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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.XEN_SERVER_XSA-348.NASL
HistoryJan 05, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Xen xenstored watch DoS (XSA-348)

This script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on the remote host is affected by a denial of service vulnerability. When they require assistance from the device model, x86 HVM guests must be temporarily de-scheduled. The device model will signal Xen when it has completed its operation, via an event channel, so that the relevant vCPU is rescheduled. If the device model were to signal Xen without having actually completed the operation, the de-schedule / re-schedule cycle would repeat. If, in addition, Xen is resignalled very quickly, the re-schedule may occur before the de-schedule was fully complete, triggering a shortcut. This potentially repeating process uses ordinary recursive function calls, and thus could result in a stack overflow. A malicious or buggy stubdomain serving a HVM guest can cause Xen to crash, resulting in a Denial of Service (DoS) to the entire host. Only x86 systems are affected. Arm systems are not affected. Only x86 stubdomains serving HVM guests can exploit the vulnerability.

Note that Nessus has not tested for this issue but has instead relied only on the application’s self-reported version number.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2021/06/03");

  script_xref(name:"IAVB", value:"2020-B-0077-S");

  script_name(english:"Xen xenstored watch DoS (XSA-348)");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Xen hypervisor installation is missing a security update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on the remote host is affected by a denial
of service vulnerability. When they require assistance from the device model, x86 HVM guests must be temporarily
de-scheduled. The device model will signal Xen when it has completed its operation, via an event channel, so that the
relevant vCPU is rescheduled. If the device model were to signal Xen without having actually completed the operation,
the de-schedule / re-schedule cycle would repeat. If, in addition, Xen is resignalled very quickly, the re-schedule may
occur before the de-schedule was fully complete, triggering a shortcut. This potentially repeating process uses ordinary
recursive function calls, and thus could result in a stack overflow. A malicious or buggy stubdomain serving a HVM guest
can cause Xen to crash, resulting in a Denial of Service (DoS) to the entire host. Only x86 systems are affected. Arm
systems are not affected. Only x86 stubdomains serving HVM guests can exploit the vulnerability.

Note that Nessus has not tested for this issue but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version 
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Apply the appropriate patch or workaround according to the vendor advisory.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2020-29566");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2020/12/15");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2020/12/15");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2021/01/05");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"potential_vulnerability", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:xen:xen");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"stig_severity", value:"II");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("installed_sw/Xen Hypervisor", "Settings/ParanoidReport");



app = 'Xen Hypervisor';

app_info = vcf::xen_hypervisor::get_app_info(app:app);

if (report_paranoia < 2) audit(AUDIT_PARANOID);

fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver']           = '4.10.4';
fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.10.4 (changeset cbc06ee)';
fixes['4.10']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.10\.";
fixes['4.10']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('fef52f1', '7073b82',
  '3056f89', '03569ab', '17b26b8', '66e2db1', 'fcc17dc', 'e644edc',
  '7e16a0e', 'a4c2c94', 'bdd36b6', '59dc712', '57a55a4', '03937f9',
  'f06e4ac', '3658044', '9edd614', '8cb4d2d', '2fee46c', '06092d1',
  '77d6b2b', 'a043a64', '3afd384', 'e8231b6', '1d72d99', '8eb5328',
  'f79f47f', 'f91d2a9', '1fdcfdb', '17ec9b4', '15b2980', '398f91c',
  '5114e77', '7a4ec79', '78d903e', '2012db4', '71da63b', '56f8da7',
  'd73e972', '6f012ec', '75a05da', 'c334b87', '07ad8ff', '1719f79',
  'f58caa4', 'f2befb6', '83b7f04', 'e081568', '7f0793a', '8fac37e',
  'baf80b6', '5402540', 'f85223f', '635ae12', '3d14937', '4218b74',
  '93be943', '4418841', 'd9c67d3', '8976bab', '388e303', '0b0a155',
  '9df4399', 'fd57038', 'a9bda69', 'a380168', 'c1a4914', '6261a06',
  'fd6e49e', 'bd20589', 'ce05683', '934d6e1', '6e636f2', 'dfc0b23',
  '2f83654', 'bf467cc', '6df4d40', 'e20bb58', 'a1a9b05', 'afca67f',
  'b922c44', 'b413732', '3d60903', 'b01c84e', '1e722e6', '59cf3a0',
  'fabfce8', 'a4dd2fe', '6e63a6f', '24d62e1', 'cbedabf', '38e589d',
  'a91b8fc', '3e0c316', '49a5d6e', '6cb1cb9', 'ba2776a', '9d143e8',
  'fe8dab3', '07e546e', 'fefa5f9', 'c9f9ff7', '406d40d', 'e489955',
  '37139f1', 'fde09cb', '804ba02', 'e8c3971', 'a8c4293', 'aa40452',
  '1da3dab', 'e5632c4', '902e72d', '6a14610', 'ea815b2', '13ad331',
  '61b75d9', 'e70e7bf', 'e966e2e', 'dfa16a1', 'a71e199', 'c98be9e',
  'a548e10', 'd3c0e84', '53b1572', '7203f9a', '6d1659d', 'a782173',
  '24e90db', '0824bc6', 'e6f3135', '3131bf9');

fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver']           = '4.11.4';
fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.11.4 (changeset 24f7d03)';
fixes['4.11']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.11\.";
fixes['4.11']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('f1f3dee', '1e87058',
  '4cc2387', '4053771', 'b3f4121', 'e36f81f', '1034a45', '7791d2e',
  '5724431', '495e973', '771a105', 'b3f80a3', '966f266', '57261ac',
  '1b7ed67', '0a6bbf9', '6be47ee', '2fe5a55', '36621b7', '88f6ff5',
  '170445f', '550387f', '0297770', 'd2b6bf9', '41a822c', '8ab4af9',
  '4fe1326', '4438fc1', '2a730d5', '62aed78', '1447d44', '3b5de11',
  '65fad0a', 'b5eb495', 'e274c8b', '1d021db', '63199df', '7739ffd',
  '4f35f7f', '490c517', '7912bbe', 'f5ec9f2', 'ad7d040', '3630a36',
  '3263f25', '3e565a9', '30b3f29', '3def846', 'cc1561a', '6e9de08',
  '13f60bf', '9703a2f', '7284bfa', '2fe163d', '2031bd3', '7bf4983',
  '7129b9e', 'ddaaccb', 'e6ddf4a', 'f2bc74c', 'd623658', '37c853a',
  '8bf72ea', '2d11e6d', '4ed0007', '7def72c', '18be3aa', 'a3a392e',
  'e96cdba', '2b77729', '9be7992', 'b8d476a', '1c751c4', '7dd2ac3',
  'a58bba2', '7d8fa6a', '4777208', '48e8564', '2efca7e', 'afe82f5',
  'e84b634', '96a8b5b');

fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver']           = '4.12.4';
fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.12.4 (changeset 4943ea7)';
fixes['4.12']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.12\.";
fixes['4.12']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('3c13a87', 'd4b884b',
  '7da9325', 'd6d3b13', '9fe89e1', 'd009b8d', '674108e', 'bfda5ae',
  '551d75d', '5e1bac4', 'f8443e8', '655190d', 'f860f42', '9f73020',
  'aeebc0c', 'f1a4126', 'b1efedb', '4739f79', '0dbcdcc', '444b717',
  '544a775', 'c64ff3b', '8145d38', '14f577b', '40ab019', '1dd870e',
  '5c15a1c', '6602544', '14c9c0f', 'dee5d47', '7b2f479', '46ad884',
  'eaafa72', '0e6975b', '8e0c2a2', '51eca39', '7ae2afb', '5e11fd5',
  '34056b2', 'fd4cc0b', '4f9294d', '97b7b55');

fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver']           = '4.13.3';
fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.13.3-pre (changeset 16d0dc0)';
fixes['4.13']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.13\.";
fixes['4.13']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('13afcdf', 'd39eb6f',
  'a2f7ae1', 'd6a55f1', 'c6196ca', '18c0abb', '782aa4b', '6aea4d8',
  '12a41a8', '4056c3e', 'f4d84a2', '65c187f', '2df79ff', 'b693968',
  '52a0a8f', '60e3727', '8cc0a86', 'ef765f6', 'b8f23da', 'ee416da',
  '1819c9d', '1ab192f', '2007c63', '2948458', '4959626', '2fa586c',
  'b530227', '74c5729', 'a1d8a6c', 'd064b65', '4f30743', '72031bc',
  '7d6f52d', 'ec09215');

fixes['4.14']['fixed_ver']           = '4.14.1';
fixes['4.14']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.14.1-pre (changeset d8f08a4)';
fixes['4.14']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.14\.";
fixes['4.14']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('5174e42', 'bfc99c3',
  '13268c5', 'de822c4', '57bbcd0', '7214cc7', '49ed711', 'dc871dd',
  'b1c5e40', '61d3863', '9e53440', '335ef5b', '6fa3e05', 'f4405b6',
  '228e562', '0a79a1b', '5073c6b', '5259358', '3d0e1a1', '117521e',
  '91992c7', '4e298fa', '3beffb3', 'da67712', '9c898a8', 'f130d5f',
  '1d1d1f5', '72bd989', '8e6c236', '1cfb9b1', '7c6ee4e', 'd11d977',
  '1ad1773', '0057b1f', 'd101b41', 'd95f450', '73a0927', 'a38060e',
  '78a53f0', '89ae1b1', '7398a44', '59b8366', '1f9f1cb', 'f728b2d',
  '71a12a9', '0c96e42', '29b48aa', 'd131310', '7d2b21f', 'f61c5d0',
  'fc8fab1', '898864c', '9f954ae', '5784d1e', '10bb63c', '941f69a',
  '7b1e587', 'ee47e8e', '4ba3fb0', 'd2ba323', 'b081a5f', 'e936515',
  '9c1cc64', '829dbe2', '8d14800', '0521dc9', '64c3951', '0974e00',
  'a279fcb', 'f7ab0c1', '7339975', '94c157f', '79f1701', '9e757fc',
  '809a70b', 'b427109', 'c93b520', 'f37a1cf', '5478934', '43eceee',
  '03019c2', '66cdf34', 'ecc6428', '2ee270e', '9b9fc8e', 'b8c2efb',
  'f546906', 'eb4a543', 'e417504', '0bc4177', '5ad3152', 'fc8200a',
  '5eab5f0', 'b04d673', '28855eb', '174be04', '158c3bd', '3535f23',
  'de7e543', '483b43c', '431d52a', 'ceafff7', '369e7a3', '98aa6ea',
  '80dec06', '5482c28', 'edf5b86', 'eca6d5e', 'c3a0fc2', '864d570',
  'afed8e4', 'a5dab0a', 'b8c3e33', 'f836759');

vcf::xen_hypervisor::check_version_and_report(app_info:app_info, fixes:fixes, severity:SECURITY_WARNING);