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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.XEN_SERVER_XSA-327.NASL
HistoryApr 29, 2021 - 12:00 a.m.

Xen Missing Alignment Check DoS (XSA-327)

This script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on the remote host is affected by an issue allowing Arm guest OS users to cause a hypervisor crash because of a missing alignment check in VCPUOP_register_vcpu_info. The hypercall VCPUOP_register_vcpu_info is used by a guest to register a shared region with the hypervisor. The region will be mapped into Xen address space so it can be directly accessed. On Arm, the region is accessed with instructions that require a specific alignment. Unfortunately, there is no check that the address provided by the guest will be correctly aligned. As a result, a malicious guest could cause a hypervisor crash by passing a misaligned address. A malicious guest administrator may cause a hypervisor crash, resulting in a Denial of Service (DoS). All Xen versions are vulnerable. Only Arm systems are vulnerable. x86 systems are not affected.

Note that Nessus has not tested for this issue but has instead relied only on the application’s self-reported version number.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2021/04/30");


  script_name(english:"Xen Missing Alignment Check DoS (XSA-327)");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Xen hypervisor installation is missing a security update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on the remote host is affected by an issue
allowing Arm guest OS users to cause a hypervisor crash because of a missing alignment check in
VCPUOP_register_vcpu_info. The hypercall VCPUOP_register_vcpu_info is used by a guest to register a shared region with
the hypervisor. The region will be mapped into Xen address space so it can be directly accessed. On Arm, the region is
accessed with instructions that require a specific alignment. Unfortunately, there is no check that the address provided
by the guest will be correctly aligned. As a result, a malicious guest could cause a hypervisor crash by passing a
misaligned address. A malicious guest administrator may cause a hypervisor crash, resulting in a Denial of Service
(DoS). All Xen versions are vulnerable. Only Arm systems are vulnerable. x86 systems are not affected.

Note that Nessus has not tested for this issue but has instead relied only on the application's self-reported version   
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Apply the appropriate patch according to the vendor advisory.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2020-15564");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2020/07/07");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2020/07/07");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2021/04/29");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"potential_vulnerability", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:xen:xen");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2021 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("installed_sw/Xen Hypervisor", "Settings/ParanoidReport");



var app = 'Xen Hypervisor';
var app_info = vcf::xen_hypervisor::get_app_info(app:app);
if (report_paranoia < 2) audit(AUDIT_PARANOID);

var fixes;

fixes['4.9']['fixed_ver']           = '4.9.4';
fixes['4.9']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.9.4 (changeset 4597fc9)';
fixes['4.9']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.9([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.9']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('a852040', '3c9a984',
  '46d6a07', '8391701', '1c51a29', '7338b33', '6fe2c30', '6ee71c9',
  '098d959', '7154530', '6e477c2', '6a1c431', '41f597f', '1eae172',
  'f1e75e5', 'f034ab4', '9737f89', '1dd6478', '80d78ac', 'ad0c1a0',
  '04af886', '93cc305', '45c9073', '773686b', '4e79375', '8d26adc',
  'b3718b7', 'cf2e9cc', '43ab30b', '55bd90d', '173e805', '248f22e',
  'ec229c2', 'e879bfe', 'ce126c9', '4b69427', '8d1ee9f', 'e60b3a9',
  '25f5530', '49db55f', 'fa34ed5', '704f7ec', 'a930a74', '8c52ee2',
  '2e15a19', '70639ac', 'c3b479d', 'e349eae', '632fb4e', '4608c6d',
  '7daacca', '859e48e', '5be2dd0', 'b0147bd', 'cadd66a', 'd3c4b60',
  'd59f5c4', '44303c6', '79538ba', '80c3157', '73f1a55', 'bc20fb1',
  '754a531', '7b032c2', 'ff4fdf0', '8d2a688', 'b9013d7', 'bc8e5ec',
  '34907f5', 'e70bf7e', 'fa0b891', '3a8177c', '04ec835', '8d63ec4',
  '1ff6b4d', 'f092d86', 'e4b534f', '87c49fe', '19becb8', '43775c0',
  'f6b0f33', 'a17e75c', '67530e7', 'f804549', '84f81a8', '56aa239',
  '105db42', 'd9da3ea', 'ac90240', '3db28b0', '9b6f1c0', '0c4bbad',
  '917d8d3', '3384ea4', '352421f', '04e9dcb', '1612f15', 'f952b1d',
  '63d9330', 'f72414a', 'ac3a5f8', '1ae6b8e', '1dd3dcc', '7390fa1',
  '7e78dc4', '8fdfb1e', '55d36e2', '045f37c', 'dd7e637', '7a40b5b', 'f5acf97');

fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver']           = '4.10.4';
fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.10.4 (changeset 93be943)';
fixes['4.10']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.10([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.10']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('4418841', 'd9c67d3',
  '8976bab', '388e303', '0b0a155', '9df4399', 'fd57038', 'a9bda69',
  'a380168', 'c1a4914', '6261a06', 'fd6e49e', 'bd20589', 'ce05683',
  '934d6e1', '6e636f2', 'dfc0b23', '2f83654', 'bf467cc', '6df4d40',
  'e20bb58', 'a1a9b05', 'afca67f', 'b922c44', 'b413732', '3d60903',
  'b01c84e', '1e722e6', '59cf3a0', 'fabfce8', 'a4dd2fe', '6e63a6f',
  '24d62e1', 'cbedabf', '38e589d', 'a91b8fc', '3e0c316', '49a5d6e',
  '6cb1cb9', 'ba2776a', '9d143e8', 'fe8dab3', '07e546e', 'fefa5f9',
  'c9f9ff7', '406d40d', 'e489955', '37139f1', 'fde09cb', '804ba02',
  'e8c3971', 'a8c4293', 'aa40452', '1da3dab', 'e5632c4', '902e72d',
  '6a14610', 'ea815b2', '13ad331', '61b75d9', 'e70e7bf', 'e966e2e',
  'dfa16a1', 'a71e199', 'c98be9e', 'a548e10', 'd3c0e84', '53b1572',
  '7203f9a', '6d1659d', 'a782173', '24e90db', '0824bc6', 'e6f3135', '3131bf9');

fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver']           = '4.11.4';
fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.11.4 (changeset ddaaccb)';
fixes['4.11']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.11([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.11']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('e6ddf4a', 'f2bc74c',
  'd623658', '37c853a', '8bf72ea', '2d11e6d', '4ed0007', '7def72c',
  '18be3aa', 'a3a392e', 'e96cdba', '2b77729', '9be7992', 'b8d476a',
  '1c751c4', '7dd2ac3', 'a58bba2', '7d8fa6a', '4777208', '48e8564',
  '2efca7e', 'afe82f5', 'e84b634', '96a8b5b');

fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver']           = '4.12.4';
fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.12.4-pre (changeset 19e0bbb)';
fixes['4.12']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.12([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.12']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('d96c0f1', '653811e',
  '26072a5', 'b292255', '38dc269', '5733de6', 'd69f305', '8faa45e',
  '731bdaf', 'ec57b9a', 'a634229', '050fe48', '436ec68', '96e8aba',
  '7cdc0cf', 'd937532', '7641573', '7eed533', '74a1230', '946113a',
  '6182e5d', 'ad20170', '218a19b', 'aca68b9', '1f581f9', '4969f34',
  'ed44947', '2eb277e', 'b3af150', 'f769c99', 'bcdaffc', '2b10a32',
  'a022f36', 'dd49ddf', 'bc775d0', 'be5c240');

fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver']           = '4.13.2';
fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.13.2-pre (changeset 378321b)';
fixes['4.13']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.13([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.13']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('572e349', '0c8c10d',
  '493e143', '8b9be8f', 'f1055a2', '005d5ea', '1c7a98c', '2b34d8c',
  '56e117f', '7a76deb', '3e41b72', '9f7e8ba', 'cdd8f95', 'a9d46ba',
  '05ba427', '780d376', '31c5d84', '27d4f1a', '11ea967', '53bafb5',
  'b4afe05', '74ce65c', '0243559', '8ad99de', 'ea7e8d2', '350aaca',
  'c3eea2c', '0523225', '672976c', 'a6f2080', 'c437e06', '0a85f84',
  '85ac008', '7f6b66d', '04aedf4', 'f2ad77b', 'd61fef6', 'eccc242',
  '6bfb364', 'bdddd33', '7d57caa', 'd74eb10', '9eec3ee', 'd112db3', '333519f');

fixes['4.14']['fixed_ver']           = '4.14.0';
fixes['4.14']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.14.0-rc (changeset 3fdc211)';
fixes['4.14']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.14([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.14']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('c23274f', 'a64ea16',
  '23570bc', 'b6d9398', '91526b4', '6229882', '5fe515a', 'bc3d9f9',
  '1104288', '23a216f', '2e9c2bc', 'f97f99c', '158912a', 'd44cbbe',
  'be63d9d', '5b718d2', '0dbed3a', '5b13eb1', '3b7dab9', '23ca7ec',
  '0e2e549', 'da53345', 'd476440', '88cfd06', '92167e9', 'bcdfbb7',
  '40b532f', 'd20c0f1', '620225c', 'bfb310e', 'ace450e', '2b1a218',
  '20b65c1', 'fbdf181', '01b9a28', '2c8ac47', 'ed69c2e', '3471caf',
  'f91d103', 'd3688bf', 'e4d2207', 'f325d24', 'fde76f8', '4f4f6a6',
  'b67e859', '81ebf6e', 'f1d376a', 'f0dca89', '25636ed', '71ca0e0',
  'fde4acd', '54463aa', '1accd92', '057012d', 'f79cd47', '585c7f4',
  'c22ced9', '700738b', '3625b04', 'd3db7e0', '05f488e', '3371ced',
  '1251402', 'fec6a7a', 'b91825f', '2995d0a', '6fa25d5', '3664f7b',
  'b87dd7b', '10ea4e4', 'aad20e5', '7028534', 'ceaae74', '6a49b9a',
  'caab85a', '058023b', '30a72f0', '1a58d8d', '31a714d', 'f7039ee',
  '1fe4066', '985ba41', '835d8d6', '63b4c9b', '16c36d2', '03dc5f0',
  '11ba5cd', '726c78d', '75131ad');

fixes['4.15']['fixed_ver']           = '4.15.0';
fixes['4.15']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.15.0-rc (changeset 3fdc211)';
fixes['4.15']['affected_ver_regex']  = "^4\.15([^0-9]|$)";
fixes['4.15']['affected_changesets'] = make_list('c23274f', 'a64ea16',
  '23570bc', 'b6d9398', '91526b4', '6229882', '5fe515a', 'bc3d9f9',
  '1104288', '23a216f', '2e9c2bc', 'f97f99c', '158912a', 'd44cbbe',
  'be63d9d', '5b718d2', '0dbed3a', '5b13eb1', '3b7dab9', '23ca7ec',
  '0e2e549', 'da53345', 'd476440', '88cfd06', '92167e9', 'bcdfbb7',
  '40b532f', 'd20c0f1', '620225c', 'bfb310e', 'ace450e', '2b1a218',
  '20b65c1', 'fbdf181', '01b9a28', '2c8ac47', 'ed69c2e', '3471caf',
  'f91d103', 'd3688bf', 'e4d2207', 'f325d24', 'fde76f8', '4f4f6a6',
  'b67e859', '81ebf6e', 'f1d376a', 'f0dca89', '25636ed', '71ca0e0',
  'fde4acd', '54463aa', '1accd92', '057012d', 'f79cd47', '585c7f4',
  'c22ced9', '700738b', '3625b04', 'd3db7e0', '05f488e', '3371ced',
  '1251402', 'fec6a7a', 'b91825f', '2995d0a', '6fa25d5', '3664f7b',
  'b87dd7b', '10ea4e4', 'aad20e5', '7028534', 'ceaae74', '6a49b9a',
  'caab85a', '058023b', '30a72f0', '1a58d8d', '31a714d', 'f7039ee',
  '1fe4066', '985ba41', '835d8d6', '63b4c9b', '16c36d2', '03dc5f0',
  '11ba5cd', '726c78d', '75131ad');

vcf::xen_hypervisor::check_version_and_report(app_info:app_info, fixes:fixes, severity:SECURITY_WARNING);