Lucene search

nessusThis script is Copyright (C) 2005-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.SNMP_CISCO_TYPE.NASL
HistoryJun 05, 2002 - 12:00 a.m.

SNMP Request Cisco Router Information Disclosure

This script is Copyright (C) 2005-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.

It is possible to determine the model of the remote CISCO system by sending SNMP requests with the OID

An attacker may use this information to gain more knowledge about the remote host.

# (C) Tenable Network Security, Inc.


if (description)
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_modification_date", value:"2022/02/28");

  script_name(english:"SNMP Request Cisco Router Information Disclosure");
  script_summary(english:"Enumerates Cisco model via SNMP.");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"synopsis", value:"The model of the remote CISCO router can be obtained via SNMP.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"description", value:
"It is possible to determine the model of the remote CISCO system by
sending SNMP requests with the OID

An attacker may use this information to gain more knowledge about the
remote host.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"see_also", value:"");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"solution", value:
"Disable the SNMP service on the remote host if you do not use it, or
filter incoming UDP packets going to this port.");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"risk_factor", value:"Low");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_publication_date", value:"2002/06/05");
  script_set_attribute(attribute:"cpe", value:"cpe:/o:cisco");

  script_set_attribute(attribute:"plugin_type", value:"remote");

  script_copyright(english:"This script is Copyright (C) 2005-2022 and is owned by Tenable, Inc. or an Affiliate thereof.");



oid = get_kb_item_or_exit('SNMP/OID');

sysDesc = get_kb_item('SNMP/sysDesc');
if (sysDesc && preg(pattern:"^(HP|ProCurve)", string:sysDesc)) exit(0, 'The host is not a Cisco device based on an SNMP Get query on the sysDescr MIB object.');

port = get_kb_item('SNMP/port');
if (!port) port = 161;

if (!is_valid_snmp_product(manufacturer:'', oid:oid))
  community = get_kb_item_or_exit('SNMP/community_v1_v2c' );
  if (!get_udp_port_state(port)) audit(AUDIT_PORT_CLOSED, port, 'UDP');

  soc = open_sock_udp(port);
  if (!soc) audit(AUDIT_SOCK_FAIL, port, 'UDP');

  type = snmp_request(socket:soc, community:community, oid:'');
  if ( isnull(type) ) exit(0, 'The device type could not be determined.');
  set_kb_item(name:'CISCO/model', value:type);
  report = '\n  Model : ' + type + '\n';
  security_report_v4(severity:SECURITY_NOTE, port:port, extra:report, proto:'udp');

type = ereg_replace(pattern:"^1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.9\.1\.([0-9]+)$", replace:"\1", string:oid);
type = int(type);

cisco[1] = "ciscoGatewayServer";
cisco[2] = "ciscoTerminalServer";
cisco[3] = "ciscoTrouter";
cisco[4] = "ciscoProtocolTranslator";
cisco[5] = "ciscoIGS";
cisco[6] = "cisco3000";
cisco[7] = "cisco4000";
cisco[8] = "cisco7000";
cisco[9] = "ciscoCS500";
cisco[10] = "cisco2000";
cisco[11] = "ciscoAGSplus";
cisco[12] = "cisco7010";
cisco[13] = "cisco2500";
cisco[14] = "cisco4500";
cisco[15] = "cisco2102";
cisco[16] = "cisco2202";
cisco[17] = "cisco2501";
cisco[18] = "cisco2502";
cisco[19] = "cisco2503";
cisco[20] = "cisco2504";
cisco[21] = "cisco2505";
cisco[22] = "cisco2506";
cisco[23] = "cisco2507";
cisco[24] = "cisco2508";
cisco[25] = "cisco2509";
cisco[26] = "cisco2510";
cisco[27] = "cisco2511";
cisco[28] = "cisco2512";
cisco[29] = "cisco2513";
cisco[30] = "cisco2514";
cisco[31] = "cisco2515";
cisco[32] = "cisco3101";
cisco[33] = "cisco3102";
cisco[34] = "cisco3103";
cisco[35] = "cisco3104";
cisco[36] = "cisco3202";
cisco[37] = "cisco3204";
cisco[38] = "ciscoAccessProRC";
cisco[39] = "ciscoAccessProEC";
cisco[40] = "cisco1000";
cisco[41] = "cisco1003";
cisco[42] = "cisco2516";
cisco[43] = "cisco1020";
cisco[44] = "cisco1004";
cisco[45] = "cisco7507";
cisco[46] = "cisco7513";
cisco[47] = "cisco7506";
cisco[48] = "cisco7505";
cisco[49] = "cisco1005";
cisco[50] = "cisco4700";
cisco[51] = "ciscoPro1003";
cisco[52] = "ciscoPro1004";
cisco[53] = "ciscoPro1005";
cisco[54] = "ciscoPro1020";
cisco[55] = "ciscoPro2500PCE";
cisco[56] = "ciscoPro2501";
cisco[57] = "ciscoPro2503";
cisco[58] = "ciscoPro2505";
cisco[59] = "ciscoPro2507";
cisco[60] = "ciscoPro2509";
cisco[61] = "ciscoPro2511";
cisco[62] = "ciscoPro2514";
cisco[63] = "ciscoPro2516";
cisco[64] = "ciscoPro2519";
cisco[65] = "ciscoPro2521";
cisco[66] = "ciscoPro4500";
cisco[67] = "cisco2517";
cisco[68] = "cisco2518";
cisco[69] = "cisco2519";
cisco[70] = "cisco2520";
cisco[71] = "cisco2521";
cisco[72] = "cisco2522";
cisco[73] = "cisco2523";
cisco[74] = "cisco2524";
cisco[75] = "cisco2525";
cisco[76] = "ciscoPro751";
cisco[77] = "ciscoPro752";
cisco[78] = "ciscoPro753";
cisco[79] = "ciscoPro901";
cisco[80] = "ciscoPro902";
cisco[81] = "cisco751";
cisco[82] = "cisco752";
cisco[83] = "cisco753";
cisco[84] = "ciscoPro741";
cisco[85] = "ciscoPro742";
cisco[86] = "ciscoPro743";
cisco[87] = "ciscoPro744";
cisco[88] = "ciscoPro761";
cisco[89] = "ciscoPro762";
cisco[90] = "ciscoPro763";
cisco[91] = "ciscoPro764";
cisco[92] = "ciscoPro765";
cisco[93] = "ciscoPro766";
cisco[94] = "cisco741";
cisco[95] = "cisco742";
cisco[96] = "cisco743";
cisco[97] = "cisco744";
cisco[98] = "cisco761";
cisco[99] = "cisco762";
cisco[100] = "cisco763";
cisco[101] = "cisco764";
cisco[102] = "cisco765";
cisco[103] = "cisco766";
cisco[104] = "ciscoPro2520";
cisco[105] = "ciscoPro2522";
cisco[106] = "ciscoPro2524";
cisco[107] = "ciscoLS1010";
cisco[108] = "cisco7206";
cisco[109] = "ciscoAS5200";
cisco[110] = "cisco3640";
cisco[111] = "ciscoCatalyst3500";
cisco[112] = "ciscoWSX3011";
cisco[113] = "cisco1601";
cisco[114] = "cisco1602";
cisco[115] = "cisco1603";
cisco[116] = "cisco1604";
cisco[117] = "ciscoPro1601";
cisco[118] = "ciscoPro1602";
cisco[119] = "ciscoPro1603";
cisco[120] = "ciscoPro1604";
cisco[121] = "ciscoWSX5301";
cisco[122] = "cisco3620";
cisco[123] = "ciscoPro3620";
cisco[124] = "ciscoPro3640";
cisco[125] = "cisco7204";
cisco[126] = "cisco771";
cisco[127] = "cisco772";
cisco[128] = "cisco775";
cisco[129] = "cisco776";
cisco[130] = "ciscoPro2502";
cisco[131] = "ciscoPro2504";
cisco[132] = "ciscoPro2506";
cisco[133] = "ciscoPro2508";
cisco[134] = "ciscoPro2510";
cisco[135] = "ciscoPro2512";
cisco[136] = "ciscoPro2513";
cisco[137] = "ciscoPro2515";
cisco[138] = "ciscoPro2517";
cisco[139] = "ciscoPro2518";
cisco[140] = "ciscoPro2523";
cisco[141] = "ciscoPro2525";
cisco[142] = "ciscoPro4700";
cisco[147] = "ciscoPro316T";
cisco[148] = "ciscoPro316C";
cisco[149] = "ciscoPro3116";
cisco[150] = "catalyst116T";
cisco[151] = "catalyst116C";
cisco[152] = "catalyst1116";
cisco[153] = "ciscoAS2509RJ";
cisco[154] = "ciscoAS2511RJ";
cisco[157] = "ciscoMC3810";
cisco[160] = "cisco1503";
cisco[161] = "cisco1502";
cisco[162] = "ciscoAS5300";
cisco[164] = "ciscoLS1015";
cisco[165] = "cisco2501FRADFX";
cisco[166] = "cisco2501LANFRADFX";
cisco[167] = "cisco2502LANFRADFX";
cisco[168] = "ciscoWSX5302";
cisco[169] = "ciscoFastHub216T";
cisco[170] = "catalyst2908xl";
cisco[171] = "catalyst2916mxl";
cisco[172] = "cisco1605";
cisco[173] = "cisco12012";
cisco[175] = "catalyst1912C";
cisco[176] = "ciscoMicroWebServer2";
cisco[177] = "ciscoFastHubBMMTX";
cisco[178] = "ciscoFastHubBMMFX";
cisco[179] = "ciscoUBR7246";
cisco[180] = "cisco6400";
cisco[181] = "cisco12004";
cisco[182] = "cisco12008";
cisco[183] = "catalyst2924XL";
cisco[184] = "catalyst2924CXL";
cisco[185] = "cisco2610";
cisco[186] = "cisco2611";
cisco[187] = "cisco2612";
cisco[188] = "ciscoAS5800";
cisco[189] = "ciscoSC3640";
cisco[190] = "cisco8510";
cisco[191] = "ciscoUBR904";
cisco[192] = "cisco6200";
cisco[194] = "cisco7202";
cisco[195] = "cisco2613";
cisco[196] = "cisco8515";
cisco[197] = "catalyst9006";
cisco[198] = "catalyst9009";
cisco[199] = "ciscoRPM";
cisco[200] = "cisco1710";
cisco[201] = "cisco1720";
cisco[202] = "catalyst8540msr";
cisco[203] = "catalyst8540csr";
cisco[204] = "cisco7576";
cisco[205] = "cisco3660";
cisco[206] = "cisco1401";
cisco[208] = "cisco2620";
cisco[209] = "cisco2621";
cisco[210] = "ciscoUBR7223";
cisco[211] = "cisco6400Nrp";
cisco[212] = "cisco801";
cisco[213] = "cisco802";
cisco[214] = "cisco803";
cisco[215] = "cisco804";
cisco[216] = "cisco1750";
cisco[217] = "catalyst2924XLv";
cisco[218] = "catalyst2924CXLv";
cisco[219] = "catalyst2912XL";
cisco[220] = "catalyst2924MXL";
cisco[221] = "catalyst2912MfXL";
cisco[222] = "cisco7206VXR";
cisco[223] = "cisco7204VXR";
cisco[224] = "cisco1538M";
cisco[225] = "cisco1548M";
cisco[226] = "ciscoFasthub100";
cisco[227] = "ciscoPIXFirewall";
cisco[228] = "ciscoMGX8850";
cisco[229] = "ciscoMGX8830";
cisco[230] = "catalyst8510msr";
cisco[231] = "catalyst8515msr";
cisco[232] = "ciscoIGX8410";
cisco[233] = "ciscoIGX8420";
cisco[234] = "ciscoIGX8430";
cisco[235] = "ciscoIGX8450";
cisco[237] = "ciscoBPX8620";
cisco[238] = "ciscoBPX8650";
cisco[239] = "ciscoBPX8680";
cisco[240] = "ciscoCacheEngine";
cisco[241] = "ciscoCat6000";
cisco[242] = "ciscoBPXSes";
cisco[243] = "ciscoIGXSes";
cisco[244] = "ciscoLocalDirector";
cisco[245] = "cisco805";
cisco[246] = "catalyst3508GXL";
cisco[247] = "catalyst3512XL";
cisco[248] = "catalyst3524XL";
cisco[249] = "cisco1407";
cisco[250] = "cisco1417";
cisco[251] = "cisco6100";
cisco[252] = "cisco6130";
cisco[253] = "cisco6260";
cisco[254] = "ciscoOpticalRegenerator";
cisco[255] = "ciscoUBR924";
cisco[256] = "ciscoWSX6302Msm";
cisco[257] = "catalyst5kRsfc";
cisco[258] = "catalyst6kMsfc";
cisco[259] = "cisco7120Quadt1";
cisco[260] = "cisco7120T3";
cisco[261] = "cisco7120E3";
cisco[262] = "cisco7120At3";
cisco[263] = "cisco7120Ae3";
cisco[264] = "cisco7120Smi3";
cisco[265] = "cisco7140Dualt3";
cisco[266] = "cisco7140Duale3";
cisco[267] = "cisco7140Dualat3";
cisco[268] = "cisco7140Dualae3";
cisco[269] = "cisco7140Dualmm3";
cisco[270] = "cisco827QuadV";
cisco[271] = "ciscoUBR7246VXR";
cisco[272] = "cisco10400";
cisco[273] = "cisco12016";
cisco[274] = "ciscoAs5400";
cisco[275] = "cat2948gL3";
cisco[276] = "cisco7140Octt1";
cisco[277] = "cisco7140Dualfe";
cisco[278] = "cat3548XL";
cisco[279] = "ciscoVG200";
cisco[280] = "cat6006";
cisco[281] = "cat6009";
cisco[282] = "cat6506";
cisco[283] = "cat6509";
cisco[284] = "cisco827";
cisco[285] = "ciscoManagementEngine1100";
cisco[286] = "ciscoMc3810V3";
cisco[287] = "cat3524tXLEn";
cisco[288] = "cisco7507z";
cisco[289] = "cisco7513z";
cisco[290] = "cisco7507mx";
cisco[291] = "cisco7513mx";
cisco[292] = "ciscoUBR912C";
cisco[293] = "ciscoUBR912S";
cisco[294] = "ciscoUBR914";
cisco[295] = "cisco802J";
cisco[296] = "cisco804J";
cisco[297] = "cisco6160";
cisco[298] = "cat4908gL3";
cisco[299] = "cisco6015";
cisco[300] = "cat4232L3";
cisco[301] = "catalyst6kMsfc2";
cisco[302] = "cisco7750Mrp200";
cisco[303] = "cisco7750Ssp80";
cisco[304] = "ciscoMGX8230";
cisco[305] = "ciscoMGX8250";
cisco[306] = "ciscoCVA122";
cisco[307] = "ciscoCVA124";
cisco[308] = "ciscoAs5850";
cisco[310] = "cat6509Sp";
cisco[311] = "ciscoMGX8240";
cisco[312] = "cat4840gL3";
cisco[313] = "ciscoAS5350";
cisco[314] = "cisco7750";
cisco[315] = "ciscoMGX8950";
cisco[316] = "ciscoUBR925";
cisco[317] = "ciscoUBR10012";
cisco[318] = "catalyst4kGateway";
cisco[319] = "cisco2650";
cisco[320] = "cisco2651";
cisco[321] = "cisco826QuadV";
cisco[322] = "cisco826";
cisco[323] = "catalyst295012";
cisco[324] = "catalyst295024";
cisco[325] = "catalyst295024C";
cisco[326] = "cisco1751";
cisco[327] = "cisco1730Iad8Fxs";
cisco[328] = "cisco1730Iad16Fxs";
cisco[329] = "cisco626";
cisco[330] = "cisco627";
cisco[331] = "cisco633";
cisco[332] = "cisco673";
cisco[333] = "cisco675";
cisco[334] = "cisco675e";
cisco[335] = "cisco676";
cisco[336] = "cisco677";
cisco[337] = "cisco678";
cisco[338] = "cisco3661Ac";
cisco[339] = "cisco3661Dc";
cisco[340] = "cisco3662Ac";
cisco[341] = "cisco3662Dc";
cisco[342] = "cisco3662AcCo";
cisco[343] = "cisco3662DcCo";
cisco[344] = "ciscoUBR7111";
cisco[345] = "ciscoUBR7111E";
cisco[346] = "ciscoUBR7114";
cisco[347] = "ciscoUBR7114E";
cisco[348] = "cisco12010";
cisco[349] = "cisco8110";
cisco[350] = "cisco8120";
cisco[351] = "ciscoUBR905";
cisco[352] = "ciscoIDS";
cisco[353] = "ciscoSOHO77";
cisco[354] = "ciscoSOHO76";
cisco[355] = "cisco7150Dualfe";
cisco[356] = "cisco7150Octt1";
cisco[357] = "cisco7150Dualt3";
cisco[358] = "ciscoOlympus";
cisco[359] = "catalyst2950t24";
cisco[360] = "ciscoVPS1110";
cisco[361] = "ciscoContentEngine";
cisco[362] = "ciscoIAD2420";
cisco[363] = "cisco677i";
cisco[364] = "cisco674";
cisco[365] = "ciscoDPA7630";
cisco[366] = "catalyst355024";
cisco[367] = "catalyst355048";
cisco[368] = "catalyst355012T";
cisco[369] = "catalyst2924LREXL";
cisco[370] = "catalyst2912LREXL";
cisco[371] = "ciscoCVA122E";
cisco[372] = "ciscoCVA124E";
cisco[373] = "ciscoURM";
cisco[374] = "ciscoURM2FE";
cisco[375] = "ciscoURM2FE2V";
cisco[376] = "cisco7401VXR";
cisco[377] = "cisco951";
cisco[378] = "cisco952";
cisco[379] = "ciscoCAP340";
cisco[380] = "ciscoCAP350";
cisco[381] = "ciscoDPA7610";
cisco[382] = "cisco828";
cisco[383] = "ciscoSOHO78";
cisco[384] = "cisco806";
cisco[385] = "cisco12416";
cisco[386] = "cat2948gL3Dc";
cisco[387] = "cat4908gL3Dc";
cisco[388] = "cisco12406";
cisco[389] = "ciscoPIXFirewall506";
cisco[390] = "ciscoPIXFirewall515";
cisco[391] = "ciscoPIXFirewall520";
cisco[392] = "ciscoPIXFirewall525";
cisco[393] = "ciscoPIXFirewall535";
cisco[394] = "cisco12410";
cisco[395] = "cisco811";
cisco[396] = "cisco813";
cisco[397] = "cisco10720";
cisco[398] = "ciscoMWR1900";
cisco[399] = "cisco4224";
cisco[400] = "ciscoWSC6513";
cisco[401] = "cisco7603";
cisco[402] = "cisco7606";
cisco[403] = "cisco7401ASR";
cisco[404] = "ciscoVG248";
cisco[405] = "ciscoHSE";
cisco[406] = "ciscoONS15540ESP";
cisco[407] = "ciscoSN5420";
cisco[408] = "ciscoIcs7750Ce300";
cisco[409] = "ciscoCe507";
cisco[410] = "ciscoCe560";
cisco[411] = "ciscoCe590";
cisco[412] = "ciscoCe7320";
cisco[413] = "cisco2691";
cisco[414] = "cisco3725";
cisco[415] = "cisco3640A";
cisco[416] = "cisco1760";
cisco[417] = "ciscoPIXFirewall501";
cisco[418] = "cisco2610M";
cisco[419] = "cisco2611M";
cisco[420] = "ciscoGP10";
cisco[421] = "ciscoMC21";
cisco[422] = "ciscoSN51";
cisco[423] = "cisco12404";
cisco[424] = "cisco9004";
cisco[425] = "cisco3631Co";
cisco[427] = "catalyst295012G";
cisco[428] = "catalyst295024G";
cisco[429] = "catalyst295048G";
cisco[430] = "catalyst295024S";
cisco[431] = "catalyst355012G";
cisco[432] = "ciscoCE507AV";
cisco[433] = "ciscoCE560AV";
cisco[434] = "ciscoIE2105";
cisco[435] = "ciscoMGX8850Pxm1E";
cisco[436] = "cisco3745";
cisco[437] = "cisco10005";
cisco[438] = "cisco10008";
cisco[439] = "cisco7304";
cisco[440] = "ciscoRpmXf";
cisco[441] = "ciscoOsm4oc3PosSmIr";
cisco[442] = "ciscoOsm4oc3PosMmSr";
cisco[443] = "ciscoOsm4oc3PosSmLr";
cisco[444] = "cisco1721";
cisco[445] = "cat4000Sup3";
cisco[446] = "cisco827H";
cisco[447] = "ciscoSOHO77H";
cisco[448] = "cat4006";
cisco[449] = "ciscoWSC6503";
cisco[450] = "ciscoPIXFirewall506E";
cisco[451] = "ciscoPIXFirewall515E";
cisco[452] = "cat355024Dc";
cisco[453] = "cat355024Mmf";
cisco[454] = "ciscoCE2636";
cisco[455] = "ciscoDwCE";
cisco[456] = "cisco7750Mrp300";
cisco[457] = "ciscoRPMPR";
cisco[458] = "cisco14MGX8830Pxm1E";
cisco[459] = "ciscoWlse";
cisco[460] = "ciscoONS15530";
cisco[461] = "ciscoONS15530NEBS";
cisco[462] = "ciscoONS15530ETSI";
cisco[463] = "ciscoSOHO71";
cisco[464] = "cisco6400UAC";
cisco[474] = "ciscoAIRAP1200";
cisco[475] = "ciscoSN5428";
cisco[466] = "cisco2610XM";
cisco[467] = "cisco2611XM";
cisco[468] = "cisco2620XM";
cisco[469] = "cisco2621XM";
cisco[470] = "cisco2650XM";
cisco[471] = "cisco2651XM";
cisco[472] = "catalyst295024GDC";
cisco[476] = "cisco7301";
cisco[477] = "cisco12816";
cisco[478] = "cisco12810";
cisco[479] = "cisco3250";
cisco[480] = "catalyst295024SX";
cisco[481] = "ciscoONS15540ESPx";
cisco[482] = "catalyst295024LRESt";
cisco[483] = "catalyst29508LRESt";
cisco[484] = "catalyst295024LREG";
cisco[485] = "catalyst355024PWR";
cisco[486] = "ciscoCDM4630";
cisco[487] = "ciscoCDM4650";
cisco[488] = "catalyst2955T12";
cisco[489] = "catalyst2955C12";
cisco[490] = "ciscoCE508";
cisco[491] = "ciscoCE565";
cisco[492] = "ciscoCE7325";
cisco[493] = "ciscoONS15454";
cisco[494] = "ciscoONS15327";
cisco[495] = "cisco837";
cisco[496] = "ciscoSOHO97";
cisco[497] = "cisco831";
cisco[498] = "ciscoSOHO91";
cisco[499] = "cisco836";
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cisco[2586] = "ciscoCat9200L48P4G";
cisco[2587] = "ciscoCat920048T";
cisco[2588] = "ciscoCat920024P";
cisco[2589] = "ciscoCat920048P";
cisco[2590] = "ciscoCat920024PXG";
cisco[2591] = "ciscoCat920048PXG";
cisco[2592] = "ciscoCat950016X";
cisco[2593] = "ciscoCat9500FixedSwitchStack";
cisco[2602] = "ciscoN5204GAZA";
cisco[2603] = "ciscoN52020G4ZA";
cisco[2604] = "ciscoN52020G4ZD";
cisco[2605] = "ciscoN520X4G4ZA";
cisco[2606] = "ciscoN520X4G4ZD";
cisco[2607] = "ciscoN520X20G4ZA";
cisco[2608] = "ciscoN520X20G4ZD";
cisco[2609] = "ciscoIR829MLTELAxK9";
cisco[2610] = "ciscoIR829M2LTEEAxK9";
cisco[2611] = "ciscoISA30004Ctd";
cisco[2612] = "ciscoISA30002C2Ftd";
cisco[2613] = "ciscoRA1783SAD4T0Std";
cisco[2614] = "ciscoRA1783SAD2T2Std";
cisco[2615] = "cisco8818";
cisco[2616] = "cisco8812";
cisco[2617] = "cisco8808";
cisco[2619] = "ciscoC11092PLteGB";
cisco[2620] = "ciscoC11092PLteUS";
cisco[2621] = "ciscoC11092PLteVZ";
cisco[2622] = "ciscoC11092PLteJN";
cisco[2623] = "ciscoC11092PLteAU";
cisco[2624] = "ciscoC11092PLteIN";
cisco[2625] = "ciscoC11014P";
cisco[2626] = "ciscoC11014PLteP";
cisco[2627] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWE";
cisco[2628] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWB";
cisco[2629] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWD";
cisco[2630] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWZ";
cisco[2631] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWA";
cisco[2632] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWH";
cisco[2633] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWQ";
cisco[2634] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWR";
cisco[2635] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWN";
cisco[2636] = "ciscoC11014PLtePWF";
cisco[2637] = "ciscoC11094PLte2P";
cisco[2638] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWB";
cisco[2639] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWE";
cisco[2640] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWD";
cisco[2641] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWZ";
cisco[2642] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWA";
cisco[2643] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWH";
cisco[2644] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWQ";
cisco[2645] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWN";
cisco[2646] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWR";
cisco[2647] = "ciscoC11094PLte2PWF";
cisco[2648] = "ciscoC9606R";
cisco[2649] = "cisco8201";
cisco[2650] = "cisco8202";
cisco[2652] = "ciscoC11128PWE";
cisco[2653] = "ciscoC11128PLteEAWE";
cisco[2654] = "ciscoC11138PWB";
cisco[2655] = "ciscoC11138PLteEAWB";
cisco[2656] = "ciscoC11138PLteLAWA";
cisco[2657] = "ciscoC11164PLteLA";
cisco[2658] = "ciscoASR9901";
cisco[2659] = "ciscoEsxSECPA";
cisco[2660] = "ciscoKvmSECPA";
cisco[2661] = "ciscoIR1101K9";
cisco[2662] = "ciscoFpr1140td";
cisco[2663] = "ciscoFpr1120td";
cisco[2664] = "ciscoCat9400VirtualStack";
cisco[2665] = "ciscoISRAP1100ACME";
cisco[2666] = "ciscoISR4221X";
cisco[2668] = "ciscoC1111X8P";
cisco[2669] = "ciscoC980080K9";
cisco[2670] = "ciscoAP4800";
cisco[2672] = "ciscoIR829M2LTELAxK9";
cisco[2673] = "ciscoIR829MLTEEAxK9";
cisco[2674] = "ciscoIR829BLTEEAxK9";
cisco[2675] = "ciscoIR829BLTELAxK9";
cisco[2676] = "ciscoIR829B2LTEEAxK9";
cisco[2677] = "ciscoIR829B2LTELAxK9";
cisco[2678] = "ciscoASR92012SZD";
cisco[2679] = "ciscoASR92012SZA";
cisco[2680] = "ciscoISR4461";
cisco[2681] = "ciscoESS3300NCP";
cisco[2682] = "ciscoESS3300CON";
cisco[2683] = "ciscoIE32008T2S";
cisco[2684] = "ciscoIE32008P2S";
cisco[2685] = "ciscoIE33008T2S";
cisco[2686] = "ciscoIE33008P2S";
cisco[2687] = "ciscoIE34008P2S";
cisco[2688] = "ciscoCat9500VirtualStack";
cisco[2689] = "ciscoNam2520";
cisco[2690] = "ciscoNam2540";
cisco[2691] = "ciscoCSPA2520";
cisco[2692] = "ciscoIR1101XK9";
cisco[2693] = "ciscoVG450";
cisco[2694] = "ciscoCat9200LFixedSwitchStack";
cisco[2695] = "ciscoCat9200FixedSwitchStack";
cisco[2697] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10B";
cisco[2698] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10BE";
cisco[2699] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10";
cisco[2700] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10R";
cisco[2701] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10E";
cisco[2702] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10ER";
cisco[2703] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10EA";
cisco[2704] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10EAR";
cisco[2705] = "ciscoASR92020SZM";
cisco[2708] = "cisco9214PK9";
cisco[2709] = "cisco9314PK9";
cisco[2711] = "cisco9214PLTEGBK9";
cisco[2712] = "cisco9214PLTEASK9";
cisco[2713] = "cisco9214PLTEAUK9";
cisco[2715] = "cisco921J4PK9";
cisco[2716] = "cisco9274PK9";
cisco[2717] = "cisco9274PMK9";
cisco[2718] = "cisco9264PK9";
cisco[2719] = "cisco9274PLTEAUK9";
cisco[2721] = "cisco9274PLTEGBK9";
cisco[2722] = "cisco9274PMLTEGBK9";
cisco[2723] = "cisco9264PLTEGBK9";
cisco[2730] = "ciscoAP1840";
cisco[2731] = "ciscoC11118PWS";
cisco[2732] = "ciscoC11118PLteLAWS";
cisco[2733] = "ciscoC11118PLteLAWA";
cisco[2734] = "ciscoC11118PLteLAWE";
cisco[2735] = "ciscoNCS55A2MODHDS";
cisco[2737] = "ciscoUCSC125";
cisco[2738] = "ciscoWSC6506E";
cisco[2739] = "ciscoWSC6509E";
cisco[2740] = "ciscoNCS1004";
cisco[2741] = "ciscoN54024Z8Q2CM";
cisco[2742] = "ciscoN540X24Z8Q2CM";
cisco[2743] = "ciscoN560RSP4";
cisco[2744] = "ciscoN560RSP4E";
cisco[2745] = "ciscoC11218PLteP";
cisco[2746] = "ciscoC1121X8PLTEP";
cisco[2747] = "ciscoC11218PLtePWE";
cisco[2748] = "ciscoC11218PLtePWB";
cisco[2749] = "ciscoC11218PLtePWZ";
cisco[2750] = "ciscoC11218PLtePWQ";
cisco[2751] = "ciscoC11218P";
cisco[2752] = "ciscoC1121X8P";
cisco[2753] = "ciscoC11618P";
cisco[2754] = "ciscoC1161X8P";
cisco[2755] = "ciscoC11618PLteP";
cisco[2756] = "ciscoC1161X8PLteP";
cisco[2757] = "ciscoFpr9000SM56";
cisco[2758] = "ciscoC11268PLteP";
cisco[2759] = "ciscoC11278PLteP";
cisco[2760] = "ciscoC11278PMLteP";
cisco[2761] = "ciscoC1126X8PLteP";
cisco[2762] = "ciscoC1127X8PLteP";
cisco[2763] = "ciscoC1127X8PMLteP";
cisco[2764] = "ciscoC11214P";
cisco[2765] = "ciscoC11214PLteP";
cisco[2766] = "ciscoC11288PLteP";
cisco[2767] = "ciscoVG4002FXS2FXO";
cisco[2768] = "ciscoVG4004FXS4FXO";
cisco[2769] = "ciscoVG4006FXS6FXO";
cisco[2770] = "ciscoVG4008FXS";
cisco[2771] = "ciscoC891FJK9";
cisco[2772] = "ciscoFpr9000SM40";
cisco[2773] = "ciscoFpr9000SM48";
cisco[2774] = "ciscoFpr4115SM24";
cisco[2775] = "ciscoFpr4125SM32";
cisco[2776] = "ciscoFpr4145SM44";
cisco[2777] = "ciscoFpr4145K9";
cisco[2778] = "ciscoFpr4125K9";
cisco[2779] = "ciscoFpr4115K9";
cisco[2780] = "ciscoCat930024S";
cisco[2781] = "ciscoCat930048S";
cisco[2782] = "ciscoIOSXREdgecore591654XKSOACF";
cisco[2783] = "ciscoIOSXREdgecoreAS781664X";
cisco[2784] = "ciscoSNS3615K9";
cisco[2785] = "ciscoSNS3655K9";
cisco[2786] = "ciscoSNS3695K9";
cisco[2787] = "ciscoNCS55A2MODHXS";
cisco[2788] = "ciscoC1121X8PLtePWE";
cisco[2789] = "ciscoC1121X8PLtePWB";
cisco[2790] = "ciscoC1121X8PLtePWZ";
cisco[2791] = "ciscoC1121X8PLtePWA";
cisco[2792] = "ciscoCat9300L24T4G";
cisco[2793] = "ciscoCat9300L48T4G";
cisco[2794] = "ciscoCat9300L24T4X";
cisco[2795] = "ciscoCat9300L48T4X";
cisco[2796] = "ciscoCat9300L24P4G";
cisco[2797] = "ciscoCat9300L48P4G";
cisco[2798] = "ciscoCat9300L24P4X";
cisco[2799] = "ciscoCat9300L48P4X";
cisco[2800] = "ciscoCat9300L24UXG4X";
cisco[2801] = "ciscoCat9300L48UXG4X";
cisco[2802] = "ciscoCat9300L24UXG2Q";
cisco[2803] = "ciscoCat9300L48UXG2Q";
cisco[2804] = "ciscocat9300Lstack";
cisco[2806] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM8TS";
cisco[2807] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM8PS";
cisco[2808] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM16TS";
cisco[2809] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM16PS";
cisco[2810] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24TS";
cisco[2811] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24PS";
cisco[2812] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48TS";
cisco[2813] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48PS";
cisco[2814] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24TQ";
cisco[2815] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48TQ";
cisco[2816] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24PQ";
cisco[2817] = "ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48PQ";
cisco[2818] = "ciscoC850012X4QC";
cisco[2819] = "ciscoC850012X";
cisco[2820] = "ciscoC9592PLteGB";
cisco[2821] = "ciscoC9592PLteUS";
cisco[2822] = "ciscoC9592PLteVZ";
cisco[2823] = "ciscoC9592PLteIN";
cisco[2824] = "ciscoC9514P";
cisco[2825] = "ciscoCMeWlc";
cisco[2826] = "ciscoIE34008FTMC";
cisco[2827] = "ciscoIE340016FTMC";
cisco[2828] = "ciscoIE340024FTMC";
cisco[2829] = "ciscoIE34008TMC";
cisco[2830] = "ciscoIE340016TMC";
cisco[2831] = "ciscoIE340024TMC";
cisco[2833] = "ciscoCat930024UBX";
cisco[2834] = "ciscoCat930048UB";
cisco[2835] = "ciscoCat930024UB";
cisco[2839] = "ciscoC9115AXI";
cisco[2840] = "ciscoC9115AXME";
cisco[2841] = "ciscoC9117AXME";
cisco[2842] = "ciscoC9117AXI";
cisco[2843] = "ciscoNCS5064";
cisco[2844] = "ciscoESR1115CONK9";
cisco[2845] = "ciscoESR1115NCPK9";
cisco[2846] = "ciscoC9115AXE";
cisco[2849] = "ciscoC9120AXI";
cisco[2850] = "ciscoC9120AXME";
cisco[2851] = "ciscoC9120AXE";
cisco[2852] = "ciscoC9120AXEME";
cisco[2853] = "ciscoN5604";
cisco[2854] = "ciscoN5604CC";
cisco[2855] = "ciscoN5604RSP4";
cisco[2856] = "ciscoN5604RSP4E";
cisco[2857] = "ciscoN5604RSP4CC";
cisco[2858] = "ciscoN5604RSP4ECC";
cisco[2860] = "ciscoC9800LCK9";
cisco[2861] = "ciscoC9800LFK9";
cisco[2864] = "ciscoESR6300CONK9";
cisco[2865] = "ciscoESR6300NCPK9";
cisco[2866] = "ciscoNCS55A148Q6H";
cisco[2867] = "ciscoNCS55A148T6H";
cisco[2870] = "ciscoFpr1150td";
cisco[2871] = "ciscoC9606RVirtualStack";
cisco[2872] = "ciscoIE34008T2S";
cisco[2873] = "ciscoCat930024H";
cisco[2874] = "ciscoCat930048H";
cisco[2881] = "ciscoIE3400H8FT";
cisco[2882] = "ciscoIE3400H16FT";
cisco[2883] = "ciscoIE3400H24FT";
cisco[2884] = "ciscoIE3400H8T";
cisco[2885] = "ciscoIE3400H16T";
cisco[2886] = "ciscoIE3400H24T";
cisco[2889] = "ciscoENCS5104";
cisco[2891] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10A";
cisco[2892] = "ciscoRAIE1783MMS10AR";
cisco[2893] = "ciscoENCS510464";
cisco[2894] = "ciscoENCS5104200";
cisco[2895] = "ciscoENCS5104400";
cisco[2896] = "ciscoC10008T2GL";
cisco[2897] = "ciscoCat100010GbpsStack";
cisco[2898] = "ciscoAIRIW6300ME";
cisco[2899] = "ciscoFpr4112K9";
cisco[2900] = "ciscoCSP5200";
cisco[2901] = "ciscoCSP5216";
cisco[2902] = "ciscoCSP5228";
cisco[2903] = "ciscoCSP5400";
cisco[2904] = "ciscoCSP5436";
cisco[2905] = "ciscoCSP5444";
cisco[2906] = "ciscoCSP5456";
cisco[2907] = "ciscoCat920024PB";
cisco[2908] = "ciscoCat920048PB";
cisco[2909] = "ciscoC10008TE2GL";
cisco[2910] = "ciscoC10008P2GL";
cisco[2911] = "ciscoC10008PE2GL";
cisco[2912] = "ciscoC10008FP2GL";
cisco[2913] = "ciscoC10008FPE2GL";
cisco[2914] = "ciscoC100016T2GL";
cisco[2915] = "ciscoC100016TE2GL";
cisco[2916] = "ciscoC100016P2GL";
cisco[2917] = "ciscoC100016PE2GL";
cisco[2918] = "ciscoC100016FP2GL";
cisco[2919] = "ciscoC100024T4GL";
cisco[2920] = "ciscoC100024PP4GL";
cisco[2921] = "ciscoC100024P4GL";
cisco[2922] = "ciscoC100024FP4GL";
cisco[2923] = "ciscoC100048T4GL";
cisco[2924] = "ciscoC100048PP4GL";
cisco[2925] = "ciscoC100048P4GL";
cisco[2926] = "ciscoC100048FP4GL";
cisco[2927] = "ciscoC100024T4XL";
cisco[2928] = "ciscoC100024P4XL";
cisco[2929] = "ciscoC100024FP4XL";
cisco[2930] = "ciscoC100048T4XL";
cisco[2931] = "ciscoC100048P4XL";
cisco[2932] = "ciscoC100048FP4XL";
cisco[2958] = "ciscoMobilityExpress";
cisco[2959] = "ciscoCat10001GbpsStack";
cisco[2963] = "ciscoC83002N2S4T2X";
cisco[2964] = "ciscoC83002N2S6T";
cisco[2965] = "ciscoCat9200BFixedSwitchStack";
cisco[2966] = "ciscoESW6300ME";
cisco[2968] = "ciscoC8500L8G4X";
cisco[2971] = "ciscoC1100TG1N32A";
cisco[2972] = "ciscoC1100TG1N24P32A";
cisco[2973] = "ciscoC1100TGX1N24P32A";
cisco[2981] = "ciscoNCS540L28Z4SysA";
cisco[2982] = "ciscoNCS540L28Z4SysD";
cisco[2983] = "ciscoNCS540L16Z4G8Q2CA";
cisco[2984] = "ciscoNCS540L16Z4G8Q2CD";
cisco[2985] = "ciscoNCS540L12Z20GSysA";
cisco[2986] = "ciscoNCS540L12Z20GSysD";
cisco[2987] = "ciscoNCS540L12Z16GSysA";
cisco[2988] = "ciscoNCS540L12Z16GSysD";
cisco[2989] = "ciscoC83001N1S6T";
cisco[2990] = "ciscoC83001N1S4T2X";
cisco[2991] = "ciscoFpr4112SM12";
cisco[2992] = "ciscoCat9300L48PF4X";
cisco[2993] = "ciscoCat9300L48PF4G";
cisco[3001] = "ciscoNCS540LFHCSRSys";
cisco[3002] = "ciscoNCS540LFHAGGSys";
cisco[3003] = "ciscoNCS540LFHIP65Sys";
cisco[3007] = "ciscoIE33008T2X";
cisco[3008] = "ciscoIE33008U2X";
cisco[3009] = "ciscoNCS54016G";
cisco[3010] = "ciscoNCS540X16G";
cisco[3025] = "ciscoDNAPLTTA1X";
cisco[3050] = "ciscoC9115AXEME";
cisco[3051] = "ciscoC9120AXPME";
cisco[3062] = "ciscoC9KF1SSD960G";
cisco[3063] = "ciscoC9KF1SSD480G";
cisco[3064] = "ciscoC9KF1SSD240G";

cisco_desc["catalyst2908xl"] = "Catalyst 2908XL switch with 8 10/100BaseTX ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst2916mxl"] = "Catalyst 2916M-XL switch with 16 10/100BaseTX ports and 2 uplink slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7246"] = "Universal Broadband Router";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924XL"] = "Catalyst 2924XL switch with 24 10/100BaseTX ports; doesn't support port-based VLANs.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924CXL"] = "Catalyst 2924C-XL switch; doesn't support port-based VLANs.";
cisco_desc["cisco2610"] = "Cisco 2600 platform with 1 integrated ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco2611"] = "Cisco 2600 platform with 2 integrated ethernet interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco2612"] = "Cisco 2600 platform with an integrated ethernet and token ring";
cisco_desc["cisco8510"] = "Cisco Catalyst 8510CSR (Campus Switching Router)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR904"] = "Cisco Cable Modem (UBR - Universal Broadband Router)";
cisco_desc["cisco7202"] = "Modular two slot router in the cisco7200 family";
cisco_desc["cisco2613"] = "Cisco 2600 platform with 1 integrated token ring interface";
cisco_desc["cisco8515"] = "Cisco Catalyst 8515CSR (Campus Switching Router)";
cisco_desc["ciscoRPM"] = "Router Processor Module";
cisco_desc["cisco1710"] = "VPN(Virtual Private Network) Security Router with 1 FastEthernet and 1 Ethernet interface onboard";
cisco_desc["catalyst8540msr"] = "Catalyst 8540 Multiservice Switching Router";
cisco_desc["catalyst8540csr"] = "Catalyst 8540 Campus Switching Router";
cisco_desc["cisco7576"] = "Dual Independent RSP platform, 13 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco3660"] = "Six slot MARs router";
cisco_desc["cisco1401"] = "Router product with 1 ethernet and 1 ATM25 interface";
cisco_desc["cisco2620"] = "Cisco 2600 chassis with 1 onboard FE";
cisco_desc["cisco2621"] = "Cisco 2600 chassis with 2 onboard 10/100 FE ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7223"] = "Universal Broadband Router";
cisco_desc["cisco6400Nrp"] = "Cisco 6400 Network Routing Processor";
cisco_desc["cisco801"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet and 1 BRI S/T";
cisco_desc["cisco802"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet and 1 BRI U";
cisco_desc["cisco803"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet 4-port HUB, 1 BRI S/T, and 2 POTs";
cisco_desc["cisco804"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet 4-port HUB, 1 BRI U, and 2 POTs";
cisco_desc["cisco1750"] = "VoIP (Voice over IP) capable Cisco 1700 platform with 2 WIC/VIC slots and 1 VIC-only slot";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924XLv"] = "Catalyst 2924XL switch with 24 10BaseT/100BaseTX autosensing switch ports; supports port-based VLANs; can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924CXLv"] = "Catalyst 2924C-XL switch with 22 10BaseT/100BaseTX and 2 100BaseFX autosensing switch ports; supports port-based VLANs; can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2912XL"] = "Catalyst 2912XL switch with 12 autosensing 10/100BaseTX ports, can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924MXL"] = "Catalyst 2924M-XL switch with 24 autosensing 10/100BaseTX ports and 2 uplink slots, can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2912MfXL"] = "Catalyst 2912MF-XL switch with 12 100BaseFX ports and 2 uplink slots; can only run Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["cisco7206VXR"] = "Cisco 7200 platform, VXR series chassis with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7204VXR"] = "Cisco 7200 platform, VXR series chassis with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco1538M"] = "Cisco Network Office 8-port 10/100 Repeater";
cisco_desc["cisco1548M"] = "Cisco Network Office 10/100 Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoFasthub100"] = "Cisco Fast Hub 100 Series 10/100 Repeater";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8850"] = "Cisco Multiservice Gigabit Switch with 32 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8830"] = "Cisco Multiservice Switch with 16 half-height slots";
cisco_desc["catalyst8510msr"] = "Catalyst ATM 8510 Multiservice Switching Router";
cisco_desc["catalyst8515msr"] = "Catalyst ATM 8515 Multiservice Switching Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGX8410"] = "Cisco IGX8400 (Integrated Gigabit eXchange) series wide-area switch with 8 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGX8420"] = "Cisco IGX8400 (Integrated Gigabit eXchange) series wide-area switch with 16 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGX8430"] = "Cisco IGX8400 (Integrated Gigabit eXchange) series wide-area switch with 32 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGX8450"] = "Cisco IGX8400 (Integrated Gigabit eXchange) series wide-area switch with integrated MGX feeder";
cisco_desc["ciscoBPX8620"] = "Cisco BPX8600 (Broadband Packet eXchange) series basic wide-area switch with 15 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoBPX8650"] = "Cisco BPX8600 (Broadband Packet eXchange) series wide-area switch with integrated tag switching controller and 15 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoBPX8680"] = "Cisco BPX8600 (Broadband Packet eXchange) series wide-area switch with integrated MGX feeder and 15 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoCacheEngine"] = "Cisco Cache Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat6000"] = "Cisco Catalyst 6000";
cisco_desc["ciscoBPXSes"] = "Cisco BPX (Broadband Packet eXchange) Service Expansion Slot controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGXSes"] = "Cisco IGX (Integrated Gigabit eXchange) Service Expansion Slot controller/feeder, used in IGX8410/IGX8420/IGX8430 switches.";
cisco_desc["ciscoLocalDirector"] = "Cisco Local Director";
cisco_desc["cisco805"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet and 1 serial WIC";
cisco_desc["catalyst3508GXL"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3508G-XL switch with 8 GBIC Gigabit ports, can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3512XL"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3512XL switch with 12 10/100BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC Gigabit ports, can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3524XL"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3524XL switch with 24 10/100BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC Gigabit ports, can run Standard or Enterprise edition software.";
cisco_desc["cisco1407"] = "Cisco 1400 series router with 1 Ethernet and 1 ADSL interface, with 1407 chipset";
cisco_desc["cisco1417"] = "Cisco 1400 series router with 1 Ethernet and 1 ADSL interface, with 1417 chipset";
cisco_desc["cisco6100"] = "Cisco 6100 DSLAM Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco6130"] = "Cisco 6130 DSLAM Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco6260"] = "Cisco 6260 DSLAM Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoOpticalRegenerator"] = "Cisco Optical Regenerator";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR924"] = "Cisco UBR Cable Modem which is a UBR904 with 2 FXS Voice ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSX6302Msm"] = "Catalyst 6000 or 6500 Series Multilayer Switch Module WS-X6302-MSM that directly interfaces to the switch's backplane to provide layer 3 switching.";
cisco_desc["catalyst5kRsfc"] = "Router Switching Feature Card for the Catalyst 5000 that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kMsfc"] = "Multilevel Switching Feature Card for Catalyst 6000 that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["cisco7120Quadt1"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 4 T1/E1 interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7120T3"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 1 T3 interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7120E3"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 1 E3 interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7120At3"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 1 T3 ATM interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7120Ae3"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 1 E3 ATM interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7120Smi3"] = "7120 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 1 OC3SMI ATM interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Dualt3"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 T3 interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Duale3"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 E3 interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Dualat3"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 T3 ATM interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Dualae3"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 E3 ATM interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Dualmm3"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 OC3MM ATM interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco827QuadV"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 1 ADSL DMT issue 2, and 4 voice POTS FXS ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7246VXR"] = "Cisco 7246 Universal Broadband Router, VXR series";
cisco_desc["cisco10400"] = "Cisco 10000 platform with 10 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco12016"] = "Cisco 12000 platform with 16 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoAs5400"] = "Cisco AS5400 platform";
cisco_desc["cat2948gL3"] = "Cisco Catalyst WS-C2948G-L3 48 port 10/100 Layer 3 switch with 2 GBIC ports";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Octt1"] = "7140 Series chassis with 8 integrated T1/E1 serial ports";
cisco_desc["cisco7140Dualfe"] = "7140 Series chassis with 2 integrated 10/100 FE interfaces";
cisco_desc["cat3548XL"] = "Catalyst 3548XL switch (WS-C3548-XL)";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG200"] = "Cisco Voice Gateway 200 controlled by Cisco Call Manager";
cisco_desc["cat6006"] = "Catalyst 6000 with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["cat6009"] = "Catalyst 6000 with 9 slots";
cisco_desc["cat6506"] = "Catalyst 6000 Plus with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["cat6509"] = "Catalyst 6000 Plus with 9 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco827"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 1 ADSL DMT issue 2";
cisco_desc["ciscoManagementEngine1100"] = "Cisco Management Engine 1100 for doing distributed SNMP polling";
cisco_desc["ciscoMc3810V3"] = "Cisco MC3810-V3, capable of data, voice and video.  Supports 2 additional ports than the MC3810-V, used for optional access cards.";
cisco_desc["cat3524tXLEn"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3524 switch (WS-C3524T-XL-EN) with 24 10/100 ports and 2 GBIC gigabit ports.  Runs Enterprise edition software and provides telephony power to attached IP telephones";
cisco_desc["cisco7507z"] = "Cisco 7507z chassis, Czbus capable, 7 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7513z"] = "Cisco 7513z chassis, Czbus capable, 13 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7507mx"] = "Cisco 7507mx chassis, Czbus capable, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) backplane support, 7 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7513mx"] = "Cisco 7513mx chassis, Czbus capable, TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) backplane support, 13 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR912C"] = "Cisco uBR912-C Cable Modem with CSU/DSU WIC";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR912S"] = "Cisco uBR912-S Cable Modem with Serial WIC";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR914"] = "Cisco uBR914 Cable Modem with removable WIC";
cisco_desc["cisco802J"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 1 BRI S/T, and 1 Japanese BRI U";
cisco_desc["cisco804J"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 2 POTS, 1 BRI/ST, and 1 Japanese BRI U";
cisco_desc["cisco6160"] = "Cisco 6160 DSLAM chassis";
cisco_desc["cat4908gL3"] = "Catalyst 4908G-L3 (WS-C4908G-L3) Mid-range fixed configuration layer 3 switch with 6 GBIC based Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cisco6015"] = "Cisco 6015 DSLAM chassis";
cisco_desc["cat4232L3"] = "Cisco Catalyst 4232-L3 layer 3 line card that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kMsfc2"] = "Multilevel Switching Feature Card Version 2 for Catalyst 6000 that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["cisco7750Mrp200"] = "Cisco ICS 7750 Multiservice Route Processor 200";
cisco_desc["cisco7750Ssp80"] = "Cisco ICS 7750 System Switch Processor 80";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8230"] = "Multi Service Switch with 16 half-height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8250"] = "Multi Service Switch with 32 half-height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoCVA122"] = "Cisco CVA122 Cable Voice Adapter (Residential Cable Modem with two Voice Ports)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCVA124"] = "Cisco CVA124 Cable Voice Adapter (Residential Cable Modem with four Voice Ports)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAs5850"] = "High End Dial Access Server";
cisco_desc["cat6509Sp"] = "9-slot Constellation+ vertical slot chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8240"] = "High Density Circuit Emulation Service Gateway for Private Line Service";
cisco_desc["cat4840gL3"] = " Catalyst 4840G-L3 (WS-C4840G) Layer 3 Ethernet Switching System with Server Load Balancing";
cisco_desc["ciscoAS5350"] = " Cisco low end Access server platform";
cisco_desc["cisco7750"] = " Cisco Integrated Communication System (ICS) 7750";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8950"] = " Multiservice Gigabit Switch(180Gb switch) with 32 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR925"] = "Cisco UBR925 Cable Modem/Router with VOIP and hardware accelerated IPSEC";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR10012"] = "Cisco uBR10000 platform with 8 broadband slots and 4 WAN slots";
cisco_desc["catalyst4kGateway"] = "Catalyst 4000 Access Gateway line card supporting voice and WAN (Wide Area Network) interfaces as well as conferencing and transcoding services for operation with the Cisco Call Manager";
cisco_desc["cisco2650"] = "c2650 platform with 1 integrated fast ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco2651"] = "c2650 platform with 2 integrated fast ethernet interfaces  ";
cisco_desc["cisco826QuadV"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 1 ADSL over ISDN and 4 voice POTS FXS ports";
cisco_desc["cisco826"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 ethernet, 1 ADSL over ISDN";
cisco_desc["catalyst295012"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch  with 12 10/100BaseTX ports (WS-c2950-12)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseTX ports (WS-c2950-24)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024C"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 100BASE-FX uplink ports (WS-c2950C-24)";
cisco_desc["cisco1751"] = "Digital voice capable Cisco 1700 platform with 2 WIC/VIC slots and 1 VIC-only slot";
cisco_desc["cisco1730Iad8Fxs"] = "Cisco 1700 class IAD (Integrated Access Device) with 8 FXS (Foreign Exchange Station) ports and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) WIC";
cisco_desc["cisco1730Iad16Fxs"] = "Cisco 1700 class IAD (Integrated Access Device) with 16 FXS (Foreign Exchange Station) ports and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) WIC";
cisco_desc["cisco626"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE pltaform with ADSL, DMT issue 1, 25M ATM interface";
cisco_desc["cisco627"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE pltaform with ADSL, DMT issue 2, 25M ATM interface";
cisco_desc["cisco633"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with SDSL, 2B1Q line coding, serial interface (V.35/X.21)";
cisco_desc["cisco673"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with SDSL, 2B1Q line coding, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco675"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ADSL, CAP, ethernet interface, POTS connector";
cisco_desc["cisco675e"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ADSL, CAP, ethernet interface, universal power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco676"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ADSL, DMT issue 1, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco677"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ADSL, DMT issue 2, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco678"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ADSL, CAP/DMT/G.Lite, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco3661Ac"] = "1 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a AC power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco3661Dc"] = "1 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a DC power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco3662Ac"] = "2 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a AC power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco3662Dc"] = "2 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a DC power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco3662AcCo"] = "2 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a AC power supply for Telco's";
cisco_desc["cisco3662DcCo"] = "2 Fast Ethernet version of c3660 with a DC power supply for Telco's";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7111"] = "Low-end version of the Universal Broadband Router with 1 PA slot, 1 fixed RF line card (MC11C) and integrated upconvertor, designed for hotels, MDUs and smaller cable operators";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7111E"] = "Low-end version of the Universal Broadband Router with 1 PA slot, 1 fixed RF line card (MC11E) and integrated upconvertor, designed for hotels, MDUs and smaller cable operators";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7114"] = "Low-end version of the Universal Broadband Router with 1 PA slot, 1 fixed RF line card (MC14C) and integrated upconvertor, designed for hotels, MDUs and smaller cable operators";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR7114E"] = "Low-end version of the Universal Broadband Router with 1 PA slot, 1 fixed RF line card (MC14E) and integrated upconvertor, designed for hotels, MDUs and smaller cable operators";
cisco_desc["cisco12010"] = "Cisco 12000 platform with 10 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco8110"] = "Cisco 8110 (ATM network termination device) with 3 Line Interface module slots";
cisco_desc["cisco8120"] = "Cisco 8120 (ATM network termination device) with 3 Line Interface module(LIM) slots, and 2 Wan Interface Card (WIC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUBR905"] = "Cisco uBR905 Cable Modem with hardware accelerated IPSEC";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS"] = "CS IDS is a network-based, real-time intrusion detection system.  The NetRanger system has a distributed architecture and consists of two physical components: the Director, a scalable remote management system, and the Sensor, a high-performance, 'plug-and-play' appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO77"] = "Cisco SOHO (Small Office Home Office) ADSL Router, 1 Ethernet and 1 ADSL G.992.1 (G.DMT) and G.992.2 (G.Lite) Interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO76"] = "Cisco SOHO (Small Office Home Office) ADSL over ISDN Router, 1 Ethernet and 1 ADSL ETSI/ITU-T G.992.1 Annex B (G.DMT) Interface";
cisco_desc["cisco7150Dualfe"] = "7150 Series chassis with 2 integrated 10/100 FE interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco7150Octt1"] = "7150 Series chassis with 8 integrated T1/E1 serial ports";
cisco_desc["cisco7150Dualt3"] = "7150 Series chassis with 2 10/100 FE interfaces, 2 T3 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoOlympus"] = "Cisco VPN (Virtual Private Network) Router with  4 10/100/1000 Gigabitethernet integrated interfaces";
cisco_desc["catalyst2950t24"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100BaseT ports and 2 10/100/1000BaseT ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoVPS1110"] = "Cisco VLAN Policy Server 1110 manages VLAN-based policies to control user access to a LAN, leveraging existing authentication mechanisms such as Windows Domain Controllers and Novell's NDS. This policy server is part of CiscoWorks2000 User Registration Tool product.";
cisco_desc["ciscoContentEngine"] = "Cisco Content Engine.  The Cisco Content Engine is a Content Networking product that accelerates content delivery, ensuring maximum scalability and availability of content.  The Content Engines offer caching, Content Delivery Network (CDN) services, employee internet management (e.g., URL filtering) and proxy services";
cisco_desc["ciscoIAD2420"] = "Integrated Access Device 2420 (IAD2420) chassis with Analog (8/16) FXS ports with T1 or ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) Uplinks";
cisco_desc["cisco677i"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with ASDL, DMT issue 2 over ISDN, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco674"] = "Cisco 600 DSL CPE platform with G.SHDSL, ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoDPA7630"] = "The Cisco Digital PBX Adapter (DPA) enables the integration of Cisco Call Manager with Octel voice mail systems";
cisco_desc["catalyst355024"] = " Catalyst 3550 24 10/100 ports + 2 Gig uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst355048"] = " Catalyst 3550 48 10/100 ports + 2 Gig uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst355012T"] = " Catalyst 3550 12 1000T ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst2924LREXL"] = " Cisco Catalyst c2924XL switch (WS-C2924-LRE-XL) with 24 10BaseS VDSL ports and 4 10/100BaseTX ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst2912LREXL"] = " Cisco Catalyst c2912XL switch (WS-C2912-LRE-XL) with 12 10BaseS VDSL ports and 4 10/100BaseTX ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCVA122E"] = "Cisco CVA122-e Cable Voice Adapter(Residential Cable Modem with two voice ports)- European version";
cisco_desc["ciscoCVA124E"] = "Cisco CVA124-e Cable Voice Adapter(Residential Cable Modem with four voice ports)- European version";
cisco_desc["ciscoURM"] = "Universal Router Module for the IGX platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoURM2FE"] = "Universal router module with 2 Fast Ethernet interfaces for IGX platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoURM2FE2V"] = "Universal Router Module, with 2 Fast Ethernet ports, and 2 digital voice ports (T1 or E1)";
cisco_desc["cisco7401VXR"] = "Cisco 7400 Family, 1 Slot router";
cisco_desc["cisco951"] = "VOFDM and DOCSIS based wireless access router with 1 ethernet interface, and 1 wireless interface";
cisco_desc["cisco952"] = "VOFDM and DOCSIS based wireless access router with 1 ethernet interface, 1 wireless interface, and 2 POTS voice ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCAP340"] = "Aironet Wireless LAN Access Point 340 series";
cisco_desc["ciscoCAP350"] = "Cisco Wireless LAN Access Point 350 series";
cisco_desc["ciscoDPA7610"] = "The Cisco Digital PBX Adapter (DPA) enables the integration of Cisco Call Manager with Octel voice mail systems.";
cisco_desc["cisco828"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 1 Ethernet, 1 G.991.2 (G.shdsl) Interface, data only model";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO78"] = "SOHO (Small Office Home Office) G.SHDSL Router, 1 Ethernet and 1 G.991.2 (G.shdsl) Interface, data only model";
cisco_desc["cisco806"] = "Cisco SOHO (Small Office Home Office) router with 4 hubbed 10BaseT Ethernet LAN interfaces and 1 10BaseT Ethernet WAN interface";
cisco_desc["cisco12416"] = "Cisco 12000 platform with 16 slots and 10G fabric card";
cisco_desc["cat2948gL3Dc"] = "A fixed-configuration Layer 3 Ethernet switch featuring IP, IPX, and IP mulitcast with 48 10/100BaseTX ports using DC power";
cisco_desc["cat4908gL3Dc"] = "A fixed-configuration L3 Ethernet switch featuring IP,IPX and IP multicast with 8 GBIC ports using DC power";
cisco_desc["cisco12406"] = "Cisco 12400 platform with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall506"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 506";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall520"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 520";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall525"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 525";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall535"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 535";
cisco_desc["cisco12410"] = "Cisco 12410 platform with 10 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco811"] = "ISDN router for Japan with 1 10BaseT Ethernet port, 1 ISDN BRI(Basic Rate Interface) U, integrated DSU(Data Service Unit)";
cisco_desc["cisco813"] = "ISDN router forJapan with 10 BaseT 4 ports hub , 1 ISDN BRI(Basic Rate Interface) U, integrated DSU(Data Service Unit) and 2 RJ-11";
cisco_desc["cisco10720"] = "IP + Optical Access Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoMWR1900"] = "The Mobile Wireless router is a router targeted at application in a cell site Base Transciever Station (BTS) providing T1/E1 backhaul connections to the aggregation node in Radio Access Networks (RAN)";
cisco_desc["cisco4224"] = "A standalone 24 port powered Ethernet switch, router and voice gateway";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6513"] = "Catalyst 6000 series chassis with 13 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7603"] = "Cisco Optical Services Router 7600 Series Chassis with 3 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7606"] = "Cisco Optical Services Router 7600 Series Chassis with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7401ASR"] = "Cisco 7400 platform, ASR series with 1 slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG248"] = "Cisco VoIP Voice Gateway for connecting analog telephones fax machines to a Cisco Call Manager based system";
cisco_desc["ciscoHSE"] = "Cisco Hosting Solution Engine 1105 manages Cisco powered data centers and Points of Presence with routers, switches, server load balancers, firewalls, intrusion detection systems and other layer 4-7 content delivery products";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15540ESP"] = "Cisco ONS 15540 Extended Services Platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoSN5420"] = "SRBU Storage Router 1 Fiber Channel port, 1 Gigabit Ethernet port";
cisco_desc["ciscoIcs7750Ce300"] = "Cisco ICS 7750 Content Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe507"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 507";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe560"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 560";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe590"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 590";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe7320"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 7320";
cisco_desc["cisco2691"] = "One Network Module slot, three WIC slot, two Fast Ethernet port MARS router";
cisco_desc["cisco3725"] = "Two Network Module slot, three WIC slot, two Fast Ethernet port MARS router";
cisco_desc["cisco3640A"] = "Cisco 3640 4-slot Modular Router";
cisco_desc["cisco1760"] = "Analog/digital voice capable, 19in. rack-mount (1RU) Cisco 1700 platform with 2 WIC/VIC slots and 2 VIC-only slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall501"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 501";
cisco_desc["cisco2610M"] = "c2600M with 1 integrated ethernet interface";
cisco_desc["cisco2611M"] = "c2600M with 2 integrated ethernet interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoGP10"] = "Cisco GSM Port";
cisco_desc["ciscoMC21"] = "Cisco GSM Mobility Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoSN51"] = "Cisco GPRS Service Node";
cisco_desc["cisco12404"] = "Cisco 12400 platform with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco9004"] = "Cisco 9000 Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco3631Co"] = "Two Network Module Slot , two WIC slot, one Fast Ethernet port MARS router";
cisco_desc["catalyst295012G"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 12 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) slots (WS-c2950g-12)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024G"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) slots (WS-c2950g-12)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295048G"] = "isco Catalyst c2950 switch with 48 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) slots (WS-c2950g-12)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024S"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseSX ports (Single Mode) and 2 GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) slots (WS-c2950g-12)";
cisco_desc["catalyst355012G"] = "10 Gig (GBIC) + 2 10/100/1000baseT ports, fixed configuration layer 2/3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE507AV"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 507-AV";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE560AV"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 560-AV";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2105"] = "The Cisco Intelligence Engine 2100 series is a new form of network device that provides intelligent network interface to applications and users";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8850Pxm1E"] = "PXM1E Controller based 32 full-height slot MGX8850";
cisco_desc["cisco3745"] = "3700 family four slot modular router";
cisco_desc["cisco10005"] = "Cisco 10000 platform with 7 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco10008"] = "Cisco 10000 platform with 10 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7304"] = "Cisco 7304 Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoRpmXf"] = "Chassis for RPM-XF router module";
cisco_desc["ciscoOsm4oc3PosSmIr"] = "Optical Service Module, 4 port OC3 pos, Singlemode, Intermediate Range with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoOsm4oc3PosMmSr"] = "Optical Service Module, 4 port OC3 POS, Multimode, Short Range with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoOsm4oc3PosSmLr"] = "Optical Service Module, 4 port OC3 POS, Singlemode, Long Range with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cisco1721"] = "Enhanced 1720 with support for onboard Fast Ethernet and 2 WAN Interface cards and optional hardware encryption module";
cisco_desc["cat4000Sup3"] = "Catalyst 4000 Supervisor III";
cisco_desc["cisco827H"] = "Cisco 800 platform with 4-port 10Base-T Ethernet, and 1 ADSL over POTS Interface, data only model";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO77H"] = "SOHO (Small Office Home Office) Router, 4-port 10Base-T Ethernet, and 1 ADSL over POTS Interface, data only model";
cisco_desc["cat4006"] = "Catalyst 4000 with 6 slots (WS-C4006)";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6503"] = "Catalyst 6000 series chassis with 3 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall506E"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 506E";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515E"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515E";
cisco_desc["cat355024Dc"] = "Catalyst 3550 24 10/100Base-Tx ports + 2 Gig uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch with DC power";
cisco_desc["cat355024Mmf"] = "Catalyst 3550 24 10/100Mbps Multimode Fiber ports + 2 Gig uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE2636"] = "Cisco Content Engine Module for 26xx and 36xx series platforms";
cisco_desc["ciscoDwCE"] = "Double Wide Cisco Content Engine Module for 26xx";
cisco_desc["cisco7750Mrp300"] = "Cisco ICS 7750 Multiservice Route Processor 300";
cisco_desc["ciscoRPMPR"] = "For RPM-PR router blade in MGX series switch";
cisco_desc["cisco14MGX8830Pxm1E"] = "PXM1E Controller based 14 slot MGX8830";
cisco_desc["ciscoWlse"] = "Wireless LAN Solution Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15530"] = "Cisco ONS 15530 platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15530NEBS"] = "Cisco ONS 15530 Chassis, NEBS compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15530ETSI"] = "Cisco ONS 15530 Chassis, ETSI compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO71"] = "Cisco SOHO Platform(Small Office Home Office) router having 10BaseT 4 ports hubed Ethernet LAN interface and 1 10BaseT Ethernet WAN Interface";
cisco_desc["cisco6400UAC"] = "Cisco 6400 Universal Access Concentrator";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1200"] = "1200 series WLAN Access Point with 1 10/100TX port, 1 CardBus slot, 1 Mini PCI slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoSN5428"] = "Storage Networking 5428 storage router with 2 SFP (Small Form  Factor Pluggable) GBIC Gigabit Ethernet ports and 8 SFP GBIC Fibre Channel ports";
cisco_desc["cisco2610XM"] = "Cisco c2610XM platform 1 integrated fast ethernet interface with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco2611XM"] = "Cisco c2611XM platform 2 integrated fast ethernet interfaces with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco2620XM"] = "Cisco c2620XM platform 1 integrated fast ethernet interface with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco2621XM"] = "Cisco c2621XM platform 2 integrated fast ethernet interfaces with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco2650XM"] = "Cisco c2650XM platform 1 integrated fast ethernet interface with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco2651XM"] = "Cisco c2651XM platform 2 integrated fast ethernet interfaces with SDRAM";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024GDC"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) slots and DC power(WS-c2950G-24-DC)";
cisco_desc["cisco7301"] = "Cisco 7300 platform, 1 Rack Unit (RU) application specific router with 1 slot";
cisco_desc["cisco12816"] = "Cisco 12816 platform with 16 slots and 40G fabric card";
cisco_desc["cisco12810"] = "Cisco 12810 platform with 10 slots and 40G fabric card";
cisco_desc["cisco3250"] = "cisco 3250 mobile Router";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024SX"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 fixed 1000Base Multimode fiber (SX) ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15540ESPx"] = "Cisco ONS 15540 Extended Services Platform with external optical patch system";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024LRESt"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10BaseS VDSL Ports and 2 ST ( SFP or 10/100/1000 Base T) (WS-C2950ST-24-LRE)";
cisco_desc["catalyst29508LRESt"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 8 10BaseS VDSL Ports and 2 ST (SFP or 10/100/1000 Base T) (WS-C2950ST-8-LRE)";
cisco_desc["catalyst295024LREG"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 24 10BaseS VDSL Ports and 2 GBIC ( Gigabit Interface Converter ) slots (WS-C2950G-24-LRE)";
cisco_desc["catalyst355024PWR"] = "Catalyst 3550 24 10/100 ports with inline power and 2 Gig uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDM4630"] = "Cisco Content Distribution Manager Model 4630";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDM4650"] = "Cisco Content Distribution Manager Model 4650";
cisco_desc["catalyst2955T12"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2955 Industrial switch with 12 10/100 BaseTX ports and 2 10/100/1000 Base-TX ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst2955C12"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2955 Industrial switch with 12 10/100 Base TX ports and 2 100 Base-FX ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE508"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 508";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE565"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 565";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE7325"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 7325";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15454"] = "Cisco ONS 15454 Platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15327"] = "Cisco ONS 15327 Platform";
cisco_desc["cisco837"] = "Cisco 837 platform with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch,1 ADSL over POTS interface,data only model, hardware encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO97"] = "SOHO (Small Office Home Office) Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch,1 ADSL over POTS interface,data only model";
cisco_desc["cisco831"] = "Cisco 831 platform with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 10Base-T Ethernet WAN interface, hardware encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO91"] = "SOHO (Small Office Home Office)Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 10Base-T Ethernet WAN interface";
cisco_desc["cisco836"] = "Cisco 836 platform with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 ADSL over ISDN interface,1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, hardware encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoSOHO96"] = "SOHO (Small Office Home Office)Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 ADSL over ISDN interface, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface";
cisco_desc["cat4507"] = "Catalyst 4000 with 7 slots (WS-C4507)";
cisco_desc["cat4506"] = "Catalyst 4000 with 6 slots (WS-C4506)";
cisco_desc["cat4503"] = "Catalyst 4000 with 3 slots (WS-C4503)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE7305"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 7305";
cisco_desc["ciscoCE510"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model 510";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1100"] = "1100 series WLAN Access Point with 1 10/100TX port, 1 IEEE 802.11 radio port.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2955S12"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2955 Industrial switch with 12 10/100 Base T ports and 2 100 Base-LX Single Mode Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["cisco7609"] = "Cisco 7600 Series Chassis with 9 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC65509"] = "Catalyst 9 slots chassis";
cisco_desc["catalyst375024"] = "Catalyst 3750 24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet  Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst375048"] = "Catalyst 3750 48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet  Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst375024TS"] = "Catalyst 3750 24TS: 24 10/100/1000 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet  Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst375024T"] = "Catalyst 3750 24T: 24 10/100/1000 ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet  Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst37xxStack"] = "A stack of any catalyst37xx stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management.";
cisco_desc["ciscoGSS"] = "The Global Site Selector (GSS) is a network appliance that performs global server load balancing for geographically dispersed server load balancers and caches using DNS resolution.";
cisco_desc["ciscoPrimaryGSSM"] = "The Primary Global Site Selector Manager (GSSM) serves as the central management station for a Global Site Selector (GSS) Network.";
cisco_desc["ciscoStandbyGSSM"] = "The Standby Global Site Selector Manager (GSSM) serves as the backup to the Primary GSSM in a Global Site Selector(GSS) Network.                                 ";
cisco_desc["ciscoMWR1941DC"] = "The Mobile Wireless Router (MWR-1941-DC) is a router with a universal power supply targeted at application in a cell site Base Transceiver Station (BTS) providing T1/E1 backhaul connections to the aggregation node in Radio Access Networks (RAN)";
cisco_desc["ciscoDSC9216K9"] = "DS-C9216-K9    -  MDS 9216 16-port 2Gbps FC + 1-slot Modular Switch";
cisco_desc["cat6500FirewallSm"] = " High performance firewall blade for Catalyst 6500 Series";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCA11000"] = "The Cisco SCA 11000 Series Secure Content Accelerator is an appliance-based solution that increases the number of secure connections supported by a Web site by offloading the processor-intensive tasks related to securing traffic with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSM"] = "Cisco Content Switching Module (CSM) which load balancing internet traffic based on the layer 4 through layer 7 information in the content.";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1210"] = "1200 series WLAN Access Point on Cisco IOS platform with 1 10/100TX port, 1 CardBus slot, 1 Mini PCI slot.";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCA211000"] = "The Cisco SCA2 11000 Series Secure Content Accelerator is an appliance-based solution that increases the number of secure connections supported by a Web site by offloading the processor-intensive tasks related to securing traffic with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)";
cisco_desc["catalyst297024"] = "Catalyst 2970 24: 24 10/100/1000 ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet  switch";
cisco_desc["cisco7613"] = "Cisco Internet router 7600 Series Chassis with 13 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoSN54282"] = "Storage Networking 5428-2 storage router with 2 SFP (Small Form Factor Pluggable) GBIC Gigabit Ethernet ports and 8 SFP GBIC Fibre Channel ports.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750Ge12Sfp"] = "Cisco Catalyst c3750 switch with 12 SFP (Small Form  FactorPluggable) Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCR4430"] = "Cisco Content Router Model 4430";
cisco_desc["ciscoCR4450"] = "Cisco Content Router Model 4450";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRBR1410"] = "1410 Series Wireless LAN Bridge on Cisco IOS platform with 1 10/100Tx port and 1 5-GHz radio";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6509neba"] = "Catalyst 6500 series chassis with 9 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco3825"] = "Two Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports 3800 family router";
cisco_desc["cisco3845"] = "Four Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports 3800 family router";
cisco_desc["cisco2430Iad24Fxs"] = "IAD2430 with 24FXS, 2FE";
cisco_desc["cisco2431Iad8Fxs"] = "IAD2431 with 8FXS, 2FE, 1T1/E1";
cisco_desc["cisco2431Iad16Fxs"] = "IAD2431 with 16FXS, 2FE, 1T1/E1";
cisco_desc["cisco2431Iad1T1E1"] = "IAD2431 with 2FE, 2T1/E1";
cisco_desc["cisco2432Iad24Fxs"] = "IAD2432 with 24FXS, 2FE, 2T1E1";
cisco_desc["cisco1701ADSLBRI"] = "Bacardi is a fixed configuration sku with ADSL WIC and ISDN BRI (S/T) or (S/T-V2) WIC";
cisco_desc["catalyst2950St24LRE997"] = "Catalyst2950 Long Reach Ethernet switch that confirms to ETSI 997 with 24 LRE interfaces, 2 10/100/1000 Small form factor copper interfaces and DC power supply(WS-C2950ST-24-LRE-997)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAirAp350IOS"] = "Cisco Wireless LAN Access Point 350 series on IOS platform with 1 10/100TX port, 1 IEEE 802.11 radio port";
cisco_desc["cisco3220"] = "3220 - Mobile Access Router (MAR)";
cisco_desc["cat6500SslSm"] = "SSLSM is a High-Speed SSL Termination Engine for Catalyst 6000 family of platforms that terminates and accelarates Secure Socket Layer (SSL) transactions in Web server environement.";
cisco_desc["ciscoSIMSE"] = "ciscoSIMSE is an appliance - CiscoWorks Security Information Management Solution Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoESSE"] = "Cisco Ethernet Subscriber Solution Engine";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kSup720"] = "Catalyst 6500 Supervisor Module 720 CPU board that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG224"] = "Line side Analog Gateway with 24FXS Analog ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst295048T"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 48 10/100BaseT ports and 2 fixed 10/100/1000BaseT ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst295048SX"] = "Cisco Catalyst c2950 switch with 48 10/100BaseT ports and 2 fixed 1000Base Multimode fiber (SX) ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst297024TS"] = "Catalyst 2970 24TS: 24 10/100/1000 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet  switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmNam"] = "Cisco NM-NAM, NAM for the branch office routers";
cisco_desc["catalyst356024PS"] = "Catalyst 3750 24 10/100 ports with In-Line Power + 2 Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch.(SFP Small Formfactor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["catalyst356048PS"] = "Catalyst 3750 48 10/100 ports with In-Line Power + 4 Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch.(SFP Small Formfactor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRBR1300"] = "Cisco Aironet 1300 Series Wireless Bridge with 1 10/100TX Ethernet port, 1 IEEE 802.11g radio port";
cisco_desc["cisco851"] = "Cisco 851 platform with 1 10/100T ethernet WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, hardware encryption and Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["cisco857"] = "Cisco 857 platform with 1 DSL over POTS WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["cisco876"] = "Cisco 876 platform with 1 ADSL over ISDN WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["cisco877"] = "Cisco 877 platform with 1 ADSL over POTS WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 BASE-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["cisco878"] = "Cisco 878 platform with 1 SHDSL WAN interface, 4-port 1 0/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["cisco871"] = " Cisco 871 platform with 1 10/100T ethernet WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["uMG9820"] = "A stand-alone 'pizza-box' video QAM device enabling delivery of VOD/SVOD/NVPR services via low-cost, line-rate GbE transport solutions from centralized servers to local cable hubs";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kGateway"] = "Catalyst 6000 Acess Gateway line card supporting voice and WAN(Wide Area Network) interfaces as well as conferencing and transcoding services";
cisco_desc["catalyst4000NAM"] = " Network analysis Module (NAM) for Catalyst 4000";
cisco_desc["cisco3201WMIC"] = " Cisco 3201 Wireless MIC (Mobile Interface card) with 802.11g wireless interface in the PC104+ form factor. An interface card for the existing MAR 3200 products(Mobile Access Router)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7815I"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7815 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7825H"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7825 (HP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7835H"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7835 (HP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7835I"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7835 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7845H"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7845 (HP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7845I"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7845 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7855I"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7855 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7865I"] = " Cisco Media Convergence Server 7865 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["cisco12006"] = " Cisco 12000 platform with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G16TD"] = " Cisco Catalyst 3750 switch with 16 gigabit and one 10G ethernet port (WS-C3750G-16TD)";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGESM"] = " Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter (OS-CIGESM-18TT-E)";
cisco_desc["cisco1718"] = " Voice capable Cisco 1700 Router with 4 FastEthernet switch ports, 1 FastEthernet port and 4 FXS-DID ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe511K9"] = " Cisco Content Engine Model CE-511-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe566K9"] = " Cisco Content Engine Model CE-566-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8830Pxm45"] = " PXM45 controller-based 7 full-height-slot MGX8830";
cisco_desc["ciscoMGX8880"] = " Cisco MGX8880 switch with 32 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcWLAN1K9"] = " Wireless LAN Module (WS-SVC-WLAN-1-K9) is a Komodo+ based line card for Cat6K family of platforms, which provides wireless domain services (WDS) for IEEE 802.11 wireless clients";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe7306K9"] = " Cisco Content Engine Model CE-7306-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe7326K9"] = " Cisco Content Engine Model CE-7326-K9";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G24PS"] = " Catalyst 3750 24 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 4 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch. (SFP Small Form factor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G48PS"] = " Catalyst 3750 48 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 4 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports fixed configuration Layer2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch. (SFP Small Form factor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G48TS"] = " Catalyst 3750 48 10/100/1000 ports + 4 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch. (SFP Small Form factor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["ciscoBMGX8830Pxm45"] = " PXM45 based Multiservice Switch (Model B) with 14 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoBMGX8830Pxm1E"] = " PXM1E based Multiservice Switch (Model B) with 14 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoBMGX8850Pxm45"] = " PXM45 based Multiservice Gigabit Switch (ModelB) with 32 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoBMGX8850Pxm1E"] = " PXM1E based Multiservice Gigabit Switch (ModelB) with 32 half height slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoSSLCSM"] = " SCSM is an SSL Termination daughtercard for the Content Switching Module (CSM) that accelerates Secure Socket Layer (SSL) transactions";
cisco_desc["ciscoNetworkRegistrar"] = " Cisco Network Registrar (CNR) is a full-featured DNS/DHCP system that provides scalable naming and addressing services for enterprise and service provider networks.";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe501K9"] = " Cisco Content Engine Model CE-501-K9";
cisco_desc["cisco2801"] = " 1700 Next Generation voice enabled router with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco1841"] = " 1700 Next Generation data only router with 2 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcMWAM1"] = " Multiprocessor WAN Application Module (WS-SVC-MWAM-1) is a multipurpose blade built for the Cat6k platform";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G24TS1U"] = " Catalyst 3750 24 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports + 4 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch. (SFP Small Form factor Pluggable)";
cisco_desc["cisco371098HP001"] = " 24 port Gigabit Ethernet switch module for HP ProLiant BL p-class server chassis";
cisco_desc["catalyst4948"] = " Fixed configuration Catalyst 4000 with 48 10/100/1000BaseT ports and 4 1000BaseX SFP ports (WS-C4948)";
cisco_desc["ciscoSB101"] = " Small Buisness Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 10Base-T Ethernet WAN interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoSB106"] = " (Small Buisness)Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 ADSL over ISDN interface, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoSB107"] = " (Small Buisness)Router with 4-port 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Switch, 1 ADSL over POTS interface, data only model";
cisco_desc["ciscoWLSE1130"] = " Cisco WLAN Solution Engine (WLSE) 1130 monitors and configures a WLAN with Cisco WAP and Bridges";
cisco_desc["ciscoWLSE1030"] = " Cisco WLSE Express 1030 is a  WLSE that monitors and configures a WLAN with Cisco WAP and Bridges with AAA functionality";
cisco_desc["ciscoHSE1140"] = " Cisco Hosting Solution Engine 1140 manages Cisco powered data centers and Points of Presence with routers, switches, server load balancers, firewalls, intrusion detection systems and other layer 4-7 content delivery products";
cisco_desc["catalyst356024TS"] = " Catalyst 3560 24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst356048TS"] = " Catalyst 3560 48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcadsm1K9"] = " DDOS Detector Service Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcagsm1K9"] = " DDOS Guard Service Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoONS15310"] = " Cisco ONS 15310 Platform";
cisco_desc["cisco1801"] = " Cisco 1800 platform with 1 ADSL over POTS WAN interface, 1 ISDNBRI S/T interface, 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 2 USB ports and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["cisco1802"] = " Cisco 1800 platform with 1 ADSL over ISDN WAN interface, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 2 USB ports and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["cisco1803"] = " Cisco 1800 platform with 1 G.SHDSL 4-wire interface, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 2 USB ports and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["cisco1811"] = " Cisco 1800 platform with V.92 Modem, 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 2 USB ports and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["cisco1812"] = " Cisco 1800 platform with ISDN BRI S/T interface, 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 2 USB ports and an optional Wireless LAN card.";
cisco_desc["ciscoCRS8S"] = "Cisco CRS-1 Series 8 Slots Carrier Routing System";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4210"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4210";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4215"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4215";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4235"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4235";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4240"] = " Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 4240";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250SX"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250 SX";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250XL"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250 XL";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4255"] = " Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 4255";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDSIDSM2"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System Module IDSM2";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDSNMCIDS"] = " Cisco Intrusion Detection System Network Module NM-CIDS";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM20"] = " Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Module SSM-20";
cisco_desc["catalyst375024FS"] = " Catalyst 3750 24 100BaseFX ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6504E"] = " Catalyst 6000 series chassis with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7604"] = " Cisco Optical Services Router 7600 Series Chassis with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["catalyst494810GE"] = " Catalyst 4000 series fixed configuration switch with 48 10/100/1000BaseT wirespeed ports and two 10Gbps ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGESMSFP"] = " Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module with external SFPs for IBM eServer BladeCenter (OS-CIGESM-18-SFP-E)";
cisco_desc["ciscoFE6326K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-6326-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM10"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Module SSM-10";
cisco_desc["ciscoNme16Es1Ge"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 16 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeX24Es1Ge"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 23 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeXd24Es2St"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 24 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit SFP port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeXd48Es2Ge"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 48 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["cisco3202WMIC"] = "Cisco 3201 4.9GHz  Wireless MIC (Mobile Interface card) with 4.9GHz  Radio Moudle  in the PC104+ form factor. An interface card for the existing MAR 3200 products(MobileAccess Router)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAs5400XM"] = "Cisco AS5400XM platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5510"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5510";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5520"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5520";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5520sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5520 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5540"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5540";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5540sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5540 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcFwm1sc"] = "Firewall Services Module for Catalyst 6500 Series Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall535sc"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 535 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall525sc"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 525 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515Esc"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515E Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515sc"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoAs5350XM"] = "Low end AS5350XM platfrom";
cisco_desc["ciscoFe7326K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-7326-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoFe511K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-511-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCEDispatcher"] = "Cisco Service Control Engine Dispatcher";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCE1000"] = "Cisco SCE1000 Service Control Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCE2000"] = "Cisco SCE2000 Service Control Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1240"] = "Cisco Aironet 1240 series WLAN Access Point with 1 10/100TX port, dual IEEE 802.11a and 802.11g radio ports, external antenna connectors";
cisco_desc["ciscoDSC9120CLK9"] = "DS-C9120-CL-K9  - MDS 9120-CL, 20-Port 4 Gbps Fibre Channel Fabric Switch, Commercial";
cisco_desc["ciscoFe611K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-611-K9";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750Ge12SfpDc"] = "Cisco Catalyst c3750 switch with 12 SFP (Small Form Factor Plugable) Gigabit Ethernet ports and DC power supply";
cisco_desc["cisco3271"] = "HMARC with 2FE and 2GE interfaces.";
cisco_desc["cisco3272"] = "HMARC with 2FE, 1GE and 1 GE Fiber Optic interfaces.";
cisco_desc["cisco3241"] = "EFHMARC with 3FE, 1GE and 1 GE copper interfaces.";
cisco_desc["cisco3242"] = "EFHMARC with 3FE, 1GE and 1 GE copper interfaces.";
cisco_desc["ciscoICM"] = "Cisco Systems Intelligent Contact Management";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024"] = "Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst296048"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst2960G24"] = "Catalyst 2960 20 10/100/1000 ports + 4 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst2960G48"] = "Catalyst 2960 44 10/100/1000 ports + 4 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst45503"] = "Catalyst 4500 with 3 slots (WS-C4550-3)";
cisco_desc["catalyst45506"] = "Catalyst 4500 with 6 slots (WS-C4550-6)";
cisco_desc["catalyst45507"] = "Catalyst 4500 with 7 slots (WS-C4550-7R)";
cisco_desc["catalyst455010"] = "Catalyst 4500 with 10 slots (WS-C4550-10R)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNme16Es1GeNoPwr"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 16 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch with no inline power";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeX24Es1GeNoPwr"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 23 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch with no inline power";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeXd24Es2StNoPwr"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 24 10/100 ports + 1 Ethernet Gigabit SFP port fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch with no inline power";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeXd48Es2GeNoPwr"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module 48 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch with no inline power";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kMsfc2a"] = "Multilevel Switching Feature Card Version 2a for Catalyst 6000 that is treated as a standalone system by the NMS";
cisco_desc["ciscoEDI"] = "Cisco Enhanced Device Interface Server";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe611K9"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model CE-611-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoWLSEs20"] = "Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine S20.";
cisco_desc["ciscoMPX"] = "Cisco MeetingPlace Express";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMCUEEC"] = "Cisco Unity Express network module with enhanced capacity (NM-CUE-EC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoWLSE1132"] = "Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine WLSE-1132-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoME6340ACA"] = "DSL Switch 48 port ADSL2/2+, Annex A, AC";
cisco_desc["ciscoME6340DCA"] = "DSL Switch 48 port ADSL2/2+, Annex A, DC";
cisco_desc["ciscoME6340DCB"] = "DSL Switch 48 port ADSL2/2+, Annex B, DC";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024TT"] = "Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst296048TT"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGESMSFPT"] = " Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter Telco Chassis (OS-CIGESM-18TT-E)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMEC6524gs8s"] = " Cisco ME 6524 chassis with 24 port SFP and 8 SFP uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoMEC6524gt8s"] = " Cisco ME 6524 chassis with 24 port 10/100/1000BaseT and 8 SFP uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoMEC6724s10x2"] = " Cisco ME 6724 chassis with 24 port SFP and 2 10G uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoMEC6724t10x2"] = " Cisco ME 6724 chassis with 24 port 10/100/1000BaseT and 2 10G uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoPaldron"] = " ARM Development Platform";
cisco_desc["catalystsExpress50024TT"] = " Catalyst Express 500 24 10/100 ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalystsExpress50024LC"] = " Catalyst Express 500 24 10/100 ports (4 Power Over Ethernet Ports) + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalystsExpress50024PC"] = " Catalyst Express 500 24  Power Over Ethernet Ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalystsExpress50012TC"] = " Catalyst Express 500 8 Gigabit Ethernet Ports + 4 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIGESMT"] = " Cisco Systems Intelligent Gigabit Ethernet Switch Module for IBM eServer BladeCenter Telco Chassis (OS-CIGESM-18TT-E)";
cisco_desc["ciscoACE04G"] = " Application Control Engine 4 G Module in Cat6500";
cisco_desc["ciscoACE10K9"] = " Application Control Engine Module in Cat6500";
cisco_desc["cisco5750"] = " High Assurance Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoMWR1941DCA"] = "The Mobile Wireless Router (MWR-1941-DC-A) is a router with a universal power supply targeted at application in a cell site Base Transceiver Station (BTS) providing backhaul connections to the aggregation node in Radio Access Networks (RAN) and support for AIM module";
cisco_desc["cisco815"] = " Cisco 815 platform fixed configuration cable modem router with 4 FastEthernet switch ports, 1 Cable modem port, 1 FastEthernet port";
cisco_desc["cisco240024TSA"] = " Metro Ethernet 2400, 24 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch, AC power.";
cisco_desc["cisco240024TSD"] = "Metro Ethernet 2400, 24 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch, DC power.";
cisco_desc["cisco340024TSA"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 24 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, AC power.";
cisco_desc["cisco340024TSD"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 24 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, DC power.";
cisco_desc["ciscoCrs18Linecard"] = "Cisco CRS-1 Series 8 slot Line Card Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoCrs1Fabric"] = "Cisco CRS-1 Series Fabric Card Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoFE2636"] = "Cisco File Engine Module for 26xx and 36xx series platforms";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4220"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4220";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4230"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4230";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4260"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 4260";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcSAMIBB"] = "Service and Application Module for IP  ";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5505"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5505";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7825I"] = "Cisco Media Convergence Server 7825 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC3750g24ps"] = "Cisco 3750 24+2 port 10/100/1000 Switch with integrated Cisco 4402 Wireless Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoWs3020Hpq"] = "Cisco Catalyst Bladeswitch 3020 for HP";
cisco_desc["ciscoWs3030Del"] = "Cisco Catalyst Bladeswitch 3030 for Dell";
cisco_desc["ciscoSpaOc48posSfp"] = "1-port OC48/STM16 POS/RPR SFP Optics Shared Port Adapter";
cisco_desc["catalyst6kEnhancedGateway"] = "Catalyst 6000 Access gateway enhanced line card supporting voice and WAN( Wide Area Network) interfaces as well as conferencing and transcoding services";
cisco_desc["ciscoWLSE1133"] = "Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine WLSE-1133.";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5550"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5550";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMAONK9"] = "Cisco 2600/3700/ISR AON Module (NM-AON-K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMAONWS"] = "Catalyst 6500 Series AON Module (WS-SVC-AON-1-K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMAONAPS"] = "Cisco AON 8300 Series Appliance (APL-AON-8340-K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoWae612K9"] = "Cisco Wide Area Engine Model WAE-612-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1250"] = "1250 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe512K9"] = "Cisco Content Engine CE-512-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoFe512K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-512-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe612K9"] = "Cisco Content Engine Model CE-612-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoFe612K9"] = "Cisco File Engine Model FE-612-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5550sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5550 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5520sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5520 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5540sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5540 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5550sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5550 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsSvcFwm1sy"] = "Firewall Services Module for Catalyst 6500 Series System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515sy"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall515Esy"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 515E System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall525sy"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 525 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIXFirewall535sy"] = "Cisco PIX Firewall 535 System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoIpRanOpt4p"] = "The Mobile Wireless IP-RAN 4-Processor card for ONS platform with 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5510sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5510 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5510sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5510 System";
cisco_desc["ciscoJumpgate"] = "Prototype plaform used for maintaining the IOS to ARM processor port done in the Technology Center";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe512K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-512-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe612K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-612-K9";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G24WS25"] = "Catalyst 3750 Unified Access Switch with 24 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports and integrated Wireless Controller supporting up to 25 Access Points";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750G24WS50"] = "Catalyst 3750 Unified Access Switch with 24 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet SFP ports and integrated Wireless Controller supporting up to 50 Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400g12CsA"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 12 GE/SFP ports + 4 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, AC power";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400g12CsD"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 12 GE/SFP ports + 4 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, DC power";
cisco_desc["cisco877M"] = "Cisco 877 platform with 1 ADSL Annex M over POTS WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 BASE-T LAN Ethernet switch, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["cisco1801M"] = "Cisco 1800 platform with 1 ADSL Annex M over POTS WAN interface, 8-port 10/100 BASE-T LAN Ethernet switch, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["catalystWsCBS3040FSC"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3040 for FSC";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe511K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-511-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe611K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-611-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe7326K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-7326-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe492410GE"] = "Metro Ethernet fixed configuration box with 2 Ten Gigabit X2 ports and 24+4 One Gigabit SFP ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750E24TD"] = "Catalyst 3750E 24 10/100/1000 ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750E48TD"] = "Catalyst 3750E 48 10/100/1000 ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750E48PD"] = "Catalyst 3750E 48 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750E24PD"] = "Catalyst 3750E 24 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560E24TD"] = "Catalyst 3560E 24 10/100/1000 ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560E48TD"] = "Catalyst 3560E 48 10/100/1000 ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560E24PD"] = "Catalyst 3560E 24 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560E48PD"] = "Catalyst 3560E 48 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch.";
cisco_desc["catalyst35608PC"] = "Catalyst 3560 8 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 1  dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 /Layer 3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst29608TC"] = "Catalyst 2960 8 10/100 ports + 1  dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst2960G8TC"] = "Catalyst 2960 7 10/100/1000 ports + 1  dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSPri"] = "Cisco TelePresence Primary Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSSec"] = "Cisco TelePresence Secondary Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoUWIpPhone7921G"] = "Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7921G with IEEE 802.11a/b/g interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoUWIpPhone7920"] = "Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 7920 with IEEE 802.11b interface";
cisco_desc["cisco3200WirelessMic"] = "Cisco 3200 Wireless Mobile Interface Card";
cisco_desc["ciscoISRWireless"] = "Cisco Integrated Services Router with Wireless";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSVirtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4215Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4215 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4235Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4235 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250SXVirtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250 SX virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4250XLVirtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System 4250 XL virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4240Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention Detection System 4240 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4255Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention Detection System 4255 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDS4260Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention Detection System 4260 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIDSIDSM2Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Detection System Module IDSM2 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM20Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Module SSM-20 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM10Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Module SSM-10 virtual sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMWLCE"] = "Integrated service router series 28xx/38xx with Wireless Lan Controller Network Module.";
cisco_desc["cisco3205WirelessMic"] = "Cisco 3205 Wireless MIC (Mobile Interface card) with 802.11a wireless interface in the PC104+ form factor. An interface card for the existing MAR 3200 products(Mobile Access Router)";
cisco_desc["cisco5720"] = "Integrated Encryption Router";
cisco_desc["cisco7201"] = "Cisco 7201 platform, 1 Rack Unit (RU) application specific router with 1 slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoCrs14S"] = "Cisco CRS-1 Series 4 Slots System";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmWae"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Network Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoACE4710K9"] = "ACE 4710 Application Control Engine Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400g2csA"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 2 GE/SFP ports + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, AC power";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeNam"] = "Cisco NME-NAM, Network Analysis Module (NAM) for the branch office routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoUbr7225Vxr"] = "Cisco 7225 Universal Broadband Router, VXR series";
cisco_desc["ciscoAirWlc2106K9"] = "This is a replacement for device WLAN Controller with product name WLC2006.";
cisco_desc["ciscoMwr1951DC"] = "The Mobile Wireless router MWR-1951-DC is a router targeted at application in a cell site Base Transciever Station (BTS) providing Radio Access Network (RAN) optimization through support of 8 IMA groups.";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4270"] = "IPS 4270 Intrusion Prevention Sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4270Virtual"] = "IPS 4270 Intrusion Prevention Virtual Sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6509ve"] = "Catalyst 6500 enhanced 9-slot vertical chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco5740"] = "Integrated Encryption Router";
cisco_desc["cisco861"] = "c861 with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco866"] = "c866 with 1 VDSL2 AnnexB, 4 switch ports, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["cisco867"] = "c867 with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA,4 switch ports, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco881"] = "c881 with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["cisco881G"] = "c881G with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad881F"] = "IAD881IF with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco881Srst"] = "c881SRST with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN FXO port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad881B"] = "IAD881B with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 2 PBX BRI ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco886"] = "c886 with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexB, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco886G"] = "c886G with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexB,4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad886F"] = "IAD886F with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexB, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad886B"] = "IAD886B with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexB, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 2 PBX BRI ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco886Srst"] = "c886SRST with 1 ADSL2/2+ Annex B, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN BRI port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco887"] = "c887 with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco887G"] = "c887G with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA,4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad887F"] = "IAD887 with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad887B"] = "IAD887B with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 2 PBX BRI ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco887Srst"] = "c887SRST with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexA, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN BRI port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco888"] = "c888 with 1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["cisco888G"] = "c888G with 1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad888F"] = "IAD888F with 1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad888B"] = "IAD888B with 1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 2 PBX BRI ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco888Srst"] = "c888SRST with 1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN BRI port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco891"] = "c891 with 1 GE, 8 switch ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 2 Console/Aux ports, 1 V.92, 1 Backup FE, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco892"] = "c892 with 1GE, 8 switch ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 2 Console/Aux ports, 1 ISDN, 1 Backup FE, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco885D3"] = "c885-D-3 with 1 US Docsis Cable, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad885FD3"] = "IAD885F-D-3 with 1 US Docsis Cable, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["cisco885EJ3"] = "c885-E/J-3 with 1 Euro-Docsis Cable, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, and an optional Wireless LAN.";
cisco_desc["cisco7603s"] = "Cisco 7600 S-Series Chassis with 3 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7606s"] = "Cisco 7600 S-Series Chassis with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["cisco7609s"] = "Cisco 7600 S-Series Chassis with 9 slots ";
cisco_desc["cisco7600Seb"] = "Service Engine Blade for Session Border Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMECUE"] = "Cisco Unity Express Network Module Enhanced (NME-CUE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIM2CUE"] = "Cisco Unity Express advanced integration module 2 (AIM2-CUE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC500"] = "Unified Communication 500 Series (UC500)";
cisco_desc["cisco860Ap"] = "Cisco 860 AP is the embedded wireless access point module for Cisco 860 router. It has one IEEE 802.11 b/g/n radio port which operates in 2.4 GHz.";
cisco_desc["cisco880Ap"] = "Cisco 880 AP is the embedded wireless access point module for Cisco 880 router. It has one IEEE 802.11 b/g/n radio port which operates in 2.4 GHz.";
cisco_desc["cisco890Ap"] = "Cisco 890 AP is the embedded wireless access point module for Cisco 890 router. It has one IEEE 802.11 b/g/n radio port which operates in 2.4 GHz and one IEEE 802.11 a/n radio port which operates in 5 GHz";
cisco_desc["cisco1900Ap"] = "Cisco 1900 AP is the embedded wireless access point module for Cisco 1900 router. It has one IEEE 802.11 b/g/n radio port which operates in 2.4 GHz and one IEEE 802.11 a/n radio port which operates in 5 GHz";
cisco_desc["cisco340024FSA"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400, 24 100BaseFX Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst4503e"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 3 slots (WS-C4503-E)";
cisco_desc["catalyst4506e"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 6 slots (WS-C4506-E)";
cisco_desc["catalyst4507re"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 7 slots (WS-C4507R-E)";
cisco_desc["catalyst4510re"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 10 slots (WS-C4510R-E)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s8U4FXOK9"] = "UC500 with support for 8 switch ports and 4 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s8U4FXOWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 8 switch ports, 4 FXO ports, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s8U2BRIK9"] = "UC500 with support for 8 switch ports and 2 BRI";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s8U2BRIWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 8 switch ports and 2 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s16U4FXOK9"] = "UC500 with support for 16 switch ports and 4 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s16U4FXOWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 16 switch ports, 4 FXO ports, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s16U2BRIK9"] = "UC500 with support for 16 switch ports and 2 BRI";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s16U2BRIWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 16 switch ports and 2 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m32U8FXOK9"] = "UC500 with support for 32 switch ports and 8 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m32U8FXOWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 32 switch ports and 8 FXO ports, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m32U4BRIK9"] = "UC500 with support for 32 switch ports and 4 BRI";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m32U4BRIWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 32 switch ports and 4 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U12FXOK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 12 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U12FXOWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 12 FXO ports, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U6BRIK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 6 BRI";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U6BRIWK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 6 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U1T1E1FK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 1 T1";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m48U1T1E1BK9"] = "UC500 with support for 48 switch ports and 1 T1, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["catalyst65xxVirtualSwitch"] = "65xx Virtual sSwitch";
cisco_desc["catalystExpress5208PC"] = "Catalyst Express 520 8 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 1 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7816I"] = "Cisco Media Convergence Server 7816 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7828I"] = "Cisco Media Convergence Server 7828 (IBM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7816H"] = "Cisco Media Convergence Server 7816 (HP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoMCS7828H"] = "Cisco Media Convergence Server 7828 (HP)";
cisco_desc["cisco1861Uc2BK9"] = "C1861 UC with support for 2 BRI ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861Uc4FK9"] = "C1861 UC with support for 4 FXO ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861Srst2BK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 2BRI ports";
cisco_desc["cisco1861Srst4FK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 4 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmeApa"] = "Integrated Service Engine for Application Performance Assurance.";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe7330K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-7330-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe7350K9"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine Model OE-7350-K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3110gS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for IBM Enterprise Chassis with 4 1Gigabit Copper Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3110gSt"] = "Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for IBM Telco Chassis with 4 1Gigabit Copper Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3110xS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for IBM Enterprise Chassis with 1 10Gigabit Uplink port";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3110xSt"] = "Cisco Catalyst Stackable for IBM Telco Chassis with 1 10Gigabit Uplink port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSce8000"] = "Cisco SCE8000 Service Control Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5580"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5580";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5580sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5580 Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5580sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5580 System Context";
cisco_desc["cat4900M"] = "Catalyst 4900M series chassis with fixed 8 10Gig port base system with 2 additional half height line card slots ( WS-C4900M )";
cisco_desc["catWsCbs3120gS"] = "WS-CBS3120G-S: Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for HP C-Class Chassis with 8 1Gigabit Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["catWsCbs3120xS"] = "WS-CBS3120X-S:Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for HP C-Class Chassis with 4 1Gigabit and 2 10Gigabit Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["catWsCbs3032Del"] = "WS-CBS3032-DEL: Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for FSC with 8 1Gigabit Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["catWsCbs3130gS"] = "WS-CBS3130G-S: Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for FSC with 8 1Gigabit Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["catWsCbs3130xS"] = "WS-CBS3130X-S:Cisco Catalyst Stackable Blade Switch for FSC with 4 1Gigabit and 2 10Gigabit Uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1002"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series with 2RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1004"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series With 4RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1006"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series With 6RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco520WirelessController"] = "Cisco 500 series Wireless controller for Small Medium Business Market";
cisco_desc["cat296048TCS"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 ports plus 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["cat296024TCS"] = "Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 ports plus 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["cat296024S"] = "Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 ports Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560e12d"] = "Catalyst 3560E 12 Ten GE (X2) ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatRfgw"] = "Cisco RF gateway, with 2SUP+10RF+2TCC+12RFSW slots, Display, Fan Tray";
cisco_desc["catExpress52024TT"] = "Catalyst Express 520 24 10/100 ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catExpress52024LC"] = "Catalyst Express 520 24 10/100 ports (4 Power Over Ethernet Ports) + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catExpress52024PC"] = "Catalyst Express 520 24 Power Over Ethernet Ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catExpress520G24TC"] = "Catalyst Express 520 24 Gigabit Ethernet Ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde100"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-100";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde200"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-200";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde300"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-300";
cisco_desc["cisco1861SrstCue2BK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 2 BRI ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861SrstCue4FK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 4 FXO ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["ciscoVFrameDataCenter"] = "Data center provisioning and virtualization";
cisco_desc["ciscoVQEServer"] = "Cisco VQE(Video Quality Experience) offers service providers a set of technologies and products associated with the delivery of IPTV video services.";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM40Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention  System Security Service Module SSM-40 Virtual Sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSM40"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention  System Security Service Module SSM-40 Sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoVgd1t3"] = "VGD Voice Gateway with 1xCT3 supporting CCM and MGCP ";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3100"] = "A stack of any CBS3100 switch modules";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3110"] = "A stack of any CBS3110 switch modules";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3120"] = "A stack of any CBS3120 switch modules";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3130"] = "A stack of any CBS3130 switch modules";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024PC"] = "24 10/100 In-Line Power Ethernet ports plus 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024LT"] = "24 10/100, 8 POE and 2T ports switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst2960PD8TT"] = "8 10/100 ports plus 1T PD port switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoSpa2x1geSynce"] = "2-port Synchronous Gigabit Ethernet Shared Port Adapter (SPA-2x1GE-SYNCE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5kC5020pBa"] = "N5020 Chassis, 1AC PS, 40 SFP+ Ports. Modules Sold Seperate";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5kC5020pBd"] = "N5020 Chassis, 1DC PS, 40 SFP+ Ports. Modules Sold Seperate";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560E12SD"] = "Catalyst 3560E, 12 SFP Gigabit Ethernet ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe674"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine 674";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE30004TC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Switch, 4 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE30008TC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3000 Switch, 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MS06T"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Industrial Ethernet  Switch, 4 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MS10T"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Industrial Ethernet Switch, 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["cisco2435Iad8fxs"] = "IAD2435 with 8FXS, 2FE and 1T1/E1";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG204"] = "Line side Analog Gateway with 4FXS Analog ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG202"] = "Line side Analog Gateway with 2FXS Analog ports";
cisco_desc["catalyst291824TT"] = "Catalyst 2918 24 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst291824TC"] = "Catalyst 2918 24 10/100 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst291848TT"] = "Catalyst 2918 48 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst291848TC"] = "Catalyst 2918 48 10/100 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoVQETools"] = "Cisco CDE110 appliances hosting VQE Channel Provisioning Tool (VCPT) and VQE Client Channel Configuration Delivery Server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m24U4BRIK9"] = "UC500 with support for 24U CME Base, CUE and Phone FL w/4BRI, 1VIC";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520m24U8FXOK9"] = "UC500 with support for 24U CME Base, CUE and Phone FL w/8FXO, 1VIC";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s16U2BRIWK9J"] = "UC500 for Japan with support for 16 switch ports and 2 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520s8U2BRIWK9J"] = "UC500 for Japan with support for 8 switch ports and 2 BRI, and Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSIntSp"] = "Cisco Video Stream Integrated Services";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSSP"] = "Cisco Video Stream Services Platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSHydecoder"] = "Cisco Video Stream Hybrid Decoder";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSDecoder"] = "Cisco Video Stream Decoder";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSEncoder4P"] = "Cisco Video Stream Encoder 4 Port";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSEncoder1P"] = "Cisco Video Stream Encoder 1 Port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCS1000K9"] = "Smart Care 1000 Series Network Appliance";
cisco_desc["cisco1805"] = "Cisco1805 is a repackaging effort for design to address the low end cable access market. C1805 is deployed as cut down and fixed version of Cisco C1841";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe7341"] = "Cisco Content Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe7371"] = "Cisco Content Engine";
cisco_desc["cisco7613s"] = "Cisco 7600 S-Series Chassis with 13 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe574"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine 574";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe474"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine 474";
cisco_desc["ciscoOe274"] = "Cisco Optimization Engine 274";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp801agn"] = "Cisco AP801 Access Point with dual IEEE 802.11a/g/n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp801gn"] = "Cisco AP801 Access Point with single IEEE 802.11g/n radio port";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WSrstCue4FK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 4 FXO ports, Wireless and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WSrstCue2BK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 2 BRI ports, Wireless and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WSrst4FK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 4 FXO ports and Wireless";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WSrst2BK9"] = "C1861 SRST with support for 2 BRI ports and Wireless";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WUc4FK9"] = "1861 UC with support for 4 FXO ports, Wireless and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861WUc2BK9"] = "1861 UC with support for 2 BRI ports, Wireless and CUE";
cisco_desc["ciscoCe674"] = "Cisco Content Engine 674";
cisco_desc["ciscoVQEIST"] = "VQE-IST is an Integrated Server Tool that combines services from VQE Server and VQE Tools";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1160"] = "Cisco Aironet 1160 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3012Ibm"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3012 for IBM";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3012IbmI"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3012 for IBM";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3125gS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3125G for HP";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsCbs3125xS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3125X for HP";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSPriG2"] = "Cisco TelePresence Primary Codec, Generation 2";
cisco_desc["catalyst492810GE"] = "Fixed configuration Catalyst 4000 with 28 1000BaseX SFP port";
cisco_desc["catalyst296048TTS"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst29608TCS"] = "Catalyst 2960 8 10/100 ports + 1 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400eg2csA"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400E, 2 GE/SFP ports + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, AC power";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400eg12csM"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400 , 12 GE/SFP ports + 4 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, modular power";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3400e24tsM"] = "Metro Ethernet 3400E, 24 10/100 Fast Ethernet + 2 SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, modular power";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSC5Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Card SSC-5 Virtual Sensor";
cisco_desc["ciscoSR520FE"] = "SR520 with 1 10/100T ethernet WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["ciscoSR520ADSL"] = "SR520 with 1 ADSL over POTS WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 BASE-T LAN Ethernet switch, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["ciscoSR520ADSLi"] = "SR520 with 1 ADSL over ISDN WAN interface, 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["ciscoMwr2941DC"] = "The Mobile Wireless router MWR-2941-DC is a router targeted at application in a cell site Base Transciever Station (BTS) providing Radio Access Network (RAN) optimization";
cisco_desc["catalyst356012PCS"] = "Catalyst 3560 12 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 1 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet port fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst296048PSTL"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports + 2 SFP fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9010"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9010 Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9006"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9006 Chassis";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560v224tsD"] = "24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Non-stackable switch, DC power";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560v224ts"] = "24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Non-stackable switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560v224ps"] = "24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Non-stackable PoE switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750v224ts"] = "24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750v224ps"] = "24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable PoE switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560v248ts"] = "48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Non-stackable switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3560v248ps"] = "48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Non-stackable PoE switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750v248ts"] = "48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst3750v248ps"] = "48 10/100 ports + 4 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable PoE switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoHwicCableD2"] = "This HWIC supports DOCSIS 2.0 in modular Integrated Service Routers as well as IAD2430 series routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoHwicCableEJ2"] = "This HWIC supports Euro-DOCSIS 2.0, and J-DOCSIS 2.0 in modular Integrated Service Routers as well as IAD2430 series routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoBr1430"] = "Cisco 1400 series wireless LAN bridge";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRBR1430"] = "Cisco 1430 Series Wireless LAN Bridge with 4 GigabitEthernet Ports and one  4.9GHz  802.11A  or  5.8GHz 802.11N radio";
cisco_desc["ciscoNamApp2204"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2204";
cisco_desc["ciscoNamApp2220"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2220";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1141"] = "Cisco Aironet 1140 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and single IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1142"] = "Cisco Aironet 1140 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR14K4S"] = "Cisco ASR14000 Series 4-Slot System";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR14K8S"] = "Cisco ASR14000 Series 8-Slot System";
cisco_desc["cisco18xxx"] = "Cisco 18000 platform BETA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSC5"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Card SSC-5";
cisco_desc["cisco887Vdsl2"] = "c887Vdsl2 with 1 VDSL2 only over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port and 1 ISDN";
cisco_desc["cisco3945"] = "CISCO3945/K9 with SPE150(3 GE, 4  EHWIC, 4 DSP, 4 SM, 256MB CF, 1GB DRAM, IPB)";
cisco_desc["cisco3925"] = "CISCO3925/K9 with SPE100(3 GE,  4 EHWIC, 4 DSP, 2 SM, 256MB CF, 1GB DRAM, IPB)";
cisco_desc["cisco2951"] = "CISCO2951/K9 with 3 GE, 4 EHWIC, 3 DSP, 2 SM, 256 MB CF, 512 MB DRAM, IPB";
cisco_desc["cisco2921"] = "CISCO2921/K9 with 3 GE, 4 EHWIC, 3 DSP, 1 SM, 256 MB CF, 512 MB DRAM, IPB";
cisco_desc["cisco2911"] = "CISCO2911/K9 with 3 GE, 4 EHWIC, 2 DSP, 1 SM , 256 MB CF, 512 MB DRAM, IPB";
cisco_desc["cisco2901"] = "CISCO2901/K9 with 2 GE, 4 EHWIC, 2 DSP, 256 MB CF, 512 MBDRAM, IP BASE";
cisco_desc["cisco1941"] = "CISCO1941/K9  with 2 GE, 2 EHWIC, 256 MB CF, 256 MB DRAM, IP BASE";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm2k15Es1GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer2 + PoE + 15 10/100 + 1 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm3k15Es1GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 + PoE + 15 10/100 + 1 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm3k16GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 + PoE + 16 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm2k23Es1Ge"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer2 + no PoE + 23 10/100 + 1 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm2k23Es1GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer2 + PoE + 23 10/100 + 1 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm3k23Es1GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 + PoE + 23 10/100 + 1 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSm3k24GePoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 + PoE + 24 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoSmXd2k48Es2SFP"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer2 + no PoE + 48 10/100 + 2 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoSmXd3k48Es2SFPPoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 + PoE + 48 10/100 + 2 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoSmXd3k48Ge2SFPPoe"] = "EtherSwitch Service ModuleLayer3 + PoE + 48 10/100/1000 + 2 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw52024pK9"] = "24-port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw54024pK9"] = "24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switch with PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw52048pK9"] = "48-port 10/100 Ethernet Switch with PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw52024K9"] = "24-port 10/100 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw54024K9"] = "24-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw52048K9"] = "48-port 10/100 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw54048K9"] = "48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cisco1861"] = "Cisco C1861 Base System";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC520"] = "UC520 Base System";
cisco_desc["catalystWSC2975GS48PSL"] = "Catalyst 2975 48 10/100/1000 Power over Ethernet ports + 4 Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["catalystC2975Stack"] = "A stack of Catalyst C2975 stackable ethernet switches";
cisco_desc["cisco5500Wlc"] = "Cisco 5500 series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoSR520T1"] = "Security router with 2 FE and 1 T1 port. Supports voice and data";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC3900Poe"] = "Cisco 3925/3945 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-3900-POE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC3900AC"] = "Cisco 3925/3945 AC Power Supply (PWR-3900-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2921C2951Poe"] = "Cisco 2921/2951 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-2921-51-POE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2921C2951AC"] = "Cisco 2921/2951 AC Power Supply (PWR-2921-51-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2911Poe"] = "Cisco 2911 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-2911-POE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2911AC"] = "Cisco 2911 AC Power Supply (PWR-2911-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2901Poe"] = "Cisco 2901 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet(PWR-2901-POE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC1941C2901AC"] = "Cisco 2901 AC Power Supply (PWR-2901-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC1941Poe"] = "Cisco 1941 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-1941-POE)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC3900DC"] = "Cisco 3925/3945 DC Power Supply (PWR-3900-DC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2921C2951DC"] = "Cisco 2921/2951 DC Power Supply (PWR-2921-51-DC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2911DC"] = "Cisco 2911 DC power Supply (PWR-2911-DC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoRpsAdptrC2921C2951"] = "Cisco 2921/2951 RPS Adaptor for use with external rps(RPS-ADPTR-2921-51)";
cisco_desc["ciscoRpsAdptrC2911"] = "Cisco 2911 RPS Adaptor for use with external rps (RPS-ADPTR-2911)";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSC2"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Card SSC-2";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPSSSC2Virtual"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Security Service Card SSC-2 Virtual Sensor";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3140XS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3140X for FSC";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3140GS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3140G for FSC";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3042FSC"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3042 for FSC";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3150XS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3150X for NEC";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3150GS"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3150G for NEC";
cisco_desc["catalystWSCBS3052NEC"] = "Cisco Catalyst Blade Switch 3052 for NEC";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3140Stack"] = "A stack of any CBS3140 switch modules.";
cisco_desc["ciscoCBS3150Stack"] = "A stack of any CBS3150 switch modules.";
cisco_desc["cisco1941W"] = "CISCO1941W-A/K9 with 802.11 a/b/g/ n  FCC compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC888E"] = "c888E with 1 EFM based 4 pair G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoC888EG"] = "c888EG with 1 EFM based 4 pair G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad888EB"] = "IAD888EB with 1 EFM based 4 pair G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 2 PBX BRI ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoIad888EF"] = "IAD888EF with 1 EFM based 4 pair G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, 4 FXS ports, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoC888ESRST"] = "c888ESRST with 1 EFM based 4 pair G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN BRI port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5505W"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5505 with integrated Cisco AP801 Access Point";
cisco_desc["cisco3845nv"] = "Four Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports 3800nv family router";
cisco_desc["cisco3825nv"] = "Two Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports 3800nv family router";
cisco_desc["catalystWSC235048TD"] = "Catalyst 2350 48 10/100/1000 ports + 2 TenGigabit Ethernet (X2) ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cisco887M"] = "c887 with 1 ADSL2/2+ AnnexM,4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoVg250"] = "48 FXS port, 2 FXO port, and 2 GE port Analog Voice Gateway";
cisco_desc["ciscoVg226e"] = "24 Off-Premises Extension Lite FXS port, 2 FXO port, and 2 GE port Analog Voice Gateway";
cisco_desc["ciscoDsIbm8GfcK9"] = "8Gbps Fibre Channel Switch for IBM Blade Center";
cisco_desc["ciscoDsHp8GfcK9"] = "8Gbps Fibre Channel Switch for HP Blade System";
cisco_desc["ciscoDsDell8GfcK9"] = "8Gbps Fibre Channel Switch for DELL Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoDsC9148K9"] = "MDS 9148 Multilayer Fabric Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCeVirtualBlade"] = "Cisco Content Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde420"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-420";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde220"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-220";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde110"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-110";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1002F"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series with 2RU Fixed Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoSecureAccessControlSystem"] = "Cisco Secure Access Control System";
cisco_desc["cisco861Npe"] = "1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 Console/Aux port, an optional Wireless LAN, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["cisco881Npe"] = "1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, an optional Wireless LAN, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["cisco881GNpe"] = "1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["cisco887Npe"] = "1 ADSL2 AnnexA, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["cisco888GNpe"] = "1 G.SHDSL, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["cisco891Npe"] = "1 GE, 8 switch ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 2 Console/Aux ports, 1 V.92, 1 Backup FE, and no VPN payload encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP3501"] = "Cisco Aironet 3500 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and single IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP3502"] = "Cisco Aironet 3500 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde400"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-400";
cisco_desc["ciscoSA520K9"] = "SA520 security router with 1-port 10/100 Base-T ethernet WAN interface, optional 1-port WAN/LAN interface and 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoSA520WK9"] = "SA520 security and wireless router with 1-port 10/100 Base-T ethernet WAN interface, optional 1-port WAN/LAN interface and 4-port 10/100 Base-T LAN ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoSA540K9"] = "SA540 with 1 10/100 Base-T ethernet WAN interface, 1 optional WAN/LAN port and 8-port 10/100 Base-T LAN ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoSps2004B"] = "Metro Ethernet Switch with 1 1000Base-BX-U WAN port and 5 10/100/1000M LAN ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoSps204B"] = "Metro Ethernet Switch with 1 100Base-BX-U WAN and 5 10/100/1000M LAN ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC560T1E1K9"] = "UC560 with T1E1 and FXO";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC560BRIK9"] = "UC560 with BRI";
cisco_desc["ciscoUC560FXOK9"] = "UC560 with FXO";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp541nAK9"] = "802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Access Point for North America, FCC band plan";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp541nEK9"] = "802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Access Point for Europe, ETSI band plan";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp541nNK9"] = "802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Access Point for ANZ band plan";
cisco_desc["cisco887GVdsl2"] = "c887GVdsl2 with 1 VDSL2 only over POTS,4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 3G PCMCIA slot, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco887SrstVdsl2"] = "c887SRSTVdsl2 with 1 VDSL2 over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 1 PSTN BRI port, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoUc540wFxoK9"] = "UC540 with support for 4 FXO interfaces, 8 PoE Fastethernet ports, and integrated Wi-Fi for voice and data access";
cisco_desc["ciscoUc540wBriK9"] = "UC540 with support for 2 BRI interfaces, 8 PoE Fastethernet ports, and integrated Wi-Fi for voice and data access";
cisco_desc["ciscoCaServer"] = "Cisco Clean Access Server";
cisco_desc["ciscoCaManager"] = "Cisco Clean Access Manager";
cisco_desc["cisco3925SPE200"] = "Cisco 3925 w/SPE200(4 GE, 3 EHWIC, 3 DSP,  2 SM)";
cisco_desc["cisco3945SPE250"] = "Cisco 3945 w/SPE250(4 GE, 3 EHWIC, 3 DSP, 4 SM)";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024LCS"] = "Catalyst 2960 8 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 16 10/100 Ethernet ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst296024PCS"] = "Catalyst 2960 24 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst296048PSTS"] = "Catalyst 2960 48 10/100 Power over Ethernet ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports + 2 SFP fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoISM"] = "Cisco Internal Service Module (ISM) with Services Ready Engine (SRE) for ISR routers x900 series";
cisco_desc["ciscoSM"] = "Cisco Service Module (SM) with Services Ready Engine (SRE) for ISR routers x900 series";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMEAXP"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Network Module Enhanced (NME-AXP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIMAXP"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform advanced integration module (AIM-AXP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIM2AXP"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform advanced integration module 2(AIM2-AXP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP521"] = "Service Ready Platform router with Fast Ethernet WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP526"] = "Service Ready Platform router with ADSL2+ over ISDN WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP527"] = "Service Ready Platform router with ADSL2+ over POTS WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP541"] = "Service Ready Platform router with GE WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP546"] = "Service Ready Platform router with ADSL2+ over ISDN WAN port as well as GE WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoSRP547"] = "Service Ready Platform router with ADSL2+ over POTS WAN port as well as GE WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoVS510FXO"] = "Call control solution for 4-24 phone";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmWae900"] = "Cisco Network Module Intergrated Service Engine 900";
cisco_desc["ciscoNmWae700"] = "Cisco Network Module Intergrated Service Engine 700";
cisco_desc["cisco5940RA"] = "Air cooled rugged router module";
cisco_desc["cisco5940RC"] = "Conduction cooled rugged router";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1001"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series with 1RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1013"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series with 13RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde205"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-205";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwr1941AC"] = "C1941 AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoNamWaasVirtualBlade"] = "Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM) Virtual Blade on WAAS appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoRaie1783Rms06t"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Layer 3 Industrial Ethernet  Switch, 4 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRaie1783Rms10t"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Industrial Ethernet Switch, 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WEK9"] = "CISCO1941W-E/K9 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n ETSI Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WPK9"] = "CISCO1941W-P/K9 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n Japan Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WNK9"] = "CISCO1941W-N/K9 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n Aus, NZ Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoMXE5600"] = "Cisco MXE 5600 platform, 1 Rack Unit (RU) application specific device with 8 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw5408pK9"] = "Cisco ESW 540 8-port 10/100/1000 PoE switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsw5208pK9"] = "Cisco ESW 520 8-port 10/100 PoW switch";
cisco_desc["catalyst4948e10GE"] = "Catalyst 4000 series fixed configuration switch with 48 10/100/1000BaseT ports and four 10Gbps/1Gbps SFP+/SFP ports(WS-C4948E)";
cisco_desc["cat2960x48tsS"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink, Non-stackable module";
cisco_desc["cat2960x24tsS"] = " Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink, Non-stackable module";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48fpdL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48lpdL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48ltdL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs24pdL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs24tdL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48fpsL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48lpsL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs24psL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs48tsL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["cat2960xs24tsL"] = " Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["cisco1921k9"] = " CISCO1921/K9 with 2 GE, 2 EHWIC, 256 MB flash memory, 512 MB DRAM, IP BASE";
cisco_desc["cisco1905k9"] = " CISCO1905/K9  with 2 GE, Serial 1T, 1 EHWIC, 256 MB flash memory, 512 MB DRAM, IP BASE";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC1921C1905AC"] = " Cisco 1921/K9 and 1905/K9 AC Power Supply (PWR-1921-1905-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60";
cisco_desc["cisco3925SPE250"] = "Cisco 3925 w/SPE250(4 GE, 3 EHWIC, 3 DSP,  2 SM)";
cisco_desc["cisco3945SPE200"] = "Cisco 3945 w/SPE200(4 GE, 3 EHWIC, 3 DSP, 4 SM)";
cisco_desc["cat29xxStack"] = "A stack of any catalyst29xx stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeNm302"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Network Module 302";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeNm502"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Network Module 502";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeNm522"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Network Module 522";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeSmSre700"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Service Module Service Ready Engine 700 K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeSmSre900"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Service Module Service Ready Engine 900 K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoVsaNam"] = "Virtual Switch NAM for Nexus1010";
cisco_desc["ciscoMwr2941DCA"] = "The Mobile Wireless router MWR-2941-DC-A is a router targeted at application in a cell site Base Transciever Station (BTS) providing Radio Access Network (RAN) optimization";
cisco_desc["ciscoN7KC7018IOS"] = "Nexus 7000 series chassis with 18 slots running IOS image";
cisco_desc["ciscoN7KC7010IOS"] = "Nexus 7000 series chassis with 10 slots running IOS image";
cisco_desc["ciscoN4KDellEth"] = "Chassis of Cisco 10Gb Ethernet Switch Module for Dell Bladecenter";
cisco_desc["ciscoN4KDellCiscoEth"] = "Cisco 10Gb Ethernet Switch Module for Dell Bladecenter-Cisco sold version";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WCK9"] = "CISCO1941W-C/K9 Router w/ 802.11 a/b/g/n China Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2202s3"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-220-2S3";
cisco_desc["cat3750x24"] = "Catalyst 3750X 24 10/100/1000 Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x48"] = "Catalyst 3750X 48 10/100/1000 Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x24P"] = "Catalyst 3750X 24 10/100/1000 PoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x48P"] = "Catalyst 3750X 48 10/100/1000 PoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560x24"] = "Catalyst 3560X 24 10/100/1000 Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560x48"] = "Catalyst 3560X 48 10/100/1000 Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560x24P"] = "Catalyst 3560X 24 10/100/1000 PoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560x48P"] = "Catalyst 3560X 48 10/100/1000 PoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoNMEAIR"] = "Cisco Integrated Series Controllers";
cisco_desc["ciscoACE30K9"] = "Application Control Engine Module in Cat6500";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps10"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services Processor-10";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps20"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services Processor-20";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps40"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services Processor-40";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps60"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services Processor-60";
cisco_desc["cisco1841CK9"] = "Cisco 1841C/K9 data only router with 2 HWIC slots";
cisco_desc["cisco2801CK9"] = "Cisco 2801C/K9 router with 4 HWIC slots";
cisco_desc["cisco2811CK9"] = "Cisco 2811C/K9 router with one Network Module slot, four HWIC slots, two fast ethernet and integrated VPN";
cisco_desc["cisco2821CK9"] = "Cisco 2821C/K9 router with one Network Module slot, one EVM, four HWIC slots, two gigabit ethernet and intergrated VPN";
cisco_desc["cisco2851CK9"] = "Cisco 2851C/K9 router with one double wide Network Module slot, one EVM, four HWIC slots, two gigabit ethernet and integrated VPN";
cisco_desc["cisco3825CK9"] = "Cisco 3825C/K9 router with Two Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cisco3845CK9"] = "Cisco 3845C/K9 router with Four Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cisco3825CnvK9"] = "Cisco 3825Cnv/K9 router with Two Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cisco3845CnvK9"] = "Cisco 3845Cnv/K9 router with Four Network Module Slots, Four WIC slots, Two Gigabit Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCGS252024TC"] = " Cisco Connected Grid 2520 Switch, 24 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoCGS252016S8PC"] = " Cisco Connected Grid 2520 Switch, 16 100 SFP + 8 10/100 POE + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1262"] = "Cisco Aironet 1260 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1261"] = "Cisco Aironet 1260 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and single IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["cisco892F"] = "c892F with 1GE/SFP port, 8 switch ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports, 2 Console/Aux ports, 1 ISDN, 1 Backup FE, and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3600x24fsM"] = "Cisco ME 3600X Ethernet Access Switch, 24 GE SFP ports + 2 10Gbps/1Gbps SFP+/SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, modular power";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3600x24tsM"] = "Cisco ME 3600X Ethernet Access Switch, 24 10/100/1000 ports + 2 10Gbps/1Gbps SFP+/SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Ethernet switch, modular power";
cisco_desc["ciscoMe3800x24fsM"] = "Cisco ME 3800X Carrier Ethernet Switch Router, 24 GE SFP ports + 2 10Gbps/1Gbps SFP+/SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/3 Carrier Ethernet Switch Router, modular power";
cisco_desc["ciscoCGR2010"] = "CISCO Connected Grid Router 2010/K9 with 2 GE, 4 GRWIC, 256 MB CF, 1 GB DRAM, IP BASE";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrCGR20xxCGS25xxPoeAC"] = "Cisco Connected Grid Router 20xx/Switch 25xx AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-CGR20xx-CGS25xx-POE-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrCGR20xxCGS25xxPoeDC"] = "Cisco Connected Grid Router 20xx/Switch 25xx DC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-CGR20xx-CGS25xx-POE-DC)";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48tsS"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink, Non-stackable module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s24tsS"] = "Catalyst 2960S 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink, Non-stackable module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48fpdL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48ldpL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48tdL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s24pdL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s24tdL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48fpsL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48lpsL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s24psL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s48tsL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960s24tsL"] = "Catalyst 2960S 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["cisco1906CK9"] = "Cisco 1906C/K9 router  with 2 GE, Serial 1T, 1 EHWIC, 256 MB flash memory, 512 MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1042"] = "Cisco Aironet 1040 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1041"] = "Cisco Aironet 1040 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and single IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["cisco887VaM"] = "c887mv2 AnnexM with 1 VDSL/ADSL over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco867Va"] = "c867v2 with 1 VDSL/ADSL over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco886Va"] = "c886v2 with 1 VDSL/ADSL over ISDN, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco887Va"] = "c887v2 with 1 VDSL/ADSL over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 ISDN and an optional Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1sc"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1sy"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches";
cisco_desc["cat2960cPD8TT"] = "8 10/100 ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet PD ports fixed configuration layer 2 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoAirCt2504K9"] = "Szabla: Cisco 2500 Series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoISMAXP"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Internal Service Module (ISM) with Services Ready Engine (SRE) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoSMAXP"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Service Module (SM) with Services Ready Engine (SRE) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpSmSre900"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Service Module (SM) with Services Ready Engine (SM-SRE-900-K9) for ISR routers    ";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpSmSre700"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Service Module (SM) with Services Ready Engine (SM-SRE-700-K9) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpIsmSre300"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Internal Service Module (ISM) with Services Ready Engine (ISM-SRE-300-K9) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDSISM"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model ISM line card";
cisco_desc["cat4507rpluse"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 7 slots for 48Gbps/slot (WS-C4507R+E)";
cisco_desc["cat4510rpluse"] = "Catalyst 4500 E-series with 10 slots for 48Gbps/slot (WS-C4510R+E)";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpNme302"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Network Module Enhanced (NME-APPRE-302-K9) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpNme502"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Network Module Enhanced (NME-APPRE-502-K9) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoAxpNme522"] = "Cisco Application Extension Platform Network Module Enhanced (NME-APPRE-522-K9) for ISR routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoACE20K9"] = "Application Control Engine Module in Cat6500";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC236048tdS"] = "Catalyst 2360 Top Of Rack 48 GigE, 4 x 10G SFP+ LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoWiSM2"] = "Wireless Services Module: WiSM-2";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde250"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250";
cisco_desc["cisco7500Wlc"] = "Cisco 7500 Series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoAnmVirtualApp"] = "Cisco Application Networking Manager Virtual Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoECDS3100"] = "Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System Model ECDS-3100";
cisco_desc["ciscoECDS1100"] = "Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System Model ECDS-1100";
cisco_desc["cisco881G2"] = "c881G with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1 embedded PCIe 3G modem";
cisco_desc["catWsC3750v224fsS"] = "Catalyst 3750 24FS: 24 10/100 ports + 2 Ethernet Gigabit SFP ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet  Stackable switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeVWaas"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Virtual Wide Area Application Services";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10 security context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20 security context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40 security context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60 security context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp10K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-10 system with  No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp20K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-20 system with  No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp40K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-40 system with  No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Ssp60K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Security Services Processor-60 system with  No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoSreSmNam"] = "Cisco Network Analysis Module (NAM) on SM-SRE";
cisco_desc["cat2960cPD8PT"] = "Catalyst 2960c 8 10/100 POE ports + 2 Gigabit Ethernet POE+ PD ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat2960cG8TC"] = "Catalyst 2960c 8 10/100/1000 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560cG8PC"] = "Catalyst 3560c 8 10/100/1000 POE ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560cG8TC"] = "Catalyst 3560c 8 10/100/1000 ports + 2 dual purpose Gigabit Ethernet ports fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE301016S8PC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3010 Switch, 16 100 SFP + 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE301024TC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3010 Switch, 24 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783RMSB10T"] = "Stratix 8300 L3 Base Industrial Ethernet Switch, 8 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783RMSB06T"] = "Stratix 8300 L3 Base Industrial Ethernet Switch, 4 10/100 + 2 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps10K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services  Processor-10 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps20K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services  Processor-20 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps40K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services  Processor-40 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps60K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X IPS Security Services  Processor-60 with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["catalyst4948ef10GE"] = "Catalyst 4900 series front exhaust fixed configuration switch with 48 10/100/1000BaseT ports and four 10Gbps/1Gbps SFP+/SFP ports(WS-C4948E-F)";
cisco_desc["cat292824TCC"] = "Catalyst 24 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cat292848TCC"] = "Catalyst 48 10/100 ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports";
cisco_desc["cat292824LTC"] = "Catalyst 24 10/100 ports with 8 POE ports + 2 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports. POE support for 123 W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCrs16SB"] = "Enhanced CRS 16 slots Line Card Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoQuad"] = "Enterprise Collaboration Platform.  Create collaborative teams by bringing together people, information, applications, and social media tools anytime, anywhere";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1K7sc"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1K7sy"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASASm1K7"] = "Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Service Module for Catalyst Switches with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrCGR2010PoeAC"] = "Cisco Connected Grid Router 2010 AC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-cgr2010-POE-AC)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrCGR2010PoeDC"] = "Cisco Connected Grid Router 2010 DC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet (PWR-cgr2010-POE-DC)";
cisco_desc["cisco1861eUc2BK9"] = "C1861E UC with support for 2 BRI ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["cisco1861eUc4FK9"] = " C1861E UC with support for 4 FXO ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1861eSrstFK9"] = "C1861E SRST with support for 4 FXO ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1861eSrstBK9"] = "C1861E SRST with support for 2 BRI ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1861eSrstCFK9"] = "C1861E SRST with support for 4 FXO ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1861eSrstCBK9"] = "C1861E SRST with support for 4 BRI ports and CUE";
cisco_desc["ciscoGrwicDes6s"] = "Grid Router Switching Module with 2 GE(1 combo, 1 SFP) interfaces and 4 100FX interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoGrwicDes2s8pc"] = "Grid Router Switching Module with 2 GE(1 combo, 1 SFP) interfaces and 8 100BaseT interfaces supporting PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCVirtualMachine"] = "VMware Virtual Machine for Cisco Unified Communications";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave8541"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 8541";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave7571"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 7571";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave7541"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 7541";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave694"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 694";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave594"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 594";
cisco_desc["ciscoWave294"] = " Cisco Wide Area Virtualization Engine Model 294";
cisco_desc["cisco5915RC"] = " C5915 Embedded Services Router - Conduction Cooled";
cisco_desc["cisco5915RA"] = " C5915 Embedded Services Router - Air Cooled";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEK9"] = "Cisco 867VAEK9 with 4 FE switch ports, 1 GE LAN port, 1 GE WAN port,  and 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/2+ Annex A WAN port";
cisco_desc["cisco866VAEK9"] = "Cisco 866VAEK9 with 4 FE switch ports, 1 GE LAN port, 1 GE WAN port, and 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/2+ Annex B WAN port";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAE"] = "Cisco 867VAE with 4 FE switch ports , 1 GE WAN port, and 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/2+ Annex A WAN port";
cisco_desc["cisco866VAE"] = "Cisco 866VAE with 4 FE switch ports, 1 GE WAN port, and 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/2+ Annex B WAN port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp802gn"] = "Cisco AP802 Access Point with single IEEE 802.11g/n radio port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp802agn"] = "Cisco AP802 Access Point with dual IEEE 802.11a/g/n radio ports";
cisco_desc["catwsC2960C8tcS"] = "Catalyst 2960C 8 10/100 FE ports + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch, lanlite only";
cisco_desc["catwsC2960C8tcL"] = "Catalyst 2960C 8 10/100 FE ports + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catwsC2960C8pcL"] = "Catalyst 2960C 8 10/100 FE with PoE + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catwsC2960C12pcL"] = "Catalyst 2960C 12 10/100 FE with POE + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CPD8ptS"] = "Catalyst 3560C 8 10/100/1000 with PoE and 2 Gig Copper PoE+ Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["cisco1841ve"] = "Cisco 1841ve data only router with 2 HWIC slots";
cisco_desc["cisco2811ve"] = "Cisco 2811ve router with one Network Module slot, four HWIC slots, two fast ethernet and integrated VPN";
cisco_desc["cisco881WAK9"] = "C881W-A-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881WEK9"] = "C881W-E-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881WPK9"] = "C881W-P-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, Japan compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco886VaWEK9"] = "C886VA-W-E-K9 router with 1 ADSL2/2+ Annex B, 1 ISDN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VamWEK9"] = "C887VAM-W-E-K9 router with 1 ADSL2/2+ Annex M, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VaWAK9"] = "C887VA-W-A-K9 rouetr with 1 VDSL, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VaWEK9"] = "C887VA-W-E-K9 with 1 VDSL, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GUK9"] = "C819G-U-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA R6, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GSK9"] = "C819G-S-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GVK9"] = "C819G-V-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GBK9"] = "C819G-B-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with BSNL EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G7AK9"] = "C819G+7-A-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G7K9"] = "C819G+7-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGUK9"] = "C819HG-U-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA R6, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory, 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGSK9"] = "C819HG-S-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGVK9"] = "C819HG-V-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGBK9"] = "C819HG-B-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with BSNL EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG7AK9"] = "C819HG+7-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG7K9"] = "C819HG+7-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory and 256MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco886Vag7K9"] = "C886G w/ 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco887VagSK9"] = "C887G w/ 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Sprint 3G EVDO modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco887Vag7K9"] = "C887G w/ 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco887Vamg7K9"] = "C887G w/ 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS (Annex M), 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco888Eg7K9"] = "C888EG w/ 1 WAN G.SHDSL (EFM), 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G  HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881GUK9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G HSPA modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881GSK9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Sprint 3G EVDO Rev A modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881GVK9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Verizon 3G EVDO Rev A modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881GBK9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded BSNL 3G EVDO Rev A modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881G7K9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded Global 3G HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cisco881G7AK9"] = "C881G w/ 1 WAN FE, 4 switch ports, 1 embedded ATT 3G HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS";
cisco_desc["cat3750x24s"] = "Catalyst 3750X 24 SFP Gigabit Ethernet Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x12s"] = "Catalyst 3750X 12 SFP Gigabit Ethernet Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoNME"] = "Cisco Network Module Enhanced (NME) for ISR routers x800 series";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512"] = "ASA 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525"] = "ASA 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545"] = "ASA 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555"] = "ASA 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512sc"] = "ASA 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525sc"] = "ASA 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545sc"] = "ASA 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555sc"] = "ASA 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512sy"] = "ASA 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515sy"] = "ASA 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525sy"] = "ASA 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545sy"] = "ASA 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555sy"] = "ASA 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515sc"] = "ASA 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515"] = "ASA 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoPCM"] = "Cisco Prime Collaboration Manager";
cisco_desc["ciscoIse3315K9"] = "Policy Platform for User and Endpoint Network Authentication, Authorization, Posture Assessment, Endpoint Classification and Guest Management";
cisco_desc["ciscoIse3395K9"] = "Policy Platform for User and Endpoint Network Authentication, Authorization, Posture Assessment, Endpoint Classification and Guest Management";
cisco_desc["ciscoIse3355K9"] = "Policy Platform for User and Endpoint Network Authentication, Authorization, Posture Assessment, Endpoint Classification and Guest Management";
cisco_desc["ciscoIseVmK9"] = "Policy Platform for User and Endpoint Network Authentication, Authorization, Posture Assessment, Endpoint Classification and Guest Management";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4345"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 4345";
cisco_desc["ciscoIPS4360"] = "Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 4360";
cisco_desc["ciscoEcdsVB"] = "Cisco Media Delivery Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoTsCodecG2"] = "Cisco Telepresence Generation 2 Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoTsCodecG2C"] = "Cisco Telepresence Generation 2 Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSCodecG2RC"] = "Cisco Telepresence Generation 2R Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSCodecG2R"] = "Cisco Telepresence Generation 2R Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps10Virtual"] = "Virtual Sensor for ASA5585-IPSSSP-10, IPS Security Services Module for ASA5585";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps20Virtual"] = "Virtual Sensor for ASA5585-IPSSSP-20, IPS Security Services Module for ASA5585";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps40Virtual"] = "Virtual Sensor for ASA5585-IPSSSP-40, IPS Security Services Module for ASA5585";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585SspIps60Virtual"] = "Virtual Sensor for ASA5585-IPSSSP-60, IPS Security Services Module for ASA5585";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR903"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900 Series with 3RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555K7"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555K7sc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555K7sy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR5500"] = "Cisco Systems ASR5500 Intelligent Mobile Gateway";
cisco_desc["ciscoXfp10Ger192IrL"] = "XFP10GER-192IR-L XFP Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoXfp10Glr192SrL"] = "XFP10GLR-192SR-L XFP Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoXfp10Gzr192LrL"] = "XFP10GZR-192LR-L XFP Module";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560C12pcS"] = "Catalyst 3560C 12 10/100 with PoE + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560C8pcS"] = "Catalyst 3560C 8 10/100 with PoE + 2 Gig Dual Media Uplinks fixed configuration Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCRSFabBP"] = "Cisco Fabric Bundle Ports of type Optical Interface Module (OIM) used in CRS Multi-chassis routers";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20004TS"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20004T"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20004TSG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20004TG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20008TC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20008TCG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06SL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06TL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06TA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06SGL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06SGA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06TGL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06TGA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CGL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CGA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CGP"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base + 1588 Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS10CGN"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base + 1588 + NAT Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 100 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CGL"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CGP"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base + 1588 Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CGPK"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base + 1588 + Conformal coating Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG4GGK9"] = "C819HG-4G-G-K9 Hardened Fixed router with Global SKU LTE modem";
cisco_desc["cisco819G4GAK9"] = "C819G-4G-A-K9 Non-Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 AT&T LTE modem, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory, 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G4GVK9"] = "C819G-4G-V-K9 None-Hardened Fixed router with Verizon LTE modem";
cisco_desc["cisco819G4GGK9"] = "C819G-4G-G-K9 Non-Hardened Fixed router with Global SKU LTE modem";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC200"] = "The C200 is a Cisco Unified Computing System C-Series Rack-Mount Server. This is a high-density, two-socket, 1 Rack Unit rack-mount server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC210"] = "The C210 is a Cisco Unified Computing System C-Series Rack-Mount Server. This is a general purpose, 2-socket, 2 rack unit (RU) rack-mount server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC250"] = "The C250 is a Cisco Unified Computing System C-Series Rack-Mount Server. This is a high-performance, memory-intensive, 2-socket, 2 rack unit (RU) rack-mount server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC260"] = "The C260 is a Cisco Unified Computing System C-Series Rack-Mount Server. This is a very high-density, memory and storage intensive, 2-socket 2-rack unit (RU) rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC460"] = "The C460 is a Cisco Unified Computing System C-Series Rack-Mount Server. This is a  4-socket 4-rack unit (RU) rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS06SA"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 100 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCGX"] = "Cisco Conformal coating Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901"] = "Pura-C platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901E"] = "Pura-E platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeSmSre910"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Service Module Service Ready Engine 910 K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeSmSre710"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Service Module Service Ready Engine 710 K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1002X"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1002-X Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2304"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2304";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2320"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2320";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam3"] = "Cisco NAM-3 for Catalyst 6500";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG4GAK9"] = "C819HG-4G-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 AT&T LTE modem, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 256MB flash memory, 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoECDS50IVB"] = "Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System Model MDE50IVB";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSR1000v"] = "Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000v";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR5000"] = "Cisco Systems ASR5000 Intelligent Mobile Gateway";
cisco_desc["ciscoflowAgent3000"] = "Cisco Integrated NetFlow Generation Agent";
cisco_desc["ciscoTelePresenceMCU5310"] = "Cisco TelePresence MCU 5310";
cisco_desc["ciscoTelePresenceMCU5320"] = "Cisco TelePresence MCU 5320";
cisco_desc["cisco888ea"] = "Cisco 888EA platform with 1 SHDSL WAN interface, 4-port 1 0/100 Base-T LAN Ethernet switch, 4 USB ports, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, hardware encryption and an optional Wireless LAN card";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG350"] = "VG350 High Density Analog Gateway (3 GE, 4 EHWIC, 4 DSP, 256MB CF, 1GB DRAM, 2 DWSM)";
cisco_desc["cisco881GW7AK9"] = "C881GW+7-A-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G HSPA+ R7 with GPS, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881GW7EK9"] = "C881GW+7-E-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G HSPA+R7 with GPS, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881GWSAK9"] = "C881GW-S-A-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G EVDO Rev A with GPS for Sprint, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881GWVAK9"] = "C881GW-V-A-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G EVDO Rev A with GPS for Verizon, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887Vagw7AK9"] = "C887VAGW+7-A-K9 router with 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+over POTS, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G HSPA+ R7 with GPS, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887Vagw7EK9"] = "C887VAGW+7-E-K9 router with 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 3G HSPA+ R7 with GPS, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881WDAK9"] = "C881WD-A-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco881WDEK9"] = "C881WD-E-K9 router with 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VaWDAK9"] = "C887VA-WD-A-K9 router with 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VaWDEK9"] = "C887VA-WD-E-K9 router with 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN with 2 PoE, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGW7EK9"] = "C819HGW+7-E-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGW7NK9"] = "C819HGW+7-N-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, ANZ compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGW7AAK9"] = "C819HGW+7-A-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGWVAK9"] = "C819HGW-V-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGWSAK9"] = "C819HGW-S-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HK9"] = "C819H-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HWDEK9"] = "C819HWD-E-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 Serial, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HWDAK9"] = "C819HWD-A-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 Serial, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco812G7K9"] = "C812G+7-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 1 3G with HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Console/Aux ports, 512MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco812GCIFI7EK9"] = "C812G-CIFI+7-E-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 1 3G with HSPA+ Release 7, ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 512MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco812GCIFI7NK9"] = "C812G-CIFI+7-N-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 1 3G with HSPA+ Release 7, ANZ compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 512MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco812GCIFIVAK9"] = "C812G-CIFI-V-A-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 512MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco812GCIFISAK9"] = "C812G-CIFI-S-A-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 512MB flash memory and 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GUMK9"] = "C819G-U-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA R6, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GSMK9"] = "C819G-S-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GVMK9"] = "C819G-V-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GBMK9"] = "C819G-B-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with BSNL EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G7AMK9"] = "C819G+7-A-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G7MK9"] = "C819G+7-M-K9 router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGUMK9"] = "C819HG-U-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA R6, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGSMK9"] = "C819HG-S-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with SPRINT EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGVMK9"] = "C819HG-V-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with Verizon EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGBMK9"] = "C819HG-B-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with BSNL EVDO RevA, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG7AMK9"] = "C819HG+7-A-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with ATT HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HG7MK9"] = "C819HG+7-M-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Ethernet LAN, 1 3G with GLOBAL HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502s6"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2S6";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502m0"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2M0";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502s8"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2S8";
cisco_desc["cisco881V"] = "cisco881V with 1 FE, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 2 PSTN BRI ports, 1 FXO port    ";
cisco_desc["cisco887vaV"] = "cisco887vaV with 1 VDSL/ADSL2/2+ Annex A, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 2 PSTN BRI ports, 1 ISDN port";
cisco_desc["cisco887vaVW"] = "cisco887vaVW with 1 VDSL/ADSL2/2+ Annex A, 4 switch ports, 1 USB 1.1 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 4 FXS ports, 2 PSTN BRI ports, 1 ISDN port, Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoMDE10XVB"] = "Cisco Enterprise Content Delivery System Model MDE10XVB";
cisco_desc["cat4500X16"] = "Cisco Catalyst 4500X series fixed 10GE aggregation switch with 16 10GE SFP+ ports";
cisco_desc["cat4500X32"] = "Cisco Catalyst 4500X series fixed 10GE aggregation switch with 32 10GE SFP+ ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502s9"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2S9";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502s10"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2S10";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Nm20x1GE"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Half Width 20 Gigabit Ethernet Network Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScdeGeneric"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Generic Hardware";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA1000Vsy"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 1000V Cloud Firewall System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA1000Vsc"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 1000V Cloud Firewall Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA1000V"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 1000V Cloud Firewall";
cisco_desc["cisco8500WLC"] = "Cisco 8500 Series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Nm8x10GE"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Half Width 8 TenGigabit Ethernet Network Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5585Nm4x10GE"] = "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance 5585-X Half Width 4 TenGigabit Ethernet Network Module";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4400"] = "Cisco ISR 4400 Series Router";
cisco_desc["cisco892FspK9"] = "C892FSP-K9 router with 2 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VaMK9"] = "C897VA-M-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex M Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VawEK9"] = "C897VAW-E-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 Dual 2.4/5GHz with EU or ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VawAK9"] = "C897VAW-A-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 Dual 2.4/5GHz with FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VaK9"] = "C897VA-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco896VaK9"] = "C896VA-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL/ADSL2+ Annex B Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoVirtualWlc"] = "Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP802agn"] = "Cisco AP802 Smart Access Point with dual IEEE 802.11a/g/n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAp802Hagn"] = "Cisco AP802 Hardened Access Point with dual IEEE 802.11a/g/n radio ports for M2M environments";
cisco_desc["ciscoE160DP"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E160DP-M1/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoE160D"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E160D-M1/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoE140DP"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E140DP-M1/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoE140D"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E140D-M1/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoE140S"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E140S-M1/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9001"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9001 Chassis           ";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9922"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9922 Chassis           ";
cisco_desc["cat385048P"] = "Catalyst 3850 48P 10/100/1000 PoE+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat385024P"] = "Catalyst 3850 24P 10/100/1000 PoE+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat385048"] = "Catalyst 3850 48 10/100/1000 Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat385024"] = "Catalyst 3850 24 10/100/1000 Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cisco5760wlc"] = "Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoVSGateway"] = "Cisco Virtual Security Gateway for Nexus 1000V Series Switch. Cisco NX-OS(tm) nexus, Software (nexus-1000v-mz), Nexus VSG chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoIbiza"] = "Ibiza Cisco AP";
cisco_desc["ciscoSkyros"] = "Skyros Cisco AP";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1601"] = "Cisco Aironet 1600 series WLAN Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP2600"] = "Cisco Aironet 2600 series WLAN Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoCRS8SB"] = "Enhanced 8 Slots Carrier Routing system  ";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP2602"] = "Cisco Aironet 2600 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1602"] = "Cisco Aironet 1600 series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP3602"] = "Cisco Aironet 3600 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and dual IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP3601"] = "Cisco Aironet 3600 Series WLAN Access Point with one 10/100/1000TX port and single IEEE 802.11n radio port";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1552"] = "Cisco Aironet 1550 Series Outdoor Mesh Access Points with dual radio";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1553"] = "Cisco Aironet 1550 Series outdoor Mesh Access Points with three radio ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoNgsm3k16gepoeplus"] = "EtherSwitch Next Generation Service Module Layer3 + PoEPlus + 16 10/100/1000";
cisco_desc["ciscoNexus1010X"] = "Large Virtual service Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoNexus1110S"] = "Gen-2 Base  Virtual service Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoNexus1110X"] = "Gen-2 Large  Virtual service Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoNexus1110XL"] = "Gen-2 Extra Large  Virtual service Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoHsE300K9"] = "Cisco and HSJC co-brand edge 300 series switch.HSJC is a cisco partner in China Education market. It's a access device integrates both switch function and computing resource.";
cisco_desc["cisco866VAEWEK9"] = "CISCO866VAE-W-E-K9 with 2 GE switch ports, 3 FE switch ports, 1 GE WAN port, 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex B WAN port, and ETSI compliant Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEWAK9"] = "CISCO867VAE-W-A-K9  with 2 GE switch ports, 3 FE switch ports, 1 GE WAN port, 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A WAN port, and FCC compliant Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEWEK9"] = "CISCO867VAE-W-E-K9 with 2 GE switch ports, 3 FE switch ports, 1 GE WAN port, 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A WAN port, and ETSI compliant Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEPOEWAK9"] = "CISCO867VAE-POE-W-A-K9 with 2 GE switch ports, 3 FE switch ports with one port POE, 1 GE WAN port, 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A WAN port, and FCC compliant Wireless LAN";
cisco_desc["ciscoSmES3x24P"] = "EtherSwitch Service Module Layer3 24 Gigabit Ethernet port,POE+, MACSec PHY";
cisco_desc["ciscoSmDES3x48P"] = "EtherSwitch Double Wide Service Module Layer3 48 Gigabit Ethernet port, 2 SFP port, POE+, MACSec PHY";
cisco_desc["ciscoOeKWaas"] = "Wide Area Application Engine Virtualized Wide Area Application Services instance running on the KVM hypervisor container (KWAAS)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC220"] = "This one-rack unit (1RU) server offers superior performance and density over a wide range of business workloads, from web serving to distributed database";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC240"] = "This 2RU server is designed for both performance and expandability over a wide range of storage-intensive infrastructure workloads, from big data to collaboration";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC22"] = "This 1RU, 2-socket rack server design combines outstanding economics and a density-optimized feature set over a range of scale-out workloads, from IT and web infrastructure to distributed applications";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsC24"] = "This 2RU, 2-socket rack server is designed for both outstanding economics and internal expandability over a range of storage-intensive infrastructure workloads, from IT and web infrastructure to big data";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2202s4"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-220-2S4";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde4604r1"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-460-4R1";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1002XC"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1002-XC Chassis";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48fpdL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP+ uplink, 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ support for 740W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48lpdL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP+ uplink, 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48tdL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP+ uplink, 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24pdL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP+ uplink, 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ Support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24tdL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP+ uplink, 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48fpsL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ support for 740W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48lpsL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24psL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module, POE+ support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48tsL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24tsL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24psqL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 2 copper, 2 SFP uplink NonStakable";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48lpsS"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP uplink Non Stackable, POE+ support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24psS"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks, 2 SFP uplink Non Stackable, POE+ support for 370W";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x48tsLL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink Non Stackable";
cisco_desc["catWsC2960x24tsLL"] = "Catalyst 2960X 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP uplink Non Stackable";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4441"] = "Cisco ISR 4441 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4442"] = "Cisco ISR 4442 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4451"] = "Cisco ISR 4451 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4452"] = "Cisco ISR 4452 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9912"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9912 Chassis";
cisco_desc["cat3560x48U"] = "Catalyst 3560X 48 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3560x24U"] = "Catalyst 3560X 24 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x48U"] = "Catalyst 3750X 48 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat3750x24U"] = "Catalyst 3750X 24 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports + 4 SFP Ports + 2 SFP+ Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20008TCGN"] = "8+2 combo Gig uplink port, Base SW with 1588 & NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCGN"] = "16+2 SFP FE port+2 combo Gig uplink port, Base SW with 1588 & NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoIem30004SM"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switch Expansion Module IE3000, 4 10/100 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIem30008SM"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet Switch Expansion Module IE3000, 8 10/100 SFP";
cisco_desc["cisco1783MX04S"] = "Cisco-Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Switch Expansion Module IE3000, 4 10/100 SFP";
cisco_desc["cisco1783MX08S"] = "Cisco-Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Switch Expansion Module IE3000, 8 10/100 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901TenGigDCE"] = "ASR901 DC platform with 10G interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901TenGigACE"] = "ASR901 AC platform with 10G interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901TenGigDC"] = "ASR901 DC platform with 10G and TDM interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901TenGigAC"] = "ASR901 AC platform with 10G interface";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCGP"] = "Cisco Base + Lite Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 12 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP + 4 POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCGEP"] = "Cisco Base + 1588 Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 12 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP + 4 POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016TCGNXP"] = "Cisco Base + NAT + 1588 + Conformal Coating  Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 12 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP + 4 POE";
cisco_desc["cat4xxxVirtualSwitch"] = "Catalyst 4xxx Virtual Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS20CGN"] = "Cisco Rockwell IA Base + 1588+NAT Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS12T4E2CGP"] = "Rockwell IA Base + 1588 Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 12 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP + 4 POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783BMS12T4E2CGNK"] = "Rockwell IA Base + NAT + 1588 + Conformal Coating  Industrial Ethernet 2000 Switch, 12 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP + 4 POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoMds9848512K9SM"] = "FCoE Line Card Module for MDS 9710 10 Slot Director switch chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoMds9710SM"] = "Supervisor Module for MDS 9710 10 Slot Director switch chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoMds9710FM"] = "Fabric Module for MDS 9710 10 Slot Director switch chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoMds9710FCS"] = "MDS 9710 10 Slot Director switch chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoMDS9250iIFSPS"] = "MDS 9250 Multiprotocol Fabric Switch, with support for FC, FCoE and FC-IP Protocols";
cisco_desc["ciscoMDS9250iIFSDC"] = "Daughter card for MDS 9250i Intelligent Fabric Switch. MDS 9250 Multiprotocol Fabric Switch, with support for FC, FCoE and FC-IP Protocols";
cisco_desc["ciscoMDS9250iIFS"] = "MDS 9250 Multiprotocol Fabric Switch, with support for FC, FCoE and FC-IP Protocols";
cisco_desc["ciscoNexus1000VH"] = "Nexus 1000v on a microsoft hypervisor HyperV";
cisco_desc["cat38xxstack"] = "A stack of any catalyst38xx stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG202XM"] = "Line side Analog Gateway VG202XM with 2FXS Analog ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG204XM"] = "Line side Analog Gateway VG204XM with 4FXS Analog ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P48PstL"] = "48-port PoE, 2+2 1G uplinks, LAN Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24PcL"] = "24-port PoE, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24LcL"] = "24-port, partial PoE 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P48TcL"] = "48-port, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24TcL"] = "24-port, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P48PstS"] = "48-port PoE, 2+2 1G uplinks, LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24PcS"] = "24-port PoE, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24LcS"] = "24-port, partial PoE 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P48TcS"] = "48-port, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960P24TcS"] = "24-port, 2/2 1G uplinks, LAN Lite";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9904"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9904 Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoME2600X"] = "Cisco ME 2600X Series Ethernet Access Switches is Cisco's switches built specifically for the Fiber to the Home/Premise (FTTH/FTTP) services with 10G capability. It is 1-rack-unit (1RU), fixed-form-factor platform hardware-optimized for ANSI,ETSI & AC Power configurations";
cisco_desc["ciscoPanini"] = "Converged NG routing platform for core/edge markets";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6807xl"] = "Catalyst 6800 series chassis with 7 slots";
cisco_desc["cat385024U"] = "Catalyst 3850 24 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["cat385048U"] = "Catalyst 3850 48 10/100/1000 UPoE Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG310"] = "VG310 Medium Density Voice  Gateway (2 GE, 1 24 onboard  analog FXS, 1  EHWIC, 1 PVDM3, 1 CF, 1GB DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG320"] = "VG320 Medium Density Voice  Gateway (2 GE, 1 24 onboard  analog FXS, 1  EHWIC, 1 PVDM3, 1 CF, 1GB DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6880xle"] = "Catalyst 6880 BP chassis";
cisco_desc["cat45Sup8e"] = "Catalyst 4500 Sup 8-E Wired Wireless Convergence, 928 Gbps Wired, 8x10Gbps SFP+ uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48FpdI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48LpdI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48TdI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplinks IP Lite Stackable";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR24PdI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR24TdI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 24 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplinks IP Lite Stackable";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48FpsI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48LpsI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR48TsI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 48 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplinks IP Lite Stackable";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR24PsI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplinks IP Lite Stackable with POE support for 370W";
cisco_desc["ciscoWsC2960XR24TsI"] = "Catalyst 2960XR 24 Gig Downlinks and 4 SFP uplinks IP Lite Stackable";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC460M4Rackserver"] = "4-Socket 4-RU Cisco UCS Rack Server";
cisco_desc["ciscoA901S4SGFD"] = "Agora platform - 4 external Ports (4 SFP) + 1 Gland Interface, DC PSU";
cisco_desc["ciscoA901S3SGFD"] = "Agora platform - 3 external Ports (3 SFP+1Cu) + 1 Gland Interface, DC PSU";
cisco_desc["ciscoA901S2SGFD"] = "Agora platform - 3 external Ports (2 SFP+2Cu) + 1 Gland Interface, DC PSU";
cisco_desc["ciscoA901S3SGFAH"] = "Agora platform - AC, 3 External Ports (3SFP) + 1 Gland Interface, AC PSU, 1sec holdover for 1 PoE+";
cisco_desc["ciscoA901S2SGFAH"] = "Agora platform - AC, 3 External Ports (2 SFP+1 Cu) + 1 Gland Interface, AC PSU, 1sec holdover for 1 PoE+";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365024TS"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 24 Port Data 4x1G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048TS"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 48 Port Data 4x1G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365024PS"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 24 Port POE 4x1G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048PS"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 48 Port POE 4x1G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365024TD"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 24 Port Data 2x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048TD"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 48 Port Data 2x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365024PD"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 24 Port POE 2x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048PD"] = "Cisco  Catalyst 3650 48 Port POE 2x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U4STSG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 4 10/100 SFP + 2 1000 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U16TCGP"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 16 10/100 T (4 PoE) + 2 1000 T/SFP until Jun 2013, contact kavenkat";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20008T67B"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  8 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image ";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016T67B"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  16 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200024T67B"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  24 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE20008T67PGE"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  4 port 10/100 downlink, 4-port POE /POE+, 2 10/100/1000 uplink, LAN Base Image, can support PTP, NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE200016T67PGE"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  8 port 10/100 downlink, 8-port POE / 4-port POE+, 2 10/100/1000 uplink, LAN Base Image, can support PTP, NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS8TA"] = "Rockwell IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  8 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS16TA"] = "Rockwell IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  16 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS24TA"] = "Rockwell IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  24 port 10/100 downlink, LAN Base Image";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS4T4E2TGP"] = "Rockwell IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  4 port 10/100 downlink, 4-port POE /POE+, 2 10/100/1000 uplink,  LAN Base Image, can support PTP, NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS8T8E2TGP"] = "Rockwell IE2000 IP67 Variant Switch with  8 port 10/100 downlink, 8-port POE / 4-port POE+, 2 10/100/1000 uplink, LAN Base Image, can support PTP, NAT";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs6008"] = "NCS 6008 System (2RPs, 6FCs, 2 FANs, Power)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC881K9"] = "C881 router with 1 Fast Ethernet Primary WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC886VaK9"] = "C886VA-K9 router with 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex B Primary WAN, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC886VaJK9"] = "C886VA-J-K9 router with 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex J Primary WAN, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC887VaK9"] = "C887VA-K9 router with 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Primary WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC887VaMK9"] = "C887VA-M-K9 router with 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex M Primary WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC888K9"] = "C888-K9 router with 1 EFM/ATM over G.SHDSL Primary WAN, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 2 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC891FK9"] = "C891F-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 1 V.92, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC891FwAK9"] = "C891FW-A-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 1 V.92, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 Dual 2.4/5GHz with FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC891FwEK9"] = "C891FW-E-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 1 V.92, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 Dual 2.4/5GHz with EU or ETSI compliant Wireless LAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1001X"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1001-X Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco1783WAP5100xK9"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Automation Wireless AP 5100, one 10/100/1000 BASE-T, Dual-band autonomous 802.11a/g/n";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2502s5"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-250-2S5";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsE140S"] = "UCS E-Series Server 4-Core Ivy Bridge Single wide Service module (UCS-E140S-M2/K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNXNAM1"] = "Cisco NX-NAM1 for Nexus 7000";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6800ia48fpdL"] = "Catalyst 6800IA 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module. POE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6800ia48tdL"] = "Catalyst 6800IA 48 Gig Downlinks and 2 SFP+ uplink with support for a 2 x 10G stacking module";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U4TG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 T";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U4TSG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 4 10/100 T + 2 1000 SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U8TCG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 8 10/100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U16TCG"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE2000U16TCGX"] = "Cisco Conformal coating Industrial Ethernet 2000U Switch, 16 10/100 T + 2 100 T + 2 1000 T/SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP3702"] = "Cisco Aironet 3700 Series (IEEE 802.11ac) Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP702"] = "Cisco Aironet 702 Series (IEEE 802.11n) Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1532"] = "Cisco Aironet 1530 Series (IEEE 802.11n) Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsxNAM"] = "Network Analysis Module running on ESX Hypervisor";
cisco_desc["ciscoKvmNAM"] = "Network Analysis Module running on KVM Hypervisor";
cisco_desc["ciscoHyperNAM"] = "Network Analysis Module running on Hyper-V Hypervisor";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385024S"] = "Catalyst 3850 24 100/1000 SFP Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385012S"] = "Catalyst 3850 12 100/1000 SFP Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet Stackable Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048PQ"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3650 48 Port POE 4x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoC365048TQ"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3650 48 Port Data 4x10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR902"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900 Series with 2RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoME1200"] = "Cisco ME 1200 Carrier Ethernet Access Demarcation  Device";
cisco_desc["ciscoVASA"] = "Cisco Virtual Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoVASASy"] = "Cisco Virtual Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoVASASc"] = "Cisco Virtual Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9Kc9508"] = "Nexus 9500 series chassis with 8 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoWapAP702"] = "Wireless Access Point 700";
cisco_desc["ciscoWapAP2602"] = "Wireless Access Point 2600";
cisco_desc["ciscoWapAP1602"] = "Wireless Access Point 1600";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9KC93128TX"] = "3RU TOR, 96x10GT+8x40G QSFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9KC9396TX"] = "2RU TOR, 48x10GT+12x40G QSFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9KC9396PX"] = "2RU TOR, 48x10GF+12x40G QSFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoWlcCt5508K9"] = "Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoWlcCt2504K9"] = "Cisco 2500 Series Wireless LAN Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsEN120S"] = "UCS E-Series Network compute engine 2-Core Service module (UCS-EN120S-M2/K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsEN140N"] = "UCS E-Series Network compute engine 4-Core Network interface module (UCS-EN140N-M2/K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoUcsEN120E"] = "UCS E-Series Network compute engine 2-Core Enhanced High-speed WAN interface card (UCS-EN120E-M2/K9)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC68xxVirtualSwitch"] = "68xx Virtual Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4431"] = "Cisco ISR 4431 Router Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6880x"] = "Catalyst 6880 chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoCPT50"] = "Cisco Carrier Packet Transport (CPT) 50";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP2702"] = "Cisco Aironet 2700 Series (IEEE 802.11ac) Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS4016"] = "NCS 4016 System";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WG32K9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player general model,equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WG32AK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player general model,equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For American)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WG32CK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player general model,equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For China)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WG32EK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player general model,equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For Europe)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WG32NK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player general model,equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For New-Zealand-Australia)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WM32K9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WM32AK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For American)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WM32CK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For China)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WM32EK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For Europe)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340WM32NK9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD, WiFi chip, support 2.4G, 5G(For New-Zealand-Australia)";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT1081K9"] = "Router 1081 Fast Ethernet Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT1091FK9"] = "Router 1091 GigaE SecRouter";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwr30WAC"] = "Power Supply 30 Watt AC";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwr60WAC"] = "Power Supply 60 Watt AC";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwr60WACV2"] = "Power Supply 60 Watt AC";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwr125WAC"] = "POE power supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT2241K9"] = "Router 2241 w/2 GE,2 EHWIC slots,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IP Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT2221K9"] = "Router 2221 Modular Router, 2 GE, 2 EHWIC slots, 512DRAM, IP Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT2241WCK9"] = "Router 2241 Router w/802.11 a/b/g/n China Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpAxpIsmSre300"] = "Internal Services Module (ISM) with Services Ready Engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwr2241AC"] = "Router 2241 AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT3211K9"] = "Router 3211 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,2 DSP,1 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPB";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT3221K9"] = "Router 3221 w/3 GE,4 EHWIC,3 DSP,1 SM,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IPB";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRT3201K9"] = "Router 3201 w/2 GE,4 EHWIC,2 DSP,256MB CF,512MB DRAM,IP Base";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwrRT3201AC"] = "Router 3201 AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwrRT3211AC"] = "Router 3211 AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwrRT3211DC"] = "Router 3211 DC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpPwrRT32AC"] = "Router 3200 AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRpsAdptrRT3211"] = "Router 3211 RPS Adapter for use with External RPS";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpRpsAdptrRT32"] = "Router 3200 RPS Adapter for use with External RPS";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpAxpSmSre710"] = "SRE 710 (4GB MEM,500GB 7K HDD,1C CPU) for router bundle";
cisco_desc["ciscoitpAxpSmSre910"] = "SRE 910 (4-8GB MEM,2x500GB 7k HDD,2C CPU) for router bundle";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9Kc9516"] = "Nexus 9500 series chassis with 16 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoN9Kc9504"] = "Nexus 9500 series chassis with 4 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoDoorCGR1240"] = "Cisco Connected Grid Router CGR1240 physical door entity";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4351"] = "Cisco ISR 4351 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoWRP500"] = "WRP500 is targeted for small business network environments from a Hosted Service Provider";
cisco_desc["cisco897VABK9"] = "C897VAB-K9 router with 1 VDSL2 withbonding/ADSL2+ WAN , 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN,4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819HWDCK9"] = "C819HWD-C-K9 Hardened Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 Serial, CCC Mark compliant Wireless LAN, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["catAIRCT57006"] = "AIR-CT5760-6 Catalyst 5700 Series Wireless Controller with 6 TenGE Interfaces";
cisco_desc["cisco897VAMGLTEGAK9"] = "4G LTE  Global(Europe & Australia) router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex M Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco898EAGLTEGAK9"] = "4G LTE  Global(Europe & Australia)  router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 EFM over G.SHDSL WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VAGLTEGAK9"] = "4G LTE  Global(Europe & Australia) router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco896VAGLTEGAK9"] = "4G LTE Global(Europe & Australia) router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL/ADSL2+ Annex B Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco887VAG4GGAK9"] = "router with 1 WAN multimode VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 switch ports 2 ports POE, 1 embedded multimode Global(Europe and Australia) 4G LTE/ HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819G4GGAK9"] = "router with 1 WAN multimode VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 4 switch ports 2 ports POE, 1 embedded multimode Global(Europe and Australia) 4G LTE/ HSPA+ modem with GPS and SMS 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOG910WK9"] = "Programmable IoT Sensor Gateway, 1 Combo (GE/SFP), 1 open slot for 802.15.4 module, 1 slot for external storage. 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOG910GK9"] = "Programmable IoT Sensor Gateway, 1 Combo (GE/SFP), 1 open slot for 802.15.4 module, 1 slot for external storage. 3G HSPA and CDMA EV-DO selective";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOG910K9"] = "Programmable IoT Sensor Gateway, 1 Combo (GE/SFP), 1 open slot for 802.15.4 module, 1 slot for external storage";
cisco_desc["cat36xxstack"] = "A stack of any catalyst36xx stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["cat57xxstack"] = "A stack of any Wireless LAN 57xx stack-able controllers with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4331"] = "Cisco ISR 4331 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40004TC4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Combo DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40008T4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 FE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40008S4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 FE Fiber DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40004T4P4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Copper DL ports + 4 FE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE400016T4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 16 FE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40004S8P4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Fiber DL ports + 8 FE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40008GT4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40008GS4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Fiber DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40004GC4GP4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Combo DL ports + 4 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE400016GT4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 16 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40008GT8GP4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40004GS8GP4GE"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Fiber DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4C4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Combo DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8T4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 FE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8S4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 FE Fiber DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4T4E4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Copper DL ports + 4 FE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS16T4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 16 FE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4S8E4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 FE Fiber DL ports + 8 FE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8TG4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8SG4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Fiber DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4EG8CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Combo DL ports + 4 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS16TG4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 16 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8TG8EG4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4SG8EG4CGN"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Fiber DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4321"] = "Cisco ISR 4321 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340G32K9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player none wifi, general model, equipped with 32G SSD";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSE340M32K9"] = "Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player none wifi, DMP model, equipped with 32G SSD";
cisco_desc["ciscoSCE10000"] = "Cisco service control engine 10000";
cisco_desc["ciscoVirtualSCE"] = "Cisco virtual service control engine";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901AC10GS"] = "ASR901 10GS AC platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901DC10GS"] = "ASR901 10GS DC platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92024SZIM"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 24GE and 4-10GE- Modular PSU and IM";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92024TZM"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 24GE Copper and 4-10GE - Modular PSU";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92024SZM"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 24GE Fiber and 4-10GE - Modular PSU ";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809GLTESTK9"] = "Cisco 809 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  Sprint  LTE/HSPA+";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809GLTEVZK9"] = "Cisco 809 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  Verizon  LTE/DoRA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809GLTEGAK9"] = "Cisco 809 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  Global (Europe & Australia) LTE/HSPA+";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809GLTENAK9"] = "Cisco 809 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  AT&T and Canada  LTE/HSPA+";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTESTAK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode Sprint LTE/DoRa  with 802.11n, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEVZAK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode Verizon LTE/DoRa  with 802.11n, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEGAZK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode Global (Australia) LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, Australia Compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEGAEK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode Global (Europe) LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, ETSI Compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTENAAK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode ATT and Canada  LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoWallander1x1GESKU"] = "This is a giga-bit ethernet card which can be plugged into host such like ISR4451, this will provide one giga-bit eth interface (both RJ45 and SFP are supported).";
cisco_desc["ciscoWallander2x1GESKU"] = "This is a giga-bit ethernet card which can be plugged into host such like ISR4451, this will provide two giga-bit eth interface (both RJ45 and SFP are supported).";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506sc"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506sy"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506W"] = "ASA 5506W Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Wsc"] = "ASA 5506W Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Wsy"] = "ASA 5506W Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508sc"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508sy"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506K7"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506K7sc"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506K7sy"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508K7"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508K7sc"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508K7sy"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context with No Payload Encryption";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1702"] = " Cisco Aironet 1700 Series (IEEE 802.11ac) Access Point";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX8ptS"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 3560CX 8x GE downlink ,PoE+, 2x 1G copper UPOE uplinks.";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX8XpdS"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 3560CX 2x mGig + 6x GE  downlink ,PoE+, 2x SFP+ uplinks.";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX12pdS"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 3560CX 12x GE downlink, PoE+, 2x CU + 2x 10G SFP+ uplinks";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX12tcS"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 3560CX 12x GE downlink, 2x Copper + 2x SFP uplinks";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX12pcS"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 3560CX 12x GE downlink, PoE+, 2x copper + 2x SFP uplink";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX8tcS"] = "Smirnoff Catalyst 3560CX 8x GE downlink, 2x Copper + 2x SFP uplink";
cisco_desc["catwsC3560CX8pcS"] = "Smirnoff Catalyst 3560CX 8x GE downlink, PoE+, 2x Copper + 2x SFP uplink";
cisco_desc["catwsC2960CX8tcL"] = "Smirnoff catalyst 2960CX 8 Gig Downlinks, 2 Copper, 2 SFP uplink";
cisco_desc["cisco2911TK9"] = "CISCO2911-T/K9 with 3 GE, 4 EHWIC,  1 SM , 256 MB CF, 512 MB DRAM, IPB, extended temperature range from -5 to 60 C";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3495K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3495 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3415K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3415 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscocBR8"] = "Cisco cBR-8 CCAP(Converged Cable Access Platform) platform with 8 subscriber slots and 2 Supervisor slots (including WAN)";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwrC2911DCPOE"] = "Cisco 2911 DC Power Supply with Power Over Ethernet";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1006X"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1006-X Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1009X"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1009-X Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP702w"] = "Cisco Aironet 702w (IEEE 802.11n) Series Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAP1572"] = "Cisco Aironet 1570 (IEEE 802.11ac) Series Outdoor Access Points with two radio's";
cisco_desc["cisco891x24XK9"] = "C891-24X Router series with 2 Giga Ethernet WAN Xor'ed with SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable), 24 Giga Ethernet LAN with 8 PoE 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 512MB/1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSEN120E54"] = "UCS E-Series NCE DW-EHWIC,  2C Rangeley, 4GB RAM, 50GB HDD, 1 SD";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSEN120E108"] = "UCS E-Series NCE DW-EHWIC,  2C Rangeley, 8GB RAM, 100GB HDD, 1 SD";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSEN120E208"] = "UCS E-Series NCE DW-EHWIC,  2C Rangeley, 8GB RAM , 200GB HDD, 1 SD";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9204SZD"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 2GE and 4-10GE -DC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9208SZ0A"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 8GE and 4-10GE - Outdoor AC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92012CZA"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 12GE and 2-10GE - AC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92012CZD"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 12GE and 2-10GE - DC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9204SZA"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 2GE and 4-10GE -AC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92010SZ0D"] = "Cisco ASR920 Series - 10GE and 2-10GE - Outdoor DC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoTSCodecG3"] = "Cisco Telepresence Generation 3 Codec";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385012XS"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3850 12 Port 10G Fiber Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385024XS"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3850 24 Port 10G Fiber Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385048XS"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3850 48 Port 10G Fiber Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385012X48U"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3850 48 UPOE 12 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G and 36 1G Ports Layer 2/Layer 3 Ethernet";
cisco_desc["ciscoC385024XU"] = "Cisco Catalyst 3850 24 UPOE 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G Ports Layer2/Layer3 Ethernet";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS4T4E2TGN"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant with  4 port 10/100 downlink, 4 port POE/POE+ downlink, 2 10/100/1000 uplink, w/FPGA, LAN Base Image, PTP and NAT Support";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783ZMS8T8E2TGN"] = "Cisco IE2000 IP67 Variant with 8 port 10/100 downlink, 8 port POE/POE+ downlink, 2 10/100/1000 uplink, w/FPGA, LAN Base Image, PTP and NAT Support";
cisco_desc["cisco5520WLC"] = "Cisco 5520 Series Wireless Controller";
cisco_desc["cisco8540Wlc"] = "Cisco 8540 Series Wireless Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8TG4CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8SG4CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Fiber DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4EG8CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Combo DL ports + 4 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS16TG4CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 16 GE Copper DL ports, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS8TG8EG4CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 8 GE Copper DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783HMS4SG8EG4CGR"] = "CISCO IE4000 with 4 GE Fiber DL ports + 8 GE Copper DL ports with POE, 4 GE combo UL ports, w/FPGA";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC220M4"] = "Cisco UCS C220 M4 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC240M4"] = "Cisco UCS C240 M4 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC3160"] = "Cisco UCS C3160 Rack server";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WTK9"] = "CISCO1941W-T/K9 with 802.11 a/b/g/ n  Israel Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC3260"] = "Cisco UCS C3260 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE160DM2K9"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E160D-M2/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE180DM2K9"] = "Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) UCS-E180D-M2/K9";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802s5"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2S5";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802s10"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2S10";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802s21"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2S21";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802h0"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2H0";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802h13"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2H13";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDScde2802h26"] = "Cisco Content Delivery System Model CDE-280-2H26";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC2960CX8PCL"] = "Smirnoff Catalyst 2960CX 8x GE downlink, PoE+, 2x Copper + 2x SFP uplink";
cisco_desc["cisco1941WIK9"] = "Cisco 1941W-I/K9 with 802.11 a/b/g/ n  Israel Compliant WLAN ISM";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7030K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7030 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7050K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7050 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7110K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7110 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7110FiK9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7110 Appliance, Fi, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7115K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7115 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7120K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7120 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7120FiK9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7120 Appliance, Fi, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7125K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7125 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8120K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8120 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8130K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8130 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8140K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8140 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8250K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8250 Appliance, 2U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8260K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8260 Appliance, 4U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8270K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8270 Appliance, 6U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8290K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8290 Appliance, 8U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8350K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8350 Appliance, 2U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8360K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8360 Appliance, 4U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8370K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8370 Appliance, 6U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp8390K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 8390 Appliance, 8U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFs750K9"] = "Cisco FireSIGHT Management Center 750 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFs1500K9"] = "Cisco FireSIGHT Management Center 1500 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFs3500K9"] = "Cisco FireSIGHT Management Center 3500 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFs4000K9"] = "Cisco FireSIGHT Management Center 4000 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp7150K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP7150 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8050K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8050 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8150K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8150 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8350K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8350 Appliance, 2U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8360K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8360 Appliance, 4U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8370K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8370 Appliance, 6U";
cisco_desc["ciscoAmp8390K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER AMP8390 Appliance, 8U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpSsl1500K9"] = "FirePOWER SSL1500 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpSsl1500FiK9"] = "FirePOWER SSL1500 Appliance, Fi, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpSsl2000K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER SSL2000 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpSsl8200K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER SSL8200 Appliance, 2U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7010K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7010 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFp7020K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 7020 Appliance, 1U";
cisco_desc["cisco841Mx4XK9"] = "C841M-4X/K9 router with 4GE LAN, 2GE WAN, 2 WIM slots";
cisco_desc["cisco841Mx8XK9"] = " C841M-8X/K9 router with 8GE LAN, 2GE WAN, 2 WIM slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoC819GWLTEMNAAK9"] = "C819GW-LTE-MNA-AK9 router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces, 1GE WAN, 1 Serial(sync/async) interface, 2 terminal lines, 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module, 1 cisco Embedded AP, 1 Console/Aux port, and 1GB FLASH";
cisco_desc["ciscoC819GWLTEGAEK9"] = "C819GW-LTE-GA-EK9 router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces, 1GE WAN, 1 Serial(sync/async) interface, 2 terminal lines, 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module, 1 cisco Embedded AP, 1 Console/Aux port, and 1GB FLASH";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE500012S12P10G"] = "Cisco IE5000 ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 10G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28NAC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for RockWell Automation Lanbase license AC power supply ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 10G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28NDC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for RockWell Automation Lanbase license DC power supply ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 10G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28RAC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for RockWell Automation IP Services license AC power supply ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 10G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28RDC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for RockWell Automation IP Services license DC power supply ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 10G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoACIController"] = "The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (Cisco APIC) is the unifying point of automation and management for the Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric. The Cisco APIC provides centralized access to all fabric information, optimizes the application lifecycle for scale and performance, and supports flexible application provisioning across physical and virtual resources";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRAPIW3702"] = "Cisco Aironet 3702 Series (IEEE 802.11ac) Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506H"] = "ASA 5506H Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5516"] = "ASA 5516 Adaptive Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Hsc"] = "ASA 5506H Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5516sc"] = "ASA 5516 Adaptive Security Appliance Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Hsy"] = "ASA 5506H Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5516sy"] = "ASA 5516 Adaptive Security Appliance System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEMAAK9"] = "IR829 Hardened WAN GE 4G LTE secure platform multi-mode Sprint LTE/DoRa  with 802.11n, PoE, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoPwsX474812X48uE"] = "Switch 4500E  100/1000/2500/5000/10GBaseT (RJ45)+V E Series with 48 10GbaseT";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1002HX"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1002-HX Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS4009"] = "Cisco NCS 4009 System";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD2T2Ssy"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30002C2F (1783SAD2T2S)Industrial Security Appliance, System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD4T0Ssy"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30004C (1783SAD4T0S) Industrial Security Appliance, System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30002C2Fsy"] = "ISA 30002C2F Industrial Security Appliance, System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30004Csy"] = "ISA 30004C Industrial Security Appliance, System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA4000sy"] = "ISA 4000 Industrial Security Appliance, System Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA4000sc"] = "ISA 4000 Industrial Security Appliance , Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD2T2Ssc"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30002C2F (1783SAD2T2S)Industrial Security Appliance, Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD4T0Ssc"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30004C (1783SAD4T0S) Industrial Security Appliance, Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30002C2Fsc"] = "ISA 30002C2F Industrial Security Appliance, Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30004Csc"] = "ISA 30004C Industrial Security Appliance, Security Context";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOSXRv9000"] = "Cisco IOS-XR vRouter";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3515K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3515 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3595K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3595 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30002C2F"] = "ISA 30002C2F Industrial Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30004C"] = "ISA 30004C Industrial Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD4T0S"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30004C (1783SAD4T0S) Industrial Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAISA1783SAD2T2S"] = "Cisco Rockwell ISA 30002C2F (1783SAD2T2SS)Industrial Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA4000"] = "ISA 4000 Industrial Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoC888EAK9"] = "Cisco Multimode 888EA G.SHDSL (EFM/ATM) Router with 802.3 ah EFM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6816xle"] = "Catalyst C6816-X-LE with 16x10G ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6832xle"] = "Catalyst C6832-X-LE with 32x10G ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6824xle"] = "Catalyst C6824-X-LE with 24x10GE ports plus 2x40GE uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoC6840xle"] = "Catalyst C6840-X-LE with 40x10GE ports plus 2x40GE uplinks";
cisco_desc["cat35xxStack"] = "A stack of any catalyst35xx stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["catWsC365012X48UR"] = "3650 mGig-48 with 8x10G UL 36 x 100/1000 UPoE + 12 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+/UPoE";
cisco_desc["catWsC36508X24UQ"] = "3650 mGig-24 with 4x10G UL 16 x 100/1000 UPoE + 8 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+/UPoE";
cisco_desc["catWsC365012X48UZ"] = "3650 mGig-48 with 2x40G UL 36 x 100/1000 UPoE + 12 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+/UPoE";
cisco_desc["catWsC365012X48UQ"] = "3650 mGig-48 with 4x10G UL 36 x 100/1000 UPoE + 12 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+/UPoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2420"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2420";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2440"] = "Cisco NAM Appliance 2440";
cisco_desc["ciscoflowAgent3300"] = "Cisco Integrated NetFlow Generation Agent Series 3300";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9300K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9300 Security Appliance, 3U";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM24"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 24";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM36"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 36";
cisco_desc["catWsC365048FQM"] = "Theon 48-Port, POE+, 4X10G Uplink";
cisco_desc["catWsC365024PDM"] = "Theon 24-Port, POE+, 2X10G/2X1G Uplink";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4150K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4150 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 44";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4140K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4140 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 36";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4120K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4120 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 24";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4110K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4110 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 12";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE500016S12P"] = "Cisco IE5000 ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 1G Fiber SFP uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5512td"] = "ASA 5512 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5515td"] = "ASA 5515 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5525td"] = "ASA 5525 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5545td"] = "ASA 5545 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5555td"] = "ASA 5555 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506td"] = "ASA 5506 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Wtd"] = "ASA 5506W Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5506Htd"] = "ASA 5506H Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5508td"] = "ASA 5508 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoASA5516td"] = "ASA 5516 Adaptive Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoPIUCSAPLK9"] = "Cisco Prime Infrastructure Appliance";
cisco_desc["cisco899GLTEJPK9"] = "4G LTE Japan router with 2 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GLTEMNAK9"] = "router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 4G LTE Multi-carrier North America HSPA+ Release 7, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4110SM12"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4110 Security Module 12";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4120SM24"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4120 Security Module 24";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4140SM36"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4140 Security Module 36";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4150SM44"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4150 Security Module 44";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5001"] = "Cisco NCS 5001 Series Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5002"] = "Cisco NCS 5002 Series Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpvK9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER Virtual Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901CC"] = "ASR901 platform with Conformal Coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901ECC"] = "ASR901-E platform with Conformal Coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901DC10GCC"] = "ASR901 10G DC platform with Conformal Coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901EDC10GCC"] = "ASR901E 10G DC platform with Conformal Coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR901DC10GSCC"] = "ASR901 10GS DC platform with Conformal Coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92012SZIMCC"] = "ASR920 Series - 12GE and 4-10GE - Modular PSU,IM and conformal coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs4201"] = "NCS 4201 System (1RU,24GE and 4-10GE)  ";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs4202"] = "NCS 4202 System (1RU,12GE,4-10GE and 1 SLOT)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs4206"] = "NCS 4206 System (3RU and 6 SLOT)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs4216"] = "NCS 4216 System (7RU and 16 SLOT)";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE10004TLM"] = "Cisco IE1000 ruggedized Industrial Ethernet switch with 5x 10/100 BaseT Copper ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE10006TLM"] = "Cisco IE1000 ruggedized Industrial Ethernet switch with 8x 10/100 BaseT Copper ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE10004PTSLM"] = "Cisco IE1000 ruggedized Industrial Ethernet switch with 4x 10/100 BaseT downlink ports and 2X GE SFP uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE10008PTSLM"] = "Cisco IE1000 ruggedized Industrial Ethernet switch with 8x 10/100 BaseT downlink ports and 2X GE SFP uplink ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoVFTD"] = "Cisco Virtual Firepower Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4451B"] = "Cisco ISR 4451 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4431B"] = "Cisco ISR 4431 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4351B"] = "Cisco ISR 4351 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4331B"] = "Cisco ISR 4331 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4321B"] = "Cisco ISR 4321 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28GNAC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for Rockwell Automation ruggedized Ethernet switch supports Lanbase license and AC power supply with 12x10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x1G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28GNDC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for Rockwell Automation ruggedized Ethernet switch supports Lanbase license and DC power supply with 12x10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x1G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28GRAC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for Rockwell Automation ruggedized Ethernet switch supports IP Service license and AC power supply with 12x10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x1G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783IMS28GRDC"] = "Cisco IE5000 for Rockwell Automation ruggedized Ethernet switch supports IP Service license and DC power supply with 12x10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x1G Fiber SFP+ uplinks, Timing module";
cisco_desc["ciscoQSFP100GCWDM4S"] = "100GE-CWDM4-S QSFP Module";
cisco_desc["cisco897VAGWLTEGAEK9"] = "C897VAGW-LTE-GAEK9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 multi-mode VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS, 1 4G LTE secure platform multi-mode Global (Europe) LTE/HSPA+, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 Dual 2.4/5GHz with FCC compliant Wireless LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco886VAGLTEGAK9"] = "C886VAG-LTE-GA-K9 router with 1 WAN VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN, 1 4G LTE secure platform multi-mode Global (Europe) LTE/HSPA+, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoNcs1002"] = "NCS 1002 System (1RP, 3 FANs, 2 Powers)";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR1001HX"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, ASR1001-HX Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5508"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5500 8 Slot Single Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5501SE"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5501 Fixed 40x10G and 4x100G Scale chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5502SE"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5502 Fixed 48x100G Scale chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoUnifiedSipProxy"] = "SIP-based stateless call routing engine";
cisco_desc["cisco898EAGLTELAK9"] = "4G LTE Latin America router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 EFM over G.SH DSL WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco897VAGLTELAK9"] = "4G LTE  Latin America router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 VDSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A Data Backup WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GWLTELACK9"] = "C819GW-LTE-LA-CK9 Latin America router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces, 1GE WAN, 1 Serial(sync/async) interface, 2 terminal lines, 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module, 1 cisco Embedded AP, 1 Console/Aux port, and 1GB FLASH";
cisco_desc["cisco819GWLTELAQK9"] = "C819GW-LTE-LA-QK9 Latin America router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces, 1GE WAN, 1 Serial(sync/async) interface, 2 terminal lines, 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module, 1 cisco Embedded AP, 1 Console/Aux port, and 1GB FLASH";
cisco_desc["cisco819GWLTELANK9"] = "C819GW-LTE-LA-NK9 Latin America router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN interfaces, 1GE WAN, 1 Serial(sync/async) interface, 2 terminal lines, 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module, 1 cisco Embedded AP, 1 Console/Aux port, and 1GB FLASH";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L8TSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 8 x GE downlink, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L8PSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 8 x GE downlink,POE support, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L16TSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 16 x GE downlink, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L16PSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 16 x GE downlink,POE support, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L24TSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 24 x GE downlink, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L24PSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 24 x GE downlink,POE support, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L48TSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 48 x GE downlink, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L48PSLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 48 x GE downlink,POE support, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE40104S24P"] = "Cisco IE4010 ruggedized Ethernet switch with 24x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 4x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP Uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE401016S12P"] = "Cisco IE4010 ruggedized Ethernet switch with 12x 10/100/1000 BaseT Copper downlinks with POE/POE+, 12x 100/1000BaseX Fiber SFP downlinks, 4x 100 1000BaseX Fiber SFP Uplinks";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEK9V2"] = "Cisco 867VAE Secure router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS";
cisco_desc["cisco866VAEK9V2"] = "Cisco 866VAE Secure router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over ISDN";
cisco_desc["cisco867VAEV2"] = "Cisco 867VAE router with VDSL2/ADSL2+ over POTS";
cisco_desc["cisco899GLTELAK9"] = "C899G-LTE-LA-K9 4G router with 1 Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet WAN, 1 EFM over G.SH DSL WAN, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 1GB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["cisco819GLTELAK9"] = "C819G-LTE-LA-K9 Router with 1 Gigabit Ethernet WAN, 4 Fast Ethernet LAN, 1 AT&T LTE modem, 1 Serial, 1 Console/Aux ports,256MB flash memory, 512MB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783LMS5"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Industrial Ethernet 1000 switch with 5x 10/100 BaseT Copper ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783LMS8"] = "Cisco Rockwell brand Industrial Ethernet 1000 switch with 8x 10/100 BaseT Copper ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoStealthWatch2404"] = "Cisco StealthWatch Packet Analyzer 2404";
cisco_desc["ciscoStealthWatch2420"] = "Cisco StealthWatch Packet Analyzer 2420";
cisco_desc["ciscoNamApp2404"] = "Cisco Prime NAM Appliance 2404";
cisco_desc["catWsC36508X24PD"] = "3650 mGig-24 with 2x10G UL 16 x 100/1000 + 8 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+";
cisco_desc["catWsC365012X48FD"] = "3650 mGig-48 with 2x10G UL 36 x 100/1000 + 12 x 1G/mGig/10G POE+";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9910"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9910 Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco819HGLTEMNAK9"] = "C819HG-LTE-MNA-K9 Hardened Fixed router with multi-carrier North America SKU LTE Modem";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEGASK9"] = "IR829 Hardened WAN GE 4G LTE secure platform multi-mode Global (Singapore) LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, PoE, Australia Compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEGACK9"] = "IR829 Hardened WAN GE 4G LTE secure platform multi-mode Global (Malaysia) LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, PoE, Australia Compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4221"] = "Cisco ISR 4221 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4221B"] = "Cisco ISR 4221 Boost Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP2100"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-2100";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDB8U"] = "Catalyst Digital Building 8 Port UPoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoCDB8P"] = "Catalyst Digital Building 8 Port PoE+";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5501"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5501 Fixed 48x10G and 6x100G chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5502"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5502 Fixed 48x100G chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS4216F2BSA"] = "NCS 4216 Front to Back Shelf Assembly (16 slots - 14 RU) - Includes Air Deflector Plenum and Brackets/Guides";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr2110td"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 2110 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr2120td"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 2120 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module ";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr2130td"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 2130 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr2140td"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 2140 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM44"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 44";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5011"] = "Cisco NCS 5011 Series Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5504"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS5500 4 Slot Single Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE160S"] = "UCS-E,SingleWide generation 3, 6 Core 1.9 GHzCPU,2x7.5G eMMC,2x8G RDIMM,1-2 HDD";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE180DM3"] = "UCS-E , DoubleWide Generation 3, 8 Core 2.0G CPU, eMMC, 16GB RDIMM , 1-4HDD";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE1120DM3"] = "UCS-E , DoubleWide Generation 3, 12 Core 2.0G CPU, eMMC, 16GB RDIMM , 1-4HDD";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950012Q"] = "Catalyst 9500 12-port 40g data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950024Q"] = "Catalyst 9500 24-port 40g data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950040X"] = "Catalyst 9500 40-port 10g data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS1001"] = "NCS 1001 System (1RU, 3 SLOTS, 1 RP, 4 FANs, 2 PSU)";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809G3GGAK9"] = "Cisco 809 3G Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode HSPA+, ETSI compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR809GLTELAK9"] = "Cisco 809 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode LTE/HSPA+, ETSI compliant";
cisco_desc["cisco3504WLC"] = "Cisco 3500 Series Wireless Controller";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5501HD"] = "Network Convergence Services Tortin 1RU Chassis, PID for this chassis is NCS-5501-HD";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5501HDS"] = "Network Convergence Services Trift 1RU Chassis, PID for this chassis is NCS-5501-HD-S";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A124H"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS55A1 Fixed 24x100G chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoCXP2270GSR12"] = "CXP2 Optical Transceiver with Optical Connector";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS4216F2B"] = "NCS 4216-F2B System (14RU and 16 SLOT)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024T"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024P"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port PoE+ switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024U"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024UX"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port mGig and UPOE switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048T"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048P"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port PoE+ switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048U"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048UXM"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port switch, with 12 ports of mGig and 36 ports of UPOE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118P"] = "Cisco C1111-8P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTEEA Router with Multimode Europe and North America Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLA"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELA Router with Latin America Multimode and Asia Pacific Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWE"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWB"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWB Router with WLAN B domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWA"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWA Router with WLAN A domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWZ"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWZ Router with WLAN Z domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWN"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWN Router with WLAN N domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWQ"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWQ Router with WLAN Q domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWH"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWH Router with WLAN H domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWR"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWR Router with WLAN R domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWF"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWF Router with WLAN F domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteEAWB"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTEEAWB Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteEAWA"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTEEAWA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteEAWR"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTEEAWR Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWZ"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWZ Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWN"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWN Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWQ"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWQ Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWH"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWH Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWF"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWF Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWD"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWD Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR914"] = "ASR 914 Series Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCSFFC2"] = "NCS-F-FC2: NCS6000 Fabric Chassis 2nd Gen Fabric Card";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS4KF"] = "NCS 4000 Fabric Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr1010td"] = "Cisco Firepower 1010 Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["cisco2911A"] = "CISCO2911A/K9 with 3 GE, 4 EHWIC, 2 DSP, 1 SM , 256 MB CF, 512 MB DRAM, IPB";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSS3260"] = "Cisco UCS S3260 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC365048TSE"] = "Catalyst Switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC220M5"] = "Cisco UCS C220 M5 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC240M5"] = "Cisco UCS C240 M5 Rack server";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300FixedSwitchStack"] = "A stack of any Cisco Catalyst 9300 Fixed stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L24TQLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 24 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L48TQLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 48 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L24PQLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 24 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks, POE Support";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960L48PQLL"] = "Catalyst 2960L 48 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks, POE Support";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9404R"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 4 slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9407R"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 7 slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9410R"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series 10 slot";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR903U"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900U Series with 3RU Chassis ";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR902U"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900U Series with 2RU Chassis ";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR920U16SZIM"] = "Cisco ASR920U Series - 12GE and 4-10GE - Modular PSU and IM";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114P"] = "Cisco C1111-4P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1111-4PLTEEA Router with Multimode Europe and North America Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PLteLA"] = "Cisco C1111-4PLTELA Router with Latin America Multimode and Asia Pacific Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWE"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWB"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWB Router with WLAN B domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWA"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWA Router with WLAN A domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWZ"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWZ Router with WLAN Z domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWN"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWN Router with WLAN N domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWQ"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWQ Router with WLAN Q domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWH"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWH Router with WLAN H domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWR"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWR Router with WLAN R domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWF"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWF Router with WLAN F domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11114PWD"] = "Cisco C1111-4PWD Router with WLAN D domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11164P"] = "Cisco C1116-4P Router with VDSL/ADSL Annex B/J";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11164PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1116-4PLTEEA Router with Multimode Europe and North America Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174P"] = "Cisco C1117-4P Router with VDSL/ADSL Annex A";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11164PWE"] = "Cisco C1116-4PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1117-4PLTEEA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PLteLA"] = "Cisco C1117-4PLTELA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PWE"] = "Cisco C1117-4PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PWA"] = "Cisco C1117-4PWA Router with WLAN A domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PWZ"] = "Cisco C1117-4PWZ Router with WLAN Z domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PM"] = "Cisco C1117-4PM Router with VDSL/ADSL Annex M";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PMLteEA"] = "Cisco C1117-4PMLTEEA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PMWE"] = "Cisco C1117-4PMWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC980040K9"] = "C9800-40-K9 is a 40G wireless LC that occupies 1RU rack space and will populate a total of 4 ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRCT9880K9"] = "AIR-CT9880-K9 is a 80G WLC that occupies 2RU rack space and will populate a total of 8 ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11128P"] = "Cisco C1112-8P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11128PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1112-8PLTEEA Router with Multimode Europe and North America Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138P"] = "Cisco C1113-8P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PM"] = "Cisco C1113-8PM Router with VDSL/ADSL Annex M";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteEA"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTEEA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteLA"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTELA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PMLteEA"] = "Cisco C1113-8PMLTEEA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PWE"] = "Cisco C1113-8PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PWA"] = "Cisco C1113-8PWA Router with WLAN A domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PWZ"] = "Cisco C1113-8PWZ Router with WLAN Z domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PMWE"] = "Cisco C1113-8PMWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteLAWE"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTELAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteLAWZ"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTELAWZ Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11188P"] = "Cisco C1118-8P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11164PLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1116-4PLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1117-4PLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PLteEAWA"] = "Cisco C1117-4PLTEEAWA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PLteLAWZ"] = "Cisco C1117-4PLTELAWZ Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11174PMLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1117-4PMLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR807GLTEVZK9"] = "Cisco 807 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  Verizon  LTE/DoRA";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR807GLTEGAK9"] = "Cisco 807 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  Global (Europe & Australia) LTE/HSPA+";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR807GLTENAK9"] = "Cisco 807 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode  AT&T and Canada  LTE/HSPA+";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE180DM3K9"] = "UCSE 8 Core Double Wide service module";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSE1120DM3K9"] = "UCSE 12 Core Double Wide service module";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048UN"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port of 5Gbps NW";
cisco_desc["ciscoNFVIS"] = "Cisco Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950032C"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9500 series with 32 Ports of 100G/32 Ports of 40G";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950032QC"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9500 series with 32 Ports of 40G/16 Ports of 100G";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950048Y4C"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9500 series with 48 Ports of 1G/10G/25G + 4 Ports of 40G/100G";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829GWLTEGAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode Global LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, contact pakulka2";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A2MODSES"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS55A2 Scaled Fixed 24x10G & 16x25G with 2xMPA Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A2MODS"] = "Network Convergence Services NCS55A2 Fixed 24x10G & 16x25G with 2xMPA Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9906"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9906 Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950024Y4C"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9500 Router with 24 Ports of 1G/10G/25G + 4 Ports of 40G/100G";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24P4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48P4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24PXG4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 16 Gig + 8 mGig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24PXG2Y"] = "Catalyst 9200L 16 Gig + 8 mGig Downlinks, 2 x 25 Gig uplinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48PXG4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 36 Gig + 12 mGig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48PXG2Y"] = "Catalyst 9200L 40 Gig + 8 mGig Downlinks, 2 x 25 Gig uplinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920024T"] = "Catalyst 9200  24 Gig downlinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24T4G"] = "Catalyst 9200L 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 Gig uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48T4G"] = "Catalyst 9200L 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 Gig uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24T4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48T4X"] = "Catalyst 9200L 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 SFP+ uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L24P4G"] = "Catalyst 9200L 24 Gig Downlinks, 4 Gig uplinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200L48P4G"] = "Catalyst 9200L 48 Gig Downlinks, 4 Gig uplinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920048T"] = "Catalyst 9200 48 Gig downlinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920024P"] = "Catalyst 9200 24 Gig downlinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920048P"] = "Catalyst 9200 48 Gig downlinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920024PXG"] = "Catalyst 9200 16 Gig + 8 mGig downlinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920048PXG"] = "Catalyst 9200 40 Gig + 8 mGig downlinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat950016X"] = "Catalyst 9500 16-port 10g data only switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9500FixedSwitchStack"] = "A stack of any Cisco Catalyst 9500 Fixed stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5204GAZA"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 4-1GE and 4-10GE - Single AC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN52020G4ZA"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 20-1GE and 4-10GE - Dual AC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN52020G4ZD"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 20-1GE and 4-10GE - Dual DC model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN520X4G4ZA"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 4-1GE and 4-10GE - Single AC, I-Temp, conformal Coated model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN520X4G4ZD"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 4-1GE and 4-10GE - Dual DC, I-Temp, conformal Coated model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN520X20G4ZA"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 20-1GE and 4-10GE - Dual AC, I-Temp, conformal Coated model";
cisco_desc["ciscoN520X20G4ZD"] = "Cisco NCS520 Series - 20-1GE and 4-10GE - Dual DC, I-Temp, conformal Coated model";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829MLTELAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 Single LTE with mSATA card and POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829M2LTEEAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 Dual LTE with mSATA card and POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30004Ctd"] = "ISA 30004C Industrial Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoISA30002C2Ftd"] = "ISA 30002C2F Industrial Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoRA1783SAD4T0Std"] = "Rockwell 1783SAD4T0S Industrial Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["ciscoRA1783SAD2T2Std"] = "Rockwell 1783SAD2T2S Industrial Security Appliance, Threat Defense";
cisco_desc["cisco8818"] = "Cisco 8818 18 LC Slot Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco8812"] = "Cisco 8812 12 LC Slot Chassis";
cisco_desc["cisco8808"] = "Cisco 8808 8 LC Slot Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteGB"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEGB 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN Global (non-US), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteUS"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEUS 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN US, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteVZ"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEVZ 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN Verizon, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteJN"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEJN 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN Japan, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteAU"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEAU 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN Australia and New Zealand, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11092PLteIN"] = "Cisco C1109-2PLTEIN 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with Multimode LTE WWAN India, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014P"] = "Cisco C1101-4P 4 Ports GE LAN Router, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLteP"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEP 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWE"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWE 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -E Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWB"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWB 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -B Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWD"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWD 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -D Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWZ"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWZ 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -Z Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWA"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWA 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -A Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWH"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWH 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -H Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWQ"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWQ 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -Q Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWR"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWR 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -R Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWN"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWN 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -N Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11014PLtePWF"] = "Cisco C1101-4PLTEPWF 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN, 802.11ac WLAN -F Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2P"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWB"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -B Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWE"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -E Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWD"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -D Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWZ"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -Z Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWA"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -A Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWH"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -H Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWQ"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -Q Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWN"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -N Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWR"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -R Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11094PLte2PWF"] = "Cisco C1109-4PLTE2P 4 Ports GE LAN M2M Router, Dual Pluggables LTE (Advanced) or Pluggable High Speed Serial WAN,  802.11ac WLAN -F Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9606R"] = "Cisco Catalyst 9600 Series 6 Slot";
cisco_desc["cisco8201"] = "Cisco 8201 1RU Chassis with 24x400GE QSFP56-DD & 12x100G QSFP28";
cisco_desc["cisco8202"] = "Cisco 8202 2RU Chassis with 12x400GE QSFP56-DD & 60x100GE QSFP28";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11128PWE"] = "Cisco C1112-8PWE Router with WLAN E domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11128PLteEAWE"] = "Cisco C1112-8PLTEEAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PWB"] = "Cisco C1113-8PWB Router with WLAN B domain";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteEAWB"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTEEAWB Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11138PLteLAWA"] = "Cisco C1113-8PLTELAWA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11164PLteLA"] = "Cisco C1116-4PLTELA Router with Latin America Multimode and Asia Pacific Advanced LTE";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR9901"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router (ASR) 9901 Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoEsxSECPA"] = "Security Packet Analyzer running on ESX Hypervisor";
cisco_desc["ciscoKvmSECPA"] = "Security Packet Analyzer running on KVM Hypervisor";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR1101K9"] = "Next-generation Industrial Modular Router with 4 Copper Ports + 1 Combo Port + expansion slot, no Fog computing";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr1140td"] = "Cisco Firepower 1140 Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr1120td"] = "Cisco Firepower 1120 Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9400VirtualStack"] = "Virtual Stack of Cisco Catalyst 9400";
cisco_desc["ciscoISRAP1100ACME"] = "Cisco Integrated Services Router 1K Series Mobility Express";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4221X"] = "Cisco ISR 4221X Router with 8 GB memory";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1111X8P"] = "Cisco C1111X-8P Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC980080K9"] = "C9800-80-K9 is a 80G WLC that occupies 2RU rack space and will populate a total of 8 ports";
cisco_desc["ciscoAP4800"] = "Aironet 4800 Series with Mobility Express";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829M2LTELAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 Dual LTE with mSATA card and POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829MLTEEAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 Single LTE with mSATA card and POE";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829BLTEEAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, no POE and no mSATA card, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829BLTELAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, no POE and no mSATA card, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829B2LTEEAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Dual-modem Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, no POE and no mSATA card, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR829B2LTELAxK9"] = "Cisco 829 4G LTE Dual-modem Industrial Integrated Service Routers with multi-mode LTE/HSPA+ with 802.11n, no POE and no mSATA card, FCC compliant";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92012SZD"] = "ASR920 Series - 12 port dual rate 10G/1G DC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92012SZA"] = "ASR920 Series - 12 port dual rate 10G/1G AC Power Supply";
cisco_desc["ciscoISR4461"] = "Cisco ISR 4461 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoESS3300NCP"] = "Cisco ESS-3300 Embedded Service Switch with 8 Gig Downlinks and 2x10G SFP+ Switch, Main Board, No cooling plate";
cisco_desc["ciscoESS3300CON"] = "Cisco ESS-3300 Embedded Service Switch with 8 Gig Downlinks and 2x10G SFP+ Switch, Main Board, Conduction cooled";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE32008T2S"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3200 Switch, Petra Fixed System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE32008P2S"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3200 Switch, Petra Fixed System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE33008T2S"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3300 Switch, Petra Expandable System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE33008P2S"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3300 Switch, Petra Expandable System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE34008P2S"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, Petra Expandable System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Adv";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9500VirtualStack"] = "Virtual Stack of Cisco Catalyst 9500";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2520"] = "NAM Appliance 2520";
cisco_desc["ciscoNam2540"] = "NAM Appliance 2540";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSPA2520"] = "Cisco Security Packet Analyzer 2520";
cisco_desc["ciscoIR1101XK9"] = "Industrial ISR 1101 with 4-port FE, modular LTE and fog computing";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG450"] = "Cisco VG450 Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200LFixedSwitchStack"] = "A stack of any Cisco Catalyst 9200L Fixed stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200FixedSwitchStack"] = "A stack of any Cisco Catalyst 9200 Fixed stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10B"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Fixed System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10BE"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Fixed System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Basic          ";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10R"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Advantage, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10E"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10ER"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Advantage, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Basic";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10EA"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Advanced";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10EAR"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Advantage, Expandable System  2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE PoE+ Advanced";
cisco_desc["ciscoASR92020SZM"] = "ASR 920 Route Switch Processor, Base Scale, 64Gbps";
cisco_desc["cisco9214PK9"] = "C921-4P Router with 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9314PK9"] = "C931-4P Router with Internal Power Supply, 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9214PLTEGBK9"] = "C921-4P LTE GB Router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM (x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9214PLTEASK9"] = "C921-4P LTE AS Router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM (x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9214PLTEAUK9"] = "C921-4P LTE AU Router with 1 4G LTE interface, 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM (x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco921J4PK9"] = "C921J-4P Router with, 4 GE LAN interface, 2GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9274PK9"] = "C927-4P Router with, 1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9274PMK9"] = "C927-4PM Router with, 1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9264PK9"] = "C926-4P Router with, 1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Bootflash";
cisco_desc["cisco9274PLTEAUK9"] = "C927-4P LTE AU Router with, 1 LTE interface ,1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9274PLTEGBK9"] = "C927-4P LTE GB Router with, 1 LTE interface ,1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9274PMLTEGBK9"] = "C927-4PM LTE GB Router with, 1 LTE interface ,1 Eth+DSL,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["cisco9264PLTEGBK9"] = "C926-4P LTE GB Router with 1 Eth+DSL, 1 LTE interface,4 GE LAN interface, 1GE WAN interface, 1 USB 3.0, 1GB DDR4 DRAM(x32) with ECC, 2GB eMMC pSLC, Dual 16MB NOR Boot flash";
cisco_desc["ciscoAP1840"] = "4x4 11ac 4x4 Wave2 Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PWS"] = "Cisco C1111-8PWS Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWS"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWS Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWA"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWA Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11118PLteLAWE"] = "Cisco C1111-8PLTELAWE Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A2MODHDS"] = "NCS55A2 Fixed 24x10G & 16x25G with 2xMPA Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoUCSC125"] = "Cisco UCS C125 Rack Server";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6506E"] = "Catalyst 6000 series chassis with 6 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoWSC6509E"] = "Catalyst 6000 series chassis with 9 slots";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS1004"] = "NCS 1004 System (1RP, 3 FANs, 2 Powers, 4 LCs)";
cisco_desc["ciscoN54024Z8Q2CM"] = "NCS 540 Series 24x1/10GE, 8x10/25GE, 2x100GE Fixed Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoN540X24Z8Q2CM"] = "Conformal Coated NCS 540 Series Router 24x10G, 8x25G, 2x100G";
cisco_desc["ciscoN560RSP4"] = "Cisco NCS 560 Route Switch Processor 4 - 800G, L Scale";
cisco_desc["ciscoN560RSP4E"] = "Cisco NCS 560 Route Switch Processor 4 Enhanced - 800G, XL";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218PLteP"] = "Cisco C1121-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8PLTEP"] = "Cisco C1121X-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218PLtePWE"] = "Cisco C1121-8PLTEPWE 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 802.11ac WLAN -E Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218PLtePWB"] = "Cisco C1121-8PLTEPWB 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 802.11ac WLAN -B Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218PLtePWZ"] = "Cisco C1121-8PLTEPWZ 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 802.11ac WLAN -Z Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218PLtePWQ"] = "Cisco C1121-8PLTEPWQ  8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 802.11ac WLAN -Q Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11218P"] = "Cisco C1121-8P 8 Ports GE LAN Router, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8P"] = "Cisco C1121X-8P 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11618P"] = "Cisco C1161-8P 8 Ports GE LAN Router, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1161X8P"] = "Cisco C1161X-8P 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11618PLteP"] = "Cisco C1161-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1161X8PLteP"] = "Cisco C1161X-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM56"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 56";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11268PLteP"] = "Cisco C1126-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11278PLteP"] = "Cisco C1127-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11278PMLteP"] = "Cisco C1127-8PMLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1126X8PLteP"] = "Cisco C1126X-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1127X8PLteP"] = "Cisco C1127X-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1127X8PMLteP"] = "Cisco C1127X-8PMLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11214P"] = "Cisco C1121-4P 4 Ports GE LAN Router, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11214PLteP"] = "Cisco C1121-4PLTEP 4 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC11288PLteP"] = "Cisco C1128-8PLTEP 8 Ports GE LAN Router, Pluggable LTE (Advanced), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG4002FXS2FXO"] = "Cisco VG400-2FXS/2FXO Router with 2 port FXS and 2 port FXO, USB 3.0 Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG4004FXS4FXO"] = "Cisco VG400-4FXS/4FXO Router with 4 port FXS and 4 port FXO, USB 3.0 Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG4006FXS6FXO"] = "Cisco VG400-6FXS/6FXO Router with 6 port FXS and 6 port FXO, USB 3.0 Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoVG4008FXS"] = "Cisco VG400-8FXS Router with 8 port FXS, USB 3.0 Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC891FJK9"] = "C891FJ-K9 router with 1 Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) Giga Ethernet Primary WAN, 1 Fast Ethernet WAN, 1 V.92, 1 ISDN BRI S/T interface, 8 Giga Ethernet LAN, 4 PoE Optional, 1 USB 2.0 port, 1 Console/Aux port, 256MB flash memory and 1GB DRAM";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM40"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 40";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr9000SM48"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 9000 Security Module 48";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4115SM24"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4115 Security Module 24";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4125SM32"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4125 Security Module 32";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4145SM44"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4145 Security Module 44";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4145K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4145 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 44";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4125K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4125 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 32";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4115K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4115 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 24";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024S"] = "Catalyst 9300 24 port 1G SFP switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048S"] = "Catalyst 9300 48 port 1G SFP switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOSXREdgecore591654XKSOACF"] = " Cisco IOS XR enabled on 3rd Party HW Edgecore 5916-54XKS-O-AC-F";
cisco_desc["ciscoIOSXREdgecoreAS781664X"] = "Cisco IOS XR enabled on 3rd Party HW Edgecore AS7816-64X       ";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3615K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3615 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3655K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3655 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoSNS3695K9"] = "Cisco Secure Network Server platform SNS-3695 appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A2MODHXS"] = "Peyto Non SE Itemp CC NCS-55A2-MOD-HX-S Network Convergence Services fretta peyto fixed board with comforter coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8PLtePWE"] = "Cisco C1121X-8PLTEPWE 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced),802.11ac WLAN -E Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8PLtePWB"] = "Cisco C1121X-8PLTEPWB 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced),802.11ac WLAN -B Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8PLtePWZ"] = "Cisco C1121X-8PLTEPWZ 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced),802.11ac WLAN -Z Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1121X8PLtePWA"] = "Cisco C1121X-8PLTEPWA 8 Ports GE LAN Router with 8GB memory, Pluggable LTE (Advanced),802.11ac WLAN -A Domain, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24T4G"] = "Catalyst 9300L 24 x 10/100/1000M, non-PoE, 4 x 1G SFP Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48T4G"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, non-PoE, 4 x 1G SFP Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24T4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 24 x 10/100/1000M, non-PoE, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48T4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, non-PoE, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24P4G"] = "Catalyst 9300L 24 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 1G SFP Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48P4G"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 1G SFP Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24P4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 24 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48P4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24UXG4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 16 x 10/100/1000M + 8 x 100M/1000M/2.5G/5G/10G, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, UPOE, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48UXG4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 36 x 10/100/1000M + 12 x 100M/1000M/2.5G/5G/10G, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, UPOE, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L24UXG2Q"] = "Catalyst 9300L 16 x 10/100/1000M + 8 x 100M/1000M/2.5G/5G/10G, 2 x 40G QSFP+ Uplink, UPOE, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48UXG2Q"] = "Catalyst 9300L 36 x 10/100/1000M + 12 x 100M/1000M/2.5G/5G/10G, 2 x 40G QSFP+ Uplink, UPOE, Stackable Data, 1RU";
cisco_desc["ciscocat9300Lstack"] = "A stack of any catalyst9300L stack-able Ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM8TS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 8 x GE downlink, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM8PS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 8 x GE downlink,POE support, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM16TS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 16 x GE downlink, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM16PS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 16 x GE downlink,POE support, 2 x GE (2 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24TS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 24 x GE downlink, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24PS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 24 x GE downlink,POE support, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48TS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 48 x GE downlink, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48PS"] = "Catalyst 2960L-SM 48 x GE downlink,POE support, 4 x GE (4 SFP) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24TQ"] = " Catalyst 2960L-SM 24 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48TQ"] = " Catalyst 2960L-SM 48 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM24PQ"] = " Catalyst 2960L-SM 24 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks, POE Support";
cisco_desc["ciscoCatWSC2960LSM48PQ"] = " Catalyst 2960L-SM 48 x GE downlink, 4 x 10 GE (4 SFP+) uplinks, POE Support";
cisco_desc["ciscoC850012X4QC"] = " Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, C8500-12X4QC Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoC850012X"] = " Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, C8500-12X Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9592PLteGB"] = "Cisco C959-2PLTEGB 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with 2GB RAM, Multimode LTE WWAN Global (non-US), 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9592PLteUS"] = "Cisco C959-2PLTEUS 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with 2GB RAM, Multimode LTE WWAN United States, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9592PLteVZ"] = "Cisco C959-2PLTEVZ 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with 2GB RAM, Multimode LTE WWAN Verizon, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9592PLteIN"] = "Cisco C959-2PLTEIN 2 ports GE LAN M2M Router with 2GB RAM, Multimode LTE WWAN India, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9514P"] = "Cisco C951-4P 4 Ports GE LAN Router 2GB RAM, 1 GE WAN and USB 3.0/Micro USB Console";
cisco_desc["ciscoCMeWlc"] = "Wireless LAN  controller running on Access Point";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE34008FTMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 8 port FE Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE340016FTMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 16 port FE Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE340024FTMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 24 port FE Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE34008TMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 8 port 1G Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE340016TMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 16 port 1G Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE340024TMC"] = "Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, IP65/67 rated, 24 port 1G Copper , No PoE, FPGA available";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024UBX"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port mGig and UPOE switch with support of deepbuffer feature for all interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048UB"] = "Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE switch with support of deepbuffer feature for all interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024UB"] = "Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE switch with support of deepbuffer feature for all interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9115AXI"] = "4x4 11ax Access point";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9115AXME"] = "4x4 11ax Access point - Mobility experts";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9117AXME"] = "8x8 11ax Access point - Mobility experts";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9117AXI"] = "8x8 11ax Access point";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS5064"] = "Cisco NCS 5064 Series Router";
cisco_desc["ciscoESR1115CONK9"] = "Next-generation Embedded Services Router with 2 Gigabit Ethernet routed ports, 4 Gigabit Ethernet switched ports, with cooling plate";
cisco_desc["ciscoESR1115NCPK9"] = "Next-generation Embedded Services Router with 2 Gigabit Ethernet routed ports, 4 Gigabit Ethernet switched ports, no cooling plate";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9115AXE"] = "4x4 11ax Access point";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9120AXI"] = "4x4 Wi-fi 6 Catalyst 9120AX Series Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9120AXME"] = "4x4 Wi-fi 6 Catalyst 9120AX Series Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9120AXE"] = "4x4 Wi-fi 6 Catalyst 9120AX Series Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9120AXEME"] = "4x4 Wi-fi 6 Catalyst 9120AX Series Access Points";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900 Series with 4RU Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604CC"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 900 Series with 4RU Chassis with conformal coated";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604RSP4"] = "Cisco NCS 560-4 Route Switch Processor 4 - 800G, L Scale";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604RSP4E"] = "Cisco NCS 560 Route Switch Processor 4 Enhanced - 800G, XL";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604RSP4CC"] = "Cisco NCS 560 Route Switch Processor 4 - 800G, L Scale, Conformal Coated";
cisco_desc["ciscoN5604RSP4ECC"] = "Cisco NCS 560 Route Switch Processor 4 Enhanced - 800G, XL, Conformal Coated";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9800LCK9"] = "C9800-L-C-K9 (Katar RJ45, Copper series Wireless Controller)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9800LFK9"] = "C9800-L-F-K9 (Katar SFP, Fiber series Wireless Controller)";
cisco_desc["ciscoESR6300CONK9"] = "Next-generation Embedded Services Router with 2 Gigabit Ethernet routed ports, 4 Gigabit Ethernet switched ports, with cooling plate";
cisco_desc["ciscoESR6300NCPK9"] = " Next-generation Embedded Services Router with 2 Gigabit Ethernet routed ports, 4 Gigabit Ethernet switched ports, no cooling plate";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A148Q6H"] = " NCS 55A1 48x25G + 6 x 100G Fixed Chassis, Spare";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS55A148T6H"] = " Network Convergence Services 55A1 24x25G 24x10G 6x100G Fixed";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr1150td"] = "  Cisco Firepower 1150 Security Appliance";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9606RVirtualStack"] = "  Virtual Stack of Cisco Catalyst 9606R";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE34008T2S"] = "  Cisco Industrial Ethernet 3400 Switch, Petra Expandable System 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Adv";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930024H"] = " Catalyst 9300 24-port UPOE+ switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat930048H"] = " Catalyst 9300 48-port UPOE+ switch";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H8FT"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 8 FE M12 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H16FT"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 16 FE M12 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H24FT"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 24 FE M12 Interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H8T"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 8 GE M12 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H16T"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 16 GE M12 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE3400H24T"] = "Cisco Catalyst IE3400 Heavy duty Series, 24 GE M12 interfaces";
cisco_desc["ciscoENCS5104"] = "Cisco ENCS 5104, 4 core 3.4 GHz, 16G DRAM, 64-400G SATA M.2, Network Compute System";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10A"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Essentials, Expandable System : 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Advanced";
cisco_desc["ciscoRAIE1783MMS10AR"] = "Cisco Rockwell Industrial Ethernet Stratix 5800 Switch, Network Advantage, Expandable System : 2 Port SFP + 8 Port GE Copper Advanced";
cisco_desc["ciscoENCS510464"] = "Cisco ENCS 5104, 4 core 3.4 GHz, 16G DRAM, 64G SATA M.2, Network Compute System";
cisco_desc["ciscoENCS5104200"] = "Cisco ENCS 5104, 4 core 3.4 GHz, 16G DRAM, 200G SATA M.2, Network Compute System";
cisco_desc["ciscoENCS5104400"] = "Cisco ENCS 5104, 4 core 3.4 GHz, 16G DRAM, 400G SATA M.2, Network Compute System";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008T2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat100010GbpsStack"] = "A 10 Gbps ethernet stack of any Catalyst 1000 stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoAIRIW6300ME"] = "802.11ac Wave 2, Cisco Industrial Wireless 6300 series Heavy Duty Access Points  Mobility Express";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4112K9"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4112 Security Appliance, 1U with embedded security module 12";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5200"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5200";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5216"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5216";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5228"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5228";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5400"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5400";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5436"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5436";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5444"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5444";
cisco_desc["ciscoCSP5456"] = "Cloud Services Platform Model CSP-5456";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920024PB"] = "Catalyst 9200 24 Gig downlinks. PoE support for 740W";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat920048PB"] = "Catalyst 9200 48 Gig downlinks. PoE support for 1480W";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008TE2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo) + External Adapter";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008P2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo) + Partial PoE with 67W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008PE2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo) + Partial PoE with 60W PoE budget + External Adapter";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008FP2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo) + PoE with 120W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC10008FPE2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 8x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (Combo) + PoE with 120W PoE budgetS + External Adapter";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100016T2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 16x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (SFP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100016TE2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 16x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (SFP) + External Adapter";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100016P2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 16x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 120W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100016PE2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 16x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 120W PoE budget + External Adapter";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100016FP2GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 16x 1G downlink + 2x 1G uplink (SFP) + PoE with 240W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024T4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024PP4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 195W PoE budget, First 8 ports with PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024P4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 195W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024FP4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + PoE with 370W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048T4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048PP4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 180W PoE budget, First 12 ports with PoE";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048P4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + Partial PoE with 370W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048FP4GL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 1G uplink (SFP) + PoE with 740W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024T4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024P4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+) + Partial PoE with 195W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100024FP4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 24x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+) + PoE with 370W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048T4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048P4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+) + Partial PoE with 370W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoC100048FP4XL"] = "Catalyst 1000, 48x 1G downlink + 4x 10G uplink (SFP+) + PoE with 740W PoE budget";
cisco_desc["ciscoMobilityExpress"] = "Mobility Express on Axel platform";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat10001GbpsStack"] = "A 1 Gbps ethernet stack of any Catalyst 1000 stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoC83002N2S4T2X"] = "Cisco C8300-2N2S-4T2X (2x10GE, 4xGE, 2 NIM, 2 SM, 1PIM, 8Core, 8G FLASH, 8G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC83002N2S6T"] = "Cisco C8300-2N2S-6T (6xGE, 2 NIM, 2 SM. 1 PIM, 8Core, 8G FLASH, 8G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9200BFixedSwitchStack"] = "A stack of any Cisco Catalyst 9200 Fixed stack-able ethernet switches with unified identity (as a single unified switch), control and management";
cisco_desc["ciscoESW6300ME"] = "802.11ac Wave 2, Cisco 6300 series Embedded Service Access Points-Mobility Express";
cisco_desc["ciscoC8500L8G4X"] = "Cisco Aggregation Services Router 1000 Series, C8500L-8G4X Chassis";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1100TG1N32A"] = "Cisco C1100TG-1N32A terminal server (2xGE, 1 NIM, 32ASYNC, 4Core, 4G FLASH, 2G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1100TG1N24P32A"] = "Cisco C1100TG-1N24P32A terminal server (2xGE, 1 NIM, 24 L2port, 32ASYNC, 4Core, 4G FLASH, 4G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC1100TGX1N24P32A"] = "Cisco C1100TGX-1N24P32A terminal server (2xGE, 1 NIM, 24 L2port, 32ASYNC, 4Core, 8G FLASH, 8G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L28Z4SysA"] = "NCS540L Router - NCS540-28Z4-SYS-A";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L28Z4SysD"] = "NCS540L Router - NCS540-28Z4-SYS-D";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L16Z4G8Q2CA"] = "NCS540L Router - N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-A";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L16Z4G8Q2CD"] = "NCS540L Router - N540X-16Z4G8Q2C-D";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L12Z20GSysA"] = "NCS540L Router - N540-12Z20G-SYS-A";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L12Z20GSysD"] = "NCS540L Router - N540-12Z20G-SYS-D";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L12Z16GSysA"] = "NCS540L Router - N540X-12Z16G-SYS-A";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540L12Z16GSysD"] = "NCS540L Router - N540X-12Z16G-SYS-D";
cisco_desc["ciscoC83001N1S6T"] = "Cisco C8300-1N1S-6T  (6xGE, 1 NIM, 1 SM, 1PIM, 8Core, 8G FLASH, 8G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoC83001N1S4T2X"] = "Cisco C8300-1N1S-4T2X (2x10GE, 4xGE, 1 NIM, 1 SM, 1PIM, 8Core, 8G FLASH, 8G DRAM)";
cisco_desc["ciscoFpr4112SM12"] = "Cisco FirePOWER 4112 Security Module 12";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48PF4X"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 10G SFP+ Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU, 1100 FEP";
cisco_desc["ciscoCat9300L48PF4G"] = "Catalyst 9300L 48 x 10/100/1000M, PoE+, 4 x 1G SFP Uplink, Stackable Data, 1RU, 1100 FEP";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540LFHCSRSys"] = "NCS540L Router - N540-FH-CSR-SYS";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540LFHAGGSys"] = "NCS540L Router - N540-FH-AGG-SYS";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540LFHIP65Sys"] = "NCS540L Router - N540-FH-IP65-SYS";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE33008T2X"] = " Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Expandable System with 8 GE Copper & 2 10G SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoIE33008U2X"] = " Cisco Catalyst IE3300 Rugged Series Expandable System with 8GE Copper (4PPoE) & 2 10G SFP";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS54016G"] = " 16G variant of NCS540 (32G)";
cisco_desc["ciscoNCS540X16G"] = " 16G variant of ncs540(32G) with Conformal coating";
cisco_desc["ciscoDNAPLTTA1X"] = "Cisco DNA Traffic Telemetry Appliance - Model 1X";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9115AXEME"] = "4x4 11ax Access Point - Mobility Express edition";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9120AXPME"] = "4x4 Wi-fi 6 Catalyst 9120AX Series Access Points- Mobility Express edition";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9KF1SSD960G"] = "this is 960GB SSD used in starfleet c9500-H. this is fru'able ssd accessed through SATA";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9KF1SSD480G"] = "this is 480GB SSD used in starfleet c9500-H. this is fru'able ssd accessed through SATA";
cisco_desc["ciscoC9KF1SSD240G"] = "this is 240GB SSD used in starfleet c9500-H. this is fru'able ssd accessed through SATA";

if (!cisco[type])
 item = 'unknown';
 item = cisco[type];

if (!cisco_desc[cisco[type]])
 c_desc = 'unknown';
 c_desc = cisco_desc[cisco[type]];

set_kb_item(name:'CISCO/model', value:item);
set_kb_item(name:'CISCO/model_desc', value:c_desc);

if (item != 'unknown')
  if (!(c_desc == 'unknown'))
    report = '\n  Model       : ' + item +
             '\n  Description : ' + c_desc +
    report = '\n  Model : ' + item + '\n';

  security_report_v4(severity:SECURITY_NOTE, port:port, extra:report, proto:'udp');