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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2019-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.XEN_SERVER_XSA-310.NASL
HistoryDec 19, 2019 - 12:00 a.m.

Xen Project Restartable PV Type Change Operations Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (XSA-310)

This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on the remote host is affected by an elevation of privilege vulnerability due to race conditions in the pagetable promotion and demotion operations. An authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this issue, by triggering race conditions and cause Xen to drop or retain extra type counts, to get write access to in-use pagetables and potentially gain elevated privileges.

Advisory XSA-310 addresses edge-cases not identified in XSA-299. HVM and PVH guests cannot exercise this vulnerability. ARM systems are not vulnerable because ARM guests are all PVH.

Note that Nessus has checked the changeset versions based on the xen.git change log. Nessus did not check guest hardware configurations or if patches were applied manually to the source code before a recompile and reinstall.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/07/10");

  script_xref(name:"IAVB", value:"2019-B-0091-S");

  script_name(english:"Xen Project Restartable PV Type Change Operations Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability (XSA-310)");
  script_summary(english:"Checks 'xl info' output for the Xen hypervisor version.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The remote Xen hypervisor installation is missing a security update.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"According to its self-reported version number, the Xen hypervisor installed on
the remote host is affected by an elevation of privilege vulnerability due to
race conditions in the pagetable promotion and demotion operations. An
authenticated, remote attacker can exploit this issue, by triggering race
conditions and cause Xen to drop or retain extra type counts, to get write
access to in-use pagetables and potentially gain elevated privileges.

Advisory XSA-310 addresses edge-cases not identified in XSA-299. HVM and PVH
guests cannot exercise this vulnerability. ARM systems are not vulnerable
because ARM guests are all PVH.

Note that Nessus has checked the changeset versions based on the xen.git change
log. Nessus did not check guest hardware configurations or if patches were
applied manually to the source code before a recompile and reinstall.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:";a=summary");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Apply the appropriate patch according to the vendor advisory.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cvss_score_source", value:"CVE-2019-19580");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"exploitability_ease", value:"No known exploits are available");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"vuln_publication_date", value:"2019/12/11");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"patch_publication_date", value:"2019/12/11");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2019/12/19");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"potential_vulnerability", value:"true");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"local");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:xen:xen");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"stig_severity", value:"I");


  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2019-2020 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");

  script_require_keys("installed_sw/Xen Hypervisor", "Settings/ParanoidReport");



app_name = "Xen Hypervisor";
install  = get_single_install(app_name:app_name);
if (report_paranoia < 2) audit(AUDIT_PARANOID);

version         = install['version'];
display_version = install['display_version'];
path            = install['path'];
managed_status  = install['Managed status'];
changeset       = install['Changeset'];

if (!empty_or_null(changeset))
  display_version += " (changeset " + changeset + ")";

# Installations that are vendor-managed are handled by OS-specific local package checks
if (managed_status == "managed")
  audit(AUDIT_INST_PATH_NOT_VULN, app_name, display_version, path);

fixes['4.8']['fixed_ver']           = '4.8.5';
fixes['4.8']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.8.5 (changeset e60c718)';
fixes['4.8']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.8\\.';
fixes['4.8']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("d46f8e0", "3430c46",
  "bafcd7f", "76dad2e", "714a65a", "d1d3431", "a260e93", "ec6c25e",
  "1486caf", "4c666a7", "a70ba89", "6082eac", "fb93a9b", "80e67e4",
  "dc62982", "aca2511", "17c3324", "4ffb12e", "929ec99", "ae9ec06",
  "6c4efc1", "2867c7e", "611ca5b", "12ac129", "f1bf612", "422d637",
  "6699295", "10105fa", "bf78103", "219b64d", "f03e1b7", "048bbe8",
  "151406a", "d02aeba", "960670a", "4ed28df", "c67210f", "d4d3ab3",
  "d87211e", "a9acbcf", "514de95", "48ab64f", "181ed91", "c3fdb25",
  "7feb3cc", "343c611", "257048f", "491e033", "3683ec2", "a172d06",
  "52092fc", "e0d6cde", "cc1c9e3", "f6a4af3", "ece24c0", "175a698",
  "48f5cf7", "9eb6247", "31cbd18", "fcf002d", "ecbf88a", "d929136",
  "8099c04", "752fb21", "a95a103", "3dcb199", "55da36f", "160f050",
  "194b7a2", "a556287", "2032f86", "e9d860f", "a1f8fe0", "5bc841c",
  "4539dbc", "dcd6efd", "88fb22b", "1c4ab1e", "40ad83f", "51c3b69",
  "44aba8b", "067ec7d", "f51d8e5", "b9b0c46", "908e768");

fixes['4.9']['fixed_ver']           = '4.9.4';
fixes['4.9']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.9.4 (changeset 55bd90d)';
fixes['4.9']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.9\\.';
fixes['4.9']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("173e805", "248f22e",
  "ec229c2", "e879bfe", "ce126c9", "4b69427", "8d1ee9f", "e60b3a9",
  "25f5530", "49db55f", "fa34ed5", "704f7ec", "a930a74", "8c52ee2",
  "2e15a19", "70639ac", "c3b479d", "e349eae", "632fb4e", "4608c6d",
  "7daacca", "859e48e", "5be2dd0", "b0147bd", "cadd66a", "d3c4b60",
  "d59f5c4", "44303c6", "79538ba", "80c3157", "73f1a55", "bc20fb1",
  "754a531", "7b032c2", "ff4fdf0", "8d2a688", "b9013d7", "bc8e5ec",
  "34907f5", "e70bf7e", "fa0b891", "3a8177c", "04ec835", "8d63ec4",
  "1ff6b4d", "f092d86", "e4b534f", "87c49fe", "19becb8", "43775c0",
  "f6b0f33", "a17e75c", "67530e7", "f804549", "84f81a8", "56aa239",
  "105db42", "d9da3ea", "ac90240", "3db28b0", "9b6f1c0", "0c4bbad",
  "917d8d3", "3384ea4", "352421f", "04e9dcb", "1612f15", "f952b1d",
  "63d9330", "f72414a", "ac3a5f8", "1ae6b8e", "1dd3dcc", "7390fa1",
  "7e78dc4", "8fdfb1e", "55d36e2", "045f37c", "dd7e637", "7a40b5b", "f5acf97");

fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver']           = '4.10.4';
fixes['4.10']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.10.4 (changeset ba2776a)';
fixes['4.10']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.10\\.';
fixes['4.10']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("9d143e8", "fe8dab3",
  "07e546e", "fefa5f9", "c9f9ff7", "406d40d", "e489955", "37139f1",
  "fde09cb", "804ba02", "e8c3971", "a8c4293", "aa40452", "1da3dab",
  "e5632c4", "902e72d", "6a14610", "ea815b2", "13ad331", "61b75d9",
  "e70e7bf", "e966e2e", "dfa16a1", "a71e199", "c98be9e", "a548e10",
  "d3c0e84", "53b1572", "7203f9a", "6d1659d", "a782173", "24e90db",
  "0824bc6", "e6f3135", "3131bf9");

fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver']           = '4.11.4';
fixes['4.11']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.11.4-pre (changeset 1432cd5)';
fixes['4.11']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.11\\.';
fixes['4.11']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("608be81", "d81c711",
  "3d2cc67", "d4a67be", "b8a8278", "06555fd");

fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver']           = '4.12.2';
fixes['4.12']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.12.2-pre (changeset 1363b37)';
fixes['4.12']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.12\\.';
fixes['4.12']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("5701907", "f84bcfe",
  "5eaba24", "268e5f6", "0e3fd5d", "212b850", "2590905", "4a0187b",
  "cfc7ff1", "54e3018", "1e8932f", "3488f26", "08473cf", "acaf498",
  "40aaf77", "6ef9471", "dde68d8", "7275095", "3f224c9", "1f6bbde",
  "99bc12e", "0a69b62", "e10c1fb", "e3ea01d", "c5a0891", "1f86e9a",
  "ee55d9e", "b971da6", "28f34ab", "2caa419", "26d307a", "6b88ada",
  "4e893a4", "3236f62", "c88640c", "a00325a", "6a66c54", "0b22b83",
  "f0b9b67", "a387799", "1cb2d60", "875879a", "a008435", "3b448cb",
  "1d64dc7", "d1a06c9", "1a69ef0", "18f988a", "88d4e37", "36d2ecb",
  "ee37d67", "ece1cb0", "f4a82a3", "cf47a0e", "3334cb1", "08fde90",
  "16f03e0", "58668f1", "0138da1", "12a1ff9", "a457425", "7f10403",
  "b29848b", "278e46a", "7412e27", "58d59b9", "16bc9c0", "694fa9c",
  "df67757", "bbcd6c5", "7575728", "db91ac4", "5698505", "28c209e",
  "1b1295e", "94ff3cf", "3918f99", "81a0e12", "113282b", "828e277",
  "f5af2b9", "09513ab", "3dc7b91", "3d83e00", "26b8dd7", "5572ba9",
  "bb4c1a8", "81feea0", "9f74689", "5f1c9e4", "4b5cc95", "ab1e6a7",
  "801acf8", "97b4698", "e28f7d6", "4fe70a1", "c288534", "2a8209f",
  "bc87a2d", "8fbf991", "8382d02", "e142459", "0d210c0", "89de994",
  "9187046", "634a4d3", "b6ee060", "61770e7", "599d6d2", "9d73672",
  "e6ccef1", "2b84ade", "d2ca39f", "04a2fe9", "3c10d06", "4e145fd",
  "07ec556", "847fc70", "5ea346e", "d42fb06", "32443f6", "a5fc553",
  "b465705", "d04466f", "be2cd69", "50b9123", "8b129ba", "b527557");

fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver']           = '4.13.0';
fixes['4.13']['fixed_ver_display']   = '4.13.0-rc (changeset 3e1b787)';
fixes['4.13']['affected_ver_regex']  = '^4\\.13\\.';
fixes['4.13']['affected_changesets'] = make_list("776f604", "cc8ac8d",
  "0ee7151", "f919dca", "d8538f7", "fd31193", "b0f0bbc", "c6c74e3",
  "b789dd9", "fd9bfab", "8ba4cd9", "c1299c1", "d7abfd2", "ea6a2c4",
  "78e7c2e", "8ba357f", "7a0e35f", "b9d5e03", "308d78b", "eb6b000",
  "d4d4c87", "1d758bc", "e2585f8", "943c74b", "81ecb38", "5655ce8",
  "56348df", "9a400d1", "72580a8", "195b79a", "34c1172", "5530782",
  "3f1a53b", "4859911", "ba2ab00", "8c79c12", "77beba7", "8f48634",
  "c568b11", "183f354", "ca4cd36", "d7cd999", "df7a193", "83ac5ab",
  "a7b88f0", "9678167", "7059afb", "534f9e2", "a0bfdf6", "0d2791b",
  "bad237d", "0273d8e", "f710b76", "dde3135", "3afbd23", "e28eed5",
  "5a870b0", "f3e4fb5", "66b9765", "31c16a8", "5f7e950", "e7c3202",
  "4abbac1", "b92a286", "65d1049", "f06d11d", "a72c508", "f43afb0",
  "7b4c3d0", "09242da", "85e1424", "c67c43c", "8c43308", "070e8ce",
  "0cafb89", "59e89cd", "6dacdcd", "d13dfb0", "8f1d6c0", "aaef3d9",
  "3683290", "cda8f7e", "0c2a550", "0aaad75", "ad59145", "dedcb10",
  "6de848f", "70fcd1e", "a458d3b", "2e2356c", "f9e10a9", "f11fda9",
  "7afbbca", "6378a4c", "ba165e7", "92f91d2", "efee8ba", "df12595",
  "adaecef", "354b0f2", "32e1956", "38533d9", "0ae2491", "dfdb006",
  "ae2f94c", "abb234b", "5751861", "0f45bbb", "ed13221", "7e4404f",
  "3ed885a", "61b6835", "a7b81b0", "6eeef7e", "319f9a0", "31b4f4a",
  "6e8e163", "88aaf40", "c40b33d", "3c15a2d", "2f12624", "d28fe10",
  "18b0ab6", "ff0b9a5", "2aab06d", "0121588", "1b6fa63", "bf656e0",
  "3165ffe", "93021cb", "0bf9f8d", "ece1d5c", "b362c51", "2d6f36d",
  "8a74707", "f51d4a1", "1a3b393", "cbe572d", "368375d", "2a474dc",
  "7d2655f", "07149d9", "1666939", "dfcccc6", "4945041", "86cf0ed",
  "dc2aaaf", "09348b0", "ecec150", "0e606c1", "7b1e233", "64b5d83",
  "9633929", "333d741", "ad011ad", "95596f6", "5f135a6", "af5c475",
  "5dedc18", "67c82f4", "a9af7cd", "2541fcc", "3f21bd4", "c399983",
  "4f05a0c", "818927e", "3f82eb9", "7eee9c1", "529a76f", "9257c21",
  "b7fab13", "8dea470", "a7ecdf8", "8d4f1b8", "08e2059", "8dba9a8",
  "228a025", "59d03d2", "6da80b2", "00fc900", "4c555ec", "55ab292",
  "e370582", "951ab40", "518c935");

fix = NULL;
foreach ver_branch (keys(fixes))
  if (version =~ fixes[ver_branch]['affected_ver_regex'])
    ret = ver_compare(ver:version, fix:fixes[ver_branch]['fixed_ver']);
    if (ret < 0)
      fix = fixes[ver_branch]['fixed_ver_display'];
    else if (ret == 0)
      if (empty_or_null(changeset) || empty_or_null(fixes[ver_branch]['affected_changesets']))
        fix = fixes[ver_branch]['fixed_ver_display'];
        foreach affected_changeset (fixes[ver_branch]['affected_changesets'])
          if (changeset == affected_changeset)
            fix = fixes[ver_branch]['fixed_ver_display'];

if (empty_or_null(fix))
  audit(AUDIT_INST_PATH_NOT_VULN, app_name, display_version, path);

items  = make_array(
  "Installed version", display_version,
  "Fixed version", fix,
  "Path", path

order  = make_list("Path", "Installed version", "Fixed version");
report = report_items_str(report_items:items, ordered_fields:order) + '\n';

security_report_v4(port:0, extra:report, severity:SECURITY_WARNING);