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RedHat Security Advisory RHSA-2009:1156

🗓️ 29 Jul 2009 00:00:00Reported by Copyright (C) 2009 E-Soft Inc.Type 

The Apache HTTP Server in RHSA-2009:1156 is vulnerable to denial of service attacks due to flaws in mod_proxy and mod_deflate modules, as well as mishandling of AllowOverride directive

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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 E-Soft Inc.
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only

  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-03-21 05:06:54 +0000 (Thu, 21 Mar 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2009-07-29 19:28:37 +0200 (Wed, 29 Jul 2009)");
  script_cve_id("CVE-2009-1195", "CVE-2009-1890", "CVE-2009-1891");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"7.1");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C");
  script_name("RedHat Security Advisory RHSA-2009:1156");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2009 E-Soft Inc.");
  script_family("Red Hat Local Security Checks");
  script_mandatory_keys("ssh/login/rhel", "ssh/login/rpms", re:"ssh/login/release=RHENT_5");
  script_tag(name:"solution", value:"Please note that this update is available via
Red Hat Network.  To use Red Hat Network, launch the Red
Hat Update Agent with the following command: up2date");
  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The remote host is missing updates announced in
advisory RHSA-2009:1156.

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular Web server.

A denial of service flaw was found in the Apache mod_proxy module when it
was used as a reverse proxy. A remote attacker could use this flaw to force
a proxy process to consume large amounts of CPU time. (CVE-2009-1890)

A denial of service flaw was found in the Apache mod_deflate module. This
module continued to compress large files until compression was complete,
even if the network connection that requested the content was closed before
compression completed. This would cause mod_deflate to consume large
amounts of CPU if mod_deflate was enabled for a large file. (CVE-2009-1891)

A flaw was found in the handling of the Options and AllowOverride
directives used by the Apache HTTP Server. In configurations using the
AllowOverride directive with certain Options= arguments, local users
were not restricted from executing commands from a Server-Side-Include
script as intended. (CVE-2009-1195)

All httpd users should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain
backported patches to correct these issues. After installing the updated
packages, the httpd daemon must be restarted for the update to take effect.");
  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"package");
  script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");



res = "";
report = "";
if ((res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"httpd", rpm:"httpd~2.2.11~3.el5s2", rls:"RHENT_5")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"httpd-debuginfo", rpm:"httpd-debuginfo~2.2.11~3.el5s2", rls:"RHENT_5")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"httpd-devel", rpm:"httpd-devel~2.2.11~3.el5s2", rls:"RHENT_5")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"httpd-manual", rpm:"httpd-manual~2.2.11~3.el5s2", rls:"RHENT_5")) != NULL) {
    report += res;
if ((res = isrpmvuln(pkg:"mod_ssl", rpm:"mod_ssl~2.2.11~3.el5s2", rls:"RHENT_5")) != NULL) {
    report += res;

if (report != "") {
} else if (__pkg_match) {

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29 Jul 2009 00:00Current
7.6High risk
Vulners AI Score7.6