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nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Tenable Network Security, Inc.TORTURE_CGI_UNSEEN_PARAMETERS.NASL
HistoryJan 25, 2010 - 12:00 a.m.

CGI Generic Unseen Parameters Discovery

This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Tenable Network Security, Inc.

AI Score




By sending requests with additional parameters such as ‘admin’, ‘debug’, or ‘test’ to CGI scripts hosted on the remote web server, Nessus was able to generate at least one significantly different response even though the parameters themselves do not actually appear in responses.

This behavior suggests that such a parameter, while unseen, are used by the affected application(s) and may enable an attacker to bypass authentication, read confidential data (like the source of the scripts), modify the behavior of the application(s) or conduct similar attacks to gain privileges.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.



 script_name(english: "CGI Generic Unseen Parameters Discovery");
 script_summary(english: "Try common CGI parameters");

 # It could lead to OWASP A4 in some case - Nessus cannot evaluate the impact

 script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"A CGI application hosted on the remote web server is potentially
prone to information disclosure or privilege escalation.");
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"By sending requests with additional parameters such as 'admin', 'debug',
or 'test' to CGI scripts hosted on the remote web server, Nessus was
able to generate at least one significantly different response even
though the parameters themselves do not actually appear in responses. 

This behavior suggests that such a parameter, while unseen, are used by the
affected application(s) and may enable an attacker to bypass
authentication, read confidential data (like the source of the
scripts), modify the behavior of the application(s) or conduct
similar attacks to gain privileges." );
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Inspect the reported CGIs and, if necessary, modify them so that
security is not based on obscurity." );
#  639,	# Access Control Bypass Through User-Controlled Key
  715,	# OWASP Top Ten 2007 Category A4 - Insecure Direct Object Reference
  723,	# OWASP Top Ten 2004 Category A2 - Broken Access Control
  813	# OWASP Top Ten 2010 Category A4 - Insecure Direct Object References
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2010/01/25");
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2024/06/14");
 script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");

 script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Tenable Network Security, Inc.");
 script_family(english: "CGI abuses");

 script_dependencie("http_version.nasl", "webmirror.nasl", "web_app_test_settings.nasl", "torture_cgi_load_estimation1.nasl");
 script_require_ports("Services/www", 80);
 script_timeout(43200);	# Timeout is managed by the script itself

# The script code starts here


global_var	poison_arg, poison_val;
global_var	anti_fp_arg;

# Answer to the good request is the first element, 
# answers to bogus requests come next.

function test_local(meth, url, postdata, cgi)
  local_var	r1, r2, r3, i, j, n, len, req, act, dir, v, z, rep;
  local_var	a, pat, poison, whatever;
  local_var	fpcgi, u1, u2, p2, flag, retry;

  if (excluded_RE && ereg(string: my_encode(url), pattern: excluded_RE, icase: 1))
    return -1;

  fpcgi = get_kb_item('www/'+port+'cgi-FP'+cgi);

  # This may be very slow but is necessary for some technology like ASP.NET
  dir = NULL;
  if (isnull(postdata))
    act = make_list(url);
    # Cleanly encoding the posted data is not necessary so far
    # postdata = urlencode(str: postdata, case: HEX_UPPERCASE);
    act = get_form_action_list(port: port, cgi: cgi);
    if (max_index(act) == 0)
      act = make_list(url);
      v = eregmatch(string: url, pattern: "^(.*/)[^/]*");
      if (! isnull(v))
        dir = v[1];
        err_print("Cannot extract base directory from ", url);
	dir = "/";
      act = list_uniq(make_list(url, make_list(act)));

  foreach url (act)
    if (url[0] != "/") url = strcat(dir, url);
    u1 = my_encode(url);
    if (excluded_RE && ereg(string: u1, pattern: excluded_RE, icase: 1))
    debug_print(level: 2, "M=", meth, " - U=", url, " - D=", postdata);
    r1 = http_send_get_post(item: u1, port:port, method: meth, data: postdata, post_headers: postheaders);

    if (isnull(r1))
      debug_print('http_send_recv3=NULL port=', port);
      return 0;

    foreach a (poison_arg)
      # Is this parameter already used?
      pat = strcat("^(.+&)?",a, "=");
      if (ereg(string: url, pattern: pat, icase: 1))
      if (! isnull(postdata) && ereg(string: postdata, pattern: pat, icase: 1))
      foreach v (poison_val)
        poison = strcat("&", a, "=", v);
        if (isnull(postdata))
          u2 = my_encode(strcat(url, poison)); p2 = NULL;
          debug_print(level: 2, "M=", meth, " - U=", u2);
	  u2 = url;
	  p2 = strcat(postdata, poison);
        r2  = http_send_get_post(item: u2, port:port, method: meth, 
	      data: p2, post_headers: postheaders);

	# Avoid FP & do not lose time on broken server or paranoid WAF
	if (isnull(r2)  && (report_paranoia < 2 || fpcgi))
	  debug_print('http_send_recv3(port=', port, ' url=', url, ' poison=', poison, ')=NULL port=', port);
          return 0;

	z = answers_differ(r1: r1, r2: r2);
        if (! z) continue;
        req = http_last_sent_request();

	if (a == anti_fp_arg)
	  debug_print('http_send_recv3(port=', port, ' url=', url, ' poison=', poison, ') => FP!\n');
	  torture_cgi_remember(anti_fp: 1, port: port, method: meth, request: req, url: u2, postdata: p2, response2: r1, response: r2, cgi: cgi, param: a, vul: "PH", report: rep);
	  return -2;

	# We do not try an "opposite" request like
	# because of a higher risk of FN. Some buggy web apps may react 
	# to the mere presence of an argument (e.g. debug) and do not 
	# examine its value (e.g. on/off).

        if (report_paranoia < 2 || fpcgi)
	  flag = 1;
	  for (retry = 1; retry <=6 && flag; retry ++)
            # Double check

	    # Normal request
	    r3 = http_send_get_post(item: u1, port:port, method: meth, data: postdata, post_headers: postheaders);
	    if (answers_differ(r1: r1, r2: r3))
	      flag = 0; break;	      


	    # Modified request
	    r3 = http_send_get_post(item: u2, port:port, method: meth, data: postdata, post_headers: p2);
	    if (answers_differ(r1: r2, r2: r3))
	      flag = 0; break;

	if (! flag)
          # Retry initial request to make sure that the page did not change 
          # so that we do not get an FP on a forum, for example.
          r3 = http_send_get_post(item: u1, port:port, method: meth, data: postdata, post_headers: postheaders);
          if (answers_differ(r1: r1, r2: r3)) flag = 0;

	if (! flag)
	  debug_print('http_send_recv3(port=', port, ' url=', url, ' poison=', poison, ') => FP!\n');
	  torture_cgi_remember(anti_fp: 1, port: port, method: meth, request: req, url: u1, postdata: postdata, response: r1, response2: r2, cgi: cgi, param: a, vul: "PH");
	  fpcgi = 1;

	rep = compute_diff(r1: r1, r2: r2, idx: z);
	torture_cgi_remember(port: port, method: meth, request: req, url: u2, postdata: p2, response2: r1, response: r2, cgi: cgi, param: a, vul: "PH", report: rep);
        return 1;
      }	# poison_val
    } # poison_arg
  } # url
  return -1;


function test1url_local(url)
  local_var	e, idx, cgi, mypostdata, meth_h;

  if (unixtime() > abort_time)
    debug_print('Timeout! Aborted!\n');
    timed_out ++;
    return 0;
  url_count ++;

  idx = stridx(url, '?');
  if (idx >= 0) cgi = substr(url, 0, idx - 1);
  else cgi = url;
  if (! try_all_meth) meth_h = get_cgi_methods(port:port, cgi:cgi);

  if (try_all_meth || meth_h["get"])
  e = test_local(meth: "GET", url: url, cgi: cgi);
  if (e >= 0) return e;

  if (try_all_meth || meth_h["post"])
  mypostdata = substr(url, idx + 1);
  e = test_local(meth: 'POST', url: cgi, postdata:mypostdata, cgi: cgi);
  return e;

function test_cgi_rec_local(url, param_l, data_ll, idx, var_idx)
  local_var	i, d, u, e;

  if (isnull(param_l[idx]))
    return test1url_local(url: url);

  d = data_ll[idx];
  if ( (test_arg_val == "all_pairs" || test_arg_val == "some_pairs") && var_idx > 0)
    d = make_list(d[0]);
    var_idx = idx;

  for (i = 0; ! isnull(d[i]); i ++)
    if (idx > 0)
      u = strcat(url, "&", param_l[idx], '=', d[i]);
      u = strcat(url, param_l[idx], '=', d[i]);
    e = test_cgi_rec_local(url: u, param_l: param_l, data_ll: data_ll, var_idx: var_idx, idx: idx + 1);
    if (e >= 0) return e;
    if (e == -2) return e;
  return -1;


function test1cgi_local(cgi, param_l, data_ll)
  local_var	d, p, e;

  if (already_known_flaw(port: port, cgi: cgi, vul: "PH"))
    debug_print("test1cgi_local port=",port, " cgi=", cgi, " vul=PH -- flaw has already been reported");
    return -1;

  init_cookiejar(); http_reauthenticate_if_needed(port: port);

  e = test_cgi_rec_local(url: strcat(cgi, "?"), param_l: param_l, data_ll: data_ll, var_idx: -1, idx: 0);
  return e;



anti_fp_arg = rand_str();

poison_arg = make_list(

poison_val = make_list(


port = torture_cgi_init(vul:'PH');

success = make_array();
reports = make_array();

if (get_kb_item("www/"+port+"/no_web_app_tests"))
 exit(0, "Web app tests are disabled on port " + port+".");

cgi_l = get_cgi_list(port: port);
foreach cgibase (cgi_l)
  http_reauthenticate_if_needed(port: port);

  vrequest = strcat(cgibase,"?");
  n = 0;
  args_l = get_cgi_arg_list(port: port, cgi: cgibase);
  foreach arg (args_l)
    d = get_cgi_arg_val_list(port: port, cgi: cgibase, arg: arg, fill: 1);
    if (test_arg_val == "single") d = make_list(d[0]);
    if (max_tested_values > 0) d = shrink_list(l: d, n: max_tested_values);
    data[n] = d; 
    arg = replace_cgi_1arg_token(port: port, arg: arg);
    if (n > 0)
      vrequest = strcat(vrequest, '&', arg, '=', d[0]);
      vrequest = strcat(vrequest, arg, '=', d[0]);
   n ++;

  r = http_send_recv3(method: 'GET', item: my_encode(vrequest), port:port);
  if (isnull(r)) break;
  if (r[0] !~  "^HTTP/1\..* (200|302) ") continue;

  if (! test1cgi_local(cgi: cgibase, param_l: args_l, data_ll: data)) break;

report = torture_cgi_build_report(port: port, url_h: success, vul: "PH");
if (strlen(report) > 0)
  security_warning(port:port, extra: report);

if (timed_out)
  if (strlen(report) == 0) set_kb_item(name: "torture_CGI/timeout/"+port, value: "PH");
  else set_kb_item(name: "torture_CGI/unfinished/"+port, value: "PH");
  set_kb_item(name:"torture_CGI/duration/"+port+"/PH", value: unixtime() - start_time);

debug_print(level:2, url_count, ' URL were tested on port ', port, ' (args=', test_arg_val, ')');

AI Score


