email", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-gui", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-man", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-mediawiki", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"git-svn", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"gitk", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;
if(!isnull(res = isdpkgvuln(pkg:"gitweb", ver:"1:2.11.0-3+deb9u7", rls:"DEB9"))) {
  report += res;

if(report != "") {
} else if(__pkg_match) {
