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openvasCopyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AGOPENVAS:1361412562310104593
HistoryMar 07, 2023 - 12:00 a.m.

Riello UPS / NetMan 204 Detection Consolidation

Copyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AG
riello netman 204
riello ups
uninterruptible power supply

AI Score




Consolidation of Riello NetMan 204 network card and the
underlying uninterruptible power supply (UPS) device detections.

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Greenbone AG
# Some text descriptions might be excerpted from (a) referenced
# source(s), and are Copyright (C) by the respective right holder(s).
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later


if (description)
  script_tag(name:"last_modification", value:"2024-07-03 06:48:05 +0000 (Wed, 03 Jul 2024)");
  script_tag(name:"creation_date", value:"2023-03-07 07:51:46 +0000 (Tue, 07 Mar 2023)");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base", value:"0.0");
  script_tag(name:"cvss_base_vector", value:"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N");
  script_name("Riello UPS / NetMan 204 Detection Consolidation");
  script_copyright("Copyright (C) 2023 Greenbone AG");
  script_family("Product detection");
  if(FEED_NAME == "GSF" || FEED_NAME == "GEF" || FEED_NAME == "SCM")

  script_xref(name:"URL", value:"");

  script_tag(name:"summary", value:"Consolidation of Riello NetMan 204 network card and the
  underlying uninterruptible power supply (UPS) device detections.");

  script_tag(name:"qod_type", value:"remote_banner");



if( ! get_kb_item( "riello/netman_204/detected" ) )
  exit( 0 );

detected_ups_model = "unknown";
detected_ups_fw_version = "unknown";
detected_netman_app_version = "unknown";
detected_netman_sys_version = "unknown";

foreach source( make_list( "http", "snmp" ) ) {
  ups_model_list = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/" + source + "/*/ups_model" );
  foreach ups_model( ups_model_list ) {
    if( ups_model != "unknown" && detected_ups_model == "unknown" ) {
      detected_ups_model = ups_model;
      set_kb_item( name:"riello/ups/model", value:detected_ups_model );

  ups_fw_vers_list = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/" + source + "/*/ups_fw_version" );
  foreach ups_fw_vers( ups_fw_vers_list ) {
    if( ups_fw_vers != "unknown" && detected_ups_fw_version == "unknown" ) {
      detected_ups_fw_version = ups_fw_vers;
      set_kb_item( name:"riello/ups/firmware_version", value:detected_ups_fw_version );

  netman_sys_vers_list = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/" + source + "/*/netman_sys_version" );
  foreach netman_sys_vers( netman_sys_vers_list ) {
    if( netman_sys_vers != "unknown" && detected_netman_sys_version == "unknown" ) {
      detected_netman_sys_version = netman_sys_vers;
      set_kb_item( name:"riello/netman_204/sys_version", value:detected_netman_sys_version );

  netman_app_vers_list = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/" + source + "/*/netman_app_version" );
  foreach netman_app_vers( netman_app_vers_list ) {
    if( netman_app_vers != "unknown" && detected_netman_app_version == "unknown" ) {
      detected_netman_app_version = netman_app_vers;
      set_kb_item( name:"riello/netman_204/app_version", value:detected_netman_app_version );

netman_hw_name = "Riello NetMan 204";
netman_hw_cpe = "cpe:/h:riello-ups:netman_204";

if( detected_ups_model != "unknown" ) {
  ups_hw_name = "Riello " + detected_ups_model + " UPS";
  ups_hw_cpe = "cpe:/h:riello-ups:" + tolower( detected_ups_model );
  # nb: Some models (at least via SNMP) are gathered with a space in between like e.g.:
  # MST 30
  ups_hw_cpe = str_replace( string:ups_hw_cpe, find:" ", replace:"_" );
} else {
  ups_hw_name = "Riello Unknown UPS Model";
  ups_hw_cpe = "cpe:/h:riello-ups:unknown_model";

# The "firmware" version of the UPS is added to the hardware CPE of it
if( detected_ups_fw_version != "unknown" )
  ups_hw_cpe += ":" + tolower( detected_ups_fw_version );

netman_os_name = "Riello NetMan 204 Firmware";
netman_os_cpe = "cpe:/o:riello-ups:netman_204_firmware";

# nb: We're assuming the System version as the OS version for now until otherwise determined that
# the Application version should be used instead
if( detected_netman_sys_version != "unknown" )
  netman_os_cpe += ":" + tolower( detected_netman_sys_version );

# nb: "Application version" might be the version of the web app
netman_app_name = "Riello NetMan 204 Application";
netman_app_cpe = "cpe:/a:riello-ups:netman_204";
if( detected_netman_app_version != "unknown" )
  netman_app_cpe += ":" + tolower( detected_netman_app_version );

os_register_and_report( os:netman_os_name, cpe:netman_os_cpe, port:0, desc:"Riello UPS / NetMan 204 Detection Consolidation", runs_key:"unixoide" );

install = "/";

if( http_ports = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/http/port" ) ) {
  foreach port( http_ports ) {
    extra += 'HTTP(s) on port ' + port + '/tcp\n';

    concluded = get_kb_item( "riello/netman_204/http/" + port + "/concluded" );
    if( concluded )
      extra += '  Concluded from version/product identification result:' + concluded + '\n';

    concUrl = get_kb_item( "riello/netman_204/http/" + port + "/concludedUrl" );
    if( concUrl )
      extra += '  Concluded from version/product identification location:\n' + concUrl + '\n';

    register_product( cpe:netman_os_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );
    register_product( cpe:ups_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_app_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"www" );

if( ftp_ports = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/ftp/port" ) ) {
  foreach port( ftp_ports ) {
    extra += 'FTP on port ' + port + '/tcp\n';

    concluded = get_kb_item( "riello/netman_204/ftp/" + port + "/concluded" );
    if( concluded )
      extra += '  Concluded from version/product identification result:' + concluded + '\n';

    register_product( cpe:netman_os_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"ftp" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"ftp" );
    register_product( cpe:ups_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"ftp" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_app_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"ftp" );

if( snmp_ports = get_kb_list( "riello/netman_204/snmp/port" ) ) {
  foreach port( snmp_ports ) {
    extra += 'SNMP on port ' + port + '/udp\n';

    concluded = get_kb_item( "riello/netman_204/snmp/" + port + "/concluded" );
    if( concluded )
      extra += '  Concluded from version/product identification result:' + concluded + '\n';

    register_product( cpe:netman_os_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"snmp", proto:"udp" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"snmp", proto:"udp" );
    register_product( cpe:ups_hw_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"snmp", proto:"udp" );
    register_product( cpe:netman_app_cpe, location:install, port:port, service:"snmp", proto:"udp" );

report = build_detection_report( app:netman_os_name, version:detected_netman_sys_version, install:install, cpe:netman_os_cpe );
report += '\n\n';
report += build_detection_report( app:netman_hw_name, skip_version:TRUE, install:install, cpe:netman_hw_cpe );
report += '\n\n';
report += build_detection_report( app:ups_hw_name, version:detected_ups_fw_version, install:install, cpe:ups_hw_cpe );
report += '\n\n';
report += build_detection_report( app:netman_app_name, version:detected_netman_app_version, install:install, cpe:netman_app_cpe );

if( extra ) {
  report += '\n\nDetection methods:\n';
  report += '\n' + extra;

log_message( port:0, data:chomp( report ) );

exit( 0 );

AI Score


