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openvasCopyright (C) 2005 Laurent FacqOPENVAS:136141256231012241
HistoryNov 03, 2005 - 12:00 a.m.

Do not print on AppSocket and socketAPI printers

Copyright (C) 2005 Laurent Facq

7.3 High

AI Score



The host seems to be an AppSocket or socketAPI printer. Scanning
it will waste paper. So ports 2000, 2501, 9100-9107, 9112-9116, 9200 and 10001 won

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Laurent Facq
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only

  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-06-17 08:31:37 +0000 (Mon, 17 Jun 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2005-11-03 14:08:04 +0100 (Thu, 03 Nov 2005)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"0.0");
  script_name("Do not print on AppSocket and socketAPI printers");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2005 Laurent Facq");
  script_dependencies("gb_snmp_info_collect.nasl", "nmap_mac.nasl", "global_settings.nasl");

  script_add_preference(name:"Exclude PJL printer ports from scan", type:"entry", value:"2000,2501,9100,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9107,9112,9113,9114,9115,9116,9200,10001", id:1);

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"The host seems to be an AppSocket or socketAPI printer. Scanning
  it will waste paper. So ports 2000, 2501, 9100-9107, 9112-9116, 9200 and 10001 won't be scanned by

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");


if( get_kb_item( "Host/scanned" ) == 0 )
  exit( 0 );


pjl_ports_list = make_list();

function check_pjl_port_list( list ) {

  local_var list, ports, port;

  if( ! list )
    return FALSE;

  ports = split( list, sep:",", keep:FALSE );

  foreach port( ports ) {

    if( ! ereg( pattern:"^[0-9]{1,5}$", string:port ) ) {
      return FALSE;
    if( int( port ) > 65535 )
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

function register_and_report( dont_set_is_printer, data ) {

  local_var dont_set_is_printer, data, port;

  pcl_pjl_register_all_ports( ports:pjl_ports_list );
  if( ! invalid_list ) {
    foreach port( pjl_ports_list ) {
      if( get_port_state( port ) ) {
        log_message( port:port, data:"This port was excluded from the scan to avoid printing out paper on this printer during a scan." );

  log_message( port:0, data:'Exclusion reason:\n\n' + data );

  # Used in gb_ipp_detect.nasl as a "script_mandatory_keys()" as we don't want to run that VT
  # against every web server and just against the ones on systems which *might* support IPP.
  set_kb_item( name:"Host/could_support_ipp", value:TRUE );

  if( ! dont_set_is_printer ) {
    # nb:
    # - Used in dont_scan_printers.nasl to mark a printer as "dead"
    # - This should be only done if we're absolutely sure that the target is a printer and
    #   excluded via the "dont_set_is_printer" parameter otherwise (e.g. IPP).
    set_kb_item( name:"Host/is_printer/reason", value:data );
    set_kb_item( name:"Host/is_printer", value:TRUE );

  exit( 0 );

is_printer = FALSE;

pjl_ports = script_get_preference( "Exclude PJL printer ports from scan", id:1 );
pjl_default_ports_string = pcl_pjl_get_default_ports_string();

if( strlen( pjl_ports ) > 0 ) {
  pjl_ports = str_replace( string:pjl_ports, find:" ", replace:"" );
  if( ! check_pjl_port_list( list:pjl_ports ) ) {
    report = '"Exclude PJL printer ports from scan" has wrong format or contains an invalid port and was ignored. Please use a\ncomma separated list of ports without spaces. Example: ' + pjl_default_ports_string + '\n\n';
    report += 'The following default ports were excluded from the scan to avoid printing out paper on this printer during a scan:\n\n' + pjl_default_ports_string;
    invalid_list = TRUE;
    log_message( port:0, data:report );
    pjl_ports_list = pcl_pjl_get_default_ports();
  } else {
    ports = split( pjl_ports, sep:",", keep:FALSE );
    foreach port( ports ) {
      pjl_ports_list = make_list( pjl_ports_list, port );
} else {
  pjl_ports_list = pcl_pjl_get_default_ports();

# First try SNMP on default 161
port = 161;
if( sysdesc = snmp_get_sysdescr( port:port ) ) {

  # Turn hex response into normal string as seen on some Xerox printer
  if( sysdesc =~ "^[0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2} [0-9A-F]{2}" ) {
    sysdesc = hex2str( str_replace( string:sysdesc, find:" ", replace:"" ) );
    sysdesc = bin2string( ddata:sysdesc, noprint_replacement:"" );

  # nb:
  # - Keep in sync with the pattern used in gb_xerox_printer_snmp_detect.nasl
  # - Case insensitive match (via "=~") is expected / done on purpose as different writings of XEROX
  #   vs. Xerox has been seen
  if( sysdesc =~ "^Xerox( \(R\))? " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  # nb:
  # - Keep in sync with the pattern used in gb_fujifilm_printer_snmp_detect.nasl
  # - Case insensitive match (via "=~") is expected / done on purpose as different writings of XEROX
  #   vs. Xerox has been seen
  if( sysdesc =~ "^(FUJI XEROX|FUJIFILM|FX DocuPrint) " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^Canon[^/]+/P" ||
      "Canon LBP" >< sysdesc ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^KYOCERA" && "Print" >< sysdesc ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^Lexmark.+version.+kernel" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^SHARP [A-Z]{2}-" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^(RICOH|LANIER|SAVIN|NRG)" && sysdesc =~ "(RICOH|LANIER|SAVIN|NRG) Network Printer" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^TOSHIBA e-STUDIO" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^SATO " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^KONICA MINOLTA " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^EPSON " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^Fiery " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^HP ETHERNET MULTI-ENVIRONMENT" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( sysdesc =~ "^Brother " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  # nb:
  # - Keep in sync with the pattern used in gsf/gb_honeywell_printer_snmp_detect.nasl and
  #   gb_snmp_os_detection.nasl
  # - The model regex below should be checked from time to time to include possible additional
  #   models
  if( egrep( string:sysdesc, pattern:"^Honeywell P[CMXD][0-9]+", icase:FALSE ) ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected from SNMP sysDescr OID on port " + port + '/udp:\n\n' + sysdesc );

# Often the printer model is readable over this OID
mod_oid = "";
model = snmp_get( port:port, oid:mod_oid );

if( model ) {

  if( egrep( pattern:"^Xerox", string:model, icase:TRUE ) ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^Canon[^/]+/P" ||
      "Canon LBP" >< model ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^KYOCERA" && "Print" >< model ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^Lexmark" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^SHARP [A-Z]{2}-" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^(RICOH|LANIER|SAVIN|NRG)" && "Network Printer" >< model ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^TOSHIBA e-STUDIO" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^SATO " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^KONICA MINOLTA " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^EPSON " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^Fiery " ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

  if( model =~ "^Dell " && model =~ "(Laser|Printer|MFP)" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected from SNMP OID '" + mod_oid + "' on port " + port + '/udp:\n\n' + model );

# UDP AppSocket
port = 9101;
if( get_udp_port_state( port ) ) {

  soc = open_sock_udp( port );

  send( socket:soc, data:'\r\n' );
  r = recv( socket:soc, length:512 );
  close( soc );
  if( r ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected UDP AppSocket on port " + port + '/udp' );

# TBD: Also test all ports of pcl_pjl_get_default_ports()?
# nb: The ( ! r && se == ETIMEDOUT ) might cause false positives here
port = 9100;
if( get_port_state( port ) ) {

  vt_strings   = get_vt_strings();
  pcl_pjl_reqs = pcl_pjl_get_detect_requests( vt_strings:vt_strings );

  foreach pcl_pjl_req( keys( pcl_pjl_reqs ) ) {

    soc = open_sock_tcp( port );
    if( ! soc )

    response_check = pcl_pjl_reqs[pcl_pjl_req];

    send( socket:soc, data:pcl_pjl_req );
    r = recv( socket:soc, length:512 );
    se = socket_get_error( soc );
    close( soc );
    if( ( r && response_check >< r ) ||
        ( ! r && se == ETIMEDOUT ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected Printer Job Language (PJL) / Printer Command Language (PCL) service on port " + port + "/tcp" );

ports = make_list( 9290, 9291, 9292 );

foreach port( ports ) {
  if( ! get_port_state( port ) )

  if( ! soc = open_sock_tcp( port ) )

  recv = recv( socket:soc, length:16 );
  close( soc );
  if( recv && recv =~ "^0[0-2]$" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected 'Raw scanning to peripherals with IEEE 1284.4 specifications' service on port " + port + "/tcp" );

port = 21;
if( get_port_state( port ) ) {

  banner = ftp_get_banner( port:port );

  if( "JD FTP Server Ready" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "220 Dell Laser Printer " >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( banner =~ "^220 (RICOH|LANIER|SAVIN|Gestetner|NRG) (Aficio |Pro)?([A-Z]+)? [^ ]+ (\([^)]+\) )?FTP server" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "220 FTP print service" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "220 KONICA MINOLTA" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "220 Xerox" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "FUJI XEROX" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "Lexmark" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "TOSHIBA e-STUDIO" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( " FTP server " >< banner && "(OEM FTPD version" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "EFI FTP Print server" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( banner =~ "220 (TASKalfa|ECOSYS)" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( "220 JD FTP Server Ready" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( banner =~ "220 SHARP .*FTP Server" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( banner =~ "220 Welcome to Honeywell Printer" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if( banner =~ "220 Dell " && banner =~ "(Laser|MFP|Printer)" ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected FTP banner on port " + port + '/tcp:\n\n' + banner );

port = 23;
if( get_port_state( port ) ) {

  banner = telnet_get_banner( port:port );

  if( "HP JetDirect" >< banner ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if ("RICOH Maintenance Shell." >< banner) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
  } else if ("Welcome. Type <return>, enter password at # prompt" >< banner) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected Telnet banner on port " + port + '/tcp:\n\n' + banner );

port = 79;
if( get_port_state( port ) ) {
  soc = open_sock_tcp( port );
  if( soc ) {
    send( socket:soc, data:raw_string( 0x0d, 0x0a ) );
    banner = recv( socket:soc, length:512, timeout:5 );
    close( soc );
    if( banner && ( "Printer Type: " >< banner ||
                    "Print Job Status: " >< banner ||
                    "Printer Status: " >< banner ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected Finger banner on port " + port + '/tcp:\n\n' + banner );

# Xerox DocuPrint
port = 2002;
if( get_port_state( port ) ) {

  soc = open_sock_tcp( port );
  if( soc ) {
    banner = recv( socket:soc, length:23 );
    close( soc );
    if( banner && 'Please enter a password' >< banner ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected Xerox DocuPrint banner on port " + port + '/tcp:\n\n' + banner );

if( mac = get_kb_item( "Host/mac_address" ) ) {
  if( is_printer_mac( mac:mac ) )
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected MAC-Address of a Printer vendor: " + mac );

ports = make_list( 9220, 9221, 9222 );

foreach port( ports ) {
  if( ! get_port_state( port ) )

  if( ! soc = open_sock_tcp( port ) )

  banner = recv( socket:soc, length:512 );
  close( soc );
  if( banner && egrep( string:banner, pattern:"^220 (HP|JetDirect) GGW server \(version ([0-9.]+)\) ready" ) ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:"Detected Generic Scan Gateway (GGW) server service on port " + port + '/tcp:\n\n' + chomp( banner ) );

# nb: Keep the HTTP check at the bottom as this can take quite some time

# nb: For the HTTPS detection these pattern needs to be updated
# as those redirects only happen on HTTP.
konica_detect_urls = make_array();
konica_detect_urls["/wcd/top.xml"] = "^HTTP/1\.[01] 301 Movprm";
konica_detect_urls["/wcd/system_device.xml"] = "^HTTP/1\.[01] 301 Movprm";
konica_detect_urls["/wcd/system.xml"] = "^HTTP/1\.[01] 301 Movprm";

ports = make_list( 80, 8000, 280, 631 ); # TODO: Re-add 443 and add 8443 once a solution was found to detect SSL/TLS without a dependency to find_service.nasl

foreach port( ports ) {

  if( ! get_port_state( port ) )

  # Sharp can be detected from the start page, see also gb_sharp_printer_http_detect.nasl
  # If updating here please also update check gb_sharp_printer_http_detect.nasl
  buf = http_get_cache( item:"/", port:port );
  if( buf && buf =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && ( "Extend-sharp-setting-status" >< buf || "Server: Rapid Logic" >< buf ) ) {

    urls = get_sharp_detect_urls();
    foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

      pattern = urls[url];
      url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

      buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
      if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

      if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
        is_printer = TRUE;
        reason     = "Sharp Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Brother printer, see also gb_brother_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_brother_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # SATO, see also gb_sato_printer_http_detect.nasl
  # If updating here please also update the check in gb_sato_printers_http_detect.nasl
  url = "/WebConfig/";
  buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
  if( "<title>SATO Printer Setup</title>" >< buf ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
    reason     = "SATO Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  # Konica Minolta, more detailed detection in gsf/gb_konicaminolta_printer_http_detect.nasl
  foreach url( keys( konica_detect_urls ) ) {

    pattern = konica_detect_urls[url];

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # HP, see also gb_hp_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_hp_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  banner = http_get_remote_headers( port:port );

  # Kyocera, see also gb_kyocera_printer_http_detect.nasl
  # e.g.:
  # Server: KM-MFP-http/V0.0.1
  # nb: Keep in sync with gb_kyocera_printer_http_detect.nasl and sw_http_os_detection.nasl

  if( concl = egrep( pattern:"^Server\s*:\s*KM-MFP-http", string:banner, icase:TRUE ) ) {
    concl      = chomp( concl );
    is_printer = TRUE;
    reason     = "Kyocera banner: " + concl;
  } else {
    urls = kyocera_get_detect_urls();
    foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

      pattern = urls[url];
      url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

      buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
      if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

      if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
        is_printer = TRUE;
        reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Lexmark, see also gb_lexmark_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_lexmark_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Xerox, see also gb_xerox_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_xerox_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || ( buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 401" ) )

    # Replace non-printable characters to avoid language based false-negatives
    buf = bin2string( ddata:buf, noprint_replacement:"" );
    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

    # nb: See bottom of gb_xerox_printer_detect.nasl
    if( buf =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 401" && "CentreWare Internet Services" >< buf ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: CentreWare Internet Services on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Fuji Xerox / Fujifilm, see also gb_fujifilm_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_fujifilm_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || ( buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 401" ) )

    # Replace non-printable characters to avoid language based false-negatives
    buf = bin2string( ddata:buf, noprint_replacement:"" );
    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Ricoh, see also gb_ricoh_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_ricoh_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Toshiba, see also gb_toshiba_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_toshiba_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # EFI Fiery, see also gb_efi_fiery_http_detect.nasl
  url = "/wt4/home";
  res = http_get_cache( port:port, item:url );

  if( "<title>WebTools" >< res && "id-footer-efi-logo" >< res ) {
    is_printer = TRUE;
    reason     = "EFI Fiery Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );
  } else {
    url = "/wt2parser.cgi?home_en";
    res = http_get_cache( port:port, item:url );

    if( "<title>Webtools" >< res && '<span class="footertext">&copy; EFI' >< res &&
        "wt2parser.cgi?status_en.htm" >< res ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "EFI Fiery Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Epson, see also gb_epson_printer_http_detect.nasl
  # e.g.:
  # SERVER: EPSON_Linux UPnP/1.0 Epson UPnP SDK/1.0
  # Server: EPSON HTTP Server
  # Server: EPSON-HTTP/1.0
  # nb: Note that the "Epson UPnP SDK" shouldn't use a "^"
  # nb: Keep in sync with gb_epson_printer_http_detect.nasl and sw_http_os_detection.nasl
  if( concl = egrep( pattern:"(^SERVER\s*:\s*(EPSON_Linux|EPSON HTTP Server|EPSON-HTTP)|Epson UPnP SDK)", string:banner, icase:TRUE ) ) {
    concl      = chomp( concl );
    is_printer = TRUE;
    reason     = "Epson banner: " + concl;
  } else {
    urls = get_epson_detect_urls();
    foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {
      pattern = urls[url];
      url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

      buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
      if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

      if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
        is_printer = TRUE;
        reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Canon, see also gb_canon_printer_http_detect.nasl
  # e.g.:
  # Server: KS_HTTP/1.0
  # Server: CANON HTTP Server
  # Server: Catwalk
  # nb: Keep in sync with gb_canon_printer_http_detect.nasl and sw_http_os_detection.nasl
  if( concl = egrep( pattern:"^Server\s*:\s*(KS_HTTP|CANON HTTP Server|Catwalk)", string:banner, icase:TRUE ) ) {
    concl      = chomp( concl );
    is_printer = TRUE;
    reason     = "Canon banner: " + concl;
  } else {
    urls = get_canon_detect_urls();
    foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {
      pattern = urls[url];
      url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

      buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
      if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

      if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ) {
        is_printer = TRUE;
        reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Honeywell printer, see also gsf/gb_honeywell_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_honeywell_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:FALSE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # Dell printer, see also gb_dell_printer_http_detect.nasl
  urls = get_dell_detect_urls();
  foreach url( keys( urls ) ) {

    pattern = urls[url];
    url = ereg_replace( string:url, pattern:"(#--avoid-dup[0-9]+--#)", replace:"" );

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );
    if( ! buf || buf !~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" )

    if( eregmatch( pattern:pattern, string:buf, icase:FALSE ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Found pattern: " + pattern + " on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

  # TODO: Re-verify these URLs and the banners below
  foreach url( make_list( "/", "/main.asp", "/index.asp",
                          "/index.html", "/index.htm", "/default.html" ) ) {

    buf = http_get_cache( item:url, port:port );

    # Dell
    if( "Dell Laser Printer " >< banner || "Server: EWS-NIC5/" >< banner || "Dell Laser MFP " >< banner ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Dell Banner on port " + port + "/tcp: " + banner;
    # TBD: unknown printers. Ricoh?
    } else if( banner && "Server: GoAhead-Webs" >< banner && "Aficio SP" >< banner || "<title>Web Image Monitor</title>" >< banner ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Printer Banner on port " + port + "/tcp: " + banner;
    # Old HP banner check
    } else if( "<title>Hewlett Packard</title>" >< buf || egrep( pattern:"<title>.*LaserJet.*</title>", string:buf, icase:TRUE ) ||
               "HP Officejet" >< buf || "server: hp-chai" >< tolower( buf ) || ( "Server: Virata-EmWeb/" >< buf && ( "HP" >< banner || "printer" >< buf ) ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "HP Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );
    # Old Xerox banner check
    } else if( "Server: Xerox_MicroServer/Xerox" >< buf || "Server: EWS-NIC" >< buf || "<title>DocuPrint" >< buf || "<title>Phaser" >< buf ||
               ( "XEROX WORKCENTRE" >< buf && "Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved." >< buf ) || ( "DocuCentre" >< buf && "Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd." >< buf ) ) {
      is_printer = TRUE;
      reason     = "Xerox Banner/Text on URL: " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url, url_only:TRUE );

  if( is_printer ) break;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( data:reason );

# nb: This should be at the bottom / the last check as a system supporting IPP isn't necessarily a
# printer (it could be an arbitrary system running e.g. CUPS) and we're thus not setting the
# "Host/is_printer" KB key. But if the check would be done earlier we could not set it even if the
# system is actually a printer.
port = 631;

if( get_port_state( port ) ) {
  attrs = ipp_get_printer_info( port:port );
  # nb: Maybe just checking result is not null should suffice but added an extra check that some content was returned
  if ( ! isnull( attrs ) && is_array( attrs ) )
    is_printer = TRUE;

if( is_printer ) register_and_report( dont_set_is_printer:TRUE, data:"Detected Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) service on port " + port + "/tcp" );

exit( 0 );

# TBD if the following should be still used
# open ports?
#ports = get_kb_list("Ports/tcp/*");
# Host is dead, or all ports closed, or unscanned => cannot decide
#if (isnull(ports)) exit(0);
# Ever seen a printer with more than 8 open ports?
# if (max_index(ports) > 8) exit(0);

# Test if open ports are seen on a printer
#appsocket = 0;
#foreach p (keys(ports))
#  p = int(p - "Ports/tcp/");
#  if (    p == 35                  # AppSocket for QMS
#       || p == 2000                # Xerox
#       || p == 2501                # AppSocket for Xerox
#       || (p >= 3001 && p <= 3005) # Lantronix - several ports
#       || (p >= 9100 && p <= 9300) # AppSocket - several ports
#       || p == 10000               # Lexmark
#       || p == 10001)              # Xerox - programmable :-(
#    appsocket = 1;
# Look for common non-printer ports
#        else if (
#          p != 21              # FTP
#       && p != 23              # telnet
#       && p != 79
#       && p != 80              # www
#       && p != 139 && p!= 445  # SMB
#       && p != 280             # http-mgmt
#       && p != 443
#       && p != 515             # lpd
#       && p != 631            # IPP
#       && p != 8000
#       && (p < 5120 || p > 5129))  # Ports 512x are used on HP printers
#       exit(0);
# OK, this might well be an AppSocket printer
#if (appsocket)
#  log_message(0);
#  service_register(port: 9100, proto: "ignore-this-printer-port");
#  #set_kb_item( name:"Host/dead", value:TRUE );

7.3 High

AI Score

