OpenBSD OpenSSH 8.5p1 - 9.7p1 RCE Vulnerability 'regreSSHion' CVE-2024-638
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
CPE = "cpe:/a:openbsd:openssh";
script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-07-09 05:05:54 +0000 (Tue, 09 Jul 2024)");
script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2024-07-01 13:29:27 +0000 (Mon, 01 Jul 2024)");
script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"7.6");
script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C");
script_tag(name:"severity_vector", value:"CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H");
script_tag(name:"severity_origin", value:"NVD");
script_tag(name:"severity_date", value:"2024-07-05 15:10:37 +0000 (Fri, 05 Jul 2024)");
script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner_unreliable");
script_tag(name:"solution_type", value:"VendorFix");
script_name("OpenBSD OpenSSH < 4.4p1, 8.5p1 - 9.7p1 RCE Vulnerability (regreSSHion)");
script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2024 Greenbone AG");
script_tag(name:"summary", value:"OpenBSD OpenSSH is prone to a remote code execution (RCE)
vulnerability dubbed 'regreSSHion'.");
script_tag(name:"vuldetect", value:"Checks if a vulnerable version is present on the target host.");
script_tag(name:"insight", value:"Vendor insights:
1) Race condition in sshd(8)
A critical vulnerability in sshd(8) was present that may allow arbitrary code execution with root
Successful exploitation has been demonstrated on 32-bit Linux/glibc systems with ASLR. Under lab
conditions, the attack requires on average 6-8 hours of continuous connections up to the maximum
the server will accept. Exploitation on 64-bit systems is believed to be possible but has not been
demonstrated at this time. It's likely that these attacks will be improved upon.
Exploitation on non-glibc systems is conceivable but has not been examined. Systems that lack ASLR
or users of downstream Linux distributions that have modified OpenSSH to disable per-connection
ASLR re-randomisation (yes - this is a thing, no - we don't understand why) may potentially have
an easier path to exploitation.
OpenBSD is not vulnerable.");
script_tag(name:"affected", value:"OpenBSD OpenSSH versions prior to 4.4p1 (unless patched for
CVE-2006-5051 and CVE-2008-4109) and 8.5p1 through 9.7p1.");
script_tag(name:"solution", value:"Update to version 9.8 or later.");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");
if (isnull(port = get_app_port(cpe: CPE)))
if (!infos = get_app_version_and_location(cpe: CPE, port: port, exit_no_version: TRUE))
version = infos["version"];
location = infos["location"];
if (version_is_less(version: version, test_version: "4.4p1") ||
version_in_range(version: version, test_version: "8.5p1", test_version2: "9.7p1")) {
report = report_fixed_ver(installed_version: version, fixed_version: "9.8", install_path: location);
security_message(port: port, data: report);
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