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openvasCopyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbHOPENVAS:1361412562310105227
HistoryFeb 09, 2015 - 12:00 a.m.

Magento Detection (HTTP)

Copyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH

7.4 High

AI Score



HTTP based detection of Magento.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Reworked/extended detection code since 2016 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"0.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N");
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-07-02 05:05:43 +0000 (Tue, 02 Jul 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2015-02-09 12:00:00 +0100 (Mon, 09 Feb 2015)");

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");

  script_name("Magento Detection (HTTP)");


  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2015 SCHUTZWERK GmbH");
  script_family("Product detection");
  script_dependencies("find_service.nasl", "no404.nasl", "webmirror.nasl",
                      "DDI_Directory_Scanner.nasl", "gb_php_http_detect.nasl",
  script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"HTTP based detection of Magento.");

  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");



port = http_get_port( default:80 );
if( ! http_can_host_php( port:port ) )
  exit( 0 );

rootInstalled = FALSE;

foreach dir( make_list_unique( "/", "/magento", "/shop", http_cgi_dirs( port:port ) ) ) {

  if( rootInstalled )

  install = dir;
  if( dir == "/" )
    dir = "";

  found = FALSE;
  flag = FALSE;
  outdatedChangelog = FALSE;

  # nb: Some systems showed redirects for a few of these which are handled below
  url1 = dir + "/admin/";
  res1 = http_get_cache( item:url1, port:port );
  if( res1 && res1 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 30." ) {
    if( redir1 = http_extract_location_from_redirect( port:port, data:res1, current_dir:install ) ) {
      url1 = redir1;
      res1 = http_get_cache( item:url1, port:port );

  url2 = dir + "/";
  res2 = http_get_cache( item:url2, port:port );
  if( res2 && res2 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 30." ) {
    if( redir2 = http_extract_location_from_redirect( port:port, data:res2, current_dir:install ) ) {
      url2 = redir2;
      res2 = http_get_cache( item:url2, port:port );

  url3 = dir + "/RELEASE_NOTES.txt";
  res3 = http_get_cache( item:url3, port:port );

  url4 = dir + "/downloader/";
  res4 = http_get_cache( item:url4, port:port );

  url5 = dir + "/index.php";
  res5 = http_get_cache( item:url5, port:port );
  if( res5 && res5 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 30." ) {
    if( redir5 = http_extract_location_from_redirect( port:port, data:res5, current_dir:install ) ) {
      url5 = redir5;
      res5 = http_get_cache( item:url5, port:port );

  # nb: This one existed on the "/", "/index.php" and "/admin" pages:
  # <meta name="keywords" content="Magento, Varien, E-commerce"/>

  # </div><footer class="login-footer"><a class="link-copyright" href="" target="_blank" title="Magento"></a>
  # Copyright&copy; 2024 Magento Commerce Inc. All rights reserved.</footer></section>    </body>
  if( res1 && res1 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && ( "Magento Inc." >< res1 || "Magento Commerce Inc." >< res1 || "<title>Magento Admin</title>" >< res1 || res1 =~ 'login-footer.+title="Magento"' || '<meta name="keywords" content="Magento, Varien, E-commerce"/>' >< res1 ) ) {
    found = TRUE;
    conclUrl = "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url1, url_only:TRUE );

  # <script type="text/x-magento-init">
  if( res2 && res2 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && ( "/skin/frontend/" >< res2 || "text/x-magento-init" >< res2 || " Magento. All rights reserved.<" >< res2 || '<meta name="keywords" content="Magento, Varien, E-commerce"/>' >< res2 ) ) {
    found = TRUE;
    if( conclUrl )
      conclUrl += '\n';
    conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url2, url_only:TRUE );

  if( res3 && res3 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && "=== Improvements ===" >< res3 ) {
    found = TRUE;
    if( conclUrl )
      conclUrl += '\n';
    conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url3, url_only:TRUE );

  if( res4 && res4 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && "Magento Connect Manager ver." >< res4 ) {
    found = TRUE;
    if( conclUrl )
      conclUrl += '\n';
    conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url4, url_only:TRUE );

  if( res5 && res5 =~ "^HTTP/1\.[01] 200" && ( "/skin/frontend/" >< res5 || "text/x-magento-init" >< res5 || " Magento. All rights reserved.<" >< res5 || '<meta name="keywords" content="Magento, Varien, E-commerce"/>' >< res5 ) ) {
    found = TRUE;
    if( conclUrl )
      conclUrl += '\n';
    conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url5, url_only:TRUE );

  if( found ) {

    version = "unknown";
    if( dir == "" )
      rootInstalled = TRUE;

    ver = eregmatch( pattern:"==== ([0-9\.]+) ====", string:res3 );

    # nb: The RELEASE_NOTES.txt is not updated between version and
    if( ver[1] && ( version_is_less_equal( version:ver[1], test_version:"" ) &&
        "NOTE: Current Release Notes are maintained at:" >!< res3 ) ||
        version_is_greater_equal( version:ver[1], test_version:"" ) ) {
      # nb: No need to add the "conclUrl" here as it was already included previously
      version  = ver[1];
      concluded = ver[0];
      flag     = TRUE;
      if( "NOTE: Current Release Notes are maintained at:" >< res3 )
        outdatedChangelog = TRUE;

    if( ! flag ) {
      ver = eregmatch( pattern:"Magento Connect Manager ver. ([0-9\.]+)", string:res4 );
      if( ver[1] && version_is_less_equal( version:ver[1], test_version:"" ) && ! outdatedChangelog ) {
        # nb: No need to add the "conclUrl" here as it was already included previously
        version  = ver[1];
        concluded = ver[0];

    # nb: First try to read/gather the edition from the release notes
    if( res3 && "magento" >< res3 && "=== Improvements ===" >< res3 ) {
      if( res3 =~ "(c|C)ommunity_(e|E)dition" ) {
        CE    = TRUE;
        extra = '\nEdition gathered from:\n' + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url3, url_only:TRUE );
      else if( res3 =~ "(e|E)nterprise (E|e)dition" ) {
        EE    = TRUE;
        extra = '\nEdition gathered from:\n' + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url3, url_only:TRUE );

    url8 = dir + "/setup/index.php/landing-installer";
    res8 = http_get_cache( item:url8, port:port );

    # <p class="text-version">Version 2.4.6-p5</p>
    ver = eregmatch( pattern:'"text\\-version">Version\\s+([0-9p.-]+)<', string:res8 );
    if( ! isnull( ver[1] ) ) {
      version = ver[1];

      if( conclUrl )
        conclUrl += '\n';
      conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url8, url_only:TRUE );

      if( concluded )
        concluded += '\n';
      concluded += "  " + ver[0];

    # From version 2 on the Major/Minor version and edition can get retrieved over /magento_version.
    # However, this doesn't include any patch information
    # Magento/2.2 (Enterprise)
    # Magento/2.3 (Community)
    # Magento/2.4 (B2B)
    url7 = dir + "/magento_version";
    res7 = http_get_cache( item:url7, port:port );
    ver = eregmatch( pattern:"Magento/([0-9.]+) \((Community|Enterprise|B2B)\)", string:res7 );
    if( ! isnull( ver[1] ) ) {

      if( concluded )
        concluded += '\n';
      concluded += "  " + ver[0];

      if( conclUrl )
        conclUrl += '\n';
      conclUrl += "  " + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url7, url_only:TRUE );

      if( version == "unknown" )
        version = ver[1];

      if( ! isnull( ver[2] ) ) {
        if( ver[2] == "Enterprise" )
          EE = TRUE;
        else if( ver[2] == "Community" )
          CE = TRUE;
          B2B = TRUE;

    # nb: License opens up on accessing URL: /css/styles.css
    if( ! EE || ! CE || ! B2B ) {
      # nb: URL for Enterprise Edition
      url5 = dir + "/errors/enterprise/css/styles.css";
      res5 = http_get_cache( item:url5, port:port );

      if( res5 && res5 =~ "(M|m)agento (E|e)nterprise (E|e)dition" && res5 =~ "license.*enterprise.edition" ) {
        EE    = TRUE;
        extra = '\nEdition gathered from:\n' + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url5, url_only:TRUE );
      } else {
        # nb: URL for Community Edition
        url6 = dir + "/errors/default/css/styles.css";
        res6 = http_get_cache( item:url6, port:port );

        if( res6 && res6 =~ "(M|m)agento" && res6 =~ "license.*opensource.*Free" ) {
          CE    = TRUE;
          extra = '\nEdition gathered from:\n' + http_report_vuln_url( port:port, url:url6, url_only:TRUE );

    if( CE ) {
      set_kb_item( name:"magento/edition/" + port + "/" + install, value:"CE" );
      app = "Magento (Community Edition)";
    } else if( EE ) {
      set_kb_item( name:"magento/edition/" + port + "/" + install, value:"EE" );
      app = "Magento (Enterprise Edition)";
    } else if( B2B ) {
      set_kb_item( name:"magento/edition/" + port + "/" + install, value:"B2B" );
      app = "Magento (B2B Edition)";
    } else {
      app = "Magento (Unknown Edition)";

    set_kb_item( name:"magento/installed", value:TRUE );

    # nb: The above should be replaced with these in the future
    set_kb_item( name:"magento/detected", value:TRUE );
    set_kb_item( name:"magento/http/detected", value:TRUE );

    cpe = build_cpe( value:version, exp:"([0-9a-z.-]+)", base:"cpe:/a:magentocommerce:magento:" );
    if( ! cpe )
      cpe = "cpe:/a:magentocommerce:magento";

    register_product( cpe:cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );

    log_message( data:build_detection_report( app:app,
                                              concluded:concluded ),
                 port:port );

exit( 0 );

7.4 High

AI Score

