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HistoryApr 05, 2020 - 1:30 p.m. Cross Site Scripting vulnerability


Open Bug Bounty ID: OBB-1133471

Security Researcher g0bl1nsec Helped patch 3741 vulnerabilities
Received 4 Coordinated Disclosure badges
Received 3 recommendations , a holder of 4 badges for responsible and coordinated disclosure, found a security vulnerability
website and its users.

Following coordinated and responsible vulnerability disclosure guidelines of the ISO 29147 standard, Open Bug Bounty has:

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspa. verified the vulnerability and confirmed its existence;
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspb. notified the website operator about its existence.

Technical details of the vulnerability are currently hidden (“On Hold”) to give website operator/owner sufficient time to patch the vulnerability without putting any of its systems or users at risk. Once patched, vulnerability details can be publicly disclosed by the researcher in at least 30 days since the submission. If for a reason the vulnerability remains unpatched, its details can be disclosed only 90 days.

Affected Website:
Open Bug Bounty Program: Create your bounty program now. It’s open and free.
Vulnerable Application: [hidden until disclosure]
Vulnerability Type: XSS (Cross Site Scripting) / CWE-79
CVSSv3 Score: [hidden until disclosure]
Disclosure Standard: Coordinated Disclosure based on ISO 29147 guidelines
Discovered and Reported by: **g0bl1nsec Helped patch 3741 vulnerabilities
Received 4 Coordinated Disclosure badges
Received 3 recommendations **
Remediation Guide: OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet

Coordinated Disclosure Timeline

Vulnerability Reported: 5 April, 2020 13:30 GMT
Vulnerability Verified: 5 April, 2020 13:42 GMT
Website Operator Notified: 5 April, 2020 13:42 GMT
a. Using the ISO 29147 guidelines
b. Using publicly available security contacts
c. Using Open Bug Bounty notification framework
d. Using security contacts provided by the researcher
Public Report Published
[without any technical details]: 5 April, 2020 13:42 GMT
Scheduled Public Disclosure: A security researcher can delete the report before public disclosure, afterwards the report cannot be deleted or modified anymore. The researcher can also postpone public disclosure date as long as reasonably required to remediate the vulnerability. 4 July, 2020 13:30 GMT