The server’s X.509 certificate cannot be trusted. This situation can occur in three different ways, in which the chain of trust can be broken, as stated below :
First, the top of the certificate chain sent by the server might not be descended from a known public certificate authority. This can occur either when the top of the chain is an unrecognized, self-signed certificate, or when intermediate certificates are missing that would connect the top of the certificate chain to a known public certificate authority.
Second, the certificate chain may contain a certificate that is not valid at the time of the scan. This can occur either when the scan occurs before one of the certificate’s ‘notBefore’ dates, or after one of the certificate’s ‘notAfter’ dates.
Third, the certificate chain may contain a signature that either didn’t match the certificate’s information or could not be verified. Bad signatures can be fixed by getting the certificate with the bad signature to be re-signed by its issuer. Signatures that could not be verified are the result of the certificate’s issuer using a signing algorithm that Nessus either does not support or does not recognize.
If the remote host is a public host in production, any break in the chain makes it more difficult for users to verify the authenticity and identity of the web server. This could make it easier to carry out man-in-the-middle attacks against the remote host.
# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.
if ( NASL_LEVEL < 3208 ) exit(0);
if (description)
script_version ("1.19");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2020/04/27");
script_name(english:"SSL Certificate Cannot Be Trusted");
script_summary(english:"Checks that the service's certificate can be trusted.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:
"The SSL certificate for this service cannot be trusted.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"The server's X.509 certificate cannot be trusted. This situation can
occur in three different ways, in which the chain of trust can be
broken, as stated below :
- First, the top of the certificate chain sent by the
server might not be descended from a known public
certificate authority. This can occur either when the
top of the chain is an unrecognized, self-signed
certificate, or when intermediate certificates are
missing that would connect the top of the certificate
chain to a known public certificate authority.
- Second, the certificate chain may contain a certificate
that is not valid at the time of the scan. This can
occur either when the scan occurs before one of the
certificate's 'notBefore' dates, or after one of the
certificate's 'notAfter' dates.
- Third, the certificate chain may contain a signature
that either didn't match the certificate's information
or could not be verified. Bad signatures can be fixed by
getting the certificate with the bad signature to be
re-signed by its issuer. Signatures that could not be
verified are the result of the certificate's issuer
using a signing algorithm that Nessus either does not
support or does not recognize.
If the remote host is a public host in production, any break in the
chain makes it more difficult for users to verify the authenticity and
identity of the web server. This could make it easier to carry out
man-in-the-middle attacks against the remote host.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Purchase or generate a proper SSL certificate for this service.");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2010/12/15");
script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");
script_family(english: "General");
script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Tenable Network Security, Inc.");
global_var port, singular;
function make_report()
local_var attr, attrs, certs, key;
key = _FCT_ANON_ARGS[0];
# Get the list of certificates that were unused.
certs = get_kb_list("SSL/Chain/" + key + "/" + port);
if (isnull(certs))
return NULL;
attrs = make_list();
foreach attr (certs)
attrs = make_list(attrs, attr);
singular = (max_index(attrs) == 1);
return cert_report(attrs, chain:FALSE);
# Get the port that has a broken certificate chain from the KB.
port = get_kb_item_or_exit("SSL/BrokenCAChain");
# If the user doesn't want the details, let's stop right here.
if (report_verbosity == 0)
reports = "";
# Report certificates that were signed using unknown algorithms.
report = make_report("Signature/Algorithm/Unknown");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has a signature that uses an' +
'\nalgorithm that Nessus does not recognize :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have signatures that use algorithms' +
'\nthat Nessus does not recognize :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that were signed using unsupported algorithms.
report = make_report("Signature/Algorithm/Unsupported");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has a signature that uses an' +
'\nalgorithm that this version of Nessus does not support :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have signatures that use algorithms' +
'\nthat this version of Nessus does not support :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that were signed using ECDSA with a curve we
# don't recognize.
report = make_report("Signature/Curve/Unrecognized");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has a signature that uses an' +
'\nelliptic curve that this version of Nessus does not recognize :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have signatures that use' +
'\nelliptic curves that this version of Nessus does not recognize :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that do not have a valid signature.
report = make_report("Signature/Bad");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has an invalid signature :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have invalid signatures :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that have a 'not before' date in the future.
report = make_report("Expiry/Before");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it is not yet valid :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they are not yet valid :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that have a 'not after' date in the past.
report = make_report("Expiry/After");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has expired :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have expired :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that have an unknown root CA.
report = make_report("UnknownCA");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was at the top of the certificate' +
'\nchain sent by the remote host, but it is signed by an unknown' +
'\ncertificate authority :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were at the top of the certificate' +
'\nchain sent by the remote host, but they are signed by unknown' +
'\ncertificate authorities :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that have invalid OCSP status'
report = make_report("OCSP/Status");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but has it been flagged by OCSP :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have been flagged by OCSP :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
# Report certificates that have invalid OCSP signatures
report = make_report("OCSP/Signature");
if (report)
if (singular)
reports +=
'\nThe following certificate was part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but it has an invalid OCSPResponse' +
'\nsignature :';
reports +=
'\nThe following certificates were part of the certificate chain' +
'\nsent by the remote host, but they have invalid OCSPResponse' +
'\nsignatures :';
reports +=
'\n' +
'\n' + report;
security_warning(port:port, extra:reports);